Remember the slate mailer scam where Boxer basically paid off Maxine Watters and her family for an endorsement and preferrential treatment on their “Slate Mailer”?
Flap’s Blog just caught Waters trying to cover herself before her ethics trial starts. (Asking a Democrat majority to uphold ethics is like giving Jesse James the keys to the bank.)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Chair of the Senate Ethics Committee, has paid some $30,000 since 2004 for the endorsement of embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) in the context of a scheme that critics charge is unethical and amounts to Waters using her political station to benefit her family members.According to the Washington Times, Waters “has turned political endorsements into a family business, using federal election laws to charge California candidates and political causes to include their names as her personal picks on a sample ballot, or ‘slate mailer,’ she sends to as many as 200,000 South Central Los Angeles voters.”
The slate mailer business, it turns out, is run by Waters’ daughter, Karen, via her public relations firm. Records show that Karen Waters’ firm has been paid more than $350,000 since 2004, and has billed a further $82,000 since California’s June primary, for its services in this regard.
Now, Citizens for Waters – 555 S Flower St Ste 4510 Los Angeles, California 900712420 has refunded monies ($1,217.35) back to Friends of Barbara Boxer.
OUCH – Barbara Boxer’s world is getting quite narrow these days.