Nov 102016

Many of you that read this blog regularly know I have no use for Beth Gaines or Ted Gaines. They represent the worst politics has to offer:

  1. They play Christian when it suits them
  2. They discard political allies at a whim and are loyal to no one
  3. They are always looking at the next office beyond the one they are in

Beth Gaines shopped for three offices to run for, and settled on running for El Dorado County Supervisor after determining that she could not beat Kirk Uhler in Placer and the wise now-retired Roberta MacGlashan waited until Gaines moved to a rented house in Serrano to retire. N/E Sacramento County was spared Beth Gaines and will soon be represented by Sue Frost.

El Dorado County had to rid itself of the Gaines cancer. Beth Gaines used a bunch of money she raised in to her Assembly account to build a seemingly insurmountable lead for herself. She believed she had the name ID and good will in El Dorado County to use them for her next government paycheck.

Then along came John Hidahl, a 40 year resident of the area. Hidahl ran a modest, but straightforward campaign. Hidahl was known to people and rooted in the area and is notably able to complete full sentences extemporaneously.

One of the best moments of the evening was getting a text message from a friend showing Gaines trailing Hidahl in the runoff by a massive 17 points. That margin held throughout the night.

A man I believe to be a sexual predator, who was reportedly (as told to me by several in the Capitol) fired by the State Senate Rules committee for multiple documented and real sexual harassment complaints, Steve Davey was her campaign manager. Davey needed a paycheck once he was forced out of Sacramento.

This is humiliating for Sssssteve Davey as well as his departure from Ted Gaines office was spun as a promotion in to him running his own consulting business. I hope someday to have a candidate running against one of his, and anyone that knows how to treat women and whose IQ is above plant life should relish the chance to square off against Davey in a campaign.

Beth Gaines was supposed to occupy an El Dorado County Supervisor seat for 2.5 years and then Run for State Senate in a Special Election in 2019. The idea was that her name ID could carry her in to office like it did in a special election in 2011.

Then the feckless, incompetent team of Beth Gaines and Steve Davey got their asses kicked.

Ted Gaines, just re-elected to his final term in the State Senate is already lining up his run for Board of Equalization in 2018. He has moved money and raised money and is buying slate mail cards in preparation for that run. I am told that Gaines, whose district runs all the way to the Oregon Border is rarely ever seen North of Auburn.

The defeat of Beth Gaines puts a major crimp in the best laid plans of team Gaines. After the establishment (who lost badly on the GOP side in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump) funded Gaines re-election in 2012 despite their knowledge of her incompetence and lack of character, it has been a long wait for justice for the betrayals of many in South Placer.

We will still have to beat her one more time in 2019 should Ted Gaines win his BOE race in 2018. That will be a very different election as donors have little to fear from a BOE member versus a sitting State Senator leveraging that position to force donors in to supporting an unqualified spouse. We will have a chance to get rid of the Gaines scourge in California if we stop Ted Gaines for BOE in 2018, as Ted will be forced out of his 15 year infestation of state-level office by term limits in 2020.

For now, I will enjoy some justice for those that Ssssteve Davey and the Gaines have hurt – knowing full well that their sense of entitlement to public office will never stop.

Feb 072016

The stories are legion. I first met Adam Willoughby in late 2007ish when Ted Gaines had betrayed Congressman John Doolittle by filing an exploratory committee against him. Gaines had basically been ushered in to office by a massive effort of local and retiring partisan electeds. Ted Gaines was a protege of John Doolittle and his actions in 2007 showed us all that his pattern of deceit, betrayal and personal fraud was set in long before he took public office.

Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines betrayed many people in the course of their office shopping, and the list of people is legion. Basically, look at the endorsement list of Bill Halldin and pretty much everyone on it from Placer County has been negatively affected by the Gaines.

While Adam was angry with me at the time for lambasting Ted Gaines, He would live an almost 5 year nightmare working in the Gaines operation that culminated in us meeting in 2012.

We had lunch one day in early 2012 when Andy Pugno was challenging Beth Gaines for Assembly and I had recently also signed on the dotted line with Shasta County Supervisor Les Baugh who Challenged Ted Gaines for State Senate.

Ted Gaines had betrayed John Allard in 2011, after verbally endorsing him and instead got his wife Beth to run for Assembly ostensibly to get a second paycheck in to the family.

I have written ad naseum about the bizarre happenstance surrounding the Gaines finances, etc that have ensued since.

As it relates to Adam, he was purged out of the Gaines operation in 2011 along with everyone who helped get Ted Gaines elected to the State Senate including now CRP field director David Creager and Joe Sturgis who now works for Don Wagner. (Ted Gaines ran for an won the seat vacated by the death of Statesman Dave Cox).

I saw how badly all three of those men were affected personally and financially by what was done to them by Steve Davey with Ted Gaines’ approval. It was a personally difficult time controlling my anger over seeing good people getting hurt en masse by the Gaines operation.

Having already been enraged by the growing list of people that Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines had hurt, and their unbelievable behavior, I thought I was prepared for what Adam was going to tell me.

I wasn’t. Adam and I will probably take half of the information he shared to our graves, as it is so vile and disgusting that even an “attack dog” like me can not put it in to words.

Adam is a very even-keeled man and is not demonstrative. As he shared his experiences with me, he was visibly shaken as if it was the first time he had been telling his story.

As I wrote last week about the psychotic rampage of Steve Davey while Ted Gaines did nothing, it was the first time I had ever revealed details of that meeting publicly. I held that inside me for almost four years.

