Jul 062020

AD73 Assemblyman William “Bill” Brough – a man I believe is a a pig, an alcoholic, a rapist and a serial abuser of women has consistently blamed the Orange County Toll Road Authority (OCTCA) for his downfall. While Brough may never admit his alcoholism or sexual misconduct – the OCTCA has been on defense for the last 5 years ( long before the truth about Brough’s double life was known) and certainly did not have the where-with-all to do a thing to anyone in any office. Meantime, the San Clemente City Government may well have just exposed themselves to civil liability and criminal prosecution regarding their role in trying to thwart the OCTCA from accomplishing their mission.

CA-49 Candidate Bryan Maryott and former Senate Permanent Minority Leader Pat Bates were also in on the cabal against extending the Toll Road in South Orange County.

The two women that came forward to tell me their stories of being raped by Bill Brough certainly were not connected to me by the OCTCA. None of the info I disseminated about William “Bill” Brough was from the OCTCA – people were all too willing to talk to me about Brough.

The OCTCA has been under assault from the Sun-Tzu quoting Harvey Englander since 10-2015.

In past blogs – you’ve read our expose about Harvey Englander and his antics. Let me summarize them:

Part One of Our Expose on San Clemente and Harvey Englander. He loses the TCA Contract then goes to San Clemente to get hired to oppose the TCA’s planned Toll Road Expansion.

In Part Two of Our Expose on San Clemente and Harvey Englander we detailed how Englander was abusing Public Records Requests (over 100 of them), triggering audits of the consultant that beat his firm for the contract, organizing intimidation of local electeds and organizing the talking points of local opponents and supportive local electeds and the like. It was nothing short of running a protection racket.

In Part Three of Our Expose on San Clemente and Harvey Englander – we detailed the only publicly known payment to Englander ($97,000) and local elected Kathy Ward publicly attacking the OCTCA that she was a member of. The expose’ also included a link to a poll mistakenly published by Englander and a fake facebook page Englander and crew were running.

I have known Jeff Corless for years. I watched him get smeared by Harvey Englander on behalf of the City of San Clemente. I also watched in horror as good people like Don Wagner vented their frustration with Jeff by accusing him of felonies from the daius of their local government chambers. While I was prone to doubt his integrity due to the effectiveness of the smears, Venture Strategic has passed 4 audits. Rumors of a Grand Jury investigation have never been corroborated.

Unlike the others that have attacked Mr. Corless, I apologized to him man-to-man for doubting and starting to believe the smears.

Read the article detailing the vindication of Jeff Corless and Venture Strategic here.

Jeff Corless and Venture Strategic were targeted by Harvey Englander. I am convinced of it. EKA is the entity mentioned in public records that was paid by San Clemente and it is Harvey’s Consulting Firm.

I am not going to hold my breath waiting for Don Wagner and others to apologize to Jeff Corless for accusing him of felonies or participating in efforts to destroy his business – this sort of unethical behavior is commonplace in politics. Corless worked for a political opponent to Don Wagner, that alone is grounds for felony imprisonment apparently.

But Harvey Englander appears to have been getting $32,500 a month to file lawsuits, public records requests, oragnize opposition, run facebook pages and other sundry smear campaigns. Don’t take my word for it – the City of San Clemente just admitted as such in their reports. We have only been able to confirm $97,000 to EKA up to this point, now the City of San Clemente in City Meeting Minutes states that EKA was being paid $32,500 a month.

Please also note that a confidential informant with direct knowledge who was also involved with Gene James’ City Council Effort indicated to me that “Englander got paid a lot of money, somewhere around $2 Million”. The conversation I had with the informant was verbal and the informant requested confidentiality at the time, thus I refrained from writing about it in any detail beyond that quote.

So let your intrepid blogger ask some questions:

Did EKA get paid $32,500 a month since 10-2015 when they were officially “hired” by the City of San Clemente? Was it some shorter period? If so when?  From 10-2015 this almost exactly adds up to the $2 Million one of my informants told me Englander got paid as of late last year when I was told as such.

Why have public records requests not been able to uncover the payments? Where they hidden in contracts with other city contractors? If so, through whom?

It has been alleged without proof that EKA’s payments were being hidden through one of the City’s Contract Attorney’s – likely one of the firms filing lawsuits (I think were frivolous by the way) against the OCTCA. That theory is as plausible as any.

It is time for OC District Attorney Todd Spitzer to take a break from retaliating against political opponents to climb up every orifice of the City of San Clemente. That City is a total mess. Frankly, Spitzer should look in to the criminal allegations against William “Bill” Brough as well, now that we know at least two of the female victims had their claims validated by the Working Committee in the State Legislature.

