Feb 282020

I am going to be rather blunt. I got the notification of this event forwarded to me and all I could think of was that it was a tail-covering because Assembly GOP Leadership were content to let Andrew Kotyuk swing because they were too cowardly to take on the swamp that have poured over $1 Million in to Chad Mayes. If Andrew Kotyuk does not make the runoff, the rank-and-file GOP Activists will be livid and Jessica needs to be able to claim she did something.

If Andrew Kotyuk does not make the AD-42 runoff, you can make bank Jordan Cunningham, Tyler Diep and maybe one other bolt the GOP because the NPP Precedent will be set.

Jessica Patterson has helped Kotyuk a bit, but it is clear that Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh is the total fixation of the Senate Caucus, Leadership, Consultants and the like.

If you care about the future of the GOP – you may want to show up and ask Jessica Patterson whose decision it was to spend $250,000 of the Senate Caucus’ limited resources trying to pick a winner in a primary? (referring to SD-23 where Oil Interests have poured $1Million in to Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh and the Party another $250K)

Where was the big money for Andrew Kotyuk in AD-42?

Where was ANY help at all for GOP Endorsed Kelly Seyarto in AD-67?

What are you going to do when Jordan Cunningham, Tyler Diep and others go NPP?

What is the plan to avoid a loss of as many as 8 legislative seats this fall?


Please join us and CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Patterson for Get Out The Vote weekend this Saturday in Yucaipa.

Date & Time: Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

Location: White Rabbit Coffee Company, 35256 Yucaipa Blvd., Yucaipa, CA 92399

We are asking that all volunteers commit to at least knocking 100 doors.

Now is the time to act to ensure that our endorsed candidates make it through the Primary Election.

If you can’t walk but you are willing to make calls, please let me know. I’ll get you setup for that instead.

If you want to carpool, please contact me. I will match you up with other volunteers.

Thank you for your help!


Regina Santamaria

P.S… Check out our list of endorsed candidates here.

Think it through, she called Andrew Kotyuk and basically told him who to hire. The implication was he would not get supported unless he played ball and guess what? Kotyuk got very little support as it is.

While Jessica Patterson may not have had any hand in the decision by party bosses to jam down the endorsement of Ochoa-Bogh and the decision of Matt Klemin / Shannon Grove to dedicate a disproportionate amount of the meager resources of the Senate Caucus in to Bogh, here she is nevertheless leading a precinct walk in a contested GOP Primary.

Meantime, AD-38 Suzette Martinez-Valladeras, nothing. AD-67 Kelly Seyarto, nothing. AD-73 Laurie Davies, nothing. Ling Ling Ling Chang, Scott Wilk and John Moorlach – 3 vulnerable senators who have received less caucus money combined than has been poured in to Bogh.

Make sure you show up in Yucaipa and start asking questions about the decisions being made behind closed doors – because conservatives and real party activists have been almost completely exterminated from Party Committees and having any voice in the decisions at all.

Feb 212020
Bills opposed by law enforcement- but supported by Chad Mayes
SB 178 Leno
Makes electronic surveillance of violent criminals more difficult for law enforcement to accomplish.
SB 443 Mitchell
Reduces ability of law enforcement to impound cash and other valuables used by drug dealers to facilitate their business.
ACA 6 McCarty
allows felons to vote. Mayes voted in favor of this bill in the elections committee and on the floor.
AB 362 Eggman
drug injection, hangout locations for addicts to shoot-up heroin, etc
Mayes votes for the bill twice – in the “Health” committee and on floor
Note that Chad Mayes is getting what will likely add up to $1Million worth of expenditures on his behalf.
Note that the CAGOP has not directly supported Andrew Kotyuk, the Republican running against Chad Mayes. But the same swamp dwellers are attacking Andrew Kotyuk.
Feb 212020

Blogger’s Note: I am 100% aware that Jessica Patterson the CAGOP Chair has been making calls on Kotyuk’s Behalf and trying to help him. It is my belief that Assembly GOP Leadership has done nothing because Mayes was once a leadership vote for the current Assembly GOP Leadership. What a conundrum. 

