Leave it to the Voice of OC to finally drop the hammer on Pete “Hardon” Hardin. A former colleague of Pete Hardin’s went on the record and set fire to Pete Hardin.
Hardin is now a proven liar. Hardin, like the communist Alinsky-ite he is, will lie cheat and steal to win elections.
“The contents of that memo were discussed with him personally, face to face,” Coulter told Voice of OC in a pair of interviews Friday and Monday after being contacted by the news agency.
“I was present in the room when [Hardin’s direct supervisor] Jen Contini re-counseled him, pursuant to the memo,” added Coulter, who supervised all of the DA’s branch court operations when Hardin worked at DA’s Harbor court branch.
Hardin says Coulter is wrong.
“Mr. Coulter is mistaken,” Hardin said in a statement provided by his campaign via email.
“I would not forget being confronted with allegations from an unnamed man, that claimed conduct occurred involving unnamed women, when none of those supposedly involved ever complained or even anonymously corroborated the allegations made,” Hardin added in the remaining text of the statement he sent Voice of OC on this issue.
When asked about Hardin’s denials of being told about the memo, Coulter reaffirmed his recollection of the meeting.
“I stand by my statement, that we had the meeting directly face to face with him,” said Coulter, who during his OC DA tenure also supervised the Public Integrity Unit that handles corruption and election integrity cases.
Jamie Coulter is a former high-level prosecutor in the OCDA’s office WHO WAS IN THE MEETING WITH HARDIN when they confronted this monster on his actions in 2015.
Coulter’s account contradicts the picture Hardin was painting in his statements on the record – published by Voice of OC last week – when asked about the memo.
In casting doubt on the memo’s concerns, Hardin said no one ever told him about it until this year.
“I was never told about this memo or these allegations,” Hardin told Voice of OC in a Feb. 25 interview.
“I didn’t hear about this memo until Spitzer’s former communications director herself wrote about it for this right-wing Q-Anon conspiracy-type publication,” Hardin added, referring to a Washington Examiner article this January.
But Coulter – who at the time was the direct supervisor of Hardin’s boss Jennifer Contini, who is listed as writing the memo – says he was in the room when Hardin was told about it back in 2015.
Asked what Hardin’s response was to the allegations at the meeting, Coulter said: “He did not contest them.”
“He listened and gave the appearance of being contrite,” added Coulter.
Hardin lied and the Voice of OC torched him on it. Last week the Voice of OC wrote a story about the memo but were clearly on the side of Hardin in that story and made it appear the memo was garbage. This week, with the corroboration and the witness on the record, they are singing a different tune. I stand behind my charges of bias against the Voice of OC as it took some pretty extreme measures to get them off the shilling for Hardin bus.
Asked how common it was at the DA’s Office for him to have the kind of counseling session with a prosecutor such as the one he says he and Contini had with Hardin, Coulter said it was “unusual.”
“These allegations had surfaced, and it’s our duty as managers to follow up to see what is going on, and to correct the employee – assuming there was something,” he added.
“Our duty was to investigate these matters, to determine what’s going on and to correct it.”
Coulter said he was answering Voice of OC’s questions publicly to make the truth clear in the matter.
“It’s just a sense of duty,” Coulter said.
“That’s the truth, and the record should be stated accurately.”
Where are the Orange County Register and the LA Times? Or is the personal vendetta of the OC Register’s Editorial Board more important than the truth about a sexual deviant running for OC DA? The LA Times? I don’t expect a damn thing from them.