Feb 102010

Below I have posted the text of a letter being sent to every Republican member of the state legislature by the California Republican Assembly regarding the impending confirmation vote on Abel Maldonado to be the next Lt. Governor.

Rumors swirling in the capitol basically state that if Maldonado is confirmed, it means that Democrat polling numbers show Blakeslee losing to his Democrat opponent. If the Democrats suddenly resist confirming Maldnoado – then it means their polling numbers show Blakeslee winning – it is that simple, pure political calculus. We shall see if this actually plays out.

The CRA, however is opposed to Abel Maldonado for anything at anytime as he has demonstrated a self-serving ability to throw the state under the bus to favor himself.

February 9, 2010
Re:    Opposition to the Confirmation of Senator Maldonado
Dear Assemblyman/Senator So-and-so:

The California Republican Assembly is strongly OPPOSED to the confirmation of Senator Abel Maldonado for the position of Lieutenant Governor of California.  On behalf of the California Republican Assembly, the California Republican Party, and all the citizens of California, we urge you to reject this appointee and all that he stands for.  It would be far better to allow the office to remain vacant than to fill it with a person like Abel Maldonado.

Senator Maldonado’s failures as a legislator and politician are too numerous to mention, but CRA members are particularly upset that he joined with the Democrats and became the key vote to pass the largest tax increase in the history of our state, in the middle of the worst recession in a generation.  He has contributed to unemployment in California by fighting to increase the state’s minimum wage.  He has supported budgets that increased welfare benefits to unsustainable levels.  He has supported irresponsible borrowing that is now threatening to make our state insolvent.  He has gone to great lengths to attack the Republican Party and he famously authored Proposition 14 (the “Top Two” primary that we call the “Closed General Election,” because it would leave most voters with two candidates from the same party as their only choice in general elections).

Senator Maldonado has had such a poor voting record from a Republican perspective that he scored only 22% on the most recent California Republican Assembly Legislative Scorecard.

This year, the leaders of the California Republican Assembly have determined that the confirmation votes for and against Senator Maldonado will be a major factor on the 2010 Scorecard.  We believe that Republican voters have a right to know where their representatives stand on an issue of this magnitude.

Please join with us in opposing the confirmation of Senator Maldonado.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the California Republican Assembly,

Tom Hudson
Scorecard Committee Chairman
California Republican Assembly

It will be interesting to see what happens – will the hard left join with the Mainstream Republicans in opposing Maldonado’s confirmation? If you listened to Gilbert Cedillo on the Senate Rules Committee – he said he voted for Abel out of Comity…

Abel is not an Assemblymember, so it is a different world over there.

No Honor Amongst Theives – Dems Gird to Lynch Abel Maldonado in the Assembly

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Pedro Nava  Comments Off on No Honor Amongst Theives – Dems Gird to Lynch Abel Maldonado in the Assembly
Feb 072010

I guess a 22% score for Maldo is too high? Or is this a case of there being no honor amongst thieves?

You’d think with Maldo providing pivotal votes to ban .50cal weapons, funding welfare programs, open borders and of course voting for massive tax increases – (including the largest tax increase in state history) that he’d get a little love?

I guess not – in a press release, leading with the Latino left of the Democrat Party – Pedro Nava (a disciple of Hugo Chavez) announced a press conference about how he and his bandoleros are going to lead the charge against Maldo.

Now to those that think working with liberals and compromising with them is the way to go – take a look at just how far it got Maldo. It seems the left knows that he is unprincipled and untrustworthy.

Where: Willie Brown Conference Room, State Capitol, Room 317
Who:  Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) Chair, Assembly Banking & Finance Committee
Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk) member, Assembly Rules Committee
Assemblymember Jose Solorio (D-Anaheim) Chair, Assembly Insurance Committee
Other Members to Attend

Assemblymember Nava said, “Much has been made of Senator Maldonado’s congenial personality, his friendly demeanor, and his one vote to increase the minimum wage, but we believe that he has been, and is out of step on issues of great significance to most Californians. He has voted against farmworkers, health care, civil rights, worker protections, women, consumers, seniors, and the environment. With a record like that we feel that he should not be confirmed by the Assembly.”

Senator Maldonado was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger late last year to fill a vacancy created by the election of former Lieutenant Governor, John Garamendi, to Congress.  Mr. Maldonado must be confirmed by both houses of the Legislature in order to finish out the remaining months of the former Lieutenant Governor’s term.

Looks like the SF Chron is tracking this, too – they are putting Maldo’s chances as less than average as well.