Special Message from 
FlashReport Publisher Jon Fleischman
I just made a $250 online donation to elect conservative Republican Andrew Kotyuk to the State Assembly. This contribution was made both to elect a strong conservative, but also to help ensure that ideologically devoid Assemblyman Chad Mayes is booted out of office this year by voters. Mayes has quit the GOP (good riddance) and is now running as an independent. Andrew is the only Republican in the race, and there is also one Democrat. In order for Mayes to get re-elected in November he has to first come in first or second place in March. Special interests are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep him in the top two.
I am asking YOU to join me in making an online contribution to Andrew to help fund one last mailer in his campaign, and after that to increase digital advertising through to March 3rd. LET’S SHOW CHAD MAYES THE DOOR!
I gave $250 and if you could match that – awesome. But even $100, $50, $25 or $10 would help – and go a long way!
Andrew is running a strong campaign – check out this mailer he sent.
We all remember Mayes. He was the Assembly Republican Leader who rallied to pass a “cap and tax” plan in Sacramento that amounts to a massive gas tax increase for a decade. It was a vote to extend a program that shifts billions of dollars annually from the private sector into state government. And the largest program paid for with these dollars? The high-speed rail fiasco. If we all knew Mayes was going to do this, maybe he would never have been the Leader.
Mayes was lauded by the Governor, Democrats and the media for his “leadership” – no surprise!
Below is a photo of Chad grinning ear to ear – and who is he with? The liberal Democrats running our state – at the time Governor Jerry Brown, Senate President Kevin de León and Speaker Anthony Rendon!
Is it any surprise that when Republicans legislature were opposing AB 5, Mayes was nowhere to be seen? He couldn’t find his way to vote against the worst business regulation to hit this state in a generation.
But we should all be proud of the fact that thousands of GOP activists around the state and in the legislature rallied to the cause of Mayes being dumped as leader. If state government is going to be big and awful it shouldn’t be with GOP votes.
With your help Mayes will come in third place, and we will be able to celebrate his retirement at the end of session.
Please take a moment and go to Andrew’s web page and make a contribution. If you do make a donation, of any size, please reply and let me know so I can thank you myself!! Also please consider pasting the link to Andrew’s web page to Facebook and asking people to join you in sending a contribution. And please FORWARD this email to loyal Republicans.
Thank you for what you do – and I can safely say after watching the Democrats debate in Las Vegas this week – we’re in for a great year for Republicans!

Jon Full Sig
Jon Fleischman

Former Executive Director, California Republican Party
Former President, California Republican Assembly
Longtime GOP Leader and Activist
P.S. Please go to www.kotyukforassembly.com and give. We’ve routed Mayes from GOP Leadership and from our party altogether. Now it’s time to route him from public office!
Dec 262019

I will write this again, anyone that cares about the state of California wants a healthy vibrant GOP. As such, I want Jessica Patterson to succeed as Chairman of the CAGOP.

I have been outspoken in my criticism of the current CAGOP Leadership. This one they got right. Along with others, I was frustrated when Chad Mayes was endorsed by the CAGOP in the first place, but today’s action was excellent.

The first two paragraphs are not conflicting statements, as I attempt to offer solutions with the criticism and attempt to balance criticism with recognizing when they do right.

With Chad Mayes, Jessica Patterson was in between a rock and a hard place. Remember, Assembly GOP Leadership are huge boosters of hers and Chad Mayes endorsed her for Chair. Had Patterson run Chad through, she’d have been guilty of a smaller betrayal than Mayes did by leaving the GOP in the underhanded manner that he did. Given that the Assembly leadership are still angry over the CAGOP standing up to Mayes in the first place, the CAGOP leadership were almost stuck having to wait for Mayes to do what he did.

The truth be told – the fact that four board members stood up against the endorsement was really unprecedented. Usually, by the time an endorsement gets to the CAGOP Board, it is unanimous.

I’ve written that Jessica Patterson has been hopping mad behind the scenes about Bill Brough. I will have more to say about Bill Brough and his sexual misconduct soon – but Patterson was also privately backing up some of my accounts about some of the monsters in the body politic I’ve been writing about recently. Perhaps this very public rebuke of the Assembly Leadership and the CAGOP will be a wake up call and people like Marie Waldron will stop interfering with the CAGOP leadership actually leading.

