It was all about being a jerk. That is my summary. The Lincoln Project, formed 100% by allies of the current leadership of the California Republican Party proved beyond anything President Trump did that being a jerk is not a winner at the ballot box. In their psychotic rage against President Trump, they attempted to unseat 7 Republican Senators. Their efforts failed miserably. Priorities USA took the Lincoln Project apart piece by piece detailing the total failure of their mission.
Watching election night and realizing that President Trump’s campaign had miscalculated on a number of fronts brought me all the way back to 2015 when I was looking at working for Jeb Bush. Bush imploded because he tried to play Trump’s game. I ended up working for Dr. Ben Carson, the nicest guy in the race. When working for Carson, I could see all the people whose anger President Trump played to. I called them the “rage-based-coalition”. It was not until Dr. Carson lost, that I endorsed the President and came on board.
I am a long time GOP activist. I adhere to the axiom, fight the primary and unify in the general. I learned that those I learned it from were all the establishment squishes that usually won the primaries because they almost always had all the money with which to campaign. A whole bunch of these people went insane over the victory of President Trump in the primary. Their relevance was damaged forever. This is one thing I will always be grateful to President Trump for. His ego and presence was so gigantic that a generation of power brokers got broken. Yet despite these people not following their own axiom of support your nominees, I did.
I have no regrets for defending and towing the line for President Trump, his policies were awesome yet his personality was a constant issue.
I also take major issue with so-called Republicans that resisted the president and people that campaigned for Joe Biden while holding leadership positions within the GOP. At times of my choosing, I am going to light them up on this blog and this includes the never-trumper “Chairwoman” of the CAGOP.
President Trump also broke the national media – even as they are congratulating themselves for their part in defeating him. Trump’s own mouth and ego did far more to his re-election than their biased or flat out false reporting did. I’ve seen internal polls about the cover-up of the hunter biden stuff, there was no discernable impact. People in America know the media is biased, they did not care, they were tired of the drama. The media’s ability to impact elections has been forever decimated.
I watched President Trump make a deep, emotional connection with a group of voters that the GOP has been able to reach but for fleeting moments in history. I often wondered if it was narcissistic leadership as I would question weather the President had true empathy. The President also exhibited other classic narcissist tedencies, he is alleged to have cheated on his wives, he would incite chaos during periods of relative calm, he would pick fights with and engage with all kinds of people he should have ignored and he’d famously overhaul people leaving his administration.
Then, at the same time, he delivered a plethora of conservative policies we wished Bush and Reagan would have done. Narcissists deliver out of their own personal pride because they have to look good – you can’t honestly look at everything President Trump did and fit it in to that paradigm. (But that wall was indeed about Trump)
Then you have the anti-narcissist things, No new wars? Millions of new Republican registrations, recruiting and endorsing candidates for lower office (some of whom returned the help by betraying him), a series of policies that pulled people off of Welfare, record employment numbers, small business explosions, crime reductions, pardons, criminal justice reform are some that come to mind. A Narcissist would start wars. A Narcissist would only do things that had a direct benefit to himself.
However, the New York Asshole routine ran its’ course with many people. The election was not a repudiation of President Trump’s policies, it was a repudiation of the asshole himself. Only the nearly psychotic Lincoln Project people got lower than the president on the asshole scale on the R side. You had Antifa and BLM on the left to carry that mantle.
I heard it many times from people in various parts of the country – I like what he is doing, but I don’t like him. Just like in my insurance business, people buy insurance from people they like. An asshole with the perfect insurance policy will starve. Why would an election be different? Still others admitted they knew the media was lying but saw it is a commensurate response to trump’s behavior.
I have taken a lot of time to review the election fraud allegations. I believe some of them are true. However, this national review piece about a rejected lawsuit in Wisconsin sums up a lot of the failed legal wrangling. My hope is that the election aftermath forces election security reform in many swing states. I think Wisconsin and Georgia could have been impacted by election fraud, but the margins elsewhere were too large. Yes, Michigan and Pennsylvania violated their own election laws and I am sure they will be forced by lawsuits to clean up their act. A potential benefit of this election is to elevate the scrutiny of election fraud.