BONUS: Harvey Englander’s Nephew has been indicted for corruption related to selling influence on the LA City Council. Mitchell Englander is pleading guilty to felonies related to taking bribes, gifts and the like from people with business before the city. I guess it runs in the family. If OC DA Todd Spitzer was willing to do his job, perhaps Uncle Harvey could be a cellmate for his Nephew? (If that form of money laundering between San Clemente and Englander (that is what it looks like to me) is not a felony, I will gladly correct this blog)

Lastly, William “Bill” Brough and Senator Pat Bates have both attempted to run legislation to kill the Toll Road expansion in Southern Orange County based largely off of the smears of EKA paid for by the City of San Clemente. Brough, because he saw a chance to get more campaign cash to feed his lifestyle and Bates because she has gone nearly insane with rage over the demolition of her protege Bill Brough. She has repeatedly defended William “Bill” Brough because it appears the 80 year old Bates has determined that admitting a mistake is worse than the annihilation of her own credibility.

BONUS 2: Meantime Well-Known Republican Operative Sam Oh is trying to wreck CA45 Nominee Greg Raths despite the National Importance of that race. Orange County is a mess.

The OCGOP has a lot of issues as the democrats have overtaken them in registration – look no further than the behavior of San Clemente, Bill Brough, Bryan Maryott, Pat Bates, Don Wagner and others with regard to the OCTCA as a part of the long list of poor decisions that have contributed to the dispersion of Republican dominance in Orange County.

OCDA Todd Spitzer. Time to do your job. Find the money. $390,000 a year is damn hard to hide.

Aug 272019

There is often a price to making a knee-jerk decision for political expediency. That knee hits you in the chin. William “Bill” Brough and Bryan Maryott have no one the thank but themselves for their stupidity in joining this effort against the toll roads, not because of the issue itself (which he is dead wrong on), but because of the tactics being employed.

Electioneering Much? This is clear and on the anonymous FB Page we believe to be funded by the City of San Clemente VIA Harvey Englander

Harvey Englander has a lot of explaining to do for the tactics being employed. Again, his contract his linked here for reference.

“A significant investment in research is needed to make sure that the communications and outreach strategy is well-founded, and metrics driven . . . It would be futile to propose specific strategies before this comprehensive research is completed.” (Page 5)

“Probolsky Research* Minimum $29,700 Maxium 39,650

Where’s the poll???

Research Option: Minimum: Up to 25 Questions, 400 Respondents . . . +/-5% Maximum: Up to 35 Questions, 400 Respondents . . . +/-5%”

In the $97,000 paid to Harvey Englander was an allotment for a “Poll”. See the above excerpt. There has never been a poll published?

However, an anonymous Facebook Page seems to have had an advance copy of the poll. How is that possible Harvey?

See the link in the post? At one time it worked. Whoops, Harvey. Whoops.

Why did this anonymous Facebook Page have an internal copy of a polling instrument? Did Bryan Maryott leak it? Did Bill Brough leak it? Is this facebook page being run in violation of Campaign Finance Law by the City of San Clemente? Or, is it part of Harvey’s “Racket”? Or, how about all four?

Click here to see the 6th Draft of the poll. This is what was linked to this facebook page. The results have never been published, yet the taxpayers funded this.

Now we have a connection between Harvey, San Clemente and the electioneering that has been going on.

This is very likely an FPPC violation for not disclosing who paid for the political campaign elements and even more so for the City of San Clemente for engaging in a political effort without filing the appropriate paperwork.  If not a political campaign, then surely the gifting of $30-40,000 in survey work to a private citizen group is not legal. Lastly, if the City and its consultants are responsible for this page and its content it is illegal to do so anonymously using public funds for their work.

Note that the City of San Clemente is advocating the defeat of a candidate

Now we get to the meat of the issue: This facebook page is full of love for the OCTA. (the Orange County Transportation Authority) In the poll obtained by your intrepid blogger they (Harvey / San Clemente) asks repeated, one-sided questions to promote the concept of the OCTA taking over the TCA. (the TCA is the separate entity running the toll road effort)  The OCTA has been openly and aggressively hostile to the TCA and to anyone that does not agree with San Clemente and the OCTA.

It sounds like there is a turf war. No wonder why this whole drill by Harvey Englander looks like Racketeering. He lost the initial contract with the TCA and is now in bed with the City of San Clemente and the OCTA? Were it not for Bryan Maryott being a short-sighted knucklehead and William “Bill” Brough’s ragers in Sacramento and his incomplete passes, I’d have never stumbled upon this. What did Bryan Maryott and Bill Brough get? What did Harvey Englander Promise them? Are Bryan Maryott and Bill Brough complicit in this entire insane drill being financed by San Clemente? 

