Have you been Ruffaloed?

 Auburn Journal Pimping Liberals, David Reade  Comments Off on Have you been Ruffaloed?
May 022011

I got my first ever Ruffaloing.

After talking to the man for an hour on the phone – I witnessed his latest column. At least he spelled my name right and at least he promised to call me before posting a column about me.

Once again, it may well have been published by the malcontents on the Placer GOP Central Committee. I got a soundbyte and the other 90% of the column was repeating age-old charges with some new twists.

The most recent new/old news is the accusation that I tried to sell a CRA endorsement to Roger Niello. Good old fashioned campaign revenge – it is funny, really as the original rumor was that I tried to sell it to Ted Gaines.

Additional information I obatined about Ruffalo explains a long connection to David Stafford Reade. Reade as you know is president of one of the fake CRA units, Reade was in the middle of the team Karen campaign for CRA President and Reade also sits on the Capitol Resource Institute’s board of directors.

Ruafflo and Reade became buddies in 1996 when Reade ran for Assembly against Sam Aanestad.

Now I know why Ruffalo is so interested in the Placer Cent Com and the State CRA all the sudden. Reade and Karen England are as close as any operators there are and why not join her fight locally under the guise of editorials.

I also understand why Ruffalo likes taking potshots at Dan Logue – Reade is going to run Jim Nielsen’s campaign against Logue.

I’ll talk to anyone in politics – but in this instance, I now understand the jihad.

Damn, it’s a small world.

P.S. remember the check written out to the Placer GOP by Mitt Romney (for 75 delegates) that was actually for the Placer CRA for the 2007 CRA Presidential Endorsing convention? Remember how Ruffalo wrote about that as more “evidence” of chicanery? Once I told him that David Reade brought the check to our office in person – it suddenly disappeared from the lexicon of his column.

Why the Auburn Journal is a Rag – Part 2, Attack Kirk Uhler while calling for Due Process for Brian Jagger

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Dec 222010

Once again – Deric Rothe repeats the lie about the solar power contract.

Once again – there is no mention of the other three Solar Power Contracts by the county that weren’t within a country mile of Uhler’s company.

Once again – Deric Rothe repeats the lie about a “sweetheart deal” for Tami Uhler’s job with the county… conveniently omitting the fact that that job was offered to two others first.

Once again – Deric Rothe brings up the issue about a deer hunt to thin the population of Deer and attributes the idea to Uhler. Rothe knows his audience are liberal gun-grabbers and wildlife lovers. Of course, there is no mention of the sharp increase of Deer vs Car accidents.

Who cares, when you are on an rampage against someone? Perhaps Deric Rothe is blaming Kirk Uhler for the revelation of his felony conviction? I can think of no other reason why the Auburn Journal would lie repeatedly – the Sacramento Bee doesn’t even pull crap like this.

If I was Brian Jagger – I’d read this phony editorial and say no thanks.

Oct 102010

People with personal axes to grind accused our former Congressman of doing this…

There is a key difference: Deric Rothe, the convicted cocaine dealer editor of the Auburn Journal is possessed with a desire for revenge and no evidence. And, to this day is using his paper in an attempt to try and prevent John Doolittle from making a living even after he was exhonerated from a six-year investigation in to corruption charges.

On the other hand, Barbara Boxer has been caught red-handed. (Mr. Rothe might want to take some notes about what real corruption is:)

Carly Fiorina Hits Barbara Boxer for Selling Earmarks:

Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina claims Democratic U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer is exchanging earmarks for campaign cash.

At issue, says Fiorina, is a fundraiser by the Washington, D.C. firm Alcalde and Fay. The firm is sponsoring a fundraiser for Boxer’s re-election campaign, months after winning a federal earmark for one its clients, the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District. Fiorina’s campaign told the Associated Press that Boxer got an earmark worth almost $2 million for construction work designed to help the bridge withstand a major earthquake.