However, President Trump is not handling himself well in the aftermath of the election – taking me right back to why it was so hard to warm up to him. The same people that repulsed me in 2015 are back out in force screaming “We Wuz Robbed”. Did any of those people walk precincts or make phone calls? Nope. They were driving around with Trump flags on their cars. That is the easy feel good stuff – like posting on facebook. The democrats know this dynamic and count on it to beat us at the ballot box.
The democrats were out harvesting ballots. I also hope the election aftermath causes accountability in the post office, I’ve long believed that mail ballot elections give the postal service too much power.
Let me give some examples that have caused me to believe that President Trump really did lose:
Nevada: the amount of fraud reported is not enough to cover the deficit. They say about 4k dead people and 4k non citizens voted along with about 4k out of state voters. Find them. Find where the ballots went and prosecute the perpetrators. We know that Californians were registering in other states to vote – it should not be hard to nail them. Trump lost Nevada by 34,000 in 2020 vs 24,000 in 2016. I know firsthand that in Washoe County, people were fixated on the New York Asshole and it had nothing to do with anything else. Trump did not play well in the west. I spoke to insiders in Nevada that told me Trump was going to lose Nevada about 2 weeks out. At the same time – the GOP picked up 4 seats in the Nevada legislature…
Arizona: President Trump’s war with John McCain in addition to being a New York Asshole. John McCain is an icon out there, and President Trump never shored up his support with Mormons who are 9% of the electorate in both Arizona and Nevada. Trump barely lost Arizona, and his campaign was asleep – they should have known the President was in trouble in AZ and transferred assets there. Trump could not leave McCain alone.
Minnesota – Trump lost by 1.4% in 2016 but got hammered in 2020 by 7.5%
Colorado – Trump lost by 4.8% in 2016 but got slaughtered by 14% in 2020.
Virginia – Trump lost by 4.8% in 2016 but got decimated by 10% in 2020. The GOP gained seats in the VA legislature at the same time.
New Hampshire: Trump lost by 3,000 votes in 2016 but got obliterated by 59,000 in 2020. Yet – the GOP wiped out the dems at the state level. It was not an issue with Republicans, it was an issue with Trump.
Maine: Susan Collins won by 9 and Trump lost by 9 – an incredible spread of 18 points. Typically, the Top of the Ticket and the Senator are within 3 points of each other.
Wisconsin. 20K win turns in to a 20K loss. Ouch.
How do you lose Georgia while winning North Carolina and Florida? You Take Georgia for granted, not allocate enough resources or have some sort of issue with the voters. Trump did all three. I looked at GA-06 where the infamous (T)Ossoff vs Handel race ocurred. Handel got hammered by 10 points in 2020. This means that Trump had some major issue with suburban voters in Georgia. Trump lost Georgia by 13000 votes after winning by nearly 5 points in 2016. Yes, there are major issues with elections in Georgia but Trump should have never cut GA that close for the fraud to be a determining factor.
Yet – while the Trump campaign let Georgia go right out from under them, President Trump won North Carolina with a much smaller margin than in 2016. Where was the fraud in North Carolina?
Michigan and Pennsylvania are both complete disasters. Those two states are going to require in-depth analysis to determine what happened for sure. The margins there were larger than other areas.
Trump’s campaign was not the only campaign that miscalculated. Kevin McCarthy wrote off NV-03 yet the candidate only lost by 2.98%. CA-45 and CA-49 were also written off, yet those candidates finished within 7% despite having no money at all. With Congress at a thin margin, how big would it have been to have those three seats!
Fraud? If there was enough to matter, we certainly would have gone backwards elsewhere.
The Republicans were supposed to lose 5 seats in the Senate. It looks like one of the two in Georgia will win the runoff. If we split the Georgia senate – it will be a loss of just 2.
The Republicans were supposed to lose 10-15 seats in Congress. While the democrats are trying to steal NY-22 and IA-02 (I doubt they succeed) by appealing to congress to usurp the voters in those districts, the gain is at least 10. probably 12. This is an incredible 20-22 seat swing from predictions.
Republicans control re-districting in most of the country and gained seats in legislatures everywhere.
An honest analysis will show that millions of ballots had votes for Biden with Republicans down the rest of the ticket, or no vote for President and Republicans down the ticket. People had literally been worn out by the sideshow.
The moral of this story, if you want to be a successful politician, don’t be a jerk.