May 082024

Pictured, Luis Buhler a political leader in the Bay Area speaking next to the bust of L Ron Hubbard. The location is the Church of Scientology in San Jose

I have no idea what the hell Shane Patrick Connelly and the crew out in San Jose were thinking but they are now hosting their meetings at the Church of Scientology.

There are two simple issues here. There are plenty of places where someone could meet for free.

The Church of Scientology is one of the allegedly worst cults in America. Google people who survived and escaped scientology.

As an Evangelical Christian, I would feel that Shane and crew did this in order to dissuade me from participating in meetings. I would never set foot in a Church of Scientology unless I was law enforcement arresting someone.

Similar to Tim O’Reilly’s By-Law gaffe, this is an unforced error. Please, Shane and crew change your meeting location!!!

I had a letter sent to me multiple times, but I am going to quote a part of it:

The other interesting finding it that the Democrats are still meeting at the county for free. I had a friend call the Democrat party to ask where their next meeting would be and it is also posted on their website, that they are still meeting at county facilities. The Dems did not lose their meeting space. I filed a Public Records Request with the County to find out who is allowed to meet for free and have been communicating with the county about their policies. It turns out that if you meet at the same time a county group is meeting, you can piggy back off of their security and not have to pay any fees. This means that we would have to change the day of our monthly meetings if we want out old meeting space back as no county groups meet the second Wednesday of the month.

It seems so simple.

Sep 242023

DO NOT BE FOOLED. The Republican Leadership DO NOT WANT A PLATFORM FIGHT. Yet people are calling delegates harvesting proxies in order to eviscerate the current platform claiming to do so at the behest of “Leadership,” falsely implying that people like James Gallagher and Brian Jones support the platform Re-Do.


FYI – the drama would end in 5 minutes if the “Chairwoman” would simply take a stand like Jim Brulte did 4 years ago.

Sep 232023

No one I know chose to be engaged in a fight over the CAGOP Platform. (Or, frankly, the rules surrounding RNC Delegate apportionment)

Sign up here to endorse re-adoption of the current CAGOP Platform.

But, here we are. For the 26 Years I have been involved in CAGOP politics, there has been a crew obsessed with eviscerating the CAGOP Platform, they happen to be Trump Supporters and aligned with Kevin McCarthy. Is this the message those two want to send to America?

When I joined CRA in 1999, I was told that the platform fights dated to the beginning of Governor Pete Wilson’s administration. (Think 1991-1999)

Those who scream the loudest about Conservatives being the problem can’t help but try to tear the party apart every 4 years. Your intrepid blogger got the following email and I endorse its’ contents 100%:

Dear CAGOP Delegate,

Our Declaration of Independence celebrates “self-evident truths” in the ordering of the universe, contained in the “laws of nature and of nature’s God.”  Truths evident in history, human nature, and written in the Scriptures are never to be compromised.

In our more recent past, former California Governor Ronald Reagan, addressing the Republican National Convention in 1976, said, “I believe the Republican party has a platform that is a banner of bold, unmistakable colors with no pale pastel shades.”

In 2023, at a time of great uncertainty, with the fundamental building blocks of society as we know it under attack by the radical left, will WE be the ones to lead the California GOP away from our bold, un-mistakeable principles in exchange for watered-down, fuzzy knock-off – the very pale pastels Reagan warned us about? At a time when Americans, betrayed by our political leaders, are seeking leadership based on timeless principles, will we let them down by retreating when we should, instead, advance?

We, the undersigned, ask you to join us to save our bold, unmistakable California Republican Party Platform.

Our existing CAGOP platform takes clear and firm stands on the following core, conservative principles: Economy and Jobs; Crime and Justice; Taxes and Government Spending; The Right to Life; Traditional Marriage; Family; The Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Religious Freedom; Election Integrity; Education, Immigration; National Defense; Private Property Rights; Veterans Affairs, our historic and ongoing Support for Proposition 13, and more. The current draft drops our commitments to traditional marriage, to the right to life, and to Proposition 13, while watering down our language on many other core principles through vague language and faddish buzzwords in a strained attempt to stay “current.”  Remember New Coke? Exactly.

Great movements are built on foundational principles.  We are confident that our Republican Party can grow strong again by basing our efforts as a party on the bedrock, eternal truths in our U.S. Constitution. Look what happened with Republican, pro-life Governor Glen Youngkin who won Virginia and lit the path forward by combatting the absurdity and evil of the culture war issues, not by capitulating to them. We must do the same. Bud Light, Target, and the Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts learned hard lessons when they embraced leftist extremism and forgot their base. California Republicans cannot afford to make the mistake of capitulating to the woke left instead of standing firm on our traditional values and core principles.

As a Party, we live as principled Republicans or die as a pale, pastel imitation of the Democrats. Abandoning our principles will not get us votes, but it will, most certainly, cause us to lose our most principled and loyal supporters and volunteers. Therefore, we ask that the CAGOP maintain its foundational principles and respectfully ask for your commitment to VOTE to keep our platform “as is” and would be grateful for your support.

Join Us
Harmeet K. Dhillon
California RNC National Committeewoman

Ted Gaines
Board of Equalization Member

Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman – Republican Party of Orange County.

