Feb 152020

Ladies and Gentlemen – BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Not only did Special Stevie rack up the following impressive record of malfeasance:

4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000
2 Evictions
$74,000 in Federal Tax Liens
A lien from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water
2 1241 PC Failures to Appear

But it turns out that Steve Manos was not done. In 2013, yet another bankruptcy. Case #1310050 County of Riverside. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged on 5-2013.

In addition to the 2013 Bankruptcy – Steve Manos, who wants to manage the California State Budget mind you, added a default in 2007. Litton Loan Servicing took this one in the shorts:

What’s worse is that it appears that Mr. Manos walked away from the property allowing it to go to a Trustee Sale.

Now for the most ironic set of documents of all. Steve Manos who seeks to manage the finances of the State of California was Liened 5 TIMES by the State he seeks to manage!

2003, $6575.86

2004, 2006 Combined for $12,730.88

2008, $4,028.90

2010, $4482.06

That’s 5 State Tax Liens totalling $27,817.70 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010.

Steve Manos can not claim any excuse like the mortgage crisis as his financial issues and lawsuits started in 2002. In 2002, Special Steve Manos was liened by the federales and the one Bankruptcy we found was Discharged in May of 2013. That is an 11 year pattern of fiscal destruction

Records show that Manos just finished paying off the massive $71,000 Federal Tax Lien in 2018 – meaning that the problems are likely still ongoing as I only see evidence that the 2004, 2006 State Tax Liens were paid off.

Steve Manos has been on the Lake Elsinore Council since 2012. He was evicted from an office in 2012 with a $14,837 Lawsuit Judgement as part of the package. His Bankruptcy was about six months after taking office.

Manos claims to be a business owner since 1999. While on the surface that claim is true – it is grossly misleading as he has been sued 4 times successfully and evicted twice from commercial office space he was renting. 

Steve Manos talks about lower taxes and lower regulation – perhaps he supports lower regulation as he has spent 20 years dealing with regulators because of his personal conduct?

Mr. Manos also touts awards from the local Chambers of Commerce as a claim to buttress his business acumen. I guarantee you that if the Murrieta and Lake Elsinore Chamber of Commerce knew about $74,000 in IRS Liens, $28K in State Liens, 4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000 for a total of $241,000 before you add in the value of the defaulted loan in 2007 and the Bankruptcy in 2013, no one would give him the right time of day for at least 10 years for an award.

I can’t speak to Steve Manos’ character, I don’t know him. What I can say is that his life history screams that he is not who he says he is. If people still question his integrity absent knowing what I have revealed in the last three posts about him then this is validation that their skepticism about him is well founded.

It is my opinion based on the evidence I have presented that Steve Manos should not be taken seriously as a candidate for any office until at least 2025 maybe even 2030 and at that – he should be able to demonstrate a pattern of ethics and integrity in business that has never existed in the past.

If you are a voter in AD-67, please consider yourself warned. Do not vote for Steve Manos.

Feb 152020

In our first installment of the Tour-De-Manos we learned:

Successfully Sued for $87K by a former Real Estate Franchisor he had a contract with.

Successfully Sued for $25K by a former Real Estate Landlord

Successfully Sued for $3100 by the Riverside Press Enterprise for not paying his bills.

In our research on Special Steve Manos, we have discovered a pattern of Liens for Not Paying his bills going as far back as 2002.

While Manos was in and out of court getting sued in the mid 2000’s, He was getting liened time and time again for over 10 years.

In 2008, the man who wants to influence water policy in the State of California got a nice Lien for trying to skip out on a Water Bill to the County of Riverside.

IN 2010, Special Steve Manos got lit up by the IRS. They liened him for $2081.38 for avoiding income taxes from 2002. Note the lien number of 20100569837.

It gets better, I have evidence of a second lien #20100569824 filed on the same day by the IRS for get this $71,218. This is for several other years that Manos attempted to skip out on paying his federal income tax.

Mr. Manos was finally to get the lien released in 2018 and was dealing with it while on City Council in Lake Elsinore. I suppose he figured if no one found all this stuff in his City Council Campaigns, why would they now?

$125K in Lawsuit Judgements.

$74K in Federal Tax Liens.

On 4-9-2004 Steve Manos was evicted from an office he was renting, research shows that this eviction was related to the $25,000 Judgement in 2008 by the same trust referenced in part one of our series on Manos. You have to be a complete deadbeat to get evicted in California – that is not easy to pull off.

As a bonus, in between our first installment and this installment, we discovered yet ANOTHER Civil Judgement. (That’s now 4 for those of you scoring at home) It also brings Manos’ lifetime Eviction Total to 2 (that we know of).

In 2012 Brea Imperial Center, LLC Case # TEC1109696 evicted Steve Manos aka Quantum Direct Capitol (based in Temecula) for failure to pay. The judgement totalled $14,837. Steve Manos is a business owner, don’t you know.