Does anyone think that someone with the pedigree of Harvey Englander would run this kind of sustained attack for 2 years for just $97,000? Who else has paid Harvey Englander? Again, what else have Bryan Maryott and Bill Brough received that we don’t know about?

Within 24-48 hours of Barbara Delgleize voting against the OCTA and for something in the TCA, this popped up on the Harvey Englander / San Clemente Page

Did Harvey Englander get Barbara Ward to attack the finances of the TCA? Were Ward, Englander and San Clemente aware that attacking an entity you are on the board of while said entity is considering a public bond offering is a potential felony under securities laws? (insider trading and tampering?)

Former San Clemente Mayor Kathy Ward (current San Clemente council member) was a Board Member of the TCA during this episode and was one of the approving votes for Englander’s obstruction plan funded by her city. As a fiduciary of the agency she knew full-well that the TCA’s investor ratings had been upgraded by Fitch’s and Moody’s, however the poll she approved makes the statement that the TCAs finances are suspect, and that TCA could be insolvent.  She doubles down on what she knows is false information (all of it message tested in the city’s poll) in the following op-ed: https://www.ocregister.com/2017/08/06/distrust-of-the-tcas-process/

All breaches of fiduciary duty aside, isn’t it illegal to openly lie and spread misinformation to the public about publicly traded bonds of a company or organization you sit on the board of (in this case, the TCA) in an effort to reduce the investor worthiness of those bonds? (Even if she was not on the board, this behavior, if proven, is still a felony) The SEC has increased their finance purview over municipal bonds in recent years and government fiduciaries in control positions cannot openly lie to the public about a publicly traded bond for their own personal benefit.

Attacking the Bonding ability of the TCA was a specific line item in Harvey Englander’s Contract with the City of San Clemente. If Ward did this at the direction of the City of San Clemente and Harvey Englander, they could all have legal trouble. I think I should start submitting public records requests – that is if the City of San Clemente haven’t gotten a case of bleachbit… 

It is clear that Ward participated in an effort to destroy the finances of the TCA (while on its’ board mind you) in order to cause it to be taken over by the OCTA. You can draw no other conclusion when looking at the known evidence. You can also draw a conclusion based on Harvey “Sun Tzu” Englander’s contract that this sort of action is well within the paradigm of that deal.

Now, William “Bill” Brough attempted to carry a bill in Sacramento that would effectively disband the TCA. By hook or by crook, I suppose. Your intrepid blogger wants to know if William “Bill” Brough got some campaign cash to subsidize his lifestyle as part of this deal? Using legislation is also another line item in Harvey Englander’s contract with the City of San Clemente. 

I think someone should sue Harvey Englander, William “Bill” Brough, Councilman Maryott, the City of San Clemente and Kathy Ward for what they have done. The discovery would be devastating. Ahem, Bill and Michelle – here is a lawsuit we can believe in. 

It is also highly coercive for Harvey Englander to apply for a public contract, be turned down by the TCA, then immediately go to another public entity San Clemente and spearhead an obstruction campaign.  The TCA is left with two options in the face of such coercion, double down on their PR budget to defend the agency; or offer some compensation to the consultant as a ransom payment to keep them from attacking the agency and obstructing the traffic relief project. It appears that the TCA did attempt to hire Harvey for another project, I am still attempting to confirm that.

As a matter of policy, government agencies being forced to make ransom payments from the public treasury to keep PR consultants from obstructing the functions of government and quality of life of local residents is a type of public corruption straight out of Chicago or Russia and must not be tolerated.  To apply for a public contract with the silent threat of retaliation if not awarded said contract is textbook racketeering. Harvey’s fellow ANTIFA leftists would be proud of his work. 

The City of San Clemente and its consultants are free to engage in PR all they want, and if they choose to do so unethically then that is their prerogative, however there are laws that govern public entities from engaging in this very sort of behavior. The taxpayers deserve to be protected from this sort of waste, graft and misinformation. The use of San Clemente taxpayer dollars to produce a poll, make it public on a Facebook page, then remove it from the source and keep it confidential at the city and not turn it over during a PRA request, is a violation of laws and regulations on its face.

The Irony is that Harvey and crew appear to have engineered over 250 Public Records Act requests in their harassment of the TCA. (Guess you missed that detail, Huh LA Times?) 

This deserves a grand jury, FEC, district attorney, and California State Attorney General investigation.

