Feb 252022

On 3-29-2014, Dennis Revell went to speak to the Tehama GOP (which at the time had an active and functional GOP Central Committee). 

The speech is linked here in its’ entirety, but the pertinent part to the Ukraine is posted below. 

In a speech he gave in 1975, Ronald Reagan urged his party to raise a “banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors.”

That advice is as true today as it has been at any time before. Boldness would be an especially effective contrast to the timidity and confusion that many feel characterize the current administration’s response to the situation in the Ukraine.

In a subsequent speech a couple of years later, delivered before the Conservative Political Action Committee, D.C., Reagan argued that American leadership  requires us to understand and express forcefully what makes America great and similarly to understand and speak clearly about how starkly our enemies stand in opposition to those values. In that speech he said: (Quote)

“The themes of a sound foreign policy should be no mystery, nor the result of endless agonizing reappraisals. They are rooted in our past — in our very beginning as a nation… Our principles were revolutionary… Our example inspired others, imperfectly at times, but it inspired them nevertheless… To this   day, America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our purpose in the world — nothing more, nothing less.

To carry out that purpose, our fundamental aim in foreign policy must be to ensure our own survival and to  protect those others  who  share our values. Under no circumstances should we have any illusions about the intensions of those who are enemies of freedom.

If we are to continue to be that example — if we are to preserve our own freedom — we must understand those who would dominate us and deal with them with determination.” (Unquote)

When he gave this speech, Ronald Reagan was referring to the failure of the United States under the Carter Administration to stand up for human rights against Soviet totalitarianism. But the same principles apply today to our struggle with radical Islamism and in particular to the unfolding crisis in the Ukraine.

First, it must be the policy of the United States to defend consistently and resolutely the standards for the universal rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence and codified into the law in the Constitution. This principle has much deeper and more complicated ramifications than a shallow support for democratic elections.

Instead, we should be on the side of genuine freedom for the people of the world. A Reagan Administration would be on the side of the Ukranian people and would be  prepared to help them move toward democracy and solidarity with Europe and the United States.

This means that the United States must be willing to stand by the Ukrainian people as they continue on their path for free and fair elections with new parties and leaders in an environment that protects freedom of speech, the press and free assembly.

Under no circumstances should the United States continue to draw “lines in the sand” and step back and draw another every time an adversary to freedom then crosses each new line.

With all this being said, Ronald Reagan would have also understood that, despite the troublesome aspects of his rule,   Vladimir Putin understands and respects only one thing, a stronger and more resolute opponent.

I believe Reagan would have been much more discreet about recognizing Putin’s ambitions in the first place, taken preemptive steps to make Putin’s recent actions more difficult to achieve and have worked to remove the leverage Putin has over the region by virtue of its oil and gas supplies. He would have recognized that doing anything less would send the wrong signal to other world leaders about how the U.S. treats its allies and freedom loving people around the world.

Most people feel, I suspect, that we are currently at best reacting to the developments in Ukraine, not on top of what is taking place, let alone managing it.

We expect our government, the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and others to speak with one voice, with one sense of purpose and determination and to give us the confidence and assurance that they are making every effort to ensure the peace and freedom for the Ukrainian people, but most importantly, providing assurance for the peace and security of the United States and its trusted allies.

Dec 012016

                                                     December 1, 2016

Dear Aaron,

I’m excited to formally announce my intention to run for re-election as Chair of the Placer County Republican Party in January 2017.

For the past four years, my top priority has been keeping my promises to you and the Republican Party, to: 

  • bring a new spirit of leadership to the Placer County Republican Central Committee (PCRCC);
  • demonstrate a new approach with a focus on transparency and legitimacy of the process;
  • perform our core responsibilities utilizing today’s technology and communicating in a style that will reach and “influence” the new and “uncommitted” voters; and
  • have a united focus on electing and re-electing competent, conservative Republicans to federal, state, regional and local offices.

Throughout my term as Chair, I have said we cannot critique our candidates for failing to adhere to a standard that we ourselves are not willing to abide by. Voters are often critical of elected representatives that are more interested and involved in securing their next elected position rather than dutifully attending to the responsibilities of the office they currently hold. Now with a very successful election behind us, I feel I can redirect my energies and focus from electing and re-electing Republicans, particularly at the local level, to ask for your support of my continued leadership of our team.

