#teamboehner CA25 Update: Tony Strickland gets lit up By AVRA and SCVRA

 Buck McKeon, CA-25 Race, Tony Strickland  Comments Off on #teamboehner CA25 Update: Tony Strickland gets lit up By AVRA and SCVRA
Dec 102013

The CRA has grown sour on Tony Strickland.

Perhaps the CRA is tired of backroom deals and politicians thinking they have some sort of ownership of their offices. Like, Buck McKeon – who is the embattled incumbent and apparently has pre-arranged a handoff of his congressional seat to Tony Strickland.

Strickland ran unsuccessfully for CA-26 in 2012 – now he is running for CA-25 in 2014.

Tony Strickland will be a vote for John Boehner (just like Doug Ose would be in CA-07).

So – the Santa Clarita Valley Republican Assembly and the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly decided to “Welcome” Tony Strickland in to the Congressional District 25 Race:

Resolution of the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly

WHEREAS; California’s 25th congressional seat is a safe Republican seat and deserves to be represented by a conservative Republican; and

WHEREAS; moderate former state Senator Tony Strickland has announced his intention to run in the 25th congressional district even though he does not live in the district after losing in his own 26th congressional district in the last election; and

WHEREAS; conservative state Senator Steve Knight has been a longtime member of the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly; and

WHEREAS; if elected, Steve Knight will be the only person from the Antelope Valley ever to serve in Congress; and

WHEREAS; Steve Knight earned a 100% voting record from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association; and

WHEREAS; Steve Knight has consistently fought for second amendment rights and the sanctity of life; and

WHEREAS; Steve Knight continues to stand for the same conservative values as he promised us he would in his first campaign as he does today;

THEREFORE; be it resolved that the Antelope Valley Republican Assembly opposes Tony Strickland running for the 25th congressional district and will support state Senator Steve Knight with our delegates to the California Republican Assembly endorsing convention if Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon decides to retire in 2014.

Something tells me that Tony Strickland is going to get shredded.

CA-25 Shenanigans? Buck McKeon Waiting Until Last Minute to Retire and Set Up Strickland?

 Buck McKeon, CA-25 Race, CA-26 Race, Scott Wilk, Tony Strickland  Comments Off on CA-25 Shenanigans? Buck McKeon Waiting Until Last Minute to Retire and Set Up Strickland?
Oct 292013

Assemblymember Scott Wilk penned a column on another blog yesterday about the CA-25 Race.

Buck McKeon, who is chair of the Powerful Armed Services Committee is losing his grip on the district. In fact, recent polls have him upside down.

There have been rumors for about 6 months that McKeon will retire.

However, the anointed successor is not popular with the local electeds and local partisan electeds. That successor is Tony Strickland. Strickland recently ran unsuccessfully for CA-26 last year and in the obama wave, lost narrowly to Congresswoman Julia Brownley.

Strickland has run for a ton of offices in recent history.

Strickland is raising money. He currently has $400k. Most donors think it is for CA-26 unless Strickland has been able to maintain incredible campaign security.

IN his post, Wilk details the string of consequences to this selfish, self-centered action should McKeon do exactly what is alleged. It could result in another loss in CA-26, the loss of CA-25 and the loss of AD-44. Another lost Assembly District when the GOP is already a superminority would be catastrophic… and it is preventable.

This scenario is the latest installment in what we have written for years on this blog about self-serving incumbent partisan officeholders and their desire to serve themselves absent anyone else, party, principle or people.

We’ve seen it here in Placer, so the situation in Northern LA County is not unique at all.


Jun 132013

Here is the link to the original Blog in santaclarita.com website.

Yes, a Nazi. THAT kind of a Nazi.

In this link you will see that the State CRA endorsed Stephen Winkler for Saugus School Board (in the Santa Clarita Area). It quotes then CRA VP Bob Haueter who was also Buck McKeon’s Chief of Staff at the time.

Bob Haueter and the Buck McKeon Staff helped found the RAGSCV, a rival unit to the Santa Clarita Valley Republican Assembly. You might be wondering with two clubs in the area how one got their way and the other did not. Both RAGSCV and SCVRA endorsed in those races in 2011.