I’ll bet Sun Tzu did not have this sort of stuff in his book, did he?

Bryan Maryott and Bill Brough should hang their heads in shame for their part in enabling this. Better Yet, OC DA Todd Spitzer should open up a can on all of these people. 

Aug 192019

Well – the City of San Clemente paid Major Dem Donor Harvey Englander $97,000 to execute Sun Tzu’s Art of War in Southern Orange County. Speaking of Sun Tzu, your intrepid blogger would have never found this had neither Bryan Maryott nor Bill Brough sold out Republican Values for NIMBYism.

Research shows in April of 2017, Bill Brough took $1000 from Business for a Better San Clemente – was this the down payment for Mr. Brough’s sudden reversal on the Toll Road Project?

There is a famous saying in Politics – “If you don’t pay me to do a job for you, I will do a job ON you”. This is also known as racketeering (albeit a soft form that may or may not be illegal – but surely unethical) It sure looks pretty close to what Harvey Englander is doing! It appears that the jilted senior Englander went to the City of San Clemente after his son got sent packing in little pieces by OC TCA.

So, Harvey, Just Why Did You Solicit San Clemente? Inquiring Bloggers Want to Know

I am not sure if Sun Tzu was in to racketeering, (which I think Harvey is doing) but Harvey seems to see himself as some sort of apostle of the guy.

Remember, CA-49 Candidate Bryan Maryott and the scandal-riddled William “Bill” Brough have signed on with the City of San Clemente in their virulent opposition to the Proposed Toll Road. How Virulent you ask? Read on.

Click here to see the “Contract” San Clemente Took Out on the OC TCA.

“the path to success is to increase public antagonism towards the agency; its board of Directors within their home cities, taxpayers and even some environmental groups.” (Page 2)

The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.  At EKA, this mean that having a well thought out timetable enables us to be offensive in our activities and be prepared to take a “kill-shot” when the opportunity is presented.”  (Page 1 – Italics quote Tsun Tzu’s Art of War)

This apparently includes filing a ton of Public Records Requests from each city where TCA members reside. Research shows that a small group of extreme left-wing and/or NIMBY radicals are attending local government meetings specifically to harass people in their City Council Meetings that sit on the OC TCA.

Given the fact that physical violence and mass shootings have invaded the body politic (See Also Antifa, the Violent Separatist Movements or supremacy movements), Harvey’s comments and approach are in poor taste at best and at worst may well be part of a national strategy on the left. 

Public antagonism is also sure to include the Hit Piece Harvey Englander is sure to have helped get in to the LA Times. Given that he has donated to a slew of people like Xavier Becerra, Howard Berman and Wendy Greuel – he is sure to have all kinds of connections in LA County. Given that the LA Times is usually a disreputable left-wing rag, it makes perfect sense.

Given the cowardice that usually rules Republican Politics anywhere, I could understand how a hardened democrat donor like Harvey Englander would adopt Saul Alinsky style bully tactics. Sun Tzu was honorable and did not engage in deceit or threatening innocent people like it appears Harvey Englander is organizing. Sun Tzu, if he were alive today would reject Harvey Englander and would be disgusted by Saul Alinsky.

“We envision running this engagement like a ‘campaign,’ designed specifically at moving stakeholder sentiment against the TCA’s plans . . . so that projects are studied and litigated for decades in the same type of campaign that was utilized to kill the 710 North freeway.” (Page 3)

Too bad for Englander, the current consultant for the TCA got the enviro lawsuits remedied and the enviro groups are now neutral or supporting the toll road!

“Investment in research is essential to understand stakeholder sentiment and tailor messaging.” (Page 4)

“EKA also proposes that the City engage a law firm separate and apart from the City Attorney firm . . . it is important to have a firm who is prepared to litigate immediately. EKA will provide recommendations…” (Page 4)

“Probolsky Research specializes in opinion research on public policy.” (Page 4)

It appears that San Clemente Used Taxpayer Dollars to fund the Polling Adam Problosky did. This is key as the poll has never been shared publicly…

Harvey went to the City of San Clemente on June 9th 2017.

Then Harvey got the Contract on July 19, 2017 With NO QUESTIONS ASKED. It is as if the San Clemente City Council knew what they were doing and did not want to clutter their conscience. Shortly after this, William “Bill” Brough joined the opposition to the TCA, telling few of his change of heart until the bill he introduced in early 2019 became public. What did Harvey Englander promise or give Bill Brough? What did the City of San Clemente promise or give Bill Brough? Bryan Maryott is in the opinion of this blogger not smart enough to extract a price for his stupidity. 

Very interesting find indeed.

