Mar 182020

Take a look at Tyler Diep how is now about 1,000 votes down. We wrote about him on Monday 3-16-2020. If I am DieDre Nguyen, I am not looking forward to what is in store for me. Janet Nguyen is one of the few Politicians that I respect for their willingness to kick some tail. (This is an EXCEEDINGLY RARE commodity on the R side of the aisle)

William Bill Brough is burnt toast. Let’s soon see that report on him from the assembly working committee about his maladies with women, Ok? Now that there is no political advantage to be gained for Anthony Rendon sitting on it, it is time for the Report which we know was finished in early February to come out.

IN AD74 – I proudly helped Diane Dixon, but the incumbent is sitting on 52% of the vote. Cottie Petrie-Norris-Norris is going to be a tough target.

Earlier, We detailed how William “Bill” Brough’s TOP 2 supporters – the crazed on-again and off-again Republican Art Sanchez and Sex Robot Shawn got less than 3% of the vote in their efforts for OCGOP Central Committee in AD73… we have NEW and exciting news to report:

DUI Debbie wrapped herself around a political telephone pole. She is down 199 votes with next to no ballots left in Orange County to tally. Remember, because of the dispersion of votes in a vote for 6 race, 199 Votes may as well be 1,000.

The OCGOP dodged a major bullet and barring some idiot elected appointing her as an alternate, SHE GONE. The members of the OCGOP will get some peace from her six-page emails and unhinged rants.

Mar 012020

Derobah Pauly is well-known for having political Tourette’s Syndrome. The list of people she hates and rages on goes far beyond your intrepid blogger. I am not sure years of therapy and an exorcism would help Pauly.

Later, Pauly claimed her remarks were aimed at two of the event’s speakers who she alleged were terrorists. But that did little to satisfy critics. Hundreds of people from various ethnicities and faiths protested at Villa Park City Hall, calling Pauly’s remarks bigoted and Islamophobic.

This isn’t the first time Pauly has had a run-in with police involving alcohol. In 2012, her husband James tried to evade a police DUI checkpoint in Orange, but instead crashed the car he was driving, also a Porsche, into a curb and was arrested for drunken driving, the OC Weekly reported.

During that arrest, James Pauly tried to slip off his handcuffs, and Deborah Pauly asked to drive the Porsche home, according to the Weekly. But police refused the request because she appeared to be drunk, the Weekly said.

When reached for comment, Pauly said she didn’t want to discuss the circumstances of her accident this month because her DUI case is still pending.

However, she did acknowledge making comments during the police encounter that could have been construed as anti-Muslim.

At first, she said it’s “absolutely not true” that she made anti-Muslim remarks the night she was arrested. But when asked if she said something that could have been interpreted or misconstrued as anti-Muslim, she responded, “it was 9/11,” referring to the anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

According to an online city log, she was arrested at 1:24 am on Sept. 12.

Someone want to tell me why a Villa Park Councilmember was in a residential neighborhood at 1:24AM near the 91/I5 intersection? And, note – shortly after this 2015 DUI, Pauly and her husband of 32 years split.

2 wrecked Porsches later – it was a Mazda Pickup that was the undoing of Mz. Pauly.

Pauly hates OCGOP Chairman Fred Whitaker and is known for inciting fights and drama at OCGOP meetings because the voices in her head tell her to. It is ironic, as it has been put to me that Whitaker is also a top booster of CA-45 Candidate Don Sedgwick. Politics does indeed create odd coalitions.

In addition – in the few years I have been tracking the crazed Deborah Pauly, she has run for AD-68 and OC Supervisor.

It appears that Mz. Pauly has a fan club

Then of course people in Orange County are really appreciative of Pauly’s campaign style – when she is not bagging on Asians or talking about Marines sending Muslims to meet their virgins or drinking and driving or… aw hell…

Thank You Deborah Pauly for defacing our CA-45 campaign. #FACEPALM #NUTZ

Feb 272020

Lt. Eric Trapp said Pauly, 56, was driving a blue Porsche 911 and negotiating a turn from the 1100 N. Minot block onto Ventura street when she struck a white Mazda pickup truck. The truck was parked at the time of the accident, Trapp said.

She was given a field sobriety test and officers determined she was intoxicated, according to Trapp. She was booked at the Anaheim police station.

Pauly, a well known anti-establishment figure within the Orange County GOP, triggered a firestorm in 2011 for comments she made that were perceived as hate speech against Muslims.

Speaking to a crowd of protesters outside an Islamic charity event held at a mosque in Yorba Linda, Pauly said, “I know quite a few Marines who would be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise,” and that what was happening inside the mosque was “pure, unadulterated evil.”

Later, Pauly claimed her remarks were aimed at two of the event’s speakers who she alleged were terrorists. But that did little to satisfy critics. Hundreds of people from various ethnicities and faiths protested at Villa Park City Hall, calling Pauly’s remarks bigoted and Islamophobic.

Gheez Don, you really need to do a background check on your campaign surrogates!

What the hell? Was DUI Debbie drunk again? It appears that she has had multiple, public incidents with alcohol. And, here we have a direct slam on Asians on her facebook page.

So – read her comments carefully and put them in context of her calling for Marines to send Muslims to meet Allah. She says flat out that Asian Drivers on a stretch of roadway with extensive construction is treacherous.

So, DUI Debbie, what part of being Asian is Not treacherous? Making Broccoli Beef? Folding a shirt?

This isn’t the first time Pauly has had a run-in with police involving alcohol. In 2012, her husband James tried to evade a police DUI checkpoint in Orange, but instead crashed the car he was driving, also a Porsche, into a curb and was arrested for drunken driving, the OC Weekly reported.

