I can’t Make this Crap Up – Two Boxer Employees Convicted of Child Porn

 Barbara Boxer, California U.S. Senate Race, Carly Fiorina  Comments Off on I can’t Make this Crap Up – Two Boxer Employees Convicted of Child Porn
Oct 282010

Barbara Boxer is a peice of work.

Corrupt to the core and get this – two of her employees are pedophile perverts.

Jeff Rosato got five years in Prison for Child Pornography.

Bernie Ward got 7 Years for Downloading and distributing Child Pornography.

I guess Barney Fwank was the right guy to host a fundwaiser for Boxer – given that Fwank had a male prostitute on the Federal Payroll for quite a long time.

Read it all here.

You sure won’t see this from her lapdogs in the Media.

WISTBBB Part 17: Dianne Feinstein Edition

 Barbara Boxer, California U.S. Senate Race, Carly Fiorina  Comments Off on WISTBBB Part 17: Dianne Feinstein Edition
Oct 262010

It sucks so bad to be Barbara Boxer that the NRSC – the idiots that recruited a whole bunch of squishes to run for Senate Nationally are actually spending money on behalf of a Conservative in California.

I have no love lost for the NRSC or the NRCC because their recruiting has been horrific in the past.

Carly appears to have busted that mold and there is a brilliant ad by the NRSC to address the Carly-is-an-extremist-attack from the left wing extremist Barbara Boxer.

A Conservative in California? I thought the moderates told us a Conservative can’t win statewide?

Dianne Feinstein seems to think so.

Feinstein was at a campaign event for Sen. Barbara Boxer in San Jose, and was asked by KTVU’s Randy Shandobil how things were going, and she replied, “bad.”

Now, that really sucks for Barbara Boxer.

CNN – the Clinton News Network joined in the hit parade… they were crying in their beer over the sad state of affairs for the socialists nationwide.

In this YouTube clip, the CNN anchor acts as if Carly Fiorina is some new revelation to him in the course of talking about massive Democrat losses in the upcoming election – my advice to CNN, get used to it – you’ll have at least 12 years of Carly to deal with.

WISTBBB Part 16: Barbara Boxer loses two more Media Endorsements

 Barbara Boxer, California U.S. Senate Race, Carly Fiorina  Comments Off on WISTBBB Part 16: Barbara Boxer loses two more Media Endorsements
Oct 242010

The reason why these are coming so late – is that this is the pattern when reliably liberal papers can not defend their usually preferred choices for endorsement.

Redding and Pasadena join the hit parade. It just plain sucks to be Barbara Boxer.

Pasadena Star-News: Our View: Fiorina for Senate
October 23, 2010


Republican U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, for all her business acumen and smarts, can come across in public much as her opponent, three-term incumbent Barbara Boxer, does – high-handed, essentially.

But unlike Boxer, Fiorina possesses an extraordinary record of accomplishment for California. Those accomplishments are entirely in the private sector. In our ongoing economic downturn to which joblessness is key, it’s precisely someone who understands private-sector job creation who we want representing us in Washington. As a Silicon Valley leader, the only woman CEO of a Fortune 20 corporation, Fiorina understands the way forward economically for our state.

Fiorina, unlike Boxer, is at heart a true moderate in tune with average Californians. She has it right when saying she can’t abide by the politics of extremists who pretend President Obama wasn’t born in America or is a Muslim, for instance. She bashed Sarah Palin for not having the gravitas of a true leader. But after making her stands quite clear, the candidate said she does agree with several tea party platform planks: reducing the federal deficit, helping small business and allowing the free-market economy to grow with fewer regulations.

Those are some of the reasons we think Carly Fiorina should be California’s next senator, alongside similar moderate Dianne Feinstein. She says that just because you can’t agree with someone 100 percent doesn’t mean you can’t work with that person. In Washington, D.C., and especially in the Senate, formerly a chummy, deliberative body, there is today so little common sense.