It appears that Harvey Englander and crew had themselves a social media project as part of their bully campaign. 

Back to the article in the Los Cerritos News:

…Entry in Englander’s proposal shockingly wrote, “increase public antagonism toward the TCA’s Board of Directors within their own cities.”

Got it? Harass Councilmembers in their own cities.

After learning of the antagonism campaign, one local councilperson, who wanted to remain anonymous because they had already received threats, told HMG-LCCN, “this was blatant, I would think twice hiring a firm who called for antagonizing people, it’s outrageous.”

Some of the more egregious steps Englander outlined in its antagonism campaign included:

1. A San Clemente “taxpayer or City-sponsored” lawsuit
2. The San Clemente City Council demanding TCA study a tunnel similar to the 710 freeway “demanding a study is both time-consuming and a heavy expenditure on the agency.”
3. Potential legislation- kill TCA’s borrowing capabilities  and “research whether legislation could be introduced to reduce further bonding authority for TCA.”
4. CPRA requests (public records requests) regular requests under the CPRA should be made for staff and consulting salaries and other expenditures.

Stay tuned for more about item #3

HMG-LCCN has learned that the campaign has done its job related to the last step listed, CPRA requests. In a little over 1.5 years, the TCA has received well over 210 requests for public documents-almost twelve per month – with sources telling HMG-LCCN that the requests have cost the TCA well over $100,000.

The “recommended approach” Englander envisioned was “running this engagement like a ‘campaign’ designed specifically at moving stakeholders against TCA’s plans in and around San Clemente so that various projects are studied and litigated for decades.”

And the word “committee” could land the San Clemente City Council in legal hot water for misuse of public funds.

How did the City of San Clemente and Harvey Englander break campaign finance law? Have a look:

If a city or school district seeks to spend money on an issue, for example a sales tax measure for the city or an infrastructure bond for the schools, the Fair Political Practices Commission mandates the opening of an expenditure committee, attaching a name to the committee such as “Yes on Sales Tax Measure.”

Englander called their engagement a “campaign” with an objective of defeating the toll road extension; it was not a lobbying contract, which cities are allowed to engage in.

The designation could trigger an FPPC investigation of the contract.

“It is a shame the extension has reached this level,” said the local councilperson, “Venture has done an extraordinary job, while people involved in the project, including me, had threats upon their lives for supporting the project. I myself had two and reported them to the Sheriff’s, I know of another who received threats also.”


Stefanie Sekich-Quinn, coastal preservation manager of the Surfrider Foundation, said in a statement after learning about the document, “based on what we know, this misleading (Englander) $100,000-plus PR campaign was designed to pit San Clemente neighbor against San Clemente neighbor. It represents a shocking waste of taxpayer money.”

Oh mama. Harassment at Council Meetings. Abuse of PRA Process. Facebook Pages. DEATH THREATS? Lawsuits? Planting Stories in the LA Times? Is this what the City of San Clemente signed up for? Is this what Bryan Maryott and William “Bill” Brough Signed up for?

Where is the OCGOP? They should take out the trash. The whole San Clemente City Council should be recalled along with Bryan Maryott for the immoral, terrorist, Saul Alinsky tactics they have aligned themselves with. 

Bill Brough? It makes sense he’d swim in this sewer too. 

All this and their buddy Harvey Englander gave $2000 to Mike Levin… to be continued.

Aug 132019

The Orange County Toll road saga can not be as simple as a bunch of NIMBY’s and some knucklehead Republicans slithering in to the lowest common denominator to get votes? This saga alone should be enough to show any reasonable person that neither Bill Brough nor Bryan Maryott should hold office, ever. (CA-49 = Mike Levin’s Congressional Seat, AD-73 = William “Bill” Brough’s Assembly Seat)

Yeah, they even hate “Green” energy as these memes came from a fight over solar arrays and windmills.

Picking up with the LA Times article assaulting the now former consultant for the Toll Road Authority, it looks like the “overpaid consultant” for the Toll Road, just months after being hired engineered an end to 12 years of environmental lawsuits. There goes that cover story. True to form for the weak leadership in Orange County, the consultant was thrown over the side rather than being defended. This dynamic has to be part of what San Clemente was counting on when they hired a media drill that yielded LA Times Stories attacking the consultants among other stories in other outlets as well. 

It appears that in addition to the media drill, that the City of San Clemente attempted BS Enviro Lawsuits that failed. It looks like with the enviro hurdles cleared (by the Consultant that the Toll Road Authority fired, by the way) that the San-Clemente City Council got desperate and went looking for help.

