Feb 082021

This is humiliating, you’d think that the first Chairwoman of the CAGOP would be a shoo-in for a Women’s Federated Endorsement. Nope.

Leave it to Steve Frank to show up and make such a distinction that he ended up leaving the meeting with the coveted endorsement. Given that Steve Frank converted the Marin GOP, San Benito GOP, San Mateo GOP (all three long a part of the moderate establishment) and fought Jessica Patterson to a draw in Santa Barbara… it is clear the message is getting out. Steve Frank is with us and Jessica is the swamp.

Jan 182021

Courtesy of a Steve Frank supporter – we were alerted that the Orange County Republican Party had invited “the Chairwoman” to speak to the Central Committee tonight. The announcement did not make mention that they were going to consider an endorsement tonight.

Take the fight to the democrats? More like a cool quarter mill while getting shellacked

We were able to determine that indeed the person that tipped us off as to the upcoming meeting exposed what was supposed to be yet another pre-ordained endorsement from the OCGOP as an email sent just two days ago added the endorsement to the agenda.

In the course of making my calls on behalf of Steve Frank, a confidential informant stakeholder in the CAGOP told me they spoke to the Chairwoman. Note the Chairwoman has not been calling anyone identified as an undesirable – she has only made a handful of calls outside the squish-staff axis.

Her majesty informed my source that she has the endorsement of the OCGOP. This claim was made something like 10 days ago. Fred Whitaker has been caught once again trying to operate under cover of darkness. It appears that Whitaker had promised the Chairwoman an endorsement of the OCGOP before the sham process was initiated.

Mr. Frank was at least able to get equal time tonight before the pre-ordained vote occurrs. If you are wondering why the CAGOP is nearly dead in California – it is again leadership like this.

So, let’s recap what Fred Whitaker and the OCGOP are preparing to endorse:

The State Party ignoring the un-endorsement of Tyler Diep in AD72, refusing to allow the state party to even consider correcting the endorsement.

The State Party abandonment of Diane Dixon in AD74, Greg Raths in CA45 and Bryan Maryott in CA49

Losing Ling Ling Chang and John Moorlach’s Senate Seats (IRONY ALERT: Fred rigged a party endorsement for Moorlach for Supervisor despite the exploding scandal around him)

In addition to the two lost Senate Seats, two assemblymembers defected from the GOP as well.

Her refusal to comment or lead on the Bill Brough Scandal (which has now embroiled John Moorlach)

Her refusal to deal with Mike Madrid, a founder of the Lincoln Project who actively tried to defeat Republicans Nationwide and who is currently on a rampage to attack everyone that ever worked for President Trump. There were three other Party delegates along with Madird actively campaigning against the President, and the complaints against them were also ignored.

Her quarter of a million dollar salary juxtaposed with the party running out of discretionary campaign dollars in early october + the slew of dishonest fundraising emails leeching money off of the recall, the Georgia Runoff and other issues of the day

27 County Party Committees with less than half their eleceted slots filled (most counties have 21 elected seats spread by the 5 supervisor districts), including 11 without a single elected member! This is a staggering number – half the county parties in California are functionally dead and this only happens with a Chairwoman that wants it that way.

A net loss of 1,200,000 voter registrations occurring under her watch as the Democrats put up well over 1,800,000 registrations at the same time as she is bragging about 624K for the GOP. This happens when you have no formal voter registration program at the state party level.

Similar to ignoring the misconduct of John Moolach, a lot of ignoring conduct goes in to every party endorsement pre-arranged under the cover of darkness. This sort of behavior is not healthy for a good functioning organization, but is unfortunately not uncommon as you’ve read on this blog repeatedly most recently with the San Bernardino GOP caper where a convicted felon was enlisted to keep team Jessica in control of that county party.

To be continued…

UPDATE: The final agenda for the OCGOP meeting tonight was sent a couple of hours after the blog went live. It no longer includes deciding on an endorsement for CAGOP Chair.

