Apr 062021

Norma Torres-Barillas is quite a piece of work. She got in to an extended twitter fight with the President of El Salvador.

It is clear that Norma Torres-Barillas is completely out of touch. Perhaps she has been snorting some of the nasal dust that her countrymen have been transporting to the US through the southern border.

MEXICO CITY — El Salvador’s president is urging voters in a California congressional district to vote out its U.S. representative in the latest back-and-forth spat between the Central American head of state and one of Congress’ most vocal critics of the region’s leaders.

President Nayib Bukele and Democratic Rep. Norma Torres have been exchanging very undiplomatic barbs on Twitter this week.

National Palestinian Radio had an interesting take on Torres-Barillas sparring with the President of El Salvador

After the crazed Torres-Barillas (who hails from the home of MS-13 and has several associates that are communists) tweeted a cheap shot at El Salvador over video of two toddlers being thrown over the border fence by coyotes, the President of El Salvador lit her up:

El Salvador’s Bukele, an avid Twitter user, hit back fast with his own Spanish-language tweet. “Look ma’am, did you read that the children are from ECUADOR and not from EL SALVADOR? Also, this happened on the border of Mexico with the United States. What does El Salvador have to do with this?”

The Salvadoran president then told Torres that she should buy some glasses with a portion of her “financier’s checks.”

That appeared to be a reference to billionaire financier George Soros. Bukele has often blasted U.S. lawmakers critical of his administration for taking donations from Soros’ Open Society Foundations, which says it works on multiple projects throughout Central America to build “just, inclusive democracies” and has been at odds with Bukele.

My favorite part of the NPR article is the following:

A spokesperson for Bukele told NPR, seeking comment, that the president’s tweets speak for themselves. And a spokesperson for Torres said the congresswoman was traveling Friday and unavailable for an interview.

In addition to being a communist that supports human trafficking via open borders, Norma Torres-Barillas is a coward.

Oct 282020

Did you know that Mike Cargile has forced Norma Torres to spend $500,000 on her re-election campaign in a D+25 district? Could you imagine how much better off competitive Republican Races would be had Jessica Patterson and others actually been serious about recruiting candidates for dem districts? We had more democrats running unopposed than at anytime in the 20 years I have been active in CAGOP politics.

I was recently in CA-35 – specifically Chino and Pomona. Chino does not look like a democrat city and probably should not be if the GOP was serious about outreach and voter registration. Mr. Cargile had signs everywhere in that district. I literally saw at least 100 of them at dozens of intersections.

I also saw Mike himself at a Trump Table shaking people’s hands and handing out literature at the intersection of Grand and Pipeline which is the eastern boundary of Chino Hills. Grand turns in to Edison Ave in Chino. So, literally Cargile was 30 yards outside of his district where I saw him.

Of note – I did not see any signs or signs of precinct activity for Norma Torres. I did not see anything for Torres in Pomona, in obvious democrat stronghold.

It is also clear that Norma Torres has been deeply wounded by Cargile’s campaign as she has attacked him at least 7 times that I am aware of. Meantime, Jessica Patterson, Scott Winn and the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure lynched him out of a GOP Endorsement without a hearing. It appears that their own rhetoric of recruiting candidates for dem districts and taking the fight to the democrats was a sick joke designed to deceive delegates in to allowing them to keep control of the party.

Mike Cargile has put on a clinic on Running for Office in a democrat district and his campaign should be used as a template for how Republicans running in Heavy Dem Districts can do some damage. With modest expenditures, he has forced Norma Torres to become completely spun and unhinged. How sweet it is.

Too bad that the CAGOP’s leadership completely missed the boat on this because of a jilted consultant and their own phobias of phobias.

Sep 112020

I looked at elections results in #CA35. Norma Torres Barillas wins by 30% most of the time. Why is she spooked?

Is it the scrutiny over her love of Islam while ignoring her own Catholic Faith? Open Borders advocacy while being incredibly weak on MS-13?

