Nov 222020

WooooooWeeeee! San Clemente. Home of Gene James (When he isn’t in Irvine dining with women he is not married to), Kathy Ward and Chris Hamm.

The trifecta are really worked up over Laura Ferguson’s quest for transparency. Perhaps a simple look at who their attorney is for the lynching of Laura Ferguson is a nice window in to the corruption of San Clemente. Quoting the SC Times about the impending lynching:

The city is estimated to spend between $3,000 and $5,000 on special counsel engagement services with attorney Cristina Talley, who will oversee the conflict during Monday’s proceedings, when Ferguson will have due process in order to plead her case.


Wait, what? BBK (aka DDT) is the Law Firm that San Clemente contracts with for a City Attorney! Oh wait, Talley just left DDT law firm. Maybe.

Talley has quite a history. She sued Anaheim and won a discrimination settlement. She was also a proponent of by district elections long before they were a thing in California.

She was forced to resign as Anaheim City attorney in 2012 after giving lousy advice and some sort of Brown-Act Drama.


What could possibly go wrong tomorrow night when this Lawyer with a checkered history, recently (or still with, who knows) of the same DDT Law Firm that is the City Attorney leads the lynching of Laura Ferguson?

Conflict of interest much? Yeah, keep the lynching in the family and don’t anyone dare disclose where all the money went, ever.

Nov 212020

If you are new to Right on Daily, you missed our expose on the monster William “Bill” Brough. In just a few days, Brough will finally be out of public office. The lasting damage of Bill Brough to Orange County will play out for years. One such tentacle of the Bill Brough investigation revealed dirty deals in San Clemente and his sudden sell out on development in exchange for campaign cash from the nearly psychotic toll road haters in San Clemente.

In the course of our expose’ we revealed that the City of San Clemente may very well have been violating state law repeatedly. One such violation is when an internal city poll done by the questionable Adam Problosky found its’ way onto a facebook page opposing the toll road in Southern Orange County. Another such violation was the payoffs to Harvey Englander to run a quasi- legal racketeering operation where he was paid by the City of San Clemente to harass, threaten, intimidate and abuse existing legal processes to smear people that were doing their work on the project.

Your intrepid blogger had been told regarding the City of San Clemente: “Englander got paid a lot of money, somewhere around $2 Million” – yet until the City set fire to themselves in a council meeting agenda, there were no public records of the expenditures. “But Harvey Englander appears to have been getting $32,500 a month to file lawsuits, public records requests, oragnize opposition, run facebook pages and other sundry smear campaigns. Don’t take my word for it – the City of San Clemente just admitted as such in their reports. We have only been able to confirm $97,000 to EKA up to this point, now the City of San Clemente in City Meeting Minutes states that EKA was being paid $32,500 a month.”

Hiding polls. Hiding payments to consultants – especially a slime-bag like Harvey Englander (that is what I think of him and read my posts about what he did on behalf of San Clemente and you will agree) seems to be the standard daily operation of City Government in San Clemente.

Another offshoot of the investigation in to William “Bill” Brough was our expose’ on Gene James. We learned that he has had a lifetime pattern of abusing women, abusing the homeless in San Clemente, 11 Liens, 4 Judgements and a Foreclosure. James’ record of legal issues dates back to 1992 according to what we know and may well extend prior. In addition there is/was an investigation in to blatant “stolen valor” campaigning either by James or people supporting him. What made me the angriest was hearing from the women he abused and seeing what he was doing to the homeless people in San Clemente.

Two of the biggest pieces of garbage in Orange County Political History flank a complete failure of a State Senator whose ego is so out of control she refused to acknowledge the evidence against either of these monsters.

Click here for court documents, dates and case numbers detailing Gene James 11 Liens, 4 Judgements, Wage Garnishment and a Foreclosure. <<< and the OCGOP endorsed this guy!

Click here to view a video of two homeless victims of Gene James and others blowing exhaust in to their shelter. They clearly describe the pattern of abuse and harassment by Gene James.

Click here to see Gene James in the middle of a celebration where residents of San Clemente are flipping off, waiving goodbye and otherwise mocking the homeless people that were being moved.

Click here to see yet another video of Gene James harassing homeless people, this is six minutes long and is undeniable.

If you visit the Right on Daily facebook page – there are several videos featuring Gene James. What a terrible look for the OCGOP. The abusive behavior alone would be a black eye, but the lifetime pattern of judgments and liens is even worse. See even more in an expose from one of Gene’s Exes that is backed up with proof and evidence.