Paula Whitsell
Chairwoman, Republican Party of San Diego County

Matt Heath
Chairman, Sonoma County Republican Party

Mike Morrell
Former California State Senator

Tony Krvaric
Chairman Emeritus, Republican Party of San Diego County

Copyright © 2023 RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet K. Dhillon, All rights reserved.
Thank you for your support!

Our mailing address is:

RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet K. Dhillon

177 Post St Ste 700

San Francisco, CA 94108-4725

Your Intrepid blogger would like to say a special thank you to Ted Gaines and Fred Whitaker. Both are frequent targets of Right on Daily but both deserve recognition for being 100% right on this issue. 

Dec 102022

You read that correctly – with Jessica Patterson holding the gavel and National Committeeman Shawn Steel in attendance, that is how it went down.

I was told that the letter Patterson and Steel signed supporting Ronna McDaniel was before the Georgia Loss and that may well have de-stabilized the coalition. I could also be wrong.

Your intrepid blogger chose to post about this because this is indeed a shock. I did not see this coming at all.

Dec 102020

Did you know that the “Chairwoman” and her handlers have handed the keys to what’s left of the CAGOP to Kevin Faulconer? Yup, they gave Faulconer the CAGOP’s donor list under the guise of having him chair a fundraising committee. We’ve seen this drill before and it is being run by the same crew that prostituted the CAGOP to Meg Whitman in 2009-2010. My guess is the sudden spate of emails we are seeing from Faulconer are using lists provided to him by the leadership of the CAGOP as well. (More on this soon)

Within the last week Republican “Leadership”, (the same crew that have had nothing to say about the rampage of Assemblyman Bill Brough and the six documented victims of his lifetime of sexual misconduct) have been making calls behind the scenes to put lockboxes on all incumbent Republican Electeds to re-elect CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson.

Kevin McCarthy wants to control more things, and he needs to keep the pieces of his potemkin village in place. One of those key pieces are the weak leaders of the CAGOP (but, hey they are all women! – that don’t defend women against wayward members), including the Chairwoman who has been dutifully undermining the grassroots and converting the CAGOP in to a shell-PAC for Kevin Faulconer for governor.

Just who is Kevin Faulconer? Take a look at a recent snippet from the SF Chron:

Note the key qualification – Kevin Faulconer is a trump-hater. The insiders running the CAGOP in the ground made a ton of faulty campaign decisions leaving people like Greg Raths and Bryan Maryott hanging because they believed President Trump was toxic. (And two white guys like Raths and Maryott would not do well, whoops)

We’ve all see this before – Meg Whitman (who raised money for Biden)! Except, Kevin Faulconer is Meg Whitman without money.

Consistent with the emerging media drill the oligarchy of controlled failure is running for Kevin Faulconer – is this gem of an article on 12-6-2020:

Climate Kool-Aid is a way of life for Kevin Faulconer. Yes, folks, the trump hating, tree hugging, baby killing, tax-raising, maven of corrupt real estate deals in San Diego is the choice of team McCarthy and your chairwoman. You don’t get to vote. Do what you’re told.

California Governor Gavin Newsom says the state needs massive tax hikes and more regulations to slow economic development and stop global warming.

At least one leading GOP challenger to Newsom, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, actually shares many of his Democrat rivals’ sentiments.

Faulconer, kicking off his campaign as his term as mayor ends this month, is expected to tout San Diego’s “Climate Action Plan,” launched in 2015, among his proudest accomplishments.

That plan — while very popular among San Diego Democrats and environmental activists who supported Faulconer— includes regulatory initiatives paid for with higher taxes and energy prices on employers and consumers.

This guy is going to make Arnold look conservative. Good Lord.

In response to Trump’s move, Faulconer joined San Francisco Mayor London Breed as co-chair of the Sierra Club’s “Mayors for 100 percent Clean Energy” activist group. It sought to encourage all U.S. mayors to ban coal and natural gas power in their cities by 2035.

Perhaps Faulconer will join Breed at the French Laundry for a fundraiser too?

The San Diego Association of Governments regional planning agency known as “SANDAG” is proposing $177 billion in tax hikes towards this end, “transforming” the region away from the automobile over the next three decades. That includes a sales tax increase it hopes to put on the 2022 ballot.

Faulconer is a public supporter of their plan. Last year he said he looked forward to “seeing it  come to life.”

Gov. Newsom announced in Sept. that he would “phase out” gasoline-powered cars in California by 2035— an even more ambitious plan than that of Faulconer and SANDAG.

So a Faulconer vs Newsom race will be about who can ban Gas Powered cars the quickest. Perhaps these guys should campaign on horseback, unless they are freaked out by the flatulance.

Thanks, Madam Chairwoman, what do you have for an encore? (As it certainly is not holding Republican losers accountable for abusing women)

Blogger’s note: I do not do anything anonymously. If you receive an email or some sort of social media post that is alleged to be me, but my name is not on it, that is a 100% guaranteed way to know I did not write it. You don’t have to like me, agree with me or take 100% of what I write as gospel but if my name is not on it, I did not write it.