Incumbent Sen. Boxer has spent 18 years hammering away on a national liberal agenda for which she has accomplished little except for driving away colleagues. Even Democrats find her a one-note politician instead of a problem-solving public servant working for all 36 million California residents.

Standing in contrast is Feinstein, a diplomatic, hard-working leader who is not afraid to go against her party to get something done. She is one of the most accomplished senators working in the upper chamber.

Fiorina would be wise to emulate Feinstein should she win election on Nov. 2. She has the background to succeed. Yes, she made mistakes at Hewlett Packard that eventually led to her ouster. Few corporate leaders survive for decades at the top. She was a pioneering woman in a highly visible post. Her attitude has always remained can-do.

We need Fiorina’s wordly experience to represent California’s entrepreneurial culture in the U.S. Senate and help get our state and our nation back on track.

Redding Record Searchlight: Fiorina brings focus on jobs to Senate race
October 23, 2010

Aside from their political views, it’s striking how much Sen. Barbara Boxer and her Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, have in common.

Both are hard-charging, ideologically uncompromising women who’ve fought their way to the big leagues in what, when they started, were overwhelmingly male-dominated games — Boxer in politics, Fiorina in business.

But when it comes to ideas, the divide is as deep as the Clear Creek Gorge. On nearly every issue, Fiorina is a vocally partisan Republican while Boxer is the very epitome of Marin County liberalism. Frankly, neither’s stances hit a sensible sweet spot, but cloning’s banned so there’s only one Dianne Feinstein.

For the north state, though, the stakes are especially high. Boxer has a well-earned reputation as a champion of environmental causes. The expansion of new wilderness areas around California in the past two decades very much carries her stamp, and in the race with Fiorina she touts her commitment to the protection of the California coast from oil drilling (which Fiorina favors) and the promotion of “green jobs.”

You won’t see us knocking green jobs — or any jobs — in this economy, but the simple fact is the north state has heard promises for 20 years that ever more zealous environmental protection will hurt some industries (timber, especially) but foster the creation of new “green jobs” in their place. The result? The unemployment rate in Shasta County last month was 15.2 percent, and some surrounding rural counties are even worse — it was 17.9 percent in Trinity County.

Yes, those extreme levels of joblessness are largely due to the recession and housing crash, but they are still far worse than the rest of Calfiornia’s. If ours weren’t a hollowed-out economy, reliant on retirees and financial bubbles, we’d at least have a deeper well of resources to draw on.

As single-minded as Boxer has been about the environment, Fiorina is about job creation, regulatory streamlining and improving the business climate. To the extent that federal laws and regulations — governing water, forests, public lands, endangered species — have simply stopped working for California, and stopped Californians from working, Fiorina will be in the trenches fighting for a better balance that gives due regard for our need to feed our families.

For the north state’s future, it’s time for a different perspective in Washington. Fiorina will bring it in spades.

Oct 242010

What if I told you that Green Pioneer Barbara Boxer owned stocks in companies that reemed California during our energy crisis?

What if I told you that Green Pioneer Barbara Boxer owned stock in offshore drilling companies?

Read it and weep – It sucks to be Barbara Boxer, because for the first time in her life she is getting held accountable for getting her fingers SLAMMED in the cookie Jar:

Currently, 2.2. million Californians are unemployed; nearly 600,000 jobs have been lost since the passage of the so-called stimulus in February of last year.

However, Barbara Boxer doesn’t want to talk about her three decades of support for job-killing policies and failure to deliver the “help” and “hope” she promised with the taxpayer-funded stimulus.  No, today, it appears she will be doing an event focused on off-shore drilling.

