Jan 072025

I have known David Hernandez for years. Seems on the surface to be a good dude – affable, has a lot of good things to say, etc. Last year, he pulled off a surprise victory for LA Regional Vice Chair of the LAGOP. However, before you chalk that win up to the strategic brilliance of Hernandez… there was chaos and the vote was extended in to a special session after lunch. (Regional Meetings require in person votes and are typically from 9A-10:30A at the convention. Andy Garakhani, (who has since withdrawn from the LAGOP Scene post McCarthy) told at least 10 of the Establishment votes it was OK for them to go home.

Tonight, Baby! Jerry Springer, RIP

Hernandez won by 3. His tenure as LAGOP Regional Vice-Chair has been marked with causing chaos at CAGOP Board Meetings (along with others – a standard tactic of provocateurs in the minority), and exasperating CAGOP staff with absurd requests.

This same Hernandez is the mastermind of the Joe Isuzu slate for LAGOP leadership (along with Steve Frank). This same Hernandez has some sort of political group that raises money to put billboards along Los Angeles Freeways with his photo on them. (Hernandez is in his 70’s) It is about David or the cause?

Mitch Clemmons is their Vice-Chair Recruit. To say that Clemmons is unstable is perhaps understating the situation.

This is a post from one of Mr. Clemmons’ social media accounts. (Note that Clemmons was a GOP nominee for some statewide office in 2024) Note the use of the term “Vindictive Narcissists” in his screed. It is replete with megalomania – he, yes he MITCH CLEMMONS can fix LA Elections as Vice Chair of the LAGOP. If you believe that, I have 1,000,000 fake votes from a Dominion Machine for ya.

I am not sure what the CRA was thinking endorsing this guy, perhaps it was as simple as any bad of Dog S–t that Steve Frank presented the LA County CRA units with would suffice? Clemmons called the person on this text thread a B—h, (Great outreach, huh?) and then doubled down (see the above comment) when someone asked him to stop. It appears that Rudy Melendez recognized Clemmons destructive behavior and its’ impact on the cause of the opposition. (It is nice to know there are a few voices of reason over there, because I struggle to find any these days)

After getting called on his behavior – he gaslights the victim and makes it her fault. (see the pattern?)

But, it gets better – the man who would be Vice Chair of the LAGOP wrote the following:

When gaslighting and projection don’t work, Clemmons goes to the next rung in the playbook – playing the victim and outright calling the person he attacked Evil. He ought to be quite the piece of work at tonight’s candidate forum that they are staging.

I am sure David Hernandez and Steve Frank are proud of themselves over this recruit. (When Hernandez actually shows up to help get a candidate filed, that is.) Hernandez, has on occasion gotten “Stuck in Traffic” or gotten in an “Accident” while driving to the LA Registrar’s office to file candidate paperwork. If I was Hernandez’ Auto Insurance Agent, I’d cancel his policy any time he says he is going to Norwalk. Too bad he didn’t have an accident on his way to file Clemmons’ paperwork… yikes.

Joe Isuzu, Mitch (B—h) Clemmons, David Hernandez… is it any wonder Conservative activists in California can’t have nice things?

Oh, and the other slate of candidates running for LAGOP office? They are all Conservatives too, just not Steve Frank ass-monkeys. If people like Clemmons are what it takes to meet the criteria of a recruit sign me up for a pet Rhinoceros.

P.S. On a more serious note, I do not envy Roxanne having to deal with these people for the next X number of years she is chair of the LAGOP. But, if I know anything about Roxanne, she can handle shriveled up bullies just fine…

Jan 062025

What? You mean I can’t come to the party?

Did you know that CAGOP Party Elections are coming up? The best way to tell is when 35 of the 58 County Parties spontaneously combust. (Note that roughly 5 counties don’t even have a committee so note the dumpster fire ratio).

Obviously, I am interested in the 2025 CAGOP Leadership Elections as we are guaranteed a Party Chair that is not a shivering denizen of Kevin McCarthy. That said, in defense of her Majesty the Chairwoman and the former Speaker – I can see clearly what kind of adult supervision they were providing for the party. The opposition to the Patterson-McCarthy axis is unrecognizable from the crew I worked with when I tried to elect Steve Frank Chair of the CAGOP. (As it turns out, I am glad I failed in that effort as Steve’s behavior since has gotten progressively worse as has that of those around him)

I don’t know why I keep sticking my nose in CAGOP politics. You’d think that with this being year 28(!) in that scene that I’d go Peace-Out. Can’t do it. I care about too many people too much not to. Many of those people keep stepping on landmines repeatedly. The latest batch of opposition candidates are lower quality and seem to be deteriorating with each cycle.

Witness Joe Isuzu and Mitch Clemmons. Apparently, their qualification for LAGOP Chair and Vice Chair is that David Hernandez helps pay their filing fees, they create a DIY website and then get shellacked time and time again running for D+1000 legislative seats. I am old enough to remember when the LAGOP tried the “Hire-a-Perennial-Loser” candidate. His name was Glen Forsch and he was a squish that kept running for BOE and losing. Forsch was not effective in the least – you’d think the Conservatives like Hernandez who have been around longer than me would remember that just because you put a different label on failure, it is still failure.

Which is why I am baffled at the tactics these people are using against Roxanne Beckford Hoge. Hoge was at one time a Tea-Party darling with a media presence. She is attractive, well-spoken, vivacious and presents herself very well wherever she goes. You’d think that Hoge would be the ideal candidate for LAGOP Chair, she will make the calls, can communicate and lead. She is also a social conservative!

