Placer County Water Agency District One – Gray Allen.
Gray called this weekend and volunteered to walk precincts for Linda’s (my Mother’s) campaign. Beyond that, I had a chance to speak with him at length about the PCWA and was satisfied with his answers to a slew of questions I asked him.
Gray Allen is no RINO.
Please note that the PCRA endorsed Ken Phillips as did the Placer GOP Cent Com – and I am a member of both of their boards of directors who endorsed unanimously.
Sierra College Board – Howard Rudd.
Again note, that the PCRA and the Placer GOP Cent Com endorsed Kelli Gnile – and I am a member of both of their boards of directors who endorsed unanimously.
I wrote previously about Howard and the 13 years that I have known him. Sierra College Wins no matter whether Kelli Gnile or Howard Rudd is elected.
Again, Howard Rudd is a Conservative.