Sep 292016

Did you know that the Placer CRA wants to be known as the Reagan Republicans of Placer County?

So – I took a look at their latest endorsement list. I see a lot of Social Liberals on it and even some democrats!

Recently, they had a meeting somewhere in Roseville and a handful of candidates came to their meeting. But, their endorsement list appears to indicate that they did a poor job of vetting and that some of their decisions were affected by personal beefs. (Imagine that)

The CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister is a member of this local skeleton chapter. He of all people would know that section 17.05a of the CRA’s By Laws is explicit about the following:

“Only Registered Republicans May Be Endorsed for ANY Office”

However, since only the CRA’s Pol-Pot bellied information minister can invalidate endorsements done in violation of the CRA’s By-Laws, I doubt that he will do the right thing. (The CRA’s by-laws state that the State President can invalidate local endorsements after an investigation) However, It is still appropriate to point out the hypocrisy of the PCRA.

There is a second layer – they (the PCRA) are also allegedly socially conservative.

In the Roseville Joint Union High School District – there are 5 people running, yet only 3 are Republicans. Only 1 of the 5 running is a social conservative and he was not endorsed in favor of a democrat who is not. The two Republicans who actually did get endorsed are not social conservatives.

In the Roseville City School District – a labor union leader democrat was endorsed amongst two Republicans.

If you look at their flyer, it gets even more absurd as it highlights “Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Taxpayer” candidates.

All but 2 of the people endorsed for City Councils Support Measure M.

All of the people endorsed for Roseville School Boards support Measure D and all but one of them are pro-choice, and over half support Gay Marriage.

Strange things happen when you are trying to send a message, it is kind of like detonating your bomb vest in your own living room. (and getting wine everywhere)

Sep 202016

Thomas N Hudson sent out an email a few weeks ago referring to Courage Worldwide as a “Bogus Charity”. He lied. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a retraction to be issued to the estimated 1000 people he BCC’ed on the email he sent.

In his zeal to “Be Right” he sent out an email celebrating a hit piece written by an overzealous clearly anti-Christian reporter at the Sacramento Bee.

Once the absurdities of the “Issues” brought by idiot bureaucrats (did I mention that Thomas N Hudson is a $166,000 a year employee of the State of CA?) were day-lighted, guess what happened?

Read for yourself:


ROCKLIN – Courage Worldwide said today that after the appeal process and a positive programming conference with state officials, the organization is in good standing with state regulators and plans to rehire and train new staff to reopen Courage House immediately.

The state has dismissed three program citations and the organization has appealed the remaining ones, noting the state’s prior approval of all Courage House programs and policies.

The organization is pleased to announce they will resume accepting girls after staff is rehired and trained, since state officials agreed cell phones can be dangerous to the residents and staff at Courage House. Courage House policies can now deny the use of cell phones and other equipment dangerous to the girls and/or their recovery on a case-by-case basis.

The Courage Worldwide Board of Directors said:

“The population we serve is extremely unique and often existing state regulations regarding the care of minor children do not take into consideration their complex trauma and past association with criminals and the dangerous world of human trafficking.

“We are gratified that the state has granted a number of our appeals and has agreed cell phones pose a real danger to the girls in our care since they link these vulnerable children back to the people who trafficked them. The cell phone is the preferred mechanism of the trafficker to market and sell under-age girls on the internet. Our organization will continue to challenge and appeal any regulations we feel endanger the children we serve or the staff who serve them.

“We are excited to resume serving girls later this year after we rehire and train appropriate staff. All of our fundraising efforts will be focused on recruiting, hiring and training qualified staff. The state agreed that our pause on accepting new residents was wise in light of new licensing that will allow Courage House to now function as a Short Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP) instead of a Group Home. ”

The organization, which operates 24-hour residential homes in Tanzania and Northern California as well as an extensive program to educate communities about sex trafficking issues, decided to temporarily close its Northern California site in mid-June as it worked to meet new California licensing requirements, hire staff who meet the new requirements while appealing program citations cited by the state that the organization felt endanger residents and staff.

The Northern California 52 acre property currently has beds for 6 girls with a campus plan to build ten cottages for a total of 60 residents. Currently, Courage Worldwide has completed 85% of the county permitting process to begin construction on the first cottage by year end. The Tanzania home is currently serving 6 girls, with a capacity to serve 12. Courage Worldwide anticipates both homes being at capacity by year end since they have had over 350 requests for placement since opening. Courage House Northern California and Tanzania have been fully operational for 5 years, opening in 2011 for girls age 11 to 17, providing round-the-clock treatment services 365 days a year. Its program has received national recognition and to date over 65 girls have called Courage House home.

