Oct 142019

As I’ve researched Gene James and Bill Brough – and have seen the actions and reactions of many within the Orange County GOP the these and other issues – I’ve become convinced that the leadership of the OCGOP should look no further than themselves for the reason why Orange County is Blue. Then the most of the “Republican” consultants should hang their heads in shame for their Controlled Failure. When presented with incontrovertible evidence of candidates who are unfit for office either the complaints are stifled, conflict is avoided or worse yet when it smells so bad it can’t be avoided all you get is a limp watered down resolution.

Then we have this:

The democrats are seeking to use this disclosure of Gene James’ issues to promote a 20 Year Old Communist. Jackson Hinkle in his own words says cops Oppress and Kill People, supports legalizing Heroin and Prostitution and took a knee at his high school graduation. I do not think anyone can trust this kid any further than you can throw him. He is acting like the second coming of David Hogg. (speaking of people who are insane) If that isn’t enough, he “celebrated” aka Boycotted the 4th of July at an #OCCUPYICE event.

Who in the Orange County GOP defends women? Do any of these so-called “Fiscal Conservatives” care that one guy has a eight liens and judgments against him and a bonus Misdemeanor Conviction in his lifetime? When you layer in his documented pattern of boorish, bully, physically and verbally abusive behavior no sane rational person could draw any conclusion other than he is a disaster and has no business earning the support of anyone with self-respect. (Note the public records are specific, as they include case numbers, addresses and dates)

CA Civil Judgment – San Diego Court Case #2009-0155167 filed 3/27/2009

Plaintiff Jacqueline James (2nd ex-wife) – judgment against Gene James in the amount of $12,000

My source continues with context for Gene James’ Civil Judgement related to his ex-wife. Note that the Judgement was entered after the divorce.

One year after I was able to break things off with Gene, he married a woman, Jacqueline in Carlsbad, who also had 2 minor children after quickly moving into her home.  She called me after she found a letter to my attorney on the computer that he had given her children to use.  She had witnessed some disturbing behavior but was still in denial.  She called me back about 3-4 months later, told me that everything that I said would happen did and that she had to have Carlsbad PD stand by while he got his stuff out of her houseShe had loaned Gene $33,000 and was desperate to get the money back.  She filed for divorce in 2008, North County San Diego Case# DN15895,  She filed a civil lawsuit and settled for $12000.  Three weeks after her divorce was final, Gene married his current wife…

Note that Gene James incurred a civil judgement, and TWO Tax Liens in 11 months from 3-27-2009 thru 2-19-2010. Who relates to this? This is AFTER two Judgements against him from a former employer, a misdemeanor conviction and a lien in a time period coinciding with his retirement from the Army. (Note the public records are specific, as they include case numbers, addresses and dates)

CA State Tax Lien – San Diego County, 1600 PCH., San Diego, CA 92101

Court Case# 2009-0627967    Total lien/judgment $34,499 dated 10/30/2009

Gene W. James, 6051 (REDACTED), San Diego, CA 92122

Note – Gene James left Ohio in 2001-2002ish. This means the Ohio Tax Lien was related to fairly old bills at the time and that they had been making several attempts to contact him. Any licensed PI could have found Gene James in a few hours, so it suggests that Mr. James was attempting to ignore this bill in hopes it would go away. You don’t just get a lien out of thin air. (Note the public records are specific, as they include case numbers, addresses and dates)

Ohio State Tax Lien – Trumbull County, 160 High Street NW, Warren, Ohio 44481

Filed 2/19/2010 – Court Case # 2010-JL215226

Judgment/lien against Gene James, (REDACTED), Girard, OH 44420 in the amount of $34,347

Then – you have the final lien. This one is larger than the some total or every prior Judgement and Lien combined. A key point made to me by people that have known the real Gene James is that he does not pay his bills. He received an IRS Tax Lien for 8 years’ worth of Tax Returns. EIGHT. (Note the public records are specific, as they include case numbers, addresses and dates)

IRS Federal Tax Lien – April 19, 2012 – Court Case #2012-0229722

total tax lien in the amount of $299,759 for non-payment of taxes from 2002 – 2009

EIGHT YEARS of not paying Federal Income Taxes. EIGHT!  The best answer the local democrats have (see also Kathy Ward) is a 20 year old cop-hating communist.

The information I have on Gene James suggests only one of the Liens we have written about in Ohio MAY have been released. Given that fact that he is on title to the house that was bought in 2016 and the recent purchase in 2019 – it suggests that he may have been able to pay off the IRS Lien. All that said, based on his past pattern it is not unreasonable to wonder if he was able to avail himself of his current wife’s assets to pay off the IRS Lien.