This is interesting, because it turns out Boxer invested up to $150,000 of her family’s money in a company called… Diamond Offshore Drilling. This is just one of the many controversial stocks she held before the media called her out on her hypocrisy. Today, her assets are carefully hidden away in a blind trust.
Boxer Put Her Stocks In A Blind Trust After The Media Criticized Her For Investments In Energy Companies, Including Offshore Drilling Companies:
2001, Boxer Put Her Stocks In A Blind Trust After She Received Criticism For Owning Shares In Energy Companies After Accusing Those Same Companies Of Overcharging Californians For Electricity. “Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., put her stocks in a blind trust after catching some bad publicity last year for owning shares in some of the same energy companies she accused of overcharging Californians for electricity.” (Doug Abrahms, “Boxer Sells Stock Of Energy Companies She Criticized, Places Other Shares In Blind Trust,” Gannett News Service, 6/15/02)
Halliburton And Diamond Offshore Drilling Were Included In Boxer’s Stock Portfolio. “Boxer sold off a number of energy stocks — including El Paso Energy Corp., Halliburton Co. and Reliant Resources — over the past year, according to her financial disclosure report for 2001 released Friday.” (Doug Abrahms, “Boxer Sells Stock Of Energy Companies She Criticized, Places Other Shares In Blind Trust,” Gannett News Service, 6/15/02)
In 2000, Boxer And Her Husband Owned Between $15,001 And $50,000 In Diamond Offshore Drilling Stock; She Also Held Between $50,001 And $100,000 In Diamond Offshore Drilling Stock In A Retirement Account. (Sen. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senate Public Financial Disclosure Report, Filed 5/15/01)

WISTBBB Part 14 – the Merced Sun Star: Boxer Sucks, Vote for Carly

 Barbara Boxer, California U.S. Senate Race, Carly Fiorina  Comments Off on WISTBBB Part 14 – the Merced Sun Star: Boxer Sucks, Vote for Carly
Oct 202010

LA Daily News
San Diego Union Tribune
OC Reg
Bakersfield Californian
Riverside Press-Enterprise
Fresno BEE
Modesto BEE
Chico Enterprise-Record
The North County Times (LA)
SF Chron could not endorse Boxer
… countless other papers are hiding

… and Now the Merced Sun-Star says: Boxer is a left-wing moonbat, vote for Carly.

If Republican Carly Fiorina is elected to the U.S. Senate on Nov. 2, one of her first acts would be to walk to Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office and offer to work with her to solve California’s water crisis.

We wish Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer would spend more time seeking bipartisan solutions to the nation’s problems and be more open to political compromise.

The biggest problem in Washington, D.C., is strident partisanship, and an unwillingness to work with the opposing party to solve the problems facing the nation.

Boxer has gone so far left that moderates can’t see her in the distance.

Boxer’s partisanship is getting in the way of her representation of California in the Senate. It’s time for a change, and Fiorina offers a new direction for the state.

We need bridge builders in this extraordinarily challenging time. Fiorina has a chance to be part of a new coalition of problem-solvers.

Fiorina has a clear understanding of the issues that frustrate tea party supporters, but without the anger that characterizes much of that movement. Fiorina has a composure and a bearing that enable her to get her points across in a calm manner.

Though she’s been an executive, she has compassion for Main Street, understanding that federal bailouts and stimulus programs haven’t done enough to help average Americans.

We know that only too well here in the San Joaquin Valley where the unemployment rate is much higher than the national and state jobless rates.

On the contentious issue of immigration reform, Fiorina first wants to secure the border and have a guest-worker program that works for California industries.

We support comprehensive immigration reform, but also believe that securing the border and establishing a temporary worker program for industries such as agriculture are at the heart of a solution.

Unlike many in the Republican Party, including gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, Fiorina supports the DREAM Act, which would allow undocumented youth a conditional path to citizenship by requiring completion of a college degree or two years of military service.

Fiorina says we shouldn’t punish “children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream.”

Fiorina has made several trips to the San Joaquin Valley in the campaign. While Boxer has helped the region with legislation, she has not spent a lot of time here during her 18-year career.

There are several issues in which we don’t agree with Fiorina — she would extend tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, for example. But we support her based on leadership. We believe Fiorina is better prepared to lead in the Senate than the incumbent.

We urge voters to support Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate on Nov. 2.