On 3-16-2019, the CIR met for its’ Third Annual Convention. We’ve now had more conventions than most non-permanently chartered CAGOP Organizations. The CIR was created to be a place for Conservatives to go that want to win elections who want to elect the most conservative candidate that can win. (The Buckley principle). The CIR has been created with 80% new members that have not been a part of another GOP Group.
The CIR has 11 Chapters in 14 Counties and lists around 300 members statewide. This has been built from scratch, the first such effort within the CAGOP in 30 years.
This convention was a celebration of success, marking the first time we’ve met as a fully chartered group. It was also a celebration of some turnover of leadership and new leadership joining our ranks.
Jay Obernolte was the afternoon speaker, he dove in to some detailed analysis of the election of 2018 (HINT: IT WAS NOT ALL ABOUT TRUMP), as well as some of the insanity in Sacramento. It is the belief of this blogger that Obernolte is on his way to Congress soon.
Your Intrepid Blogger had a chance to introduce newly minted CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson. I basically shared with the group all of the positive things I learned about her from my research. She was effervescent, interacting with people, smiling and seemed to be far more relaxed than at any point during her campaign. Yes – Relaxed and Happy, that was Jessica Patterson.
There are a lot of things going on in various parts of California that I will get in to at a later time that are sending mixed messages about what direction the leadership of the CAGOP are going in. That said, Jessica Patterson’s message was very clear.
Her Message: Voter Registration, Voter Turnout, Actually Doing Stuff, Actually communicating and messaging (versus a stand-off at a distance media type campaign) and trying to deliver resources to local organizations or committees. Seems simple, but so often these things get lip service and those in charge resume their behavior that has yielded years of losing.
Patterson also demonstrated a clear and concise knowledge of the issues within the party itself. She demonstrated a clear knowledge of the 2018 election. She made herself available for questions and demonstrated further competence in answering them.
While I await the Platform Drill, as it will tell us all where those in leadership stand, I will say that I have no doubt Jessica Patterson has the skill set to do the job as CAGOP Chair.
While it is my belief that there is going to be a huge internal fight over the CAGOP Platform, I think that Patterson has the skill set necessary to be effective. As I continue writing about things CAGOP, the goal is to report accurately what is going on in an attempt to help those now in charge to succeed.
I appreciated Jessica showing up so soon after the election as the CIR endorsed Travis Allen. I want her to succeed, and as you will begin to learn, there are issues in many areas of the state.
If you care about the CAGOP – you should want Jessica Patterson to succeed as well.