What Jessica Patterson did today was outstanding. Her leadership in getting the CAGOP to set fire to Chad Mayes was excellent. I am looking forward to seeing her become more bold and being willing to deal with problems before they get to the Bill Brough or Chad Mayes level.

This response was one of the best political emails I have ever seen.

There is no doubt that Chad Mayes’ exit was pre planned. Other things have been happening that I have been writing about that have made it clear there was movement. While Mayes will get the short-term narcissistic supply to fuel his psychosis, long term he will be remembered poorly by everyone whose admiration and opinions he craves.

In the mean time Madam Chairman saddled up a dump truck and took out the trash. Here’s to more housecleaning.

Dec 052019

Chad Mayes thought he had pulled a fast one by waiting until the day before filing to leave the GOP. It appears that part of the metric was to run as an NPP without a Republican on the ballot.

Right On Daily had previously endorsed Andrew Kotyuk over Chad Mayes. Read the post I wrote almost 2 years ago. It is timely in light of Chad Mayes current actions.

Let me keep this short and sweet.

I know that Andrew Kotyuk is a full portfolio conservative. Like anyone in local government he has had to make some extremely difficult decisions dealing with the unfunded mandates that people like Chad Mayes cut deals to foist on them.

In the world of Chad Mayes and his new way GOP everything is negotiable and personal relevance and justification takes precedence over good policy. The values of one’s youth are subordinated to the urgency of today.

Mayes would have you know that Andrew Kotyuk is not perfect. I’d have you know that as a Conservative Christian, I have watched Chad Mayes compromise and prostitute every value he said he had when he first ran for office. It is embarrassing as it makes people think less of my faith and my values when reflected against the hypocrisy of people like Mayes.

I know 100% about the opposition research file on Andrew Kotyuk. They are allegations and the rest is civil. It does not rise to the level of moral corruption on display with Chad Mayes.

I write this endorsement knowing full well that Gary Jeandron has unloaded a chunk of his personal wealth in to his campaign.

I write this endorsement knowing full well that at least $1MM in independent expenditure money is coming in from the swamp that has taken over Chad Mayes empty soul in an attempt to protect their investment.

I despair to believe that Mayes will be able to come back from the narcissistic scorched earth pattern he has set for himself because his inner need to be right has consumed him and supplanted the faith of his youth. I also despair to see the widespread destruction his narcissistic rage is causing the GOP as he cavorts with jilted GOP losers like failed governor Arnold and John Kasich who will never be able to recover from losing the 2016 Presidential primary.

Andrew Kotyuk represents more than an Assembly Candidate. Flawed though he is, Kotyuk represents the real GOP and the principled GOP that has decided to take a stand against the swamp and its’ millions in independent expenditure money used to secure legislation that enriches their profit margin at the expense of the middle class. Kotyuk represents the little people that want representation from someone that lives as who he says he is, warts and all.

Gary Jeandron has tried and failed multiple times. He is yesterday’s news.

Chad Mayes represents a wing of the GOP that needs to be cut out like a cancer, the “I am moderate because I need to be relevant” wing of Republicans that bail on major issues not out of principle, but because they need attention and relevance. That sort of moral and ideological bankruptcy is useless to everyone regardless of party.

I have serious doubts about weather Kotyuk will be able to beat the tsunami of money against him. In this case the contrast is so important that I’d be shirking my responsibility as a Republican leader in California by not taking a position. Therefore I am endorsing Andrew Kotyuk out of a sense of duty to California and the California Republican Party. Fire Chad Mayes, elect Andrew Kotyuk.

Here’s the deal – it is being put to me that the local GOP are moving fast to endorse Andrew and if everything works correctly, Kotyuk will be endorsed in time to file his ballot statement. It has also been put to me that money is going to be directed to him by specific donors and/or parties (LEGALLY by the way) in order to enable Mr. Kotyuk to file.

Finally, it has been put to me that Kotyuk will have the endorsements he needs to clear the way for him to be the GOP standard-bearer in AD-42.

Your intrepid blogger will fill in details about the Republican Leaders and Parties involved in this effort once it is completed.