Gene James has been endorsed by the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. I will lay odds they are somewhat embarrassed right about now. Regardless of Gene James’ explanations – his LIFE PATTERN of Civil Judgements and Tax Liens suggest that for most of his life he was incapable of managing money.

Regardless of what Gene James may say in response to all of the complaints about his verbally and physically abusive behavior, in order to believe Gene James, you have to discount several complaints from several victims going back 15 years (sounds like Bill Brough, huh?) in order to dismiss the pattern. We’ve got photos, videos, public records and the Orange County GOP is asleep at the switch once again with a still active endorsement of this disaster.

… and the best San Clemente can offer is a 20 year old communist as an alternative?

Oct 112019

Your Intrepid Blogger filed an FPPC Complaint against Bill Brough that was validated and is being investigated. In it, I detailed over 100 instances of violations. Bill Brough believes that the rules don’t apply to him. We’ve detailed incidences of Bill Brough abusing women. These are some of the ways Bill Brough and Gene James are the same.

They also both appear to project their bad behavior on to others, live double-lives and are extremely image conscious.

[WE] Met on Match.com in 2004, Gene represented himself as divorced.  He was not divorced but was separated from 1st wife Jane. It was a very verbally violent relationship with his wife, Jane.  He could be heard screaming and swearing at her whenever there was interaction.  He had a very distant and strained relationship with his sons, as they were supportive of their mother. [I] Found a court judgment document under the seat in his company car, showing a judgment against him in the amount of $50,000+ from AVI Food Systems (his past employer). [I] Discovered that he had not paid taxes, Federal or State since 2001.  He refused to pay.  He tried to buy a large TV and stand in 2004 and was unable to qualify for the credit card.  Creditors were calling and sending letters.  Gene had defaulted on several credit cards.  I loaned him $25000 to pay off the creditors.

Let’s unpack this. I know the witness, have contact info and have spoken to them.

#1 This witness corroborated the two judgments against him from the former Employer AVI. (Ironic considering he talks about Fiscal Responsibility)

#2 She corroborates his abusive pattern. (Ironic considering he talks about being an expert witness related to violent crime)

Note that when I checked his website two weeks ago Gene James had not talked about his three children on his website. I think I know why. Even now, I’ve yet to see any recent pictures of Gene James with his children. Perhaps I should interview them, if they will talk to me. It is rather unusual for a candidate to not have family photos on their website. This suggests that Gene James was likely distant from his kids due to his treatment of them and the nature of the divorce with their mother.

This former Girlfriend of James indicated to me that she had to get an attorney involved and she managed to only get a $12,000 settlement out of court which was a fraction of what James took from her. We will continue her story in a bit, but suffice to say here is some more:

CA State Lien – San Diego County, 1600 PCH., San Diego, CA 92101 (Note the public records are specific, as they include case numbers, addresses and dates)

Filed 08/27/2007 – Court Case# 2007-0566939

Judgment against Gene James, 3360 (Redacted) Dr., #1014, San Diego, CA 92123 in the amount of $24,624.40

The San Clemente Firefighters have endorsed a 20 Year Old Communist that Hates the police: Jackson Hinkle. Gene James and Jackson Hinkle. What the hell is wrong with San Clemente?

Gene James has been endorsed by the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce. I will lay odds they are somewhat embarrassed right about now. Regardless of Gene James’ explanations – his LIFE PATTERN of Civil Judgements and Tax Liens (8 Total – who relates to this?) suggest that he is incapable of managing money. He has zero business being in office  or any position of authority.

Regardless of what Gene James may say in response to all of the complaints about his verbally and physically abusive behavior, in order to believe Gene James, you have to discount several complaints from several victims going back 15 years (sounds like Bill Brough, huh?) in order to dismiss the pattern. We’ve got photos, videos, public records and the Orange County GOP is asleep at the switch once again with a still active endorsement of this disaster.

You can’t make this stuff up, just like you can’t make up the Bill Brough Stuff. Anyone that seeks to minimize this stuff because of fixation on other issues is part of the problem. While I am not a trained mental health professional, I believe I am looking at the life pattern of a “Malignant Narcissist” or a soicopath. I am of the belief that Gene James is very image conscious and carefully scripts the public image he wants others to have of him. It did not take a ton of research to unearth the public records about Gene James. Once I started writing about him, people have come out of the woodwork.

This suggests that the political people around Gene James could have done background on him and found everything I did easily. The OCGOP needs to abandon this guy and apologize to the community for their mistake. The Democrats should do the same as it relates to the train wreck they recruited:

Got it? Hinkle opposed hiring more cops (See Also Oppress and Kill People) and thinks Homeless people should be left alone. This is the extreme opposite of the behavior I have complained about and is equally as wrong.

