Feb 122012

Best short speech: Kirk Uhler rocked the crowd with his short address.

Pam Tobin took suddenly ill and did not make the dinner. (Perhaps her liberal democrat activist consultant and campaign manager did not want to come to the dinner?)

Biggest Surprise: Robert Grigas is running against Jim Holmes in Sup District 3. Holmes left the GOP a few years ago because of our “divisive” stands against local tax measures. His Brother Mike ran against John Doolittle twice in the Primary. Grigas picked up support by virtue of being a Republican willing to file.

Best Long Speech: Shasta County Supervisor Les Baugh connected with the crowd bringing some North State Values down to Placer County. His speech was so good in fact that it caused…

The Worst Speech: Ted Gains. Obviously rattled by the connection his opponent for State Senate made, Ted attempted to envoke Tim Tebow to gain traction. Ultimately, it was the failure to string thoughts together that doomed Ted’s presentation.

Hello Again: Sam Aanestad is taking on the biggest fraud in the North State – Doug LaMalfa. LaMalfa’s popularity will be tested by Aanestad. That congressional district has a choice now.

Welcome to the Race: Linda Park – was the only candidate who got interrupted by applause mid speech. This was her first major address as a candidate for AD-06. (Beth Gains was ill and did not attend the Lincoln Dinner.)

Welcome to the Race part 2: Mark Wright also came in a suit and tie and made an impression on the crowd.

Honorable Mention – Rick Bosetti. Running for AD-01 which includes 1/2 of Placer Sup D5 – Bossetti decided to visit the Placer County faithful to introduce himself. I think he made  a good first impression.

Red Meat Award: I want some of what Dan Logue had before coming to the Placer Lincoln Day dinner – he was on fire. Les Baugh was charming and warm, Dan was on a tear.

Wally Herger gave his first and last address to Placer County as a Congressman. He was charming and gracious – Assemblyman Dan Logue presented Wally with an Assembly Resolution when he introduced him.

Notable Absences: Pam Tobin D-Granite Bay, Beth Gains R-Roseville/Rocklin, Doug LaMalfa R-Subsidy

Jan 092012

The source of this information is impeccable.

What has been rumored for years is going to happen – Wally Herger is retiring tomorrow (1/10/2012) and Doug LaMalfa is going to declare for Congress.

You read it here first.

There have been a series of insider movements over the last 24-72 hours that give serious credence to this post.

Oct 172011

I love Republicans, they charge the windmills and don’t care about strategy… there are 2 more that joined the race after Colonel Pete Stiglich, this will likely assure Wally Herger of finishing in 2nd place (behind the one Democrat that is sure to file) and getting in to the runoff.

Anyway – Pete Stiglich was the first to file and the first to announce and the most noteworthy candidate (not named Herger). I have mentioned before that Stiglich is now the President of the Shasta RA as well.

Click here to read the Anderson Newspaper’s Coverage of  Pete Stiglich’s announcement.

Pasted Below is Colonel Pete’s First Press Release:

Friends of Colonel Pete Stiglich is pleased to announce the candidacy of Colonel Pete Stiglich (Colonel Pete) for California’s 1st Congressional District.

Colonel Pete explains his reason for entering the 2012 congressional, saying,

Frankly, I’m fed up.  Fed up with democrats who want the federal government to intrude into every facet of our lives and republicans who go 50/50 on deals that are 100% wrong.  And, hard working, patriotic Americans feel much the same way.  It’s long past time we returned to our constitutional principles, a balanced federal budget, and a limited government.  And, the only way we’re going to do this is to replace career politicians like Wally Herger.

Colonel Pete, a native of California, retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2006 after 26 years of honorable service to his country.  Upon returning to his ranch in Cottonwood, he dedicated himself as an advocate for both veteran and community affairs.  He also wrote a popular conservative column for the Red Bluff Daily News entitled “Dare I Say”.

“Like never before, we need an emboldened Republican Party willing to lay out a clear conservative agenda and the leadership to stand up and fight for it,” says Colonel Pete. “And I’m just the guy to do it.”

Wally Herger has been in office 29+ years and has made some horrific endorsements as of late – preferring Liberal / RINO Republicans to more Conservative counterparts in several recent races. My research also shows that Herger has gotten soft on the Abortion issue as he has voted for some spending bills that included continued funding to pay for welfare abortions, etc.

And, I didn’t even mention his affiliates in Northern California by name – it’s not necessary, you know who they are.

(In addition, I saw some of Herger’s CRP appointments on the list of proxies given to Bay Area Liberals that attempted to gut the Republican Party Platform…)

Aug 162011

You can’t predict tomorrow – especially if the Unions and their whores in the media come out fangs bared to stop a referendum.