Torres hails from the birthplace of MS-13 and to the best of my knowledge has never denounced them – while attacking the US Backed government in Guatemala that is trying to deal with MS-13.

I do think it is delicious that Torres is fundraising and having to spend money against Mike Cargile. I wonder how much of the Torres money is going to support her family political empire. (Her son, who is as much a communist as she is is in City Council in the District. Cozy.)

Perhaps this website by Mike Cargile really torched her worse than we imagined.

To think, this race would have never gotten my attention had it not been for the political insiders in the CAGOP Lynching Mike Cargile.

Of course, Norma Torres – once an LAPD Dispatcher now lambastes her former department indicating disgust over the job she once held. It must be nice living inside the ivory tower of Washington DC away from the real world. And we’re all a bunch of racists because we disagree with her.

Very interesting stuff as I am seeing Democrats in supposedly safe seats having to spend money on themselves. Pretty fascinating.

Aug 262020

Further proof the CAGOP is run by incompetent fools. Just wow.


Good job Mike Cargile for introducing the world to this America-Hating Back Bencher Communist. Carry on despite the fools in your own party that are afraid of their own shadows.

Aug 112020

Get a good look, Mike Cargile could not be more opposite than the extreme left-wing communist sympthizer from the home of MS-13 Norma Torres (Barillias)

Perhaps the blonde hair and blue eyes is why the CAGOP Leadership Lynched Cargile?

The visceral reactions to this blog show me that not only are the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure nervous, so is the Norma Torres-Barillias camp. They should be worried, Torres has never faced real scrutiny. This stops now that your intrepid blogger is looking for answers as to why Media Matters (see also George Soros) and the CAGOP Leadership decided to assault Cargile.

Torres worked as a LAPD 9-1-1 dispatcher, where in 1994 (age 19)  she led a campaign to require the hiring of bilingual 9-1-1 operators. She was an active member of AFSCME,  serving as local 3090’s shop steward. She served on the Pomona city council prior to being elected the city’s mayor in 2006. In 2008, she endorsed then-presidential candidate Barack Obama before Hillary Clinton withdrew from the race, and was a superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention. She was elected to the State Assembly in November 2008, filling the vacancy left by former legislator Nell Soto, who retired. She earned her mail order bachelor’s degree in Labor Studies from the now defunct National Labor College in Maryland in 2012 at the age of 47.

Norma Torres’ Congressional District covers gang-infested east LA.

Throughout her career in elected office, Norma Torres has been a loyal liberal Democrat with a predictable left wing record. Torres is a longtime resident of the Inland Empire. She resides in Pomona with her husband Louis, and their sons Robert and Matthew. A stated supporter of the US military, her third son, Christopher, is a veteran of the United States Air Force, but an opponent of US policy to  oppose communist aggression in Central America. Torres received a questionable bachelor’s degree in Labor Studies from the now defunct National Labor College in Silver Springs, Maryland. 

On May 25, 2018 Giffords, the gun control organization founded by liberal anti 2nd Amendment former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly, announced its endorsement of Congresswoman Norma Torres’ reelection campaign for California’s 35th congressional district. Congresswoman Norma Torres has been a fierce anti 2nd Amendment advocate but ironically refuses to endorse deportation of illegals convicted of gun crimes.

Basically, I believe Norma Torres has a fake College Degree and her birth records are sketchy at best. We are not even sure Norma Torres is her actual name or that she was born in 1965.

At the international level, she has been an activist for opposing the US backed governments in the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua), as well as supporting “compassion for refugees from gang violence” without mentioning the violent gangs like MS 13 from her home country.

The opponents to those governments are communists – including the communists that founded MS-13. Barillas is where MS-13 and Norma Torres are from.

Sometimes, when people like the CAGOP have knee-jerk reactions or short-term thinking (such as trying to limit the number of delegates Mike Cargile will get in 2021 if there even is a convention) has consequences.

There is still more coming on Norma Torres. She is more than a back-bencher auto-rantinic leftist moonbat. She is also trying to create a political dynasty while undermining national security. Meantime the CAGOP are upset about a facebook post.