Though Courage House Nor Cal paused its residential operations for several months, the organization has been fully operational continuing its extensive education, advocacy and outreach programs as well as support for former residents of its home here in the Sacramento region.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for an apology from Thomas N Hudson. He is of a class of political operatives that live in a relative world and his alleged conservative values are but a thinly veneered resume used to make money. Hudson desperately needed to be right as Courage received money from the Placer CRA when it was dissolved. Hudson re-formed a shell in order to assuage his bruised ego and saw the opportunity for a cheap shot as validation.

In the mean time – a fine upstanding Charity, unique in its’ mission was smeared by the Sacramento Bee, using disgruntled former employees and the CRA’s Pol-Pot Bellied Information Minister as delivery vehicles.

Courage Worldwide is not his only recent victim – Hudson wrote a series of deceptive and misleading ballot arguments against a host of measures, regardless of their merits or otherwise. There is no moral inhibition once he thinks he is right on what he does and he got Ken Campbell, Deborah Jackson and others to sign onto his deceptions. Special.

CRA Update: How Much is Enough? Tom Hudson on Tilt – Legal Threats Bear Fruit

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Jul 292015

There is a reason why now CRA Membership Secretary Carl Brickey refers to Tom Hudson as a sociopath. It is because Tom Hudson has demonstrated through the years that he is indeed a borderline personality with his actions.

I got to start experiencing that with the Tom McClintock non-endorsement saga and it has carried through to his rampage locally. Tom Hudson is indeed a close ally of Tom McClintock and has been since he got elected to congress.

This is why Mine and George’s ouster from the CRA was centered around the non-endorsement of Tom McClintock, we needed to take the fall for it so Tom Hudson could save himself. But, now that we are gone, Tom Hudson is on display with no straw man for the typical political types to be distracted by.

As Mr. Hudson continues to spiral out of control, he is making larger and larger political mistakes.

Tom Hudson and his surrogates threatened the three local charities that the Placer CRA donated to. I learned via an email that Joe Dorr (one of Hudson’s few remaining allies in Placer County) threatened Courage Worldwide via a phone call on behalf of Tom Hudson and the Placer CRA. (That is the Placer RA that the state CRA board recognizes)

Joe Dorr made it clear that if Courage Worldwide did not return the money that there would be “legal action”. I have the email.

Acres of Hope – a shelter for Mothers and Children that helps them get off the streets, get clean and get job skills – was also threatened by Hudson. They have a policy of returning all disputed donations. (I guess someone wanting to mess them up could dispute the donations from corporate donors)

So, Mr. Hudson partially got his own way. The bullying and the legal threats netted the Placer CRA $1400 back from Acres of Hope. When Carl Brickey referred to Tom Hudson as a sociopath, he was referring to Tom Hudson having zero conscience once he thinks he is right.

This would include his binge-drinking fueled rampages against anyone and everyone that he thinks is wrong. This is the sad lonely life of a nerd. (who is in the middle of a divorce)

How many Women and Children at Acres of Hope had their services or programs interrupted because of Tom Hudson’s legal threats? Did the State CRA sign off on this? What would Ken Campbell say about this? (I saw him recently at a fundraiser that my wife Emceed for Acres of Hope)

Joe Dorr, Tom Hudson and the puppet President of the CRA, Ed Rowen are all associated with the Placer County Republican Party Central Committee. Wait until the local media gets hold of this story. With the media digging up 30 year old stories about Presidential candidates, some fresh recent kill related to a local Republican Lawyer bullying a local women’s shelter should be great press for the Placer GOP. Since Placer GOP Chairman Dennis Revell owns a PR firm, I hope he is ready for the typhoon that is headed his way.

Repeatedly, our decision to dissolve the Placer CRA has been proven to be wise. The State CRA is a train-wreck and their part in this saga can not be ignored as it was the law office of Craig Alexander from Southern Orange County whose stationery the legal threats was delivered on.

Ed Rowen is once again “President” of the Placer CRA. The photos show that the club likely lacks enough members to be a valid unit. If there was a court case, we could show multiple violations of state CRA by-laws in order to lead to that outcome – but the CRA has already demonstrated that the by-laws are flexible in the name of being right.

That same ED Rowen has been publicly accused of embezzlement by Mr. Hudson related to his yes vote on sending the money out to the three charities to begin with.

Tom Hudson’s internal desire to be right is not going to end well for Tom McClintock, the Placer County Republican Party or the CRA. With each successive empty wine bottle the powder keg gets larger.