Now we are at 4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000, 2 Evictions, $74,000 in Federal Tax Liens and a lien from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water.

What does Steve Manos do for an encore?

A check of his criminal records only shows one Traffic Ticket in the last 20 years (finally some good news for Stevie Boy…) but there are two 1241 PC’s noted. It looks like Stevie Boy likes to duck out on Court Appearances. Now that kind of makes sense since we have established a 12 year (2002-2012) Track Record of skipping out on paying his bills. A 1241 PC is a “Failure to Appear”.

2 Evictions, 2 Failures to Appear, 2 Federal Tax Liens, 4 Lawsuits.

Since Mr. Manos knows a thing about selling stuff to people, BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE coming on the Tour-De-Manos… DON’T TOUCH THAT REMOTE! Your Intrepid Blogger will be back soon with another installment.

P.S. AD-XX = California’s XX Assembly District

Feb 152020

There is something called vetting. You vet a candidate. Perhaps candidates pop up out of the political sewer and manifest before the sanitation crew can get to them. There is a reason why Kelly Seyarto is getting the support that matters in AD-67. Kelly Seyarto while not perfect, is clean as far as candidates go about as clean as they get.

Manos? No one I know down there likes him. I went looking for reasons why. (AD-XX = California’s XX Assembly District. ) Worse, several people told me they think he is “Shady”

Steve Manos is a Realtor and A “Businessowner” according to his website. The problem for Manos is there is more than meets the eye. I first suspected something was wrong with Manos’ publicly stated biography when I saw his notation about UCLA. Manos went to UCLA for a year. I went to Fresno State for a Year. I do not mention it so as not to fool people in to thinking I graduated from Fresno State. Given that I was warned Manos has an integrity problem, the UCLA thing went from the usual candidate BS to a huge red flag.

This meme is an oldie but goodie. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I salute the original creator by re-using their work

Your intrepid blogger has learned that Steve Manos has been sued successfully several times. All of the instances appear to be due to Manos being dishonest and getting caught for it.

I’ve also run a business for 22 1/2 years in Insurance. Steve Manos has accomplished something I have never come close to. He’s been sued SUCCESSFULLY twice in “Big Court”, once in small claims court and liened so many times I lost count. Steve Manos can not be trusted to run anything let alone the state of California.

ERA franchise systems, LLC successfully sued Steve Manos for $86,949. ERA Franchise systems was also known as ERA Real Estate.

It appears that Steve Manos had a franchise with ERA Real Estate, breached his contract and was nailed for $86,949. Whoops. That is not exactly a successful business owner. 

Further research shows that Manos was also Sued successfully by a Trust related to a Real Estate Transaction:

A Family Trust is typically set up for an estate and houses are usually re-titled in to the trust. This suggests that Manos got lit up once again in Court, likely for dishonesty in a real estate transaction. I am sure the court filings will be awesome once I get them. UPDATE: Further research indicates that the Trust was a landlord that sued and evicted Steve Manos over $25,000 worth of bills. 

Now, are you starting to understand what’s wrong with Steve Manos? You can’t trust him. He lied on his biography, embellishing it and when researched shows to be a dishonest realtor and businessman.

Perhaps this dishonesty was also manifest when the Riverside Press-Enterprise had to get a judgement against him for a $3096 advertising bill:

From 2004 – 2008 Steve Manos must have been in court constantly dealing with lawsuits. 

Now, if I am Steve Manos, I would not bother showing up for an interview with the Riverside Press-Enterprise. This is of course assuming Mr. Manos has any remorse for the decisions he has made in his life. It would be awfully brazen to ask a business to endorse you that had to sue you for not paying your bills!

Here is your introduction to Steve Manos:

Successfully Sued for $87K by a former Real Estate Franchisor he had a contract with.

Successfully Sued for $25K by a former Real Estate Landlord

Successfully Sued for $3100 by the Riverside Press Enterprise for not paying his bills.

If Steve Manos ends up in the runoff with a democrat he will get slaughtered. But wait, there’s more… (to be continued…)

Feb 062020

Ladies and Gentlemen – BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Not only did Special Stevie rack up the following impressive record of malfeasance:

4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000
2 Evictions
$74,000 in Federal Tax Liens
A lien from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water
2 1241 PC Failures to Appear

But it turns out that Steve Manos was not done. In 2013, yet another bankruptcy. Case #1310050 County of Riverside. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharged on 5-2013.

In addition to the 2013 Bankruptcy – Steve Manos, who wants to manage the California State Budget mind you, added a default in 2007. Litton Loan Servicing took this one in the shorts:

What’s worse is that it appears that Mr. Manos walked away from the property allowing it to go to a Trustee Sale.

Now for the most ironic set of documents of all. Steve Manos who seeks to manage the finances of the State of California was Liened 5 TIMES by the State he seeks to manage!