So why am I not surprised that San Clemente has paid Adam Problosky again to run a poll regarding a proposed tax increase measure? SC Councilmember Laura Ferguson published the poll. Apparently this enraged the psychotic Kathy Ward and Gene James. Apparently, polls run by the city of San Clemente are supposed to be a secret. As seen in the local SC paper:

The survey, for which the city paid $25,000 to Probolsky Research to conduct this past March, polled 300 of San Clemente’s likely voters, measuring their support on five key policy areas—the city’s Clean Ocean Program, homelessness, marijuana cultivation, transient occupancy taxes and policing.

San Clemente Times was provided a copy of the survey by acting Mayor Laura Ferguson.

Over the coming weeks, SC Times plans to publish a series of articles detailing the results of the survey, with each report focusing on one of the five key policy areas that the survey covered.

Whoops. How dare Laura Ferguson do this!

Well now, Gene James gets to bully another woman, aided and abetted by the moonbat Kathy Ward and their sycophant Chris hamm. they are going to lynch Laura Ferguson at a special council meeting on 11-23-2020!

Ward later referenced Ferguson’s persistent use of her political Facebook page, where she “shares emails from staff,” “disparages city council decisions” and has “consistently eroded the vote of the public’s trust in city governance.”

The move to censure Ferguson comes after she shared with San Clemente Times the findings and results of a city-initiated survey that city management wanted to keep under wraps, citing it as confidential. While not explicitly stated, that action was also perceived to be included in Ward’s accusations.

“You have shared confidential information or documents after briefings where you have been advised the information is confidential, and you have unilaterally shared it, thereby waiving privilege for the council when you have no authority to do so,” Ward said Tuesday night.

“These allegations are numerous, but I believe they will be supported by evidence of actions you have taken in the past two years while on council,” Ward later concluded.

The city is estimated to spend between $3,000 and $5,000 on special counsel engagement services with attorney Cristina Talley, who will oversee the conflict during Monday’s proceedings, when Ferguson will have due process in order to plead her case.

Let me translate the psychotic rampage of Kathy Ward: We are smarter than the public and you need to stop telling them how we are wasting their money under the cover of darkness!

And, it gets better, Ferguson will not be allowed to have her attorney defend her at the public lynching scheduled for Monday 11-23. Why am I not surprised that the same city paying Harvey Englander an absurd amount of money to destroy people would string Laura Ferguson out to dry? I mean, they have Gene James on their City Council too.

“I guess I just find this to be very serious if the council wants to do this to me, and it just appears that this is just politically motivated,” she said. “I’m being targeted just because I am so transparent and, again, have not broken any laws, at least to my knowledge.”

When Ferguson asked whether she would be allowed to have her own legal counsel represent her during the meeting, City Attorney Scott Smith explained that while it would be appropriate, her lawyer could only participate as a member of the public would be able to, noting that it’s a council meeting, not a court proceeding.

It looks like the cockroaches of San Clemente are freaking out because Ferguson is exposing their corruption. Similar to how the FBI tried to impeach President Trump to cover up their election meddling, it appears the crazed Ward and the Abusive monster Gene James are following the same pattern in San Clemente. Lovely.

P.S. Gene James – I know you read right on daily, resign now and pray like hell the OCDA does not prosecute you for the things you have done in your life.

Oct 222019

Did you know that Katie Hill’s CA-25 Scandal has gone national? Here is the Washington Post trying to help her out. She denied having an affair in that national “media publication”, just as Red State Blogger Jennifer Van Laar unloaded part 2 and 3 of her expose’ with TEXT MESSAGES proving the whole saga! Will ethics charges be next for the budding communist hero whose campaign got national media attention? (The attention was based 100% on her being a switch-hitter)

Deanna Lorraine Tesoriero from CA-12 running against Pelosi continues to make a fool of herself. On the heels of having 10 people (that’s it, 10) for a copycat event in San Francisco here she is on video explaining the failure of her campaign. This stuff writes itself. we’ve also posted video of her partying like a rock star in Florida, too.

I’ve spent a lot of time on Orange County politics lately, here are a few updates that have come across the transom:

Some people have been going through William “Bill” Brough withdrawals. Billy Boy has some problems. #1 the people that are sending official OCGOP mail for Gene James forgot to mention Bill Brough as a major supporter. (No mention of Bill Brough anywhere, period) #2 Your intrepid blogger has been told that Bill Brough has been cut off in Sacramento by legislative leadership. #3 Your intrepid blogger got recent information that the investigation in to Billy Boy’s philandering and Campaign Finances are white hot with several people being called. When calls are made people talk.

Your intrepid blogger also got some public records related to Bill Brough and I spent most of the afternoon laughing uncontrollably. #RENTFREE

Bill Brough’s world is about to shrink some more. Might I suggest the following for a campaign theme song: Brough for Assembly. If Brough is fortunate, 4% Kelly might sing backup on the song for him.