While some might find my Republican Party resume or my role in the recent Trump Presidential Campaign (CA Trump Delegate to the 2016 RNC Convention; CA Trump Surrogate; Member of CA Trump Campaign Communication and Transition Communication Teams; and CA Trump Electoral College Member) or my selection as a delegate to the Convention of States relevant to their decision to support me; I believe “Our Achievements” during my term as Chair ( End of Term Report) speaks volumes as to not only the enormous responsibilities of the position but the leadership I exhibited to unleash the talents, resources and energy found in our Central Committee members and alternates.

Serving as your Chair has been a tremendous honor and one I do not take for granted. I wake up every morning humbled by the responsibility given me almost four years ago. We still have so much work to do and must recognize both the necessity and the benefit of reaching out to younger voters, independent/NPP voters, Pro-Trump voters and emerging ethnic/cultural constituencies in Placer County.

It is because of both “Our Achievements” and “Our Challenges” that I am running for re-election as Chair of the Placer County Republican Party. I would like to help lead the effort to continue what we started four years ago and, with your help and involvement, make the next four years even better. I would be honored to have your vote and support as we continue this great undertaking.

Sep 302016

I remember 2002 like it was yesterday. Then Congressman John T Doolittle and others raised and spent thousands on slate mail cards to defend the Placer GOP from an attack of the “liberals”. The beneficiary of that effort was none other than Ken Campbell, who was re-elected chairman of the Placer GOP.

Within 4 years of Congressman Doolittle basically getting Ken Campbell re-elected chairman of the Placer GOP, Campbell was deposed as the party chairman for publicly attacking a slew of officeholders with his title and had then Mr. Campbell completely turned on Doolittle.

Despite the fact that the opposition to Mr. Revell is being led by Tom Hudson, Campbell is up to his neck in it and has been an agent of chaos in the years since sanity prevailed and he was ousted as Party Chairman.

I want the Ken Campbell that donates to local charity and volunteers time for local charity back. That guy is useful and helpful – not the vengeful self-righteous puritan zealot that pillories friend and foe alike. The Ken Campbell I see is a cowardly rage-ball that disappears from combative meetings that his rants and manipulation set up, preferring instead to let surrogates take the public heat.

No better an example there is than when the since vindicated Courage Worldwide got attacked publicly by Thomas N Hudson, Ken Campbell was nowhere to be found to defend Courage Worldwide from the attacks he knew were false. Yet, Campbell had flown to their Africa location and had donated thousands to their efforts over the years! This is not the behavior of someone who is trustworthy or a leader.

I’ve written ad-naseum about the foibles of Thomas N Hudson. He is the vocal and vicious leader of the opposition on the Placer GOP Cent Com. For the 18 years I have known him, he has been in the middle of dozens of political fights. His demonstrated character defects disqualify him from leading anything at anytime anywhere.

Both Campbell and Hudson play fast and loose with the truth and as I have learned in my years of knowing them both, and will outright lie if needed to “win”.

Deborah Jackson who is the candidate against Placer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell is a complete disappointment to me. Repeatedly, in politics, I’ve attempted to give people the benefit of the doubt and about 4 out of 5 times am utterly disappointed.

I had been warned about 3-4 years ago by another Tea Party operative about Deborah Jackson. I had a positive impression of Jackson when I met her, I was working well with Jackson despite my knowing of her affiliation with the above two. I don’t usually judge people in politics because they have friends I don’t like.

What I was warned about was that Jackson was a “Black Widow” type of person that gets involved in groups and then takes them over. Dennis Revell actually appointed her as a delegate to the state party, see what it got him?

Jackson is a retired police detective, I figured that it would make her more discerning and that discernment would allow her to see people accurately. I am sure it did.

The only conclusion I can draw is that she did indeed figure out who the players were and sought out those that would help her accomplish her goal of taking something else over.

