Pam Tobin Update: When Feeling Loss of Control, Threaten Director of Neighboring Water District

 Pam Tobin  Comments Off on Pam Tobin Update: When Feeling Loss of Control, Threaten Director of Neighboring Water District
Oct 212014

Remember the walrus that ran against Kirk Uhler in 2012?

Pam Tobin is going psycho because it appears that her boorish and excessive drama-laden tirades have worn thin on a lot of people who are trying to cut the fat in the San Juan Water District. Remember the stories about how she harasses her neighbors? Apparently she went to the same finishing school as the chair of the no on anything good for Placer County campaign… but I digress.

I was sent a thread that details how Pam Tobin uses the FPPC as a weapon (similar to Cheryl Bly-Chester who supported her run for supervisor) against political opponents.

The thread starts with this missile from Pamela Tobin:

Hi Tom,

From what I am hearing, you’ve been very busy with campaigning against San Juan with your own slate to further your agenda.  Really not surprised by this, however, you may be crossing ethical lines and there are rules about that, which I am willing to push!  Be careful!

Pamela E. Tobin, Director

San Juan Water District

9935 Auburn-Folsom Rd

Granite Bay, CA 95746

District Office:(916) 791-0115

Cell: (916) 275-0875

Maybe Pam Tobin has taken too many queues from her Husband. However for putting something like this in writing, she would be the front-runner for Placer County Idiot of the Year had it not been for her fellow communist Rene Aguilera.

Tom (Gray) the Executive Director of the Fair Oaks Water District wrote a priceless response, directed to someone in the Sacramento County Elections Department and Cc’ed to everyone on Pam Tobin’s original threat E-Mail:


I received the email below from Ms. Pam Tobin – a member of the San Juan Water District Board of Directors. It seems that she is concerned about my involvement with the upcoming election for the San Juan water District Board of Directors. I wanted to report her concerns directly to the Sacramento County Elections office. I do not know of anything that I am doing unethical or wrong. If you uncover anything please inform me immediately and I will stop.


1.      I am the General Manager of the Fair Oaks Water District, which is a wholesale customer of the San Juan Water District

2.      I am a residential retail customer of the San Juan Water District

3.      Both incumbents and new candidates have contacted me seeking my personal endorsement

4.      I have gathered and provided information relative to the SJWD election as requested by FOWD Board members

5.      I have provided publicly available information as requested by any SJWD candidate

6.      I have provided my personal opinions relative to the SJWD election when asked by members of the public


I believe Brad is a good contact at the Sacramento County elections office to report your concerns.


Tom R. Gray

General Manager

Fair Oaks Water District

10326 Fair Oaks Boulevard

Fair Oaks, CA 95628

(916) 967-5723

“ It is amazing what can be accomplished when you don’t care who gets the credit”

Whomever this Tom Gray guy is, he deserves a medal for humiliating Tobin. However, Tobin, like Bly-Chester just can’t stand the thought of anyone getting the last word (especially someone male) – so she doubles down on stupid:

Dear Tom:

Brad may be a good contact for you to ask questions of, but the fair political practices commission is who I’ve contacted and they are the folks who enforce the rules.


Then one of Tobin’s fellow Board Members David Peterson finishes with the epic BEAT DOWN:


You really should study up on this.  Your ignorance of political ethics is a little embarrassing.  Your false accusations leveled at Ken and I in the last Placer County supervisor election were laughable.  Fortunately,  the FPPC set you straight with a few words and a dismissal of the official complaint you brought against each of us.  I think about that baseless complaint often.

But evidently you didn’t get it,  and now you make false threats to Tom.  Tom is acting within his rights as a citizen and ratepayer.  Please continue.  Yes, continue to define yourself.

For those of you scoring at home – that is at least three FPPC complaints with the Walrus’ fingerprints on them.

There is also a nice, fat, threat in the thread as well…

It also looks like Pam Tobin is still sore from the colossal ass-whuppin she got in 2012. (I am referring to the severity of the electorial beat-down, not the surface area)

It looks like this Obama supporter is in the fight of her political life. Here’s to the good guys performing a walrus extraction off of the San Juan Water Board…

Pam Tobin – Union Made Trainwreck, Look at her latest Finance Report

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May 252012

Interesting, isn’t it?

I got an email forwarded to me with Pam Tobin’s latest hit piece against Kirk. She has not told voters why to support her, rather, she is running a Big Daddy Jack Duran style campaign aimed at assassinating the character of Kirk Uhler instead of campaigning herself.

In that stead – she has also attacked Kirk Uhler’s wife, Tammy. As posted earlier – Jim Tobin was convicted twice of sexual harassment including graphic details of requiring sex for advancement.

The email from Ms. Tobin reads:

Hi Everyone,

Attached is the latest and probably the last mailer to come out against Kirk Uhler… (snip)

No mention of anything positive related to her own campaign – just mention of a mailer coming out against Kirk Uhler.