Speaking of 4% Kelly – her supporters on the OCGOP were left to push the worn-out 90’s era consultant strategy of “No Endorsement”. This is the feckless cowardly stance that the “Republican Party should not pick winners and losers”. This is code for we don’t like what is coming. In order to make sure there was chaos, Kelly Ernby put the wine bottle down and had about a dozen Anti-Vaxxers present at the meeting to bully some of the more cowardly members of the OCGOP.

Ernby has even greater problems – the people that suffice for GOP Leadership in California have endorsed Diane Dixon. Kelly Empty is reputed to have very little to work with financially, given that Anne Dunsmore and Duane Dichara are both on the payroll for significant sums, she will be broke soon.

Remember the OCGOP’s recent endorsement that was a limp-wristed slap to Bill Brough despite the incontrovertible evidence of his malfeasance? Given that weakness, I can imagine how Ernby and crew would be emboldened to attempt bully tactics.

OCGOP Leadership failures and cowardice seem to be the order of battle – except when it came to Gene James. OCGOP Chair Feckless Fred Whitaker is reputed to have helped push the endorsement of Gene James through the OCGOP. One of the few times Fred Whitaker has shown real resolve is in the face of 11 Tax Liens, 4 Civil Judgement, multiple abuse complaints, a foreclosure, wage garnishments, poor credit and video evidence of vigilante behavior  – Fred Whitaker stood by his man. Would Fred need to see what 15 tax liens before he reconsiders an endorsement? Another judgement or two? A homeless dude in the hospital? What about the OCGOP itself?

Apparently, the aforementioned Bully Gene James and Crew went 15 rounds with the Commie Pinko 20 Year Old Jackson Hinkle at the San Clemente Farmer’s Market. (I guess Ernby will provide the under-card in November when the OCGOP decides between cowardice and taking a stand in AD74)

Mickey McLane will get his 500 votes, but his account of circumstances is what it is. I have feelers out to obtain a copy of the police report. I am hoping it is as definitive as the issues of Gene James bullying and attacking the homeless people.

Bottoms Up Guys! This is Orange County Politics! (Look for another piece of mail to come from the OCGOP extolling the virtues of Gene James)


Oct 182019

I urge people looking for an alternative to the Communist Jackson Hinkle and the Monster Gene James to support Christina Setler for San Clemente City Council. 

Mail. With an OCGOP endorsement you get $.25 stamps vs $.50 stamps. The bulk mail permit is a big deal. I’ve been of the opinion that the OCGOP Endorsement was pushed hard by political insiders and was a joke. Now we see the endgame. I was pretty much done writing about Gene James until I received a copy of the OCGOP mailer. I can’t sit in silence with the only political party I have ever known following this disaster off a cliff.

Read More about Jackson Hinkle Here. < this is the democrat supported candidate. (See also #OCCUPYICE #ANITFA, etc…)

I will follow up later on how this mailer was financed and who produced it. I don’t have enough proof to pin it on the owner of the outlet mall (only a $25K check to the OCGOP by him) for financing it or Jim Bieber for producing and sending this out. I can only tell you it is my opinion that those two were the players.

The OCGOP should be ashamed of themselves for endorsing this disaster. Note that Assemblyman William “Bill” Brough is nowhere to be found on this mailer.

Research has indicated several new issues about Gene James – a foreclosure in 2011, a wage garnishment in 2012 because he refused to pay a $12,000 Judgement despite earning $300k a year and the Federal Tax Lien was actually 8 liens levied over a 3 year period.

The Gene James Scorecard:
8 Federal Tax Liens
3 State Tax Liens
1 Foreclosure
4 Civil Judgments

Get a good look – 8 separate liens levied on 7 separate dates spread out over 4 years!

You don’t get 11 lifetime tax liens from being a responsible citizen. Given that Gene James first judgment occurred in 1992, he has a lifetime pattern of willfully refusing to pay his bills. Gene James can not be trusted to manage the finances of San Clemente under any circumstances, much less the cop-hating communist Jackson Hinkle.

Your Intrepid Blogger is also in receipt of documents from the divorce from his second wife. The Marriage lasted 11 months. In the Divorce Documents, it clearly states that Gene James was making $305,000 a year as the national loss control officer for Jack in the Box.

Despite making $305,000 a year, Gene James could not afford to pay cash for a car nor qualify for an auto loan. Quoting the divorce documents:

Despite Respondent’s claims that he earns $305,000 per year or more, he has a very bad credit history. Recently, he attempted to finance a vehicle and was unable to secure suitable financing without my assistance. We jointly purchased a 2008 Honda Accord, which Respondent Drives. I request that Respondent be ordered to make all of the payments on the vehicle during the pendency of these proceedings and until a determination is made regarding to whom the vehicle will be rewarded.