Adam left the following comment on that post that he signed his name to:

I always wanted to try to like Steve and Ted, and push aside those negative things people told me. The cumulative effect of things like Steve “ordering” me to move his ball closer to the pin so he could win a putter, and the two of them handicapping the date of the late Senator Cox’s demise with glee and laughter whilst in their capitol office was but one of many nails in the coffin that eventually convinced me that it is indeed true what people say about Steve Davey and Ted Gaines. And the stuff about Steve harassing fellow female employees is all too true. I saw it, many times. How’s about that for trusting in elected officials!

I applaud Adam for his courage in standing up publicly. I pay a price often for the blogs I write. There are some in politics that probably have voodoo dolls of me in their closet (where they are hiding their true essence). Just understand that everything I write, I believe to be true and with reason. The RightonDaily Blog was founded in order to expose fraud within the Republican Party. Until we have a generation of leaders that are true to their conservative values, the GOP will continue to slide in to irrelevance in California. This is something the Gaines care nothing about as long as they get paid.

All that said, Team Gaines is spinning Steve Davey’s dismissal as Ted Gaines’ Chief of Staff as him taking over to run Beth Gaines’ supervisor campaign. I believe that to be a lie, however at this time I can not prove what I know to be true versus what they are saying.

Let’s say that I am wrong and the termination of Steve Davey by someone other than Ted Gaines is not true… then the people of El Dorado County need to be concerned and perhaps Steve Davey should have a police escort around him so he can’t act out on the women of El Dorado Hills in the same manner as he has in the legislative office or at CRP Conventions. El Dorado County has a ton of problems in its’ local government – recalls and alleged DA corruption notwithstanding.

So everyone should step back and ask yourself as a voter of El Dorado County if you want that kind of filth in the County Supervisor’s office.

P.S. Ted Gaines has an opponent for re-election. Maybe people should take a long look at that guy, Steven Baird as well.

Please note: AD06 Candidate Cristi Nelson wrote Ted Gaines for State Senate a $2500 check out of her official Assembly account on 10/6, was this payment for services rendered? In case you’re not connecting the dots, click here to see the announcement of the endorsement on 10/13, 7 days after the check was written. Now we know the price tag. Business as Usual for Team Gaines.

Jan 302016

The event people have waited for, for years has finally happened. Team Gaines attempted to make it happen quietly, but your intrepid blogger has excellent sources.

Someday, I do hope to tell the back story of how it happened as Steve Davey’s out of control life pattern appears to have been central in his ouster.

No – Ted Gaines did not fire Steve Davey. This is as far as I can comment.

Years ago, most people that Ted Gaines spoke with told him not to hire Steve Davey. It appears that since then, Davey through Ted has sought revenge on all of them. The list of local electeds that Ted Gaines has abused is legion.

Ted Gaines appears to have been well suited and quite a match with Mr. Davey as the pattern of political paranoia and betrayal has been consistent and few have not been affected by it.

Beth Gaines’ Chief of Staff Dave Titus now works for Ted Gaines. Similar to Beth Gaines discarding her constituents in favor of her next campaign, the morally and ethically challenged Dave Titus had to find a new gig. Steve Davey’s ouster made that easy.

Ssssteve Davey and Dave Titus met while working for Rico Oller. In 2004, when Rico Oller ran unsuccessfully for Congress, I saw firsthand Dave Titus have an affair with a 20 something staffer who is now his current wife. Titus discarded his then wife of 20+ years in favor of this much younger woman and reputedly he has cheated on her as much as he did on his first wife – while Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines do nothing.

Ssssteve Davey learned well. Too well. According to several ex-staffers of Ted and Beth Gaines, Steve Davey is a monster who is reputed to have been subjected to multiple claims of harassment. I have first hand knowledge that Davey used to make crass sexual comments about local elected women. Ted Gaines did nothing.

Steve Davey sexually harassed female staff. This is a fact repeated to me several times by former staff. Ted Gaines did nothing.

Steve Davey directed a former staffer to move his ball at a golf tournament in order to steal a putter for the best ball tournament. Steve Davey is in the process of getting a divorce and while I have no direct proof – I am sure Mr. Davey copied his mentor’s pattern of infidelity and again former Gaines staff told me she had left him at least twice before.

I have seen Steve Davey take off his wedding ring at CRP conventions for years in order to aid his efforts for horizontal refreshment at said conventions. Ted Gaines had to know about all of this and he did nothing.

Ted Gaines has demonstrated that he lacks the judgement to be in office as he has tolerated and even encouraged Steve Davey’s behavior for years.

Now – Ted Gaines has endorsed Cristi Nelson for Assembly. Nelson has no connection to the district and neither does Ted or he’d have fired Steve Davey years ago.

If you have any question about Ted Gaines’ encouragement and approval of Steve Davey’s rampage – When Senator Dave Cox was dying, Ted Gaines and Steve Davey used to laugh about it in their office jokingly keeping track on a calendar and taking bets with one another on when that day would be.

Yes – I have spoken to many former members of Team Gaines staff. My contempt for the Gaines has been earned, this is not simply a matter of sour grapes over past elections. Soon, the people of SD01 will get a chance to judge Ted Gaines again. My fear is that his well-meaning opponent will not have the resources to get his own message out.

Soon, the voters of El Dorado County will have a chance to reject Beth Gaines. It is more likely in that tilt that another candidate can gain traction and beat the coronation that Beth Gaines expects to have happen… more on that soon…