Jan 112021

While Jessica Patterson is running a cookie-cutter establishment campaign touting endorsements from the status quo, Steve Frank is running to actually accomplish something with the California GOP:

  1. I will immediately establish a comprehensive statewide voter registration program on a county by county basis.
  1. I will immediately establish a comprehensive program to strengthen and integrate each County Central Committee into a cohesive juggernaut with which to take on the Socialists in the Democrat Party.
  1. Under my leadership there will be no Democrat left unchallenged. I will work with our various Central Committees to see to it that in every Legislative District there is a Republican challenger.
  1. Likewise, as a “from the ground up” State Chair, I want to work with every Central Committee and all GOP activists to field as many Republican candidates for Regional, County, Local and Special Boards.  The Republican Mayor or School Board Member of today, is the Assemblyman, State Senator or Governor of tomorrow.
  1. I will establish a media taskforce to carry our message to every corner of California.  No request for an interview will go unanswered, no false or misleading statement by a Democrat will be allowed to pass. For too long, we have allowed the media a free pass at being the lap dogs for the Democrats. Under my leadership that ends on my first day.
  1. I will always be available to you. I will set regular regional and local Republican meetings, as well as utilize Zoom and other social media to hear your suggestions, complaints and whatever input you have for our Party. I will be a Chairman for all Republicans, not just a small handful of insiders.
  1. Under my leadership all Board Meetings of the Party will be open to any and all delegates who wish to attend. All delegates will be allowed full time for their questions to be asked and answered.
  1. As your Chair I will put an end to the excessive and abusive emails that delegates have had to endure for the last two years. Gone will be the disingenuous misleading emails so many of us have had to endure.
  1. I will put an end to the support for and endorsement of any elected Republican who has either engaged in sexual harassment or allowed any member of his or her staff to harass any female. As the Father of two daughters, I’ve always held them on a pedestal and sought to protect them. I will lead rigorous accountability to protect women in the legislature and the workplace ALWAYS.

To support me, go towww.frank4leadership.com.

You can contact me at 805-795-1271.


Jan 102021
Dear Fellow California Republican Party Delegates
Last Saturday I sent an open letter to the Board of Directors, asking them to hold an emergency meeting of the Board.  The purpose was to have the California Republican Party actually donate to the Recall effort.  Why?  Because the Chair Jessica Patterson had sent out numerous email blasts asking for money to defeat Gov. Gavin Newson, yet not a penny of the money donated for that reason has been given or used for the Recall effort.

I want to thank the members of the Board of the California Republican Party for their efforts in getting the Board meeting moved from January 21 to January 11.  This is very important since as of the 11th, we will have only 65 days to get the 1.5 million verified signatures to qualify the Recall.  In total, we will need 2 million.  It is doable (we are halfway to that goal)—we can defeat Gavin Newsom in the Spring of 2021 and elect a Governor who will not kill off jobs, church, education and our future.

To assure this happens, I URGE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO ALLOW ALL DELEGATES TO OBSERVE THE BOARD MEETING VIA CONFERENCE CALL.  This has been done in the past, it is not anything new.  Too many very important decisions have to be made on January 11 and we have a right to know, firsthand how they were made.

The key January 11 Decisions:

  1.  Amount of money to be donated to Recall effort
  2. A Plan for major push for the 37,500 CRP volunteers to carry the petition (and finally getting their information to county parties?)
  3. A Plan for communication with all registered Republicans, via email, asking for their help in getting the petitions signed.

We also have a convention, scheduled for February 19-21.We know that cannot be a face to face convention. So we need the following decisions:

Section 2.02.02 reads:“(A) Notice of meetings of the Committee shall be in writing mailed either by electronic or conventional means to the last address of each delegate on file in the office of the Committee, mailing to be made at least 30 days prior to the date of such meetings.