There is also a forward from a Robert Schulke who is an 80-year old Nimby who is noted for having showed a manager of a planning board during a heated disagreement. Robert Schulke is typical of the crew supporting Tobin – bullies. I wish Schulke would shove me…

Let’s have a look at her fundraising for the period of 3/18 – 5/19/2012:

The aforementioned Schulke $200

IUPAT Political Action Together Political Committee  $1500 – INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PAINTERS AND ALLIED TRADES

Laborers Local 185 PAC Small Contributors Committee $2000

AFSCME Local 146 AFL/CIO – $250

Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 447 PAC – $5000

Now Look at the Report from the previous period and add:

Add this to the $10,000 from Local 39. (aka the Placer Public Employee Union)

“Republican” Pam Tobin lists the following people she paid out money to:

$150 to the Placer County Democrat Party for their FDR/JFK Fundraising Dinner.

$1000 to Stewart Feldman Consulting – Mr. Feldman is an environmentalist who runs a consulting firm.

$3300 to Thomas M “Zeke” Tafoya – Zeke is a communist and a former Placer Dem Party Chairman

What a stellar Republican Pam Tobin is!

It’s Official: Pam Tobin is Owned by the Unions

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May 222012

The headline reads: Pam Tobin will “reduce Worker Furloughs and Increase Staffing in Placer (County)”.

This should be music to local 39’s ears and any other unions that have bought and control the Spendocrat party in California. The budget is out the door all the way.

The big loser here is Jack Duran – the so-called “Moderate” Democrat is outed as being “pro-worker” by Pam Tobin. I guess that $10k from the AFL-CIO really did buy a supervisor (along with the assistance of Ted Gaines).

Read the attached article – it is a doozy and is a very honest look in to the mind of a true liberal, 100% lack of regard for fiscal reality in pursuit of an ideological agenda.

P.S. – Placer County has a surplus because jobs have been left unfilled so that furloughs can be reduced and/or eliminated at the county level all together… So Jennifer Montgomery and her doppleganger Pam Tobin even lie when kissing up to their union masters!

PROTECT YOUR WALLET! Pam Tobin is a Fraud!

 Pam Tobin  Comments Off on PROTECT YOUR WALLET! Pam Tobin is a Fraud!
May 162012

Fraud. Pam Tobin.

Visit for all the details about who Pam Tobin really is.

In most of Placer County you have to re-register as a Republican to run for office. The notable exceptions are when you have a vengeful state senator helping you or there is a $9,900 plane ticket that people get fixated on that your opponent had…

There is no such baggage against Kirk Uhler.

So, Pam Tobin who ran against then Supervisor Ted Gaines and lost by 40+% as a Democart – re-registered Republican before running.

Let’s have a look at Pam Tobin’s “Republican” pedigree:

1. She got “sick” hours before the Placer County 2012 Lincoln Reagan Dinner (ironically, so did Beth Gaines) and was unable to make it.

2. She publicly supported a Liberal Democrat, Charlie Brown for Congress over Tom McClintock.

3. She publicly attacked Congressman John Doolittle.

4. She has never donated to a Republican running for partisan office.

5. Her public advocacy includes opposing development of any sort at any time anywhere. (Including opposing Bayside Church!)

6. She works for a firm in San Diego.

7. She has rarely been seen at local business related events.

8. Her top advisors read like a who’s-who of the left of Placer County.

9. $10,000 from the Placer Public Employees Union!

10. Rate hike after Rate Hike as a member of San Juan Water Board.

It would be one thing if she had endorsed and supported some Republicans somewhere for something. Can’t find that anywhere.

In fact, you will learn that Pam Tobin is a tax-and-spend liberal in the mold of Jerry Brown whose Republican registration is a thin veil for who she really is – a trojan horse for Public employee unions who appear to be obsessed with destroying Placer County’s finances.

Make no bones about it – Pam Tobin wants to join with Big Daddy Jack Duran and the Tree-Hugging Jennifer Montgomery to give away the store to Placer County’s public employees.


May 122012

Fraud. Pam Tobin.

Visit for all the details about who Pam Tobin really is.

In most of Placer County you have to re-register as a Republican to run for office. The notable exceptions are when you have a vengeful state senator helping you or there is a $9,900 plane ticket that people get fixated on that your opponent had…

There is no such baggage against Kirk Uhler.

So, Pam Tobin who ran against then Supervisor Ted Gaines and lost by 40+% as a Democart – re-registered Republican before running.

Let’s have a look at Pam Tobin’s “Republican” pedigree:

1. She got “sick” hours before the Placer County 2012 Lincoln Reagan Dinner (ironically, so did Beth Gaines) and was unable to make it.

2. She publicly supported a Liberal Democrat, Charlie Brown for Congress over Tom McClintock.

3. She publicly attacked Congressman John Doolittle.

4. She has never donated to a Republican running for partisan office.

5. Her public advocacy includes opposing development of any sort at any time anywhere. (Including opposing Bayside Church!)

6. She works for a firm in San Diego.

7. She has rarely been seen at local business related events.

8. Her top advisors read like a who’s-who of the left of Placer County.

9. $10,000 from the Placer Public Employees Union!

10. Rate hike after Rate Hike as a member of San Juan Water Board.

It would be one thing if she had endorsed and supported some Republicans somewhere for something. Can’t find that anywhere.

In fact, you will learn that Pam Tobin is a tax-and-spend liberal in the mold of Jerry Brown whose Republican registration is a thin veil for who she really is – a trojan horse for Public employee unions who appear to be obsessed with destroying Placer County’s finances.

Make no bones about it – Pam Tobin wants to join with Big Daddy Jack Duran and the Tree-Hugging Jennifer Montgomery to give away the store to Placer County’s public employees.