Enter Major Democrat Donor Harvey Englander who obviously has to have a major axe to grind as he lost the $1.8 Million Contract for the OC TCA to someone else. In 2015, when the open bidding was done to hire a consultant, (A fact omitted in the LA Times Hit Piece referenced in a previous blog) Adam Englander and the firm Englander, Knabe and Allen finished in second place. Note to LA Times – that means they bid higher than the $185 an hour you breathlessly reported about. (and that “overpaid consultant” helped in saving millions of dollars by mitigating the enviro lawsuits against the project!)

That’s right, Bryan Maryott, San Clemente and William “Bill” Brough are in bed with a major Democrat donor. Look at the donor pedigree of Harvey Englander. Adam Schiff, Hitlary, the Kamala Dragon, even — $2,000 to MIKE LEVIN. He even gave $500 to that loser John (t)Ossoff whose GA-06 Loss was an epic fail for Trump-Haters everywhere! In the most dramatic of ironies, Bill Brough is now allied with a four-time donor to Bob Filner. That’s right – Harvey was a repeat donor to the groper… How’s the swamp water feel Mr. Brough??? 

Given the abject bias of the LA Times and the timing of their story, it is the belief of this blogger that Harvey Englander was behind planting the story and the careful omission of facts in it. If it was not for people trying to obfuscate the issues of Bill Brough and the stupidity of Bryan Maryott (sending me Facebook ads 450 miles away), your intrepid blogger may have never come across this attempted sabotage of YET ANOTHER FREEWAY in CA. Based on what I know, Daddy (as in Harvey) has tons of connections in LA County, including having social justice warrior reporters in his back pocket he can shop stories to. Harvey has been infesting the body politic since the 1970’s. Englander donated to Al Gore for President for pete’s sake.

Get a good look at Harvey, he is the man trying to screw over a generation of South OC Residents to settle a score. The NIMBY activists in San Clemente have pinned their hopes on him too. Has Harvey taken care of Bill Brough? Inquiring Bloggers want to know…

If you still don’t believe me, take a look at Harvey Englander’s proposal to San Clemente. Read it here as many times as is necessary. Did Bill Brough read the proposal before a couple cases of Burbon made it to his spread on the coast of Dana Point? (Who knows, maybe it did not cost Harvey a dime to get Brough on board)

Unfortunately for San Clemente and Harvey Englander, I found a neat link on the internet about the exact same subject matter as the LA Times hit piece. Boy what a different story it tells about the Southern Orange County Toll Roads!

Harvey and his crew (that includes Don Knabe, who has more baggage than a 747) quote Sun Tzu in their preamble. Sun Tzu died over 1,000 years ago and if Sun Tzu was alive today, he’d get his ass kicked on the Right on Daily Blog too. Your intrepid blogger does not like NIMBY’s very much, nor do we like politicians that make chicken-feed short-sighted decisions to curry favor with groups that will never support them. (Ahem, Billy Boy and Bryan)

On page one of the proposal that Englander sent to the City of San-NIMBYte, Harvey talks about having contingency plans to deal with responses and being available for a kill-shot when the opportunity is presented. Harvey shoulda run a background report on Bill Brough first as Brough is a walking political suicide shot.

In the words of the great American theologian Mike Tyson, “Everyone gotta pwan till dey get punch in da fathe”. It appears that Englander has been running around bullying people on behalf of San Clemente. Then they got punch in da fathe…

If you boil down the proposal by Englander, it is a litany of maybe legal, but undeniably unethical abuses of the system.

Given that most in office are cowards and hate any sort of negative news, (This applies to Harvey’s side of the political aisle as well as Republicans) Harvey and company understood that starting the fan and throwing stuff through it would be a great strategy. He could get unprincipled trans-conservatives like Maryott to buckle and could “buy” people like Bill Brough who are corrupt (as proven by the Right on Daily Blog) and vulnerable to change with the whims of the political winds.

Harvey was able to get something like $97K out of the City of San Clemente after the humiliating defeat a couple years earlier for the prime $1.8 Million OC TCA Contract. Harvey Englander was paid in October of 2017, as it appears from records posted on the internet. The public smear campaign started shortly thereafter. I sometimes Imagine what I could do to someone or some group for $97K. (fill a psych ward?) 

Quoting the 3/7/2019 Article linked previously:

Englander did not mince words in its proposal, citing five lessons from The Art of War writing, “at Englander… having a well-thought-out timetable enables us to be offensive in our activities and be prepared to take a “kill shot” when the opportunity is presented.”

Englander backed up that “kill shot” statement, squarely aimed at the TCA and Venture, taking the proposal to another level that will have many questioning the business practice of “antagonism campaigns” and the motives of the San Clemente City Council.