What clued me in to who Deborah Jackson really was, was seeing her $100 check to the feckless non-Republican liberal opponent of Kirk Uhler. No real Conservative or Republican activist would attempt to take out the most Conservative Republican leader in Placer County unless there was an end game. In this case, it was Ken Campbell’s decade old grudge and Thomas N Hudson’s desire to assuage his bruised ego over the collapse of the Placer RA unit.

When the leaders of the Conservative movement on the Placer GOP are Ken Campbell, Deborah Jackson and Thomas N Hudson, it makes you want to have an abortion.

I have to admit, I was not a fan of Placer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell. The circumstances surrounding his ascendance to the Chairmanship of the Placer GOP started with $47,000 of independent expenditure money that was directed in to Placer County by David Stafford Reade. It has gotten back to me from sources that within the inside of the State GOP that “they” still brag about taking over the Placer GOP.

If having a nearly 2/3 majority of Tea Partiers that are being led by Hudson / Jackson and Campbell is a takeover, I’d hate to see what a loss looks like.

Revell seemed to be the logical choice at the time for Chairman of the Placer GOP. He was one of Ronald Reagan’s Son-In-Laws, he had no real enemies and seemed to be a consensus choice as David Stafford Reade had a relationship with him through the Lincoln Clubs. Tom McClintock knew Revell for years and all the Gaines’ cared about was anyone not aligned with any of their adversaries.

I did not like Revell as I saw him as a squish and a part of the Establishment, and I viewed the assistance of him by Congressman McClintock as the latest McSellout of Conservatives.

For the last 3 1/2 years, I have gratuitously taken shots at Revell and have enjoyed the turmoil and the ineffectiveness of the Placer GOP.

What I have since learned about Revell is revealing. Unlike many, I try not judge people by all of their friends as I expect well-rounded people to have a quiver of relationships across the spectrum. I got a glimpse of why Revell has as many friends as he does. It is not about Ronald Reagan, it is about a disarming, charming and sincere man. Meeting Revell allowed me to separate him from those that got him in to the mess of being Placer GOP Chairman.

The hubris that I once misread in Revell was actually his shyness and quiet exterior. Revell means well and indeed wants to see the GOP win more elections and register more voters. It seems that those two goals have escaped his detractors as it is all about control. Revell has attempted to negotiate with and engage the opposition. They are not interested.

Getting expelled from the CRA by people like Thomas N Hudson and others similar to him has helped me finally lift the veil of self-righteous pseudo-conservative stupidity that once blinded me. Their current leadership makes me embarrassed to be a Social Conservative as they could not stop a nosebleed let alone an abortion, but man they will tell you how right they are…

It used to be a case of “How Conservative Is He/She?” was the first question I asked. This led to repeated cases of ideological fratricide over feckless, moribund marginal candidates (or hurricanes). It led to the emergence of charlatans like Tom Del Becarro, Chuck DeVore, Karen England, Tim Donnelly and others who fund-raise and rip off naive unsuspecting people while engaging in personal behavior that is horrendous.

It has led to the legitimization of people like Hudson/Campbell/Jackson and given credence and rise to a generation of destructive operators who believe that since they are right and all those squishes are wrong that anything they do to advance their cause is justifiable.

Dennis Revell may not be as Conservative as I am, but his heart is in the right place. He is a real man with a real heart and he wants to help. I believe that he deserves re-election as Placer GOP Chairman because of who HE is, not because of my disdain for the excuses of Conservative leaders that are on that committee. It is high time we had servants instead of arrogant narcissists and cowards in leadership positions in the Placer GOP, and in office everywhere.

I sincerely hope that the legislative staff that David Stafford Reade and others paid to help elect in 2016 to the Placer GOP stay put. I hope that Kevin Kiley and other partisan electeds take a direct interest in helping right the crazy train of the Placer GOP. Dennis Revell is a good man, but he was left to fend for himself after 2012 and the crazies will once again bring the committee to a standstill unless Mr. Revell has backup.

Apr 122016

I am receiving communication related to www.victorbekhet.com. Victor Bekhet (dot) com is a website backed up with factual information. The reporter can certainly avail herself of the documentation on the website.

Having seen David Stafford Reade’s past media drills based on bald-faced lies that culminated in a story on the front page of the Sacramento Bee on 7/11/2011 quoting Doug LaMalfa and Ted Gaines accusing the Placer GOP of money laundering… I’ve seen this all before!

