May 262013

You’ve seen our snippet about the Ryan Schohr vs Jimmy Gallagher race in AD-03. I don’t know much about either candidate but it is safe to say that we are leaning towards Schohr at this point.

CD-03 – our intel tells us that Dan Logue is the Republican Front-Runner by a mile. It does not look like Kim Dolbow-Vann is running again, nor is Rick Tubbs. There have been pernicious rumors about some sort of back-room deal cut to set Dan up to run in this district, they are absurd. Dan Logue is unlikely to be endorsed by either Jim Nielsen or Doug LaMalfa until after the primary. CD-03 includes All of Colusa, Yolo, Yuba, Sutter and a gerrymandered slice of Sac, Lake, Glenn and about a third of Solano County. Yolo and Solano are the population center and the district favors the socialist John Garamendi by about 10%.

We expect Dan Logue to announce against Garamendi sometime in the next two months.

CD-07 – this one is interesting, it is infested by Fraud Doctor Ami Bera. Bera defeated Lungren by a slim margin due largely to Lungren’s campaign, not due to Bera’s brilliance.

The registration is effectively even. The combination of that and the 2014 election being an allegedly different dynamic means that this seat could return to the good guys.

This is why newly elected state senator Ted Gaines went to Washington DC recently. The joke is on the voters of SD-01. While we are skeptical that Gaines will get traction, he has been one of the luckiest men in politics in the North State. The Dave Gilliard Moderate Machine is pushing him – McCarthy Acolyte Doug LaMalfa and Conservative until he gets to Sacramento State Senator Jim Nielsen is as well. In an ironic twist, should Gaines run, he’d likely be positioned as the moderate in the race!

Which leaves Doug Ose. We don’t think he runs, We don’t think he will be able to drop another 3-5million in to a congressional run. It does not look like the insiders want a retread (and Gaines isn’t?). We think Doug Ose would be extremely competitive if he ran – apparently, he would have to move to be in the district like Ted Gaines would have to move again for the second time in as many years.

… and Elizabeth Emken, 2012 US Senate Nominee moved to Fair Oaks. We like Elizabeth a lot.

The 800 Pound Gorilla that everyone knows is there (including the fraud doctor) is Igor Birman. Birman is a Russian Jew who fled Soviet Communism to come to American Socialism. Unlike Ose, Gaines or Emken – Igor is just over 30, is a fresh face AND can raise the money necessary to win. In case his name is not familiar – he is Iconic Conservative Congressman Tom McClintock’s Chief of Staff.

Guess who gets McClintock’s army and endorsement? (Hint, it isn’t Gaines)

However, Republicans are Republicans so one thing that is clear – there will be a money-draining primary complete with all the pleasantries – and if Gilliard is involved, racist mailers are likely as well.

Finally – we have a Secretary of State Candidate, Pete Peterson. Pete Peterson was profiled by the Sacramento Bee. It appears that Peterson is the lone Republican in a crowded field of Democrats. I don’t expect that to last as Republicans can’t seem to help themselves to understand strategy in a state that is 28% Republican.

Peterson is the executive director of Pepperdine University’s Davenport Institute. I’d lay odds he will be able to raise a few bucks. With a limit of 5700 per calendar yer / 6800 per cycle, he’s got some work to do.

More coming soon.

Bob Williams – The Next Contestant in the David Stafford Reade Bus Tour

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May 082013

How many of you remember the AD-03 Race in 2012?

Tehama County Supervisor Bob Williams ran against Assemblyman Dan Logue in 2012. Dave Gilliard talked Bob Williams in to spending $50k +/- (of his own money, no less) running against Dan Logue. In addition, Bob Williams is in debt – as Dave Gilliard typically spends all of his clients in to substantial debt.

Invariably, Williams was promised the pole position in the 2014 AD03 race.

Bob Williams was used. Dave Gilliard and David Stafford Reade knew 100% that Doug LaMalfa was going to quit the State Senate after winning his Congressional Primary.

The purpose of Williams running was to bleed money off of Dan Logue, making it much more difficult for Logue to compete with Jim Nielsen.

Then Logue’s Kidney kicked in, Nielsen won without a fight.

Bob Williams, no longer useful to Dave Gilliard and David Stafford Reade found his way under the David Stafford Reade bus. (With Willie Preston and others)

James Gallagher is now the chosen favorite – he has the endorsements of Gentleman Jim and Doug LaMalfa. Gallagher is also Dave Gilliard’s latest paycheck in the North State.