Blogger’s Note: Venture (Strategic) is the consultant that beat Harvey for the Toll Road Contract

In the proposal Englander wrote, “TCA’s primary challenge throughout its’ history has been earning public support for their [told road] activities.”

“The path to success is to increase public antagonism toward the agency, its Board of Directors within their own cities, taxpayers and even some environmental groups.”

Got it? When we continue, we will start unraveling the tactics Harvey Englander and crew are using to bully local electeds. If you are on the fence about the Toll Road thing in Southern Orange County, once Right on Daily is done with Harvey Englander and the San Clemente City Council I hope you will support the Toll Road Authority digging a tunnel right through their City Hall. 

Bill Brough just appears to be a useful idiot, trying to get more campaign cash to spend on Cigars, overpriced meals or junkets to Ireland. (when he is not acting like a complete pig towards women that is)

It is also a goal of Right on Daily to make sure neither Bryan Maryott nor Bill Brough get any serious consideration from Republicans as their decision to side with the left-wing democrat donor bullies is indefensible and was based on short-sighted political gain and not about the best interests of their would-be constituents.

If you are an officeholder or a stakeholder in Southern Orange County – take heart because Sun Tzu has never met a blogger from Placer County that wants to see the GOP return to relevance. It is a bonus that I get to torch some liberal democrats and their so-called Republican buddies trying to keep California in the stone age. You no longer have to fear bad press because it is now open season on the bullies, and you can now vote your conscience without fear or intimidation.

P.S. No real conservative sells out core Republican principles for a few votes and a nice seat at a cocktail party. Given how feckless Bryan Maryott is, there is a part of me that would rather see Levin re-elected as he is an honest communist who took $2,000 from Harvey Englander. To be continued…

Just say No to Bryan Maryott in CA49 and No to Bill Brough in AD-73
Aug 052019

You read it correctly. We expect democrats to try and forestall development, but in Southern Orange County, I have discovered another batch of NIMBY’s and BANANA’s. This time, I am not talking about the contingent of wealthy loudmouths in Granite Bay (in my backyard) that oppose development anywhere for any reason, I am talking about Southern Orange County. Specifically, as I was looking at the landscape of CA-49, and AD-73 what I found was disturbing. (CA-49 = Congressional District 49 (infested by Mike Levin), AD-73 = Assembly District 73 (infested by Bill Brough))

Some weak people trying to find a reason to avoid the real issues with Bill Brough think that the sudden explosion of scandals are related to this issue. All their stupidity (and that of Maryott) did was cause your intrepid blogger to start looking. And look I did. I’d also like to thank the two San Clemente City Council Members that are publicly defending Bill Brough for their assistance in narrowing my search for information. I found a whole bunch of Republican BANANA’s and NIMBY’s. 

BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything.

It appears that San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano Mayor Brian Maryott, Failed Liberal Republican Rocky Chavez, the scandle-riddled Bill Brough, and some other mystery players have joined with the Enviros and Congressman Mike Levin in an attempt to thwart development in Southern Orange County. However, I am not sure any of the previously mentioned luminaries had anything to do with what the City of San Clemente has done.

Research shows that Bill Brough has cashed in from San Clemente Donors in 2019, ostensibly after his aggressive moves against development.

I originally thought I was going to be looking in to the CA-49 race as this one of is the best chances the GOP has to recapture lost territory in California. Once the Citizen’s tribunal meets to re-draw districts in 2021, if we don’t re-take the CA-49 and other lost territory in 2020, you can make sure the new lines will be much worse. With short sighted selfish anti-growth “Republicans” like those in local government in the south end of Orange County including the intransigent Bill Brough and his enablers… they are doing their part to entrench Mike Levin in Congress.

At this point, Maryott is the only known “Viable” Republican candidate for CA-49. He proved in 2018 that he is incompetent with a humiliating 7th place finish in the primary. (Your intrepid blogger could have carpetbagged down there and done better) As I was researching Maryott, I noted that on his website, he calls himself a Conservative. (#YUGE Red Flag, you live it, you don’t have to tell anyone you are)

Maryott’s campaign theme is “Enough Already, Let’s Get to Work”… apparently, except when it comes to congestion relief in Southern Orange County.

This was sent to me by someone that lives in CA-45, not CA-49. Enough already Bryan. Oh and I get these too and I live in CA-04, you may need to look at a map to find CA-04. 

I had family members leave San Clemente because they could not make simple improvements to their property without the NIMBY police approval and a pile of paperwork. So, this behavior did not surprise me in the slightest.

