May 302024

If you have lived in Placer County any length of time, you know Aldo Pineschi.

To call him a giant in Placer County is an understatement. If you were involved in any local Chamber of Commerce, Local Government Board, Local Commission or Local Charity you knew this man.

I first encountered Aldo in 1997 when I joined the Roseville Chamber of Commerce. I knew him then as another one of those establishment democrats from old Roseville that ran everything.

What was fascinating is that well-known conservatives like Tim Leslie (and Staff – Robert Dugan, John Allard and others), Bonnie (then Mertus) Gore, John Doolittle (and staff), Kirk Uhler, and others all loved the guy and worked well with him. How could this be I thought? Aldo is a Democrat.

A few years later there was an ill-fated tax measure on the Placer County ballot. Bonnie, Kirk and a couple others convinced me of the merits of at least meeting with Aldo to hear him out on why he was working for the developers to pass the item. At the time, I was the President of the Placer County Republican Assembly.

What I found is that Aldo is a thoughtful man. While he is a political animal, in the years I dealt with him he was as forthright and transparent with me as anyone I know in the political arena is. I chose to look at Mr. Pineschi through the lens of others that respected him and worked with him as I was trying to reconcile why this democrat had so much infulence and goodwill in Dark-Red Placer County.

Over the years, I developed a friendship with Aldo and others to the left of me in the local political scene. Aldo was one of those that helped me realize democrats are human beings, just wrong. Amazingly, Aldo was a democrat who had been left behind by the LGBT, open borders, anti-America fever base of the current dem party.

It’s not fair that Aldo died young. It hurts a bit to write this because I had actually grown fond of him as a human and viewed him as a political ally in many cases. Moreover, we had the ability to speak candidly and exchange information that benefitted both of us.

There are many others in the Local Placer Political Scene that have deeper connections to the man and I have marvelled at what I have been reading as the news of his passing has spread.

Someday, we are all going to die. People loved him, becuase of who he was and what he did. Seeing what is being said about Aldo should be a goal for all of us to make sure our legacy is anywhere near as impactful as his was.

RIP Aldo.

Jan 172024

I got an email back from Placer County Clerk-Recorder Ryan Ronco about a couple of Postcards I got here at my command post 5,140 Feet in Elevation.

The email is posted in its’ entirety. This is valuable information for ANYONE that cares about election integrity.

Hello Aaron –

Sorry for my delayed response – I was back east last week to (PERSONAL DETAILS REDACTED) and I’m catching up with emails.

Yes, this post card is the result of my office finally being able to cancel your voter registration.

Back in September of 2020, we moved your record to the inactive voter file after we received undeliverable election mail returned to us in advance of the November 2020 election (as a reminder, voters in the inactive file do not receive vote-by-mail ballots, voter information guides, or other election mail – more on this topic below).  In accordance with federal law, after two consecutive federal general elections without any contact from the voter (in your case, November 2020 and November 2022), we can move the voters from the inactive file to the cancelled file. Your record was moved from the inactive file to the cancelled file on December 6, 2023, which was the last day we could cancel voters from the inactive file before federal law forbids cancellations of inactive voters within 90 days of a federal election.

I believe in the Right On Daily blog you mentioned that you contacted my office when you moved so that your voter registration would be cancelled.  I’m absolutely not doubting you did that – you are one of those very few registered voters who would ensure your record was cancelled in your previous county of residence after a move (if everyone did that, there would be no need for an “inactive voter file”).  However, I don’t have a record of that correspondence.  According to our records, we moved you from the active file to the inactive file because we sent you something (probably our residency confirmation postcard that we send before the primaries in Placer County) that came back as undeliverable.

As I mentioned above, voters in the inactive file do not receive voter information guides, vote-by-mail ballots, or other official election mail from my office.  They might still receive political mail from campaigns if the campaign purchased my data before we moved the voter to the inactive file and if the campaign did not pay for periodic data updates.  They also might get some official mail from my office depending on WHEN we move the voter to inactive status – our data is usually sent to the vendors who print our vote-by-mail ballots and our voter information guides (two different vendors with two different production schedules) about 60 days before an election, so there could be some people who were active when we sent the voter file to the vote-by-mail ballot printing/mailing vendor and then they become inactive a few days later once we receive and process a piece of undeliverable mail.  I know that you mentioned in the Right On Daily blog that one of you received a ballot (according to the new homeowner at your previous address) in the November 2020 election.  Assuming it was in fact a ballot and not some other piece of mail (I don’t know where that person may have lived before moving into your old house, but some voters mistake the “Sample Ballot and Voter Information Guide” as the official ballot if they came from a state that has no voter information guide), it would have been the last ballot received at that address for the Park family – once a voter is on the inactive file, vote-by-mail ballots are not printed and mailed for subsequent elections unless the voter returns to the active voter file.