Between Gene James and Jackson Hinkle, I think San Clemente has gone insane and should be Quarrantined.

To be continued… Perhaps you want to show up to Gene James’ Meet and Greet tonight and ask him yourself about the public records and documented cases of abuse. I guarantee you he will be able to complete a sentence without prompting unlike Jackson Hinkle. What a choice… the abusive Gene James or the communist Jackson Hinkle. (There are other candidates running by the way)

Oct 102019

I want to reiterate again – I have no dog in the toll road fight. I live 450 Miles away as you in Orange County all know. My issues are simple. Bill Brough in my opinion is an abusive alcoholic, he needs to go. Gene James in my opinion is an Abusive Jerk and quite literally based on his own words the 20 year old kid Jackson Hinkle is an anarchist-socialist that is being used as a puppet by some leftist interest groups. Regardless of how you feel about Abortion and Gay rights – Jackson Hinkle can not be trusted by anyone to do the right thing.

Take a look at his shirt. He appears to have attempted to hide this photo – similar to his leftist facebook rants.

There are other candidates running for Assembly (such as Lori Davies) and City Council in San Clemente (see also Christina Stetler) for starters.

While I believe that the Gene James endorsement is a black eye for the OCGOP, I wanted to clear the air specifically about Jim Bieber. I asked him directly if he was working for, being paid by or consulting for Gene James. He answered no. What Mr. Bieber does as a private citizen is his business. I disagree with his choice of Gene James, but it is his right to make it – it is however, based on what Mr. Bieber told me not accurate to call him Gene James’ consultant or campaign manager. He has been an active volunteer.

Jim Bieber gave me specific information about his past work for the Toll Road People. He moved to San Clemente 15 years ago, and discontinued working for the Toll Road people within a few years of moving to San Clemente (at least 10 years ago). He was clear with me that the issue was the decision to target the connection with I-5 in San Clemente. He described some background issues that occurred (such as poor communication, misrepresentation, etc) that were subjective – but his opposition to the Toll Road and withdrawal from consulting/contracting with them were clear.

Many of Jim Bieber’s critics may be surprised to know that Jim is of the opinion that the TCA people made a deal with the enviros that involved a “payoff” to groups like the Surfriders. It sounds like Jim Bieber’s opinion of things Toll Road is not far from the views of 90% of San Clemente.

I’d suggest that the opponents of Gene James (and other candidates) keep their focus on the actual candidate.

Jim Bieber may disagree with me on this –  but after talking to him and getting his side of the story, I am pretty clear that there was bad behavior all around and both Jim and Gene were animated at the OCGOP meeting. I have a copy of the police report that was filed against Gene James and it is missing any proof of the allegations. In the case of the report against Gene James which precipitated the confrontation at the OCGOP Meeting does not look like it was actionable as it was missing key elements of a valid complaint. That said, people are adamant about Bieber, James and others yelling, acting aggressively, etc. Jim Bieber insisted on the phone with me that he was not.

That said, the OCGOP meeting appeared to be quite heated – which is not unusual at all for a cent com meeting. It also appears that people’s complaints about said meeting were ignored by Fred Whitaker the OCGOP Chairman.

Having seen videos of Gene James’ behavior, I will also disagree with Mr. Bieber’s characterization of James. Bieber did indeed defend James on his phone call, making specific points about what he thought of James’ behavior and countenance.

I am writing this post, however as I’ve known Mr. Bieber for many years and wanted to make sure he got the opportunity to give me his side of the story and to correct some assertions I made about him working for Gene James and to set the record straight about his “affiliation” with the Toll Road people. 

Oct 092019

Read Jackson Hinkle in your own words:


Borders are unjust. Got that?

Note how he only mentions Left-Wing governments needing to be “protected” from America – including the revenge filled government of South Africa who are exterminating White Farmers and seizing their assets. Perhaps little Jacky needs to go to South Africa to experience how they are retaliating against White people for the sins of the past.

Little Jacky is reputed to have taken a knee at his high school graduation as well.

He reminds me of David Hogg, the mentally unstable egomaniac that was catapulted to national fame by the national media after a school shooting. Perhaps this is how Mr. Hinkle sees himself.

Now I get why other groups are supporting this guy, he is an empty shirt they think they can control. They will learn the hard way if this guy gets elected that he is a disaster and will go on an ego-fueled rampage. (This is what the hard left or hard right do when they get real power)

Young Mr. Hinkle (he is 20, despite photos attempting to make him look older) should also be sent to china to see what Communism is really like. (Especially the concentration camps)