This is not a tax lien. This is not some sort of “Misunderstanding”. This is a default judgement against Rene Aguilera. The attached documents are from the County of Placer.
Rene Aguilera is proving by his life’s pattern of behavior to not be a good person at all, and certainly not deserving of office.
A default judgement occurs when you refuse to do something and usually occurs when you choose not to defend yourself from the accusation of those seeking said judgement against you.
Here are the facts as I read them from the documents:
Rene Aguilera took out an $15,000 high risk loan with Beneficial Financial for an interest rate of 28.9%. Somehow, he was able to do it without putting his home up as collateral.
The documents indicate multiple attempts to communicate with Rene Aguilera by the creditor.
The documents indicate no response from Rene Aguilera whatsoever.
The documents indicate that the debt was sold off 3/28/2014 or simply assigned to – to a collection agency in Walnut Creek, California. The County of Placer filed the documents in June. The balance is $18,000+ now and climbing…
So, Rene Aguilera appears to have failed to file a corporate tax return nor paid corporate filing fees causing H.E.A.R. to get suspended by the California Secretary of State.
In 2009, he defaulted on his first mortgage
In 2011, he defaulted on this loan and got a default judgement entered against him
In 2013, Rene Aguilera got fined for concealing free meals off of his form 700
In 2014, Rene Aguilera’s current form 700 lists no income and no assets and has nothing indicating how he is paying for multiple trips to Washington D.C…
… yet here sits this $18,000 judgement against Rene Aguilera that has gone unpaid, un-acknowledged and not acted upon at all.
I have written previously that my investigations of Aguilera indicate that he appears to have little or nothing in his name and that the sources of his income, if any, appear to be hidden. I believe this is a deliberate act and this $18,000 judgement is why.
That’s right – it looks like Rene Aguilera is attempting to hide from a creditor that he ripped off for a $15k loan. Yes, I wrote ripped off – when you borrow from someone and then don’t pay it back, that is stealing.
When you raise money for a non-profit with an expired corporation license and don’t tell anyone that non-profit is expired, that is lying aka fraud
When you use the school district’s computers, etc. to plan non-school district events, that is called misappropriation of government funds.
When your Nephew is dealing dope out of your home and you do nothing about it, that is called being an accessory.
Rene Aguilera left a comment on my Blog in 2015:
They seek to justify the drug dealing nephew and the $18k judgement that REMAINS UNPAID!
What a bunch of BS…. Just because someone you are related too, or even housing someone who has a drug problem does not mean Rene is unfit to do his job.
Obviously he is attempting to help a family member, it does not mean he condones that life style. As a matter of fact, just because he has first hand knowledge and has been around people with problems, makes him more capable of being a better leader, supported, helper, etc., as he can relate to others that have problems too. I bet almost everyone in Politics, schools boards, etc., all have family members who have or had drinking and/or drug problems within there life time. Get real people!! And Homeless people help too, and just b/c Rene may try to assist them in steering them towards avenues of support does not mean he or they are leeching off the system… And who’s business is it, on WHO lives at Rene’s house..or who pays the rent… GEEESH.. find something better to write about, versus slamming people who actually care about California, Roseville and the residents. Why don’t you post this!!
Rene Aguilera is on a school board and was harboring a known drug dealer in his house (until he moved him next door). There is no spinning that. Note – I left the typo and emboldened the choice lines in the comments left.
Such hear say. Just b/c he houses his nephew and his nephew has been picked up for drug paraphernalia, and has admitted to drug problems, DOES NOT mean he sells it out of his Rene’s house. Do you really think he and/or anyone would condone someone selling drugs out of his house.. You saying saying he is an accessory since his nephew has had charges in the past and/or b/c he uses drugs, that Rene is an accessory. Everything you are posting is LIBEL and hearsay. Just b/c Renene got a mortgage and hasn’t paid it, does NOT mean he ripped them off and/or any bad intentions when he got the loan. You do not know his financial situation. Like you said, he listed no income, no assets, so how can he repay the loan? So its not stealing, as when he got the mortgage or loan I am sure he had every intention to repay it. He has fallen on hard times and WHO are you to judge? What a joke you are.
I did not know that the unpaid judgement was a mortgage. Maybe the lienholder will foreclose and help clean up the neighborhood? Also note the standard democrat line of “I meant well”… as in I meant to pay it back. (and then didn’t) What kind of fiscal responsibility does that show the Children of the RJUHSD???
In order to get a judgement and a charge-off, it means that Mr. Aggie-Lair-Uh has ignored repeated attempts to communicate and/or has made no attempt to make arrangements to pay back the money. Of course Aggie-Lair-Uh knew this when leaving these anonymous comments.