CRA Update: Tom Hudson’s Meltdown is Spreading – Now Threatens Three Local Charities in Writing

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Jul 202015

We warned you. The CRA saga will not stop and won’t for years.

We understand the type of maladjusted people to whom being right is like meth is to a crank addict. They run the CRA.

Tom Hudson’s God is money. It is not Jesus Christ. I have known him for nearly 18 years and the stories of the kinds of things he does to save a dime are legendary. I have drawn my conclusions about Mr. Hudson’s moral bankruptcy over the last 18 months as every negative thing I have ever been told about his character by other political types has borne out in front of my eyes in real time. (For the first 17 years, I had never been a recipient of Tom’s amoral behavior pattern)

This is why someone who makes $119k a year (+ benefits + retirement) has assets hidden in trusts / entities and cries poor to anyone who will listen.

This is also why a 4-0 Vote of the Placer CRA’s Board of Directors to donate money to three local charities is driving him insane. He is too cheap to donate some of his taxpayer-funded salary to the “new” Placer CRA he is forcing in to existence. The smart thing would have been for Tom to call one of his friends and raise a few bucks for the club. Maybe he doesn’t have any left?

Never mind that if Hudson was stupid enough to go to small claims court – he could not prove that Kirk Uhler resigned as President of the Placer CRA, nor could he prove that the 4-0 board vote was invalid and nor could he prove that the board did not have the authority to spend the money. (Hint: It did.)

Hudson’s ego is so bruised and his life is in such turmoil that he has to go on a psychotic revenge mission until it destroys him. While Hudson and his fellow Lawyer, CRA Executive VP Craig Alexander (whose letterhead is used for the legal demands) are pursuing this suicide mission – their fellow maladjusted nerds on the CRA Board are already laying in the weeds waiting to wipe them both off the CRA’s board.

At the recent Placer GOP Central Committee Meeting (where they once again rejected future Roseville Councilmember Tracy Mendonsa for a vacancy) – Tom Hudson got up and attacked Tracy Mendonsa personally in front of the group, accusing him of embezzlement. I guess this means that Ed Rowen – his hand-picked President of the “New” Placer CRA is guilty of embezzlement because Ed Rowen voted yes on donating the money to the three charities along with Kirk Uhler, Tracy Mendonsa and George Park. Dennis Revell and others were so embarrassed by Tom’s actions that they apologized to Mr. Mendonsa personally.

Tom Hudson followed up his public attack by threatening Mendonsa directly. I guess Hudson is going to help elect democrats just so he can win this argument. Hudson has also repeated the embezzlement mantra to other groups – and if he is as much like Karen England as I think he is – it is likely he is going to local Tea Parties in his rampage. (I doubt he gets far as many of them have grown up a lot in the last several years)

There truly is no honor – the man (Rowen) who a few weeks ago was thanking the State Board for their help in re-installing him as president of PCRA (while attacking Kirk Uhler, George and Myself in the same email) is now being attacked publicly for embezzlement by the State CRA President (Mr. Hudson).

Strange things happen when you are obsessed with being right.

It does not stop there. Tom Hudson (In my opinion) drafted a letter that was sent by Craig Alexander to the three local charities demanding the money back! Click here to read it yourself. 

Tom Hudson must believe he is really right to do something like this as threatening Courage Worldwide is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen in politics. Lighthouse Family Counseling and Acres of Hope were the other two that received money – it is 100% certain that they received the exact same letter with their info on it instead of that of courage.

If you would like to fight sex trafficking – Courage Worldwide is one of the first and foremost groups in this fight. My wife has advocated for them for the last six years on her radio show and this is why they were selected to receive the funds as we were shutting the club down.

Just because the State CRA’s board of directors decided to selectively enforce the state by-laws and keep the Placer CRA in existence with arbitrarily selected officers, it still does not mean that they can undo the actions of the former board to spend the money. Tom Hudson knows this, but can not admit it as he has to keep the CRA together for his own reputation – just like when he went psycho over the McClintock non-endorsement saga.

Dear Placer GOP – Thank You in Advance

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Jul 032015

I heard that the Placer GOP is going to appoint Tracy Mendonsa to fill a vacancy in Sup D4 in July. As you read here, they spurned the future Roseville City Council-Member several months ago when he ran to fill a vacancy.

If true, this is a big deal and a huge departure from the previous track. They have also appointed Glen Walder to Sup D4 at a previous meeting. Walder is a righteous dude, ethical and is as honest as the day is long.

I am cautiously optimistic that my past criticisms of the Placer GOP are being dealt with. It remains to be seen if they can do anything in the future to be more effective. I hope they can be, that will be good for everyone.