Bruce Kranz. John Doolittle. Harry Norris. So many others, I can’t remember them all.
Who are they? Ted Gaines’ victims.
Add Dan Logue to the list. Dan Logue endorsed Ted Gaines – and that endorsement was key to delivering Ted Gaines a CRA endorsement over Les Baugh in April.
Now, Ted Gaines has an opportunity to reciprocate.
In typical Ted Gaines style – he got what he wants, (a State Senate Seat) and most everyone that helped him gets a mess sandwich with no bread.
Tonight, the Nevada GOP Cent Com is weighing an endorsement of Dan Logue. The Chair of Nevada County is a Doug LaMalfa cylon robot.
The Nevada GOP endorsed Ted Gaines in March as well.
Ted Gaines has pulled his existing alternate – and has instead appointed another Doug LaMalfa Cylon Robot in a clear attemept to block an endorsement of Dan Logue.
This is how weak Jim Nielsen is. He is being forced to pull out all the stops to try and save himself from a slew of Cent Com Endorsements against. (Placer, Yuba and Butte already have endorsed Logue – vs Just Shasta’s for Nielsen.)
David Stafford Gilliard’s most recent email was a clear indicator that Jim Nielsen is running from behind. The concerted effort to discredit me personally in the Placer GOP endorsement process was another.
David Stafford Gilliard is the Consultant for Jim Nielsen, Doug LaMalfa, Ted Gaines and Beth Gaines. It is clear to this blogger that Ted Gaines got his orders.
So, add Dan Logue and the Nevada GOP to the list of people that got screwed by Ted Gaines.
I told you so.