Too bad for Gallagher, he is a lawyer that Gilliard is trying to re-brand. (Gilliard seems to have a pattern of re-branding candidates, like taking someone that has never held an insurance license and transforming them into an owner of an insurance agency).

Gallagher has an opponent – Ryan Schohr, a real farmer. Looks like the reverse of Keene vs LaMalfa. This should be fun – and it would not surprise me if there are a few pissed off people in Tehama County looking to assist his effort.

Cheryl Bly-Chester Costs Jim Nielsen a Placer GOP Endorsement

 Cheryl Bly-Chester, Dan Logue, Jim Nielsen  Comments Off on Cheryl Bly-Chester Costs Jim Nielsen a Placer GOP Endorsement
Oct 112012

Cheryl Bly-Chester is an idiot – she cost Jim Nielsen a Placer GOP endorsement.

She, Jon Green, and Mike Holmes are the leaders of the “Moderate Movement” on the Placer GOP Central Committee. They were part of the 8 votes in favor of Nielsen when the Placer GOP endorsed Dan Logue 16-8.

Dan Logue withdrew, citing health reasons on Monday. The state CRP by-laws state that we need 7 days notice to do an endorsement at the Cent Com level. An endorsement of Jim Nielsen by the Placer GOP should have been automatic.

Murriel Oles was asked if Jim Nielsen asked for a Placer GOP endorsement and was also asked if Dan Logue had endorsed Jim Nielsen. She answered no to both questions.

Cheryl decided that she would not take no for an answer and led an effort to overrule Chairman Jeff Atteberry who ruled a motion to endorse as out of order because of there not being adequate notice.

Cheryl Bly-Chester is noted for nit-picking every issue, making baseless accusations and extending the length of meetings as she does 30-50% of the talking that is done at a given Cent Com meeting she attends.

At the meeting last night, Cheryl was attempting to shut the meeting down over how Romney signs were purchased and “why are we getting so many cash contributions”, as people were rolling their eyes. Then she went after Jeff Atteberry.

Once Jeff Atteberry was overruled, the potential endorsement of Jim Nielsen was D.O.A. – because Cheryl is such a divisive person her tactics sealed Jim Nielsen’s doom.

When I endorsed Beth Gaines – it was an attempt to make peace.

Jim Nielsen could get my endorsement as well if he called me. However, whether Jim Nielsen cares about Aaron Park’s endorsement or not – Cheryl Bly-Chester is hurting his cause and Jim Nielsen would do well to distance himself from her.

Proof: Jim Nielsen Supported a Peripheral Canal and Dam Removal on 11/04/2009

 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dan Logue, Jim Nielsen  Comments Off on Proof: Jim Nielsen Supported a Peripheral Canal and Dam Removal on 11/04/2009
Sep 262012

Jim Nielsen’s campaign staff have a nightmare. They have claimed that Jim Nielsen opposes a Peripheral Canal and Opposes Dam Removal.

Jim Nielsen even said as much in person at the Placer GOP Cent Com Meeting on 9/19/2012.

Jim Nielsen lied to the Placer County Republican Party, the independent expenditure paid for by liberal billionaire Charles Munger on his behalf is lying.

SB X7 2 11/04/2009 – here is the vote tally – Note the title: TOPIC: Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supp

Whoops. Dan Logue NO, Ted Gaines NO – JIM NIELSEN YES. SB X7 2 was the vote to put the water bond on the 2010 ballot. It has since been moved twice.

The title is key – because the summary linked here has the same title, yet reads SB2. So that no one can attempt to parse words – this was SB2 from an extraordinary session as the legislature usually recesses at the end of August. Also – look at the link in your browser – you will see that it matches the term SB X7 2 in the link.

Please refer to page 25 – Page 25 provides $250,000,000 for Dam Removal in the Klamath River Watershed – this is in Siskiyou County.

What about the Peripheral Canal? – well, take a look at Governor Arnold gushing over the approval of this measure!

This is from the Stockton Record and is dated NOVEMBER 4, 2009 – an exact match with the above.

If you look closely at this bond – you will see that it is an environmental grab bag of pork, watershed restoration, clean drinking water – a veritable agenda 21 shopping spree.

Jim Nielsen can not wiggle free from this – his own record has doomed him. This bond that Nielsen supported will be on the ballot in 2014 unless it is moved again.

Jim Nielsen’s Senate Campaign just got aborted.