During that arrest, James Pauly tried to slip off his handcuffs, and Deborah Pauly asked to drive the Porsche home, according to the Weekly. But police refused the request because she appeared to be drunk, the Weekly said.

When reached for comment, Pauly said she didn’t want to discuss the circumstances of her accident this month because her DUI case is still pending.

However, she did acknowledge making comments during the police encounter that could have been construed as anti-Muslim.

At first, she said it’s “absolutely not true” that she made anti-Muslim remarks the night she was arrested. But when asked if she said something that could have been interpreted or misconstrued as anti-Muslim, she responded, “it was 9/11,” referring to the anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

According to an online city log, she was arrested at 1:24 am on Sept. 12.

“It’s impossible I think to go through 9/11 without thinking what happened to our country, and how so many of our freedoms have been lost as a result,” she said.

Officers “hear what they want to hear,” Pauly said.

During the interview, Pauly went on to speculate that Muslims had fed the story to Voice of OC. She also accused others who don’t want to see her elected of pushing the story, including possibly her opponents in the assembly race or members of the county GOP establishment.

“This is someone of course trying to discredit me… I expect to be attacked constantly. I expect every little thing I do to be scrutinized,” Pauly said. “I certainly wasn’t making any comments other than how distressing that day is, which it is,” she said.

Dui Debbie needs help. (BTW – read the Voice of OC for the rest of the article cited in this blog)

Attacking Asians. Attacking Muslims. Attacking Cops. 2 Wrecked Porsches in Alcohol-Related Incidents.

What does this disaster do for an encore?

If I was Greg Raths – I’d write this nimrod a thank you letter for attacking him. If I as Don Sedgwick, I’d call Orange County Mental Health Services to do a welfare check on her. (And I’d call your Bishop, too)

And she called me evil too. LOL

Feb 262020

People that read Right on Daily will remember that DUI Debbie Pauly is one of my FAVORITES.

Deborah Pauly is one of my favorites in politics. I will give her credit for making her opinions known. Loudly. Repeatedly. Aggressively.

Apparently, she has “Top Gun Envy” or something against Greg Raths, because it certainly does not appear that she is enamored with Don Sedgwick. Her unscrewed rants (normal for her) against Greg Raths are hysterically Funny. (And just plan hysterical)

This remains one of my favorite screenshots of all time.

Lest Don think that DUI Debbie is a hardcore supporter – she decided to support Travis Allen for Governor 100% based on the fact that I was being paid to assist John Cox.

Does this photo mean DUI Debbie doesn’t like Travis Allen anymore. I’m everywhere MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

With people like Deborah Pauly supporting Don Sedgwick, Katie Porter probably can cut back on her budget for opposition research. And Mr. Sedgwick should be advised to not let Pauly volunteer to drive for precinct walks or campaign events.

As far as the differences between DUI Debbie Pauly and Greg Raths, here’s just one.

Greg Raths has served two terms as Pro-Tem and one as Mayor of Mission Viejo. Deborah Pauly on the other hand couldn’t get the Villa Park Council to ever give her the right time of day.

Don Sedgwick is a practicing Mormon who is alleged to be an elder/priest of some sort in his local stake/district. If so, I am not sure how having surrogates such as Deborah Pauly keeps in adherence with the admonition of the prophet Joseph to “Stand in Holy Places”. It appears more like a the back end of a Mazda Pickup in Northwest Anaheim. From the DUI Queen of Orange County:

ANAHEIM, Calif. – At around 1 a.m. on Sep. 12, Deborah Pauly, a candidate for assembly and a former Villa Park city council member crashed into a parked, unoccupied vehicle and was arrested for driving under the influence.

Pauly, 56, was behind the wheel of a Porsche 911 when she collided with a parked Mazda pickup truck in the 100 block of Minot Street in the early morning hours of Sep. 12, according to Anaheim police Lt. Eric Trapp. Pauly’s whereabouts before the crash has not been released.

According to Trapp, an Anaheim police officer had Pauly submit to a field sobriety test at the scene of the accident, but she failed the test.

Pauly was arrested and booked into the Anaheim Temporary Detention Facility under for DUI and driving under the influence with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or greater, said Trapp.

Due to the pending criminal case, Anaheim police would not provide Pauly’s exact BAC.

Trapp said that Pauly was released from jail on a written promise that she would appear in court. Her arraignment is scheduled for Oct. 26 in Orange County North Justice Center in Fullerton.

On Sep. 28, Pauly claimed that “personal issues” contributed to the incident.

In a written statement, Pauly said that in the midst of launching her campaign for assembly, in August her husband filed for divorce after 32 years of marriage. She stressed that this very painful personal circumstance was no excuse to take full responsibility for her lapse.

She said the incident was a reminder to stay focused on her campaign and to maintain her high personal standards of character and conduct.

Pauly called her DUI “completely uncharacteristic” and asked for understanding, compassion, prayers and forgiveness. She said that this shall pass and she’ll be stronger because of it. Ultimately, she said, persevering through this challenge will make her a better person and legislator.

Pauly, a Republican, is running against Harry Sidhu in the 2016 election to replace Don Wagner, R-Irvine. The district spans from Anaheim Hills to Lake Forest.

In our next installment of DUI Debbie, we are going to discuss her High Personal Standards of Character and Conduct. (Note: I have not had a drink in over 17 years…)

Dear Don – you may want to hire a PHD level shrink to medicate Deborah Pauly as it may be the only way to keep her from costing you votes. Just a friendly suggestion from your intrepid blogger.