Dennis Revell is a PR Guy. He has access to media contacts and is no stranger to media drills.

Revell is also a long time buddy of David Stafford Reade – both are connected through the Lincoln Clubs and other establishment Republican groups. David Stafford Reade was the prime mover behind Dennis Revell being elected Placer GOP Chairman after Reade and others organized a $45,000 independent expenditure targeting conservative members of the committee (some of whom lost, paving the way for the socially liberal Revell to get elected chairman).

Revell has also taken his cues from Reade several times with regard to internal CA GOP drills over the last four years. You could say that Revell is another one of Reade’s patsies.

For what it is worth – Ken Campbell (who also hates Bekhet’s opponent Kirk Uhler) is also connected to David Stafford Reade, both served on the board of the Capitol Resource Institute together years ago. It is a cozy little world in politics!

It is easy, then for me to conclude that Revell and Reade are working together on another media drill.

It is also obvious that both these men are deeply concerned over what is written about them on this blog. I got a simple piece of advice for them, get some integrity and you won’t get your asses beaten anymore. Instead, however, it appears that Reade’s lifelong pattern of bullying political opponents has gotten worse, not better.

Also, I would like to thank the local TV news station for helping promote this blog that no one claims to read. (Yet, somehow everyone seems to know what is on it.)

Meantime – I see the events of today as validation that I am on to something with the cabal behind Bekhet. David Stafford Reade, Dennis Revell, Ken Campbell and a handful of others want to get rid of Placer County’s most Conservative Supervisor Kirk Uhler and they are attempting to run a media drill to do so.

To be continued.

Apr 112016

Well, it looks like Ken Campbell has joined Victor Bekhet screaming. Victor Bekhet sent out a press release (with a 650 area code number on it), decrying all the horrible mean things your intrepid blogger has been doing to him.

Apparently, Mr. Campbell lacks creativity… or perhaps it is just a burning rage. It is indeed difficult to be creative when you are psychotically enraged over a 14 year old grudge. Campbell does indeed like to write inaccurate letters to the editor in local papers to vent his flames.

I do appreciate that Ken Campbell counts himself amongst the thousands of loyal readers of this blog. Because of the support of he, Bekhet and so many others our readership outnumbers most local papers. (Including the Lincoln and Auburn Papers – both of whom have housed his screeds for years)

Ken sent the following email to the Placer GOP Central Committee in an effort to get them to endorse the non-Republican Victor Bekhet. Since the Placer GOP has allowed its’ members to advocate against the nominees of the Republican Party in the past without consequence, why should any of us be surprised by this?

Dear Central Committee,

Supervisor Kirk Uhler’s dishonest, unethical behavior and potentially criminal campaign activity.

I received a phone call on Friday, 3/18 from Victor Bekhet.  Bekhet wanted to introduce himself since we had never met.  Apparently he had read Aaron F. Park’s blog (I did not know anyone read that trash), and Park claimed I was supporting Bekhet…and Bekhet  wanted to meet me.  The second time I talked to Bekhet was at the 3/29 Republican function at Sun City.

Admittedly, I had very little interest in the Placer County District 4 Supervisor’s race—until the events of last week.

Uhler produced phony campaign fliers for Bekhet directing people to a phony website Uhler manufactured containing false and slanderous information about Bekhet.  Uhler had his identical political twin and paid campaign worker ($3,500), Aaron F. Park, blanket cars in the parking lot at a MAC meeting with the fliers. Uhler was so proud of his handy-work that he personally walked up to Bekhet to hand him a flier.

All this is detailed in Bekhet’s press release (pasted below) along with the attachments proving the press release.

Please read this.  Do you support this?  Debate the issues but don’t assassinate and slander the character of the opponent.  Where does Bekhet go to get his reputation back?

I know not what course others may take, but as for me I can not defend, support or stand silent as Uhler uses these campaign tactics.  Please read the following and chose for yourself.

Allow me to remind Mr. Campbell that Rage is covered under the first amendment, just like nuking lousy candidates for office.

Dennis Revell has a problem. He has not led and is trying to avoid this problem all together and now it is a five alarm fire.