By the way, if we are contacted with an official form that allows for cancellation (like a death certificate, a United States Post Office change of address postcard, or a “Voter Action Request Form” from my website), we are able to bypass the inactive file and immediately cancel the voter.  Therefore, there aren’t a lot of dead people laying around waiting for cancellation – once we get word that they are deceased (which I get directly from the county and state since I’m the County Clerk and the keeper of the county vital records), they are cancelled from the active voter file.

That is probably more information than you wanted, but I have been meaning to connect with you about your post for quite some time now (just way too busy, unfortunately).  Please let me know if my explanation is unclear and I’d be happy to take another stab at the answer.

Hope all is well.  My best to you.



There are a lot of useful facts in here from an ethical and trusted County Clerk. Make notes. Thanks for reading.

Jan 082024

Whoops. Your intrepid blogger has been told that the leadership of the Placer GOP is actively seeking to re-open the endorsement question in Placer’s 4th Supervisorial District.

As a public service to my readers and friends on the Placer GOP, your intrepid blogger has done some digging… and have found out a lot of interesting things about the erstwhile “Republican” Supervisor Suzanne Jones.

The most important appointment a Supervisor Makes is their Planning Commissioner. In the case of Suzanne, her choice is one that the Placer Business community is constantly at odds with: Daniel Woodward who is a Registered Democrat.

Planning commissioners are responsible for Re-Districting, and have a lot of say in what gets built where. In the case of Woodward, he has been a constant roadblock to anything resembling infrastructure and future development. And, he is reputed to be a progressive liberal democrat as well. This is a direct attack on the way of life you enjoy in Placer County!

But wait – There’s More!

Mental Health, Alcohol, & Drug Advisory Board – Suzanne Jones Appointed: Lisa Cataldo – Green Party.
This is the largest portion of the county budget there is! Think of this, Suzanne Jones appointed a far-left activist to the department that runs homeless programs. Does this person support unlimited Marijuana Grows in Placer County? (fyi: The Green Party Platform supports legalizing drugs) We all know that the far-left of California have made the homeless problem into a severe mess and one of their own was helped into a position of power by Suzanne Jones. This is a direct attack on your way of life.
Why did Suzanne Jones pick this person with the amount of power this position has? She put a far-left activist in a department with a budget in excess of 1/3 of a Billion Dollars!
Civil Service Commission: Tameka Usher – American Independent
This commission has influence over labor union contracts with public employees. Research shows that Tameka is a career bureaucrat with extensive government experience. From a fiscally conservative perspective whose side will she be on? Based on my research, it looks like Government.
Here is another – the Placer Library Advisory Board: Donja Marie GarveyDemocrat.
To those of you concerned about pornography in libraries, the party that calls any attempt to review and scrutinize books for content “book banning” has one of their own on the Placer Library Board. Can you trust this person to stand up for parents? Why didn’t Suzanne Jones talk to the American Council for example for a recommendation before appointing a liberal democrat to the library board?
Now – as to the rest of her appointments:

Granite Bay MAC: 

Virgil Anderson R
Nick Johnson R
Gary Flanagan R
Amber Beckler NPP
Kristine Johnson D
Sandra Harris R
Christopher Hill NPP
The Granite Bay MAC has historically been a roadblock to development and progress in Granite Bay, but this group is frequently overridden by the Board of Supervisors (Think about the recently built senior living facilities for example). While Sandy Harris is a Republican, my experience with her going back years is she is virulently anti-growth and has a penchant for supporting liberal Republicans and non Republicans for office.
Amber Beckler – registered as an NPP has been a mainstay based on what I have seen, at campaign events for the few Democrats that Placer County had in office (before Suzanne Jones started appointing a bunch of them). She was part of the anti-Republican coalition that supported Suzanne Jones for office in the first place.
Rounding out the list…
Older Adult Advisory Commission: Karen Flanagan R
Assessment Appeals Board: Adam C. Brown R
Parks Commission: Virgil Anderson R
14 total appointments: 7 Republicans, 3 Dems, a Green, an AIP and two NPP, one of which is known to favor democrats openly. Worse, the two most powerful positions a supervisor can appoint feature a Dem and a Green.
Suzanne Jones is not a Republican. Fraud Alert Issued. Defend Placer County’s way of life, fire Suzanne Jones now.
Dec 272023

It is very simple. I have known Jeff Moss for 20 years. While I have not had a ton of interactions with him in that time, what I remember well is he has been on the right side of every issue conservatives care about. The most memorable one for me is when he was a part of dealing with the Fire Unions and their demands for pay and benefits that would have forced huge tax increases on the residents of the district.

He has also been at odds with the leftists, NIMBY’s and Enviros. The fact that the community was able to so quickly rally around him is further indicative of the life he has lived.

