Jan 202020

So this was in my feed.

Then after seeing Mzzz Kennedy’s ad about her campaign (featuring other local democrat leaders) – I was treated to this (Speaking of being all partisan and stuff):

Apparently, Brynne loves high tax California and is upset that the feds are no longer subsidizing our Income and Property Tax Burdens.

Housing costs are artificially high and California’s Income Tax is top 5 out of the 50 states. One of the insidious things Bill Clinton did with his massive tax increase in 1993 was shift some of the burden from high-tax states to low tax states by giving a federal write off for state-level taxes thus mitigating the advantage of states with low or no property and income taxes.

Brynne Kennedy is getting a ton of liberal bay area money for her campaign, whenever you see a candidate talk about putting partisanship aside, that should be a gigantic red flag. It means “I am trying to trick you”.

Now, Mzzz Kennedy supports Impeachment, Abortion up until the moment of birth, opposed killing the terrorist leader and everything else required to be part of the rage-infested national democrat intelligentsia.

Let’s contrast her deception with Tom McClintock, her opponent:

Now that is pretty clear and unambiguous.

I write this blog as someone who is not a huge fan of Tom McClintock – but at least he is telling the truth in his campaign. Mzzz suicide bomber should probably dress up in a hammer and sickle outfit to show her true colors.

Dec 132019

We profiled Brynne Kennedy in a previous post. She has been elevated from suicide bomber to combatant with the entry of Julianne Benzel in to CA-04.

CA-04 Update: Get to know the next Dem Suicide Bomber Running Against Tom McClintock

Here’s the next one – Julienne Benzel who got a few minutes of fame challenging state mandates of education.

So ya get ya a campaign Van or Bus wrapped. It looks really cool and you park it in the Sam’s Club Walmart Parking lot in Roseville. This is Where people preoccupied with their cars full of items drive by it and don’t notice it is there. Only an eagle-eyed blogger looking for a target would roll up on that. (At that, I passed it and had to loop back around to see it)

How many of you remember Rob Matthews for Assembly? I just caught a photo of his bus. It is about all anyone remembers of him. I have not seen or heard from him since 2011 when he ran and lost.

I’ve never seen a lower level candidate that gets a large wrapped vehicle engaged in their campaign to be a winner.

Benzel got her 15 minutes of fame for challenging some school walkout day designed to brainwash kids against guns. She got fired, for this and other issues in her employment file. (and she had several issues according to sources)

After the media attention, Her first move was to run for US Senate, tried to Run for President and she then filed for Placer GOP Central Committe. When that was beneath her, she bailed. And here we are with Julianne Benzel for Congress. (Note – the Placer GOP endorsed Tom McClintock unanimously)

Sigh. As Republicans we are left with a choice of Julianne Benzel or Tom McClintock. I just voted to endorse McClintock at the Placer GOP meeting so Julianne makes the grifter list as she has met 6 of the criteria including shopping for as many offices as Ted Gaines.

P.S. My favorite campaign bus of all time: (Get to work Julianne…)

Nov 012019

I’m going to take the occasion of my 17th Sober Birthday to practice the principles that helped me achieve this milestone. I have a lot of issues with the way Tom McClintock chooses to govern and his discarding of political allies in the past. He’s done it his entire career. Doug LaMalfa and I have never really liked each other, either.

The are greater issues at work. Both LaMalfa and McClintock have extreme left-wing wackjobs funded with rage-fueled donations from the far left whose only agenda is to destroy the President. Look no further than the Washington Post obituary for the psychotic maniac leader of ISIS – calling him an Austere Scholar – to understand the deep level of psychosis that has gripped the democrat party and their whores partners in the media. The democrats would rather see America Fail then align themselves with the President on anything.

It is so bad that the President skipped the usual briefings on the mission to kill the leadership of ISIS with the dem leadership in congress because he knew they would leak the info to the press in an attempt to sabotage the operation. We need the Republicans in control of the House again or else the kangaroo courts and the deliberate roadblocking of legislation and treaties will continue.

It would be hypocritical then for me to rail on the democrats for living in a world of anti trump rage and continue to allow my personal issues with both LaMalfa and McClintock to keep me from doing the right thing as a conservative blogger and endorsing them both for re-election.

I am actually almost 100% politically aligned with Doug LaMalfa as it is, I could not see myself voting differently on anything than him in the last 4 years. McClintock is more libertarian, choosing isolationism and legalizing narcotics for example. At that, I’d say I agree with McClintock well over 80% of the time.

My endorsements then, are a Political Endorsement born out of a greater desire to see these men continue to advance the agenda of President Trump. I’ve been told by several that both are mellowing out as they get older and are becoming more approachable. Perhaps having psychotic rage-filled democrats trying to run drills against them has helped this maturation. I can’t speak to either of their character or changes from how I know them, I can only see what I read from organizations that score votes and the actions of their opponents.

When I was at the Placer GOP Meeting where LaMalfa and McClintock were endorsed I did indeed vote with the unanimous majority in the room to endorse them both.

#CA04 Update: The Plot Thickens Team Moore Hits Rocklin

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Oct 052014

Art Moore’s Crew was out walking precincts Yesterday. I assume they are today as well.

I was quite surprised when I got home from Church Saturday Night to see this waiting for me in the corner of my front yard fence.

The Art Moore for Congress Walk Piece Front and the Art Moore for Congress Walk Piece Back.

It is a very simple efficient piece.

It highlights Art’s Good looks with his most commonly seen picture.

It has pictures of Art in uniform – however, not the specific uniform types that violate the campaign code. (one is a head shot showing no insignia and the other appears to be from his west-point graduation thus has no official army insignia on it) This was a good move on the part of his team. Art Moore’s military service is his main selling point.

The piece repeatedly reminds people that Art Moore is from the district (Auburn) and that he is running against “Career Politicians”.

I was quite surprised to see this. I have been aware of McClintock’s effort and went to the Placer GOP HQ (which is 100% funded by McClintock) and got my home precinct in Roseville, where I am moving to, in order to walk.

I have no clue how many people Art’s campaign has out walking.

Based on what I have seen, the Placer GOP Cent Com is moribund, Ted and Beth Gaines could not be bothered to help and whatever operation occurs on the ground will be orchestrated by McClintock’s Campaign.

It looks like South Placer County will be ground zero in #CA04.

Join the Placer County Republican Assembly, Congressman McClintock and Assm. Brian Dahle on 6/7 in Rocklin!

 AD-01 Race, Art Moore, Brian Dahle, CA-04 Race, Tom McClintock  Comments Off on Join the Placer County Republican Assembly, Congressman McClintock and Assm. Brian Dahle on 6/7 in Rocklin!
Jun 042014

JUNE 7, 2014
4 – 6 pm
Margaret Azevedo Park
1900 Wildcat Blvd., Rocklin

Join CRA Members from all over
Northern California

Special Guests:
Congressman Tom McClintock
Assemblyman Brian Dahle


(Click the link and sign up now)


After June 1st and at the event:
$15 per person
$35 per family
A Special One of a Kind,Signed and Framed McClintock Tee Shirt will be auctioned off at the event (picture to follow soon)
Please bring book donations for local Charter Schools. The books should be related to American History or Conservatism.  “Rush Revere” books recommended (available at amazon.com)