Fiorina, who trails Boxer in the polls, says the incumbent’s requested more than $6.5 million in earmarks for projects represented by Alcalde and Fay. She says Boxer shouldn’t take campaign money from the firm, and shouldn’t seek earmarks when the federal government’s facing a massive deficit.

A spokeswoman for the senator says there’s no connection between the projects and fundraising. And she says the earmarks are examples of how Boxer fights for money that will create jobs in California.

Now – if the Auburn Journal editorializes on this, I will be impressed.

At any rate- it sucks to be Barbara Boxer.

AJ Update: Recall Reported on / 7 Hours of County Budget Hearings, Nothing

 Auburn Journal Pimping Liberals, Kirk Uhler, Uncategorized  Comments Off on AJ Update: Recall Reported on / 7 Hours of County Budget Hearings, Nothing
Aug 202010

Not bad, huh.

Deric Rothe is a partisan liberal who masquerades as a newspaper editor.

For seven hours the Placer County Board of Supervisors went through negotiations and hearings about the County Budget.

The Auburn Journal Reported Nothing.

Kirk Uhler lit the Auburn Journal on fire.

A recall is launched by a group of nutbags – the Journal reports it. However, it should be noted that the papers of the recall were drawn so poorly that they will have to be re-filed.

Facts are irritating to Deric Rothe – including the difference between Solar Power Inc and Solar Power Partners, Inc. – but who cares when you’re a partisan whore masquerading as a newspaper, right?

Placer County Republican Central Committee Gets "Ruffaloed" – Auburn Journal Style

 Auburn Journal Pimping Liberals, Placer County Republican Party, Tom Hudson  Comments Off on Placer County Republican Central Committee Gets "Ruffaloed" – Auburn Journal Style
Dec 162009

Scary, isn’t it.

The left-wing media hates the Placer County Republican Central Committee. They had Tom Hudson in leg irons and an Orange jumpsuit before the FPPC came in and said, “We have no evidence” (bureaucrat speak for you did nothing wrong).

Like the Chris Beckman “whistle-blowing” against Robert Weygandt and Kirk Uhler – there is no there, there.

Now Jim Ruffalo has it on good authority that Tom Husdon is on the outs and there is a Lynch Mob forming.

Quotting Ruffalo: “In fact, we’re reliably told that several high-power Republicans are starting to lean on Hudson.

Really? Who? Assemblymembers? Congressman McClintock? That would be news to me, Hudson or George Park(s) my Brother and First Vice-Chair of the Central Committee. (Note the spelling please, Jim)

It’s probably just coincidence, but Hudson’s Facebook site — which had been open to one and all for viewing in order to see just how high-powered his “friends” are — now is restricted to viewing. And the California Republican Assembly Web site, which had listed Hudson in several places, now has grayed-out the spots where his name once was able to be viewed.

Aside from Ruffalo’s cheap shot over the security settings on his personal Facebook account, Tom Hudson is a regional Vice-Chairman for the California Republican Party itself. The By-Laws and customary traditions when you hold CRP office dictate you minimize your affiliations with groups whose membership are a subset.

Had Ruffalo done some research, he’d have spelled George’s name correctly and known about the CRP By-Laws and its’ affect on volunteer club titles.

I am looking for some honesty and journalistic integrity here – we all know the FPPC story was pushed from one end of the state to the other by disgruntled consultants. However, was this column more about the annoyance that the Central Committee was exhonerated and has over $43,000 in the bank?

AJ editor Deric Rothe was treated far better by the criminal justice system and he is a convicted felon for Pete’s sake!

P.S. On a personal note, Ruffalo goes on to suggest that Hudson will resign and George Parks will take over – read:

But I won’t be surprised if he steps down as chair, remains on the executive board and has somebody such as George Parks assume the chairmanship.

Of course, if that happens, look for Hudson’s lips to move whenever the new chairman speaks. …

Anyone that knows George Park knows he is no one’s sock puppet. Mr. Ruffalo needs to use more than Auburn electeds / Political club members as his sources.