Here are the final Districts in Placer:

SD04 – LaMalfa has Roseville and Western Placer.

SD01 – Ted Gaines is moving and has the rest of Placer all the way up to Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta. Ted Gaines wins, get over it – even if the unions, RINO’s et. al. come after Gaines.

AD06 – Beth Gaines has Roseville, Granite Bay, Lincoln, Rocklin, Penryn, Loomis, Orangevale, Fair Oaks, Folsom, El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park.

Beth Gaines is in serious debt from her recent race – there is some question with the new districts if the “third house” is going to give much to Republicans since it seems that soon they will be completely irrelevant in state government. Will Beth draw a Republican Opponent in this +20 district?

AD05 – this is the State-Level District that will breed the fireworks in Placer. First off – this district has Newcastle and Auburn in it from Placer. It has ElDorado minus Cameron Park and El Dorado Hills + all of Amador, Calaveras, Alpine, Mono, Toulumne, Mariposa and Madera Counties in it.

The rumored candidates as I understand them are El Dorado County Supervisor Ray Nutting, Auburn City Councilmeber Kevin Hanley and Madera County Supervisor Frank Bigelow.

I know Nutting and Hanley well – I do not know Bigelow at all.

AD-01 – Dan Logue has moved in to Nevada County. This is his race to lose. The RINO’s and the Labor Unions are rumored to be looking over some Shasta County liberals like Stan Statham (who is now a DTS) to run against Logue.

CD-04 – with a recent Bee article, this district that takes in 90% of Placer and stretches down the foothills to rural Fresno County is McClintock Country – but the Bee stated emphatically that Dan Lungren could move in to the district and take on McClintock.

If that happens – it will be Ose V. McClintock on steroids. I predict that should Lungren run against McClintock, it will be national news all the way to the wire.

CD-01 – Herger. This takes in roughly 10% of Placer and goes all the way to Siskiyou. Herger wins.

Situation Normal.

Aug 062011

After reading Matt Rexroad’s comments about the results of re-distircting – I have determined the following:

1. The process was corrupt, but not as bad as if it had been done in Sacramento.

2. The GOP Registration is 30.9% statewide and falling, yet we have a fighting chance to maintain as much as 36% of the seats.

3. In-fighting within the CA GOP is as responsible for the results of these new lines as the commission was/is. This includes what many of you have been reading about on this blog for weeks. It is time to put a stop to it – which means:

4. “Leaders” within the GOP who avoid conflict at all costs, and others who are so self-focused that the facts are cast aside must also be dealt with or rehabilitated in to dynamic leaders. The GOP needs to stop waiting for the next Reagan while a generation of relative weaklings continue to shuffle the deck chairs on the titanic.

Assuming that these lines hold up after the flurry of lawsuits – here’s what I know at this time:

Ted Gaines is moving in to the new SD-01. The nexus for why Gaines / LaMalfa decided to team up in “attacking” the Placer Cent Com is certainly there as the two will be stuck with each other in the State Senate for 6 years. Placer County will represent a significant voting block for both of them.

LaMalfa has a clean shot at SD-04 for re-election in 2014.

Dan Logue has moved in to the new AD-01. He will get his third and final term from 2013-2014.

Jim Nielsen was  a big winner – his nemesis Charlie Schaupp who came close (within 6,000 votes) to beating him in the 2010 Primary has been drawn out of that district. However, the nexus for the cheap shots against Dan Logue has effectively been removed as Nielsen and Logue will now live in different State Senate Seats – since Ted Gaines does not term out until 2020 and LaMalfa in 2018… that’s beyond eternity in Politics.

Beth Gaines – AD06. Only has to worry about John Allard, that is if her team can’t convince Allard to wait until 2016. Alyson Huber has already bailed out on running against Beth Gaines in a bungling filing for Congress.

Kevin Hanley – AD05, he is not a candidate yet. However, El Dorado County Supervisor Ray Nutting is. Nutting ran for Assembly against Rico Oller in 1998, and has wanted to serve in the Assembly since at least 10 years before that.

Wally Herger CD-01 – likely, Herger will retire in 2014. This would tee up LaMalfa for Congress on phase and set up the moderate Jim Nielsen vs a Conservative prop 14 cluster primary in 2014. Herger would support Nielsen.

Tom McClintock CD-04. Will Lungren stay in CD-07 now that it has been drawn to a D+1 registration district? Does Roger Niello run for CD-07?

The rumors are that someone is going to challenge Tom McClintock in the primary. They will get hammered as McClintock, despite his perceived flaws, enjoys huge popularity with the voters of both the old and new CD-04. (Which is the 2nd most lopsided Rep district in California)

What does Roger Niello run for next? He can win any of the marginal districts in Eastern Sacramento County – it should be interesting.