2003, $6575.86

2004, 2006 Combined for $12,730.88

2008, $4,028.90

2010, $4482.06

That’s 5 State Tax Liens totalling $27,817.70 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010.

Steve Manos can not claim any excuse like the mortgage crisis as his financial issues and lawsuits started in 2002. In 2002, Special Steve Manos was liened by the federales and the one Bankruptcy we found was Discharged in May of 2013. That is an 11 year pattern of fiscal destruction

Records show that Manos just finished paying off the massive $71,000 Federal Tax Lien in 2018 – meaning that the problems are likely still ongoing as I only see evidence that the 2004, 2006 State Tax Liens were paid off.

Steve Manos has been on the Lake Elsinore Council since 2012. He was evicted from an office in 2012 with a $14,837 Lawsuit Judgement as part of the package. His Bankruptcy was about six months after taking office.

Manos claims to be a business owner since 1999. While on the surface that claim is true – it is grossly misleading as he has been sued 4 times successfully and evicted twice from commercial office space he was renting. 

Steve Manos talks about lower taxes and lower regulation – perhaps he supports lower regulation as he has spent 20 years dealing with regulators because of his personal conduct?

Mr. Manos also touts awards from the local Chambers of Commerce as a claim to buttress his business acumen. I guarantee you that if the Murrieta and Lake Elsinore Chamber of Commerce knew about $74,000 in IRS Liens, $28K in State Liens, 4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000 for a total of $241,000 before you add in the value of the defaulted loan in 2007 and the Bankruptcy in 2013, no one would give him the right time of day for at least 10 years for an award.

I can’t speak to Steve Manos’ character, I don’t know him. What I can say is that his life history screams that he is not who he says he is. If people still question his integrity absent knowing what I have revealed in the last three posts about him then this is validation that their skepticism about him is well founded.

It is my opinion based on the evidence I have presented that Steve Manos should not be taken seriously as a candidate for any office until at least 2025 maybe even 2030 and at that – he should be able to demonstrate a pattern of ethics and integrity in business that has never existed in the past.

If you are a voter in AD-67, please consider yourself warned. Do not vote for Steve Manos.

Feb 042020

In our first installment of the Tour-De-Manos we learned:

Successfully Sued for $87K by a former Real Estate Franchisor he had a contract with.

Successfully Sued for $25K by a former Real Estate Landlord

Successfully Sued for $3100 by the Riverside Press Enterprise for not paying his bills.

In our research on Special Steve Manos, we have discovered a pattern of Liens for Not Paying his bills going as far back as 2002.

While Manos was in and out of court getting sued in the mid 2000’s, He was getting liened time and time again for over 10 years.

In 2008, the man who wants to influence water policy in the State of California got a nice Lien for trying to skip out on a Water Bill to the County of Riverside.

IN 2010, Special Steve Manos got lit up by the IRS. They liened him for $2081.38 for avoiding income taxes from 2002. Note the lien number of 20100569837.

It gets better, I have evidence of a second lien #20100569824 filed on the same day by the IRS for get this $71,218. This is for several other years that Manos attempted to skip out on paying his federal income tax.

Mr. Manos was finally to get the lien released in 2018 and was dealing with it while on City Council in Lake Elsinore. I suppose he figured if no one found all this stuff in his City Council Campaigns, why would they now?

$125K in Lawsuit Judgements.

$74K in Federal Tax Liens.

On 4-9-2004 Steve Manos was evicted from an office he was renting, research shows that this eviction was related to the $25,000 Judgement in 2008 by the same trust referenced in part one of our series on Manos. You have to be a complete deadbeat to get evicted in California – that is not easy to pull off.

As a bonus, in between our first installment and this installment, we discovered yet ANOTHER Civil Judgement. (That’s now 4 for those of you scoring at home) It also brings Manos’ lifetime Eviction Total to 2 (that we know of).

In 2012 Brea Imperial Center, LLC Case # TEC1109696 evicted Steve Manos aka Quantum Direct Capitol (based in Temecula) for failure to pay. The judgement totalled $14,837. Steve Manos is a business owner, don’t you know.

Now we are at 4 Lawsuit Judgments totaling $139,000, 2 Evictions, $74,000 in Federal Tax Liens and a lien from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water.

What does Steve Manos do for an encore?

A check of his criminal records only shows one Traffic Ticket in the last 20 years (finally some good news for Stevie Boy…) but there are two 1241 PC’s noted. It looks like Stevie Boy likes to duck out on Court Appearances. Now that kind of makes sense since we have established a 12 year (2002-2012) Track Record of skipping out on paying his bills. A 1241 PC is a “Failure to Appear”.

2 Evictions, 2 Failures to Appear, 2 Federal Tax Liens, 4 Lawsuits.

Since Mr. Manos knows a thing about selling stuff to people, BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE coming on the Tour-De-Manos… DON’T TOUCH THAT REMOTE! Your Intrepid Blogger will be back soon with another installment.

P.S. AD-XX = California’s XX Assembly District