The world is caving in on Kevin Kiley
On the SOJ Radio show, Kevin Kiley got caught refusing to answer a question. It is ironic as just a few minutes before, he bemoaned the lack of courage and leadership on the Republican side of the aisle.
This radio disaster is emblematic of Kiley’s abject failure as an Assemblymember.
The first three minutes of the interview was about his meaningless resolution regarding free speech on campus.
Later in the segments, Kiley dodged a question about SOJ multiple times. The Kiley part starts at the 12 minute point.
If you listen to the cadence he is using, you can also understand the increasing disconnect. Kevin Kiley sounds like he is talking above everyone, including resorting to polysyllabic words when the interview starts to go sideways on him.
Win Carpenter and Sally Rapoza host the show. Rapoza is a leader in the SOJ movement. They also have Mark Baird (no relation to Steve Baird) on the phone for this particular episode of the show.
From about minute 24-34 Kiley filibusters and avoids the SOJ question. Starting at about 35-36 minute point the three of them unload on Kiley after he wiggles his way off of the show.
At about the 36 minute point Kiley runs away.
Similar to the Steve Frank and Travis Allen supporters that Kiley lied to by not endorsing a candidate yet handing his proxy over to Jessica Patterson’s consultants, the SOJ people that Kiley was courting just got tossed under the bus as well.
Mark Baird excoriates Kiley at about the 37:30 point. Listen to his comments carefully, he demolishes Kiley effectively repeating several of the criticisms leveled against him on this blog.
What does Kevin Kiley really believe? The lack of core principles is on display in the early part of the interview, particularly with the non specific answers to simple questions. Kiley is known for avoiding the immigration issue in public interviews, avoiding the gay rights issue and can not give a straight answer to the abortion issue when asked simply “Are you Pro-Life”?
Why is Kevin Kiley attacking all of his colleagues – including those that are supporting him? He even attacks his colleagues that did not endorse either he or Brian Dahle. I hope those that bailed out on Brian Dahle got the message clearly from this segment. Kiley thought he was playing to a hard right base on this interview, I wonder if he’d repeat the incendiary rhetoric in the Capitol. (hint: the answer is no)
Let me help young Mr. Kiley out, I support the State of Jefferson Movement. I am not sure if Mark and Sally’s approach is correct. I am not really sure how to make it (the SOJ) workable. If I was running for or in the Assembly or State Senate, I’d research the issue and get back to these guys with suggestions on how to make it workable. Now, how hard is that? You won’t even lose any donors over such a stance.
Let’s try this one – I am Pro-Life. Why? A government that does not protect innocent life won’t protect any life. This is indeed an issue of rights, for everyone. See how you just turned the issue around by taking a clear stance?
Let’s try this one – I am pro Church and pro family? Why? I believe 1st Amendment rights are fundamental to society, Churches and their followers have as much a right to their beliefs as people do to be homosexual. Too often courts and legislatures act as if the two are mutually exclusive. I believe traditional family units are foundational to society – despite recent efforts to re-define social norms, traditional marriages produce children and said children raised with two opposite sex parents tend to commit less crime, graduate at much higher rates and generally end up more productive in life.
It is the opinion of this blogger that the reason it is so difficult for Young Mr. Kiley to take clear stands on issues is two-fold, one is that he lacks an ideological core. Most of his family were democrats until 2016, his brother preaches social justice from the pulpit and was a public Obama supporter in 2012. (Recently at their church there was a black lives matter poet who gave a presentation trashing the police late last year that caused several of the security staff (off duty cops) to quit). It is hard to be a conservative when your family are to the left of you, that is not a slam on the Kileys, it is a statement of fact. They are good people, as I have met some of them. Kevin’s brother the pastor Brian, while liberal is a good dude. I still remember him ribbing me over working for Ben Carson.
Number 2, is the much more disturbing fact, there is a “Campaign Kevin” and “Assemblyman Kevin”. Having met both Kevin’s, there is a palpable difference. Campaign Kevin is the one that filibusters and tries to avoid answering questions. Campaign Kevin is the one that will give different answers to different groups. This is why he keeps getting caught. This is why the SOJ people he was courting are now withdrawing or supporting Dahle. This is why at least two county central committees that endorsed him have widespread dissent, as his game playing over the CAGOP Chairman’s race was exposed.
It is sad to see really, he is talented and has a lot to offer. But, his apparent lack of a core is overriding everything else he brings to the table. His lack of real life experience when added to the above is a killer.