Then of course while researching the CA-241 Extension which this is known as, I found out that one of my favorite Green Republican Cap-and-Traitors Rocky Chavez also opposed the project in his vain attempt at getting elected to Congress (he ran for CA-49 in 2018 and is looking at CA-50 in 2020). Anyone within the GOP will remember that Chavez was elected in an R vs R runoff with something like $2 Million worth of expenditures and attacks against his opponent. Chavez like so many other self-serving and short-sighted politicians repaid the investment by bailing out of office for bigger and better things, then bad-mouthing all of his former colleagues after suffering an almost as humiliating loss as Maryott did!

I am sure once Bill Brough is a former officeholder he will blame his female victims and everyone else that rose up to expel him once the totality of his behavior became known. 

I’d tell both Chavez and Maryott “Enough Already, Get Back to Work”, but Mr. Chavez’ Ego would replenish the polar ice cap and Maryott is clearly bored with financial planning as his stance on development is geared toward shredding the retirement savings of his clientele.

A lot of people in Orange County have told Bill Brough “Enough Already” but he is going to require long-term therapy as his brain function appears to be inhibited. Let’s see how many more leaders in Orange County join in the hit parade.

And, then there is San Clemente. I will refer to it is San-NIMBYte. I stumbled upon this LA Times attack article against the CA-241 Extension project. I’d have been good with a drive-by on Maryott, Brough and Chavez, but this article in the LA Times is quite convenient and deliberate. No one in the California Media has enough non-THC Tainted brain cells to be this effective.

The article was a classic left-wing hit piece all about the money paid to consultants working on the CA-241 Extension. That was all it was about, and in the course of whining about traffic as a backdrop for all this evil money, the LA Times took a position against traffic relief. At least I can rationalize the stupidity of Maryott, Brough and Chavez – they were pandering for votes they didn’t get. (or in the Case of Brough, won’t get ever again)

San Clemente officials, fierce opponents of a proposal to extend the toll road through the beach town, obtained the consultants’ billings through a public records lawsuit and have sharply criticized the payments to the high-priced, politically connected consultants.

Note that the LA Times Reporter used Hyperbole – huge red flag

I was looking for a motive for the LA Times hit piece, the 4th paragraph let the cat out of the bag, it looked like a jealous rage and a desperate city (San Clemente) trying to carpet bomb everything and everyone.

It is not a bad strategy as many in the political world are cowards and fold at the first sign of criticism. Witness how long it is taking to get people to stand up to Bill Brough’s behavior. 

Then, it hit me.

…the source of the problem was an “antagonizing” campaign waged by San Clemente’s own consulting firm, Los Angeles-based Englander, Knabe & Allen, which had lost out to Venture Strategic in bidding for the tollway agency’s contract.

The firm’s strategic proposal to San Clemente invoked Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” in explaining how it would battle the toll road extension, and mentioned filing public records requests for consultants’ fees as one of its weapons. City records show the firm in late 2017 was paid nearly $100,000.

Hell hath no fury like a jilted consultant. Is Harvey Englander behind the LA Times Hit Piece?

Adam Englander lost the contract to the consultant quoted about in the LA Times. Adam and Harvey Englander are now “employed” by the City of San Clemente. I know Harvey Englander by reputation and in my opinion, he is not a good dude at all. 

So did Adam get his daddy to come in and bully local government in South OC?

So – you have Harvey Englander, Leftists, a leftist Congressman, a leftist Cap and Trade warrior Rocky Chavez AND a self-identified trans-conservative Brian Maryott with the scandal-riddled Bill Brough trying to scuttle the CA-241 extension to keep I-5 clogged? I can’t get drunk enough to imagine how the hell that helps the environment. 

Apparently, the San Clemente City Council post closure of their hospital is A-OK with it taking 45 minutes to get to the next closest hospital during rush hour? And, they are working with Harvey Englander who appears to be racketeering the whole thing by bullying and harassing anyone and everyone affiliated with the project? What did Bill Brough get out of this deal? Given that Brough appears to have been living off of his campaign account, it appears he would be vulnerable to being sucked in by the San Clemente anti toll-road racket… 

Who is Harvey Englander? What is he doing? Stay tuned as in our next installment, we introduce you to Rocky Chavez, Bill Brough and Bryan Maryott’s good buddy. Oh, and all of this is paid for with your tax dollars courtesy of San Clemente – the NIMBY capitol of Southern Orange County.

Is the OCGOP smoking crack? Do you really think you have a chance at re-taking CA49 or holding AD-73 with nimrods like these guys? Please do something about this!

To be continued…