Abel Maldonado or Sam Aanestad for Lt Governor of CA

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Sam Aanestad  Comments Off on Abel Maldonado or Sam Aanestad for Lt Governor of CA
Feb 032010

I tuned into the California State Senate confirmation hearings for Senator Abel Maldonado this afternoon at about 1:30pm and watched until about 4:15 when they concluded. Senator Maldonado was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacant Lt Governors position. The following are a few of my observations about the proceedings this afternoon:

The hearing is took place in the senate rules committee where Senate Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg opened by saying Senator Maldonado’s review should be “thoughtful” & “dispassionate.”

When it was rules committee member Senator Sam Aanestad’s turn to make an opening statement, he reminded the committee that he is also a candidate for Lt Governor and that he would recuse himself from voting or making any further comment regarding the Maldonado nomination.

After the other members of the rules committee spoke, it was time for Maldonado’s opening statement. Senator Maldonado actually welled up in tiers during his opening remarks, talking about his family and his humble beginnings as the son of farm worker. Maldonado made it clear that he would oppose offshore oil drilling and that: “Every day I make myself a promise to do everything I can to bring those (oil drilling) platforms down.”

Senator Maldonado stated that the three main qualities that guide him as a politician are: “I am open minded, pragmatic, and reasonable.” What a statement like this usually means from a politician is:  I don’t really have a core set of principals and I will do whatever is most convenient or expedient at the time I have to make a decision about how to vote.

Contractors got no relief from the good Senator, when he was asked about a proposal to force withholding from payments to independent contractors, he said he’s leaving door open to the Democrat call for a 3% independent contractor withholding, but says it’s a “temporary” fix. He did say that he does think it is not a good idea to lower the vote threshold to simple majority. He thinks that 2/3 threshold makes legislators have to “come together”

After many speakers in favor of Maldonado’s nomination and a few opposed, each member of the committee made statements with the exception of Senator Aanestad.  Senator Cedillo voted yes to move the nomination to the full Senate and said: “This is not a political vote. This is a vote in the interest of comity.”  Senator Dutton voted yes and joked: I ‘flipped a coin’ about whether or not to support Maldonado.  Senator Oropeza voted yes. Then Senator Steinberg votes yes and says:” My vote today is not a political endorsement It is…an acknowledgement of the fact that you crossed over…to avoid…deeper cuts.” In other words: Thanks for helping us raise taxes and screw the taxpayers of California! The fun and games in the confirmation battle for Senator Abel Maldonado to be the next Lt Governor have just begun.  Stay tuned.

… and Just Who Supports Abel Maldonado Anyway? THE CRP!?

 Abel Maldonado, California Republican Party, Ron Nehring  Comments Off on … and Just Who Supports Abel Maldonado Anyway? THE CRP!?
Feb 022010

I don’t know what to make of this vacuous statement from California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring:

SACRAMENTO – California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring today issued the following statement:

“The California constitution calls for the Governor to appoint the post of Lt. Governor should it become vacant.

“I urge the Legislature to put aside politics and fulfill their constitutional duty to confirm Governor Schwarzenegger’s nominee to the Lt. Governor vacancy.

“The legislature should move immediately on the confirmation of Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor.”

Maybe the folks in the Legislature know Abel’s Character and don’t want to confirm him? I didn’t think confirmation was automatic?

But, more importantly, why would Nehring issue a statement urging the confirmation of someone who has routinely sold out the GOP to serve himself? Why would the Chairman of the California Republican Party advocate for a Republican more liberal than Arlen Specter was?

Things that make you go hmmm…

… and Just Who Supports Abel Maldonado, Anyway?

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, Abel Maldonado, Operation RINO, Sam Aanestad  Comments Off on … and Just Who Supports Abel Maldonado, Anyway?
Feb 022010

As expected, Abel Maldonado’s All-Star team is starting to form. Senator En-Abel (as in enable State Government to expand), soon to be Lt. Gov EnAbel – because his colleagues want to get rid of him – received a late contribution from a rock-solid Democrat Major Donor…

Michael E. Fox, Sr – just gave EnAbel for Lt Governor $6,500.

Senator EnAbel’s name is now enshrined with:

Joe Smitan
John Garamendi
Abel Maldonado
Jim Beall
Elaine Alquist

All are liberals, only EnAbel forgot to register Democrat like the rest of them…

For a more complete list of Mr. Fox’ loyal service to the Democrat Party – click here. It seems the donors know who the Democrat in the race is!

www.rightondaily.com – exposing fraud in the Republican Party. (Even though Abel Maldonado makes it easy)