With regard to Karen Henson who I am un-endorsing in favor of Moss. She had ample time and opportunity to make a campaign for herself. She failed to do so. I liked her, a lot.. but she is not a good or viable candidate. It is purely that.

AD-01 – the two democrats, five republican nightmare scenario that was constantly used as a reason why endorsements had to be made never materialized.

Only Tanessa Audette, Heather Hadwick, Mark Mezzano and Melissa Hunt filed for election. While I am drawing a retainer from Heather Hadwick, allow me to as unbiased as I can offer an analysis:

Tanessa is from Bethel Church in Redding. This Church is a gigantic block of voters in AD01 and it appears that Tanessa believes she will get them all (or most of them). Remember, both Dahle’s got over 80% of the vote in Shasta County and it was believed that Bethel was the reason. While Tanessa still works for Brian Dahle, she is not Brian Dahle and those kinds of phenomena rarely transfer to non-family member candidates. Bethel is also a lightening rod in the community and is a source of controversy.

As I filter through the information about Tanessa, she’d like to believe that the four county GOP endorsements she has were about her, but they were more about anti-Dahle sentiment than anything. (El Dorado could be an exception to this)

My main concern about Tanessa is when she is fully vetted, it is not going to end well. How far do her opponents and detractors go in their efforts to stymie her campaign?

Mark Mezzano is a candidate that should have been formidable. He has strong support in Shasta County from several on the GOP there. It appears that many if not most of Melissa Hunt’s core supporters have jumped in to Mark’s camp. That said, time and again, I have been treated to stories about Mezzano meeting stakeholders and fumbling time and again. Mezzano’s failure to advance to the top tier is 100% on him. He has a resume and would otherwise be qualified were he not saddled with the flaws he has as a candidate.

Melissa Hunt. She hates Les Baugh. She reportedly has launched in to tirades in public and on the phone when people have attempted to talk to her about her campaign’s failure to launch. Anyone that hates Les Baugh has a screw loose. It is clear that she filed for the election to give everyone the middle finger. When she finishes 4th in March she will most likely get even angrier.

Heather Hadwick. I work for her. She is the Bomb. I can’t be objective in my comments about her because I think she is a fantastic and overqualified candidate. She is also working very hard doing the things a candidate needs to do in order to be formidable.

Absent my bias, it is clear that Heather Hadwick is the front-runner because the people I know that do not support her are opposed to her for reasons outside of anything directly related to Heather, her platform or resume.

My guess is Tanessa and Heather are the two that advance to the fall melee.

As a side note, Doug LaMalfa endorsed a series of candidates for Supervisor in Shasta County. All are part of the “Anti-Bethel” crowd and to the best of my knowledge all are hostile to the Dahles. Nice to see there are still tribes in the North State.

Speaking of the Dahles, Megan Dahle and the troubled David Fennell are all that filed for the SD-01 Tilt. The race goes to the November Runoff and Fennell gets hammered worse than the Niners got by the Ravens on Christmas. Twice.

Party Time.

Aug 092023

Karma is a beautiful thing sometimes. It looks like Suzanne Jones did what she and all her left-wing NIMBY crew accused her predecessor of…

August 9th, 2023
Contact: Ryan Gardiner

Suzanne Jones Violates Conflict of Interest Law, Opponent Releases Statement

Placer County, CA — Supervisor Suzanne Jones appeared to violate conflict of interest law earlier this year, by accepting numerous contributions from non-profit directors while voting to approve their county contracts.

On June 13th, 2023, Supervisor Suzanne Jones voted to enter the County into a $78,948 no-bid contract with The Gathering Inn, a non-profit homeless services organization (Agenda Item 29.E).

On June 27th, Jones again voted to enter into two more contracts with The Gathering Inn, this time for $3,092,580 and $298,092. (Agenda Item 9.C.2 and Agenda Item 18.B).

That same day, June 27th, Jones accepted a $500 campaign contribution from the Chair of The Gathering Inn (Form 460, Page 8 of 15 and The Gathering Inn, Board of Directors). It also turns out that in the months prior, Jones accepted $1,675 from another member of the organization’s Board of Directors (Form 460, Page 6 of 15).

SB 1439 went into effect this year to prohibit this practice, with the intention of “rooting out local government corruption in California… by ending pay-to-play.” The bill prohibits an elected official from accepting campaign contributions from board members or staff of organizations that do business with their agency, for a year following their vote to approve a given contract or entitlement.

In response to this apparent violation of campaign finance law, Karen Henson, who is challenging Jones in the 2024 election, released the following statement:
“Suzanne Jones clearly has no problem doling out taxpayer-funded contracts to organizations whose leaders have funded her campaign. Not only is this practice likely illegal, it is also just wrong. I am calling on Suzanne Jones to immediately return the contributions in question. Corruption and pay-to-play have no place in Placer County.”

For more information about Henson and her campaign, please visit