Added to the above decisions to be made on January 11 are the following:

  1. The method/timing of the convention
  2. Registration fee, if any
  3. Method of elections
  4. Use of an independent organization to run the election
  5. Deadlines for filing as candidates

These are difficult times and decisions.  They affect our Party and our State.  We need transparency and accountability.  The meeting on January 11 could re-start the process of being transparent and accountable.

Leaders Lead. Will this happen on January 11th?
If you have any questions about this please call me at 805-795-1271. 

To support me, go to www.frank4leadership.com.

Jan 092021
Dear Fellow California Republican Party Delegates
We have already seen the State Party and its Chair, Jessica Patterson send out numerous emails, asking for money.  Why?  Because Gov. Gavin Newsom is bad and he has to go.  We all agree with that.

But, as we found out not a dime has been donated to the Recall, which is actually working to gather petitions to end the reign of Gavin Newsom. I have challenged the Party Board of Directors and Chair Patterson to donate the money she has collected to defeat Newsom to the Recall, for a minimum of $100,000.

For many years some Past California Republican Party Chairs have railed against organizations that raise money for one cause, then spend it on another or don’t tell how they actually spent it.  As Chair I will spend the money on the projects I raise the money for, not a dime less.

In doing research (regarding the bait and switch dealing with Newsom and the Recall) I found a couple of other emails, both sent on December 7, 2020. One came in at 10:00am and the second at 2:00pm. Both requested money for saving the two Georgia Senate seats:

“Georgia needs our help. We’ve sent volunteers to help re-elect Senator Kelly Loeffler and Senator David Perdue. Georgia is getting so much attention from the RADICAL Democrats so desperate to flip the Senate.
We have even more volunteers eager and ready to help secure these two victories in Georgia. The future of our country depends on these races.

Please contribute $50 to help us recruit volunteers to help in the Georgia runoffs. We need to do our part to make sure Republicans maintain control of the Senate.”

The other, sent four hours later had the exact same language.

I have checked the California Republican Party’s campaign finances. My research shows that the CAGOP has not given a dime to the Georgia Republican Party, either of the two Republican Senate candidates, the McConnell Majority PAC or the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Now it is too late to donate to help elect two Republican Senators. As a reminder, a complaint was filed against Mike Madrid, a CRP delegate, who endorsed Joe Biden for President. Chair Patterson did not even have a motion to censure him, much less abide by the by-laws and throw him out of the Party.  Why do I bring that up now?  Because of this, from Nov. 17, 2020. Here Mike Madrid explains how HE is going to defeat the two Republicans in Georgia. See it at the 20:00 minute mark of the interview.

Patterson is protecting Madrid and those trying to defeat Republicans. She raises money by proclaiming the need to win in Georgia. What happens to the money? It does not go to Georgia for the Republican Senators nor to defeat the Democrats including Mike Madrid and his Lincoln Project. What happened to “Taking the Fight to the Democrats?”

Is this the leadership we need going into 2022?  We need to reform the GOP.

If you raise money for a cause, give the money to the cause.  If a Republican official supports a Democrat for partisan office and works to defeat Republicans, they should immediately put outside the Party—not allowed to use their Party titles and status to harm Republican candidates.

Now it is too late to donate to help elect two Republican Senators. As a reminder, a complaint was filed against Mike Madrid, a CRP delegate, who endorsed Joe Biden for President. Chair Patterson did not even have a motion to censure him, much less abide by the by-laws and throw him out of the Party.  Why do I bring that up now?  Because of this, from Nov. 17, 2020. Here Mike Madrid explains how HE is going to defeat the two Republicans in Georgia. See it at the 20:00 minute mark of the interview.  https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-lincoln-project/episode/explained-georgia-senate-runoffs-79512734

As Party Chair I will represent Republicans. As party Chair I will demand and enforce accountability and transparency in all of our actions.

Stephen Frank
Candidate, Chair of the California Republican Party

To support me, go to www.frank4leadership.com.