I got my first ever Ruffaloing.
After talking to the man for an hour on the phone – I witnessed his latest column. At least he spelled my name right and at least he promised to call me before posting a column about me.
Once again, it may well have been published by the malcontents on the Placer GOP Central Committee. I got a soundbyte and the other 90% of the column was repeating age-old charges with some new twists.
The most recent new/old news is the accusation that I tried to sell a CRA endorsement to Roger Niello. Good old fashioned campaign revenge – it is funny, really as the original rumor was that I tried to sell it to Ted Gaines.
Additional information I obatined about Ruffalo explains a long connection to David Stafford Reade. Reade as you know is president of one of the fake CRA units, Reade was in the middle of the team Karen campaign for CRA President and Reade also sits on the Capitol Resource Institute’s board of directors.
Ruafflo and Reade became buddies in 1996 when Reade ran for Assembly against Sam Aanestad.
Now I know why Ruffalo is so interested in the Placer Cent Com and the State CRA all the sudden. Reade and Karen England are as close as any operators there are and why not join her fight locally under the guise of editorials.
I also understand why Ruffalo likes taking potshots at Dan Logue – Reade is going to run Jim Nielsen’s campaign against Logue.
I’ll talk to anyone in politics – but in this instance, I now understand the jihad.
Damn, it’s a small world.
P.S. remember the check written out to the Placer GOP by Mitt Romney (for 75 delegates) that was actually for the Placer CRA for the 2007 CRA Presidential Endorsing convention? Remember how Ruffalo wrote about that as more “evidence” of chicanery? Once I told him that David Reade brought the check to our office in person – it suddenly disappeared from the lexicon of his column.