Stephen Winkler wrote a letter to the editor complaining about how Republican Groups did not endorse him!

When the conflict arose, CRA President Celeste Greig instead of forcing them to meet together for a local endorsing convention (What the CRA By-Laws say to do) decided to recognize the endorsements of the Buck McKeon CRA Group RAGSCV and invalidate those of the SCVRA.

Whoops. Stephen Winkler has apparently manifest his insanity for all to see since being elected.

Stephen Winkler is a Nazi – and has been making Nazi comments on the internet for years – so anyone that did any vetting would have known.

This extremely long article at the very end references that two local Republican Clubs endorsed Winkler. (Both are Buck McKeon controlled clubs – the Fraudulent RAGSCV and a YR Group made up of McKeon staff)

The article is a sick, disgusting treasure trove of nazi and vile bigoted comments made by Winkler and was written by someone in an obvious attempt to embarrass CRA and the Republican Party. Please note that Winkler has switched parties a ton of times.

Some of Winkler’s thoughts and insights?

“I despise a black in a presidential role, because this is not their proper role in life. They were not created for government nor for political leadership; they were created for service. I salute and honor all the hard-working blacks working as servers in our​ restaurants and on our airplanes. I thank you for the service.”

“However, I’m an extremely religious person. Slavery is supported in Leviticus, Chapter #25 and in Deuteronomy Chapter #15.”
“Before Obama, I thought Lincoln was our worst president. That is the reason, I was a Democrat.”

“My parents are long deceased; however, my paternal grandparents died in a concentration camp. I believe the Third Reich did the right thing in their situation. A country at war for her survival must demand unconditional enthusiastic support; they were unable to provide this and eternal justice was the consequence.”

And – we finish with a recent tweet of his:

Buck McKeon should issue an immediate apology to CRA and to all the living survivors of the holocaust and fire any staffers that were a part of this endorsement.


You have got to be kidding me Buck McKeon.

Jun 112013

I’ve heard these rumors for weeks, and now they are coming back from D.C.

I wrote previously about Tony Strickland showing up in Antelope Valley and receiving a “rude greeting” from BofE member George Runner and State Senator Steve Knight. They both told him to go back to CA-26 according to the article in the local Antelope Valley paper.

Well, it appears that Buck McKeon wants Tony Strickland, not Scott Wilk (Or Cameron Smythe) for Congress… according to my sources, so much so that he is going to retire early in order to improve Strickland’s chances of winning in CA-25.

CA-25 is considered a safe Republican District, but Buck McKeon as he has aged has lost his grip on the district somewhat and rumors of “scandal” have been getting louder.

McKeon “only” won by 9.5 points in 2012. I was told to look for McKeon to be out during the summer of 2013, I was told July – but it would not surprise me if he waited a bit later but not too late for the special election to be concurrent if this intel is correct. I personally think a simple retirement (aka not running in 2014) is more likely since McKeon is currently the chairman of the powerful House Armed Services Committee through the end of the 2014 term.

The bizarre dynamic is that this will pit Kevin McCarthy and the GOP establishment against Steve Knight and George Runner – further proof that political alliances are fleeting.

The tie in? In 2012 CA-26, Strickland lost, like every other Republican in a competitive district in California. CA-26 is a marginal district that is currently infested by Julia Brownley. Strickland wants an easier ticket to Washington DC…

… which leaves Assemblymember Jeff Gorrell, a moderate, military veteran who has told insiders that he is running in CA-26 for Congress. When you couple Jeff Gorrell’s insider activity, Strickland’s insider activity with the intel from Washington D.C. you have the complete picture of what is happening. The question is when.

Oh, and the voters of CA-25??? They appear to be an ancillary footnote once again.

CA-25 takes in Antelope Valley (Think Lancaster / Palmdale), Santa Clarita Valley (Think Magic Mountain), part of Chatsworth-Northridge area along the 118 freeway to Simi Valley (which is in Ventura County).

CA-26 is almost completely encased in Ventura County with a bizarre slice of LA County.