Good Lord. I have been getting intel that Larry Elder is going down in flames. I am wondering if this guy was some sort of plant. (((Please note the url has changed to – please change your bookmarks.)))
Kevin Kiley has a whole bunch of Chinese supporters from all over California and they all think Elder is owned by the CCP. Elder has a ton of Chinese in his operation. He lauded Betty Chu, who seems to be one heck of an American, but some think she is compromised.
One person that has survived Elder’s campaign purges is Ying Ma. It appears from her social media that she is some sort of anti-communist, but sources have been reading her stuff (I have to take their word for this as I don’t read Chinese) and they believe that she is identifying with vassals of the CCP.
And then of course there is one of my favorite all time commies – Peter Kuo Kuo. My favorite photo is the photo of him in the empty aircraft factory or the other one where he is signing some sort of contract in China. But the all-time great is the JDX Coin, Jade backed bitcoin thing. Why am I not surprised to see anything come of these?
Quick note about the alleged conservative Peter Kuo. He re-appointed the deposed Chair of the Yuba GOP, Stephen Heter. Heter was found to have installed himself as the only signer on the Yuba GOP bank account and was alleged to have drained the Yuba GOP’s money in to his own campaign for supervisor in 2020. IT appears that Scott Winn or David Stafford Reade gave Kuo Kuo the order and he did his duty.
Normally, Kuo would follow Winn and Reade in to Faulconer land. Whilst Reade and Winn hope the Recall fails so they can run Fookner up the flagpole for a 15th bite at the apple – Kuo Kuo fell off the wagon and followed the China Crew on to the Elder Train. Curious.
And I can’t get past all the Chinese people that think Elder is in the bag for the CCP. There have been separate and independent efforts all over California on behalf of Kiley by that community including the billboards in Kiley’s old stomping grounds in the Bay Area.
Of further note is that it is a not so secret secret that someone within the Salem Media Group has put the word out that the Salem Crew are not supposed to bag on Larry Elder. While I passed on a chance to interview Alexandra Datig, I’d guess my wife who worked for Salem until June of 2020 would have gotten fired because I don’t like Larry Elder that much. The Salem Media group rumor has been widely circulated and has not been dispelled
Nothing coming out about Elder surprises me except the CCP stuff.
I got some info from Riverside County – so let’s clear something up. Larry Elder’s crew demanded San Diego and Orange un-invite Kiley which they both did. (Repeat: Fred Whitaker, the OC GOP Chair is as weak as they come) I believe the event in San Diego was a group independent of the Cent Com.
However, in Riverside County – someone from Elder’s campaign called AFTER Elder No-Call-no-showed to the Riverside GOP event that Elder was to attend. They claimed Elder had food poisoning. Yet, 36 hours later, Elder was out in the desert with a bunch of wealthy GOP Donors for a luncheon event. (The desert refers to eastern riverside county aka the Palm Springs area)
It was put to me that Don Dix (Riverside’s GOP Chair) has told several people that had he been called by Elder, he’d have told him he’d never uninvite any Republican Candidate for Governor from an event.
The recall is going to fail badly. The CAGOP and their consultant suitors will blame conservatives. The conservative base is supporting Kiley. Elder in this case is a celebrity epic fail. The national media will hail the recall’s failure as some sort of referendum… on what?
California is 44% Dem and 23% Rep. The dem incumbent has $100 Million on his side. The “best” Republican is a disaster. I hope Kevin Kiley runs against Faulconer in the 2022 primary. It would force the consultant class to go after a member of the club and would wreck their credibility.
Meantime – Californians will get treated like Australians once Gavin goes on a post recall revenge rampage.
Thanks, Larry. Or perhaps, Thanks China.
P.S. I will continue attacking Faulconer and his crew until they are buried. Cox took a s–t in the woods and does not need me to help him off the cliff. (But Fred Davis made a fortune)