Open Letter to Doug LaMalfa – Apology

 4th Senate District Race, Doug LaMalfa  Comments Off on Open Letter to Doug LaMalfa – Apology
Mar 272011

Update 4/21/2011 – I was made aware of a LaMalfa blog post where he took a cheap shot at my brother. I meant what I wrote in this post – but apparently Mr. LaMalfa did not believe me or he decided to renew hostilities. Unbelievable.

Click here to see the cheap-shot in question.

Many who read this blog remember that I went after now Senator Doug LaMalfa with the fury of a vandal warrior.

I don’t apologize for the political disagreements – that’s part of the game.

This is being written because I went too far when I lit up Doug LaMalfa. The writings were over the top and personal in nature.

I allowed my issues with people associated with Mr. LaMalfa cloud my judgement in what was written.

Even political opponents deserve better than what I wrote about him. The posts were removed after LaMalfa won the primary and I had considered writing this post for several months.

Irregardless of what happens in the near or farther future related to political battles (I am sure we’ll be on opposite sides of) – this apology to Sen LaMalfa stands in perpetuity.

The Reverend Karen England hits the Mother Lode… $25K

 2010 Lt. Governor Race, 4th Senate District Race, Doug LaMalfa, Karen England  Comments Off on The Reverend Karen England hits the Mother Lode… $25K
Oct 072010

The Reverend Karen England hit the jackpot with the Doug LaMalfa for State Senate 2010 Committee.

Now we know why Karen worked all those hours for LaMalfa and dedicated herself to attempting to destroy Myself, Aaron and Tom Hudson personally.

When you see checks for $10,000 to Capitol Resource Family Impact, $10,000 to Save our Kids (another “project” of the CRI) and another $5,000 later that same year – the picture becomes crystal clear.

It was time to lie, lie and lie again to get her man elected. One could easily conclude that the financial future of the Capitol Resource Institute depended on getting Doug LaMalfa elected in the mind of the Reverend Karen England. At best, it was supporting a major donor.

The shake-down of Doug LaMalfa ran its’ course for $27,500 total.

Karen England never once volunteered any of this information while pointing the finger at other people who earned income off their political activity… And of course, we were all treated to the self-righteous rants about her volunteer service to the Conservative Cause.

Look at the enormous sums of money donated by Doug LaMalfa to the Reverend England’s “Charity” – it explains her psychotic rampage against the members of the Placer County Republican Party that supported Rick Keene.

P.S. Exodus 23:8: Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth

Placer County Republican Assembly Members Make an Impact in SD-04 and AD-05!

 4th Senate District Race, 5th Assembly District Race, Andy Pugno, Rick Keene  Comments Off on Placer County Republican Assembly Members Make an Impact in SD-04 and AD-05!
Jun 102010

Grassroots activism is still alive.

Even though the State CRA did not endorse in either the AD-05 race or the SD-04 race, it did not stop our members from making an impact for the club’s favorites.

By now, insiders are done buzzing over the 16.4% blowout loss by Rick Keene – losing to Doug LaMalfa in SD04.

The post-mortems and recriminations will go on for a while, but what is known is this:

Rick Keene won Placer County by 3.74% vs losing by 16.4% district-wide.

Andy Pugno won Placer County by 46.58% vs 43.50% in Sacramento County.

Members of the Placer CRA walked precincts (including this blogger) in the portions of each district that overlapped Placer County.