There is a theme here. From another Ex (this is an ex-girlfriend)

XXXXX met Gene on in 2003, Gene represented himself as divorced.  He was extremely attentive to XXXXX and her 2 young sons, 7 and 9 yrs, in the beginning and quickly moved into their home.  They got engaged and Gene spoke to her sons about changing their last name to James.   Gene wasn’t divorced but was separated from his 1st wife, YYYY.  YYYY and their sons lived in Ohio.  They had 3 sons, about 21+ yrs, about 18 yrs and 15 yrs.  He had a verbally violent relationship with YYYY; screaming and cursing at her whenever there was phone contact.  Gene wanted to purchase a large screen TV and stand in 2004 and was unable to qualify for the credit card.  Diane found a court judgment paper under the passenger seat of Gene’s company car and saw that AVI Food Systems, his prior employer, had a large judgment against Gene in an amount close to $50,000.  It was then discovered that Gene had not filed or paid Federal or State taxes since 2001He refused to file taxes or address the judgment.  Collection agencies are now calling and sending letters to Gene.  Gene had defaulted on several credit cards after maxing out the credit limit.  He negotiated a much smaller amount to pay these off and borrowed $25000 from XXXXX, that she had borrowed against a home equity loan…

Gene’s second wife got a $12,000 Judgement against Gene James. If you read pages 5 and 6 of the documents – she had to Garnish Gene James’ wages to get the final $6,000 as he tried to skip out on paying the bill. Remember, Gene James made over $300,000 a year at the time (2008). He was also Liened by the IRS a few years later for 8,521.63 for not paying income taxes in 2008.

When you make $300,000 plus a year and attempt to skip on two bills of $6,000 and $8,500 – this is a willful and deliberate act. 8 Federal Tax Liens, 3 State Tax Liens, 4 Civil Judgements, a Wage Garnishment and a Foreclosure. Is this the new definition of a Conservative Republican?

The Orange County Republican Party and State Senator Pat Bates should be ashamed of themselves over this endorsement of Gene James. To Be Continued as we detail the Tax Liens and we tell the story from one of his Ex-Girlfriends who knows a lot.

Oct 172019

San Clemente is a mess. Only the Toll Road matters, everything else is secondary. This is why people seemingly are turning a blind eye to Jackson Hinkle and his wacked out positions on issues. This seems to be why Gene James’ pattern of abusive behavior is given a free pass.

Here is Jackson Hinkle being arrested at an #OCCUPYICE Protest in Washington D.C. – that’s right, he was part of a sit in in front of Nancy Pelosi’s office in Washington D.C.

Jackson Hinkle is getting a lot of money from the far left. Some of the corrupt bully Bill Brough’s donors are giving Hinkle Money as well – just to show the bizarre web. Young Mr. Hinkle has had professional help (my opinion) in scrubbing his on line presence so he looks more moderate.

Here you go – give homeless people fresh needles (aka Harm Reduction), legalize prostitution and heroin. These are Jackson Hinkle’s own words. He also promotes some socialist dog whistle programs as well.

This is the exact opposite of my criticism of Gene James with regard to the homeless problem It appears that Jackson Hinkle wants to coddle homeless people – but nowhere do I see anything about accountability, building relationships or theraputic solutions. Just housing, legalizing crime and making it easier to feed their addictions. If people would have treated me like this when I was drinking, I’d be dead now as I’d have had no incentive to get clean. Anyone with life experience realizes that societal problems can never be fixed with extreme ideological solutions.

Then we have Mr. Hinkle expressing his disgust for the police patrolling areas impacted by vagrancy – but he goes off the ideological cliff with the following, “A System that is designed to oppress and kill people“. His solution to preventing crime is legalizing crime. I suppose this sort of idealism is common when you are 20 years old with no life experience.

The OC Firefighters endorsed Jackson Hinkle – in effect throwing the OC Sheriff’s (San Clemente’s Police) under the bus.

I was 18 when the Berlin Wall came down and understood it came down because of a hard line by President Reagan that precipitated an economic collapse in the USSR. Their fake economy could not sustain true accountability from the West. Young Mr. Hinkle believes in communism in so many words and people in San Clemente appear to be equally as blind to Hinkle’s extremism as those supporting Gene James are to his foibles.

Hinkle has attempted to reinvent himself – telling outright lies when compared to his past posts.

Sorry Kid, your own words prove the above to be an outright lie.

Jackson Hinkle is an extreme leftwing idealogue who in my opinion sees himself as some sort of Che Guevarra or Mao Tse Tung. In looking at Gene James and Jackson Hinkle I think the City of San Clemente needs serious help. Perhaps an evangelist needs to meet with the incredible homeless pastor I talked to in order to lead a revival in that town.

All this and the OC Firefighters threw the police under the bus with their endorsement of this guy.