This is where your intrepid blogger comes in. As a man who checks all the “Right-Wing” boxes myself, I have zero tolerance when my fellow conservatives in some sort of vainglorious rampage for truth resort to the same tactics that the far left use that they decry. It is immoral and even worse when coming from the allegedly moral part of the GOP.

Entre Joe Isuzu. Joe was one of those that talked to the outgoing Chair of the LAGOP like he wanted to help the party in 2024. Clemons did as well. All along it was a setup for their own ambitions to take over the LAGOP, screw ideology or effectiveness for the party – one’s own ambition is king. Both of these men are presenting a platform that may well have been drawn up in Steve Frank’s basement in the 1980’s (When I was in High School and Steve was in his prime)

When looking at photos of Joe Isuzu, I was taken by this photo of him doing community outreach:

Yeah buddy – candidates like this guy are why the Opposition to the CAGOP establishment can’t have nice things.

Just a couple notes – This Guy barged in to a planning meeting of the LAGOP Ex-Com based in part on false information disseminated by Steve Frank. The LAGOP ex-com was planning the election meeting and Mr. Isuzu accused them of election fraud, cheating and the like. (Sound Familiar) You can also expect him to bang the fraud gong if he loses his bid for LAGOP Chair.

He, Clemons and others are acting like they have the election won already:

The people that disseminated this email have been behind chaos in several other county parties in the lead in to the March 2025 CAGOP Elections.

Lastly, the “Event” I Lampooned at the beginning of this blog has a fascinating backstory. IN LAGOP Tradition, they set up a candidate forum for all interested to participate in. Mr. Isuzu indicated he was not available that night on more than one occasion. Guess which night this “Event” is scheduled? The same night.

The tactics of the left, lying, backstabbing, division. This is why the Conservative opposition can’t have nice things.

(Note for Context: County Party elections matter in the scope of the CAGOP as each county makes delegate appointments. After the Alameda and Shasta GOP debacle of two years ago, when both outgoing chairs appointed delegates before losing their chairmanship, the credentials committee (controlled by the establishment) recognized the illegitimate delegates appointed by the two establishment aligned chairs that lost. This caused a by-law change as the actions of the committee were egregious. The incoming chair gets to make the appointments.

The thinking in LA is if Joe Isuzu gets elected chair, the 17(!) or so delegates that the LAGOP gets will be Mike Morrell loyalists. As such, the opposition have been after several county parties – which may be the subject of future posts as I lay out the tactics being used by so called conservatives in the name of being anti-establishment.

Wanna know why people hate internal party politics? Buckle up.

Aug 272024


I may not post every day, but I am watching

Come on Steve, they don’t need your help!

Steve wrote a recent gossip column making several charges about the LAGOP. I also received an email that was circulated challenging Steve’s assertions.

IN particular, Steve claimed LAGOP Chairman Tim O’Reilly said the LAGOP exists only at meetings. In a cut and splice worthy of the Kamala Harris campaign, he selectively edited O’Reilly’s comments that, in full context, say the opposite.

While we all want more from the LAGOP, they have been active and trying to climb out of the fiscal hole left for them by the previous management.

Perhaps Steve should write the LAGOP a check so they have some more funds to do GOTV with?

When you write Bulls–t it affects everyone and everything around you. Come on Steve, conservatives deserve better from their leaders.

Jul 052024

Keith Cascio is so clueless that he went to an LA Community Event, then bragged about it on social media. The problem is he tagged a bunch of local leftist activists in his post, now Cascio does not have an instagram account anymore.

From the same brilliance comes this tweet:

The act of desperation was a career criminal and two accomplices robbing and murdering a tourist from New Zealand. The tourist got run down by one of the scumbags.

Keith Cascio is an idiot and may as well have re-traumatized the family of the victim a second time.

It appears that the LAGOP did not do enough by removing this dumpster fire as their Treasurer. He should be removed all together and sent to a state hospital. He already lives in rent-controlled housing so the mental ward is a next logical step in his residency in government facilities.

For those of you wondering, there is such as thing as a Republican going too far left. It is easy to spot the wing-nuts and their conspiracies, but the Ron Bassilian-Keith Cascio version of the left fringe elements of the GOP is alive too.

May 092024

By now, you’ve been treated to emails calling Tim O’Reilly and everything under the sun. I stand behind my criticism of his by-law amendments. That said, those criticizing him are lying about the Keith Cascio situation.

Steve Frank has had a copy of the three-page letter sent to him by Tim O’Reilly when the extremely dense Cascio demanded to know why he was facing removal as Treasurer. Suffice to say, the list is damming and 100% true.

Steve Frank owes us all an apology for turning Cascio into a victim and for lying by omission about the state of affairs in Los Angeles County.

When you read the letter, posted in its’ entirety – remind yourself that Steve Frank has had this at least a week longer than your intrepid blogger and did NOTHING with it even though it would have provided much-needed context surrounding the bizarre actions of a man who appears to be disturbed (in this case I am referring to Keith Cascio and not Mr. Frank). This breach of journalistic ethics is what you expect from CNN, not a respected conservative leader. But when have ethics ever gotten between Steve Frank and a good smear?

Now, ask yourself why Steve Frank refused to publish this?

Ask yourself who the actual victim is here?

In the words of Tim O’Reilly: “Your decisions have been confusing to myself and your colleagues on the board…”, in the case of Steve Frank his decision in not confusing at all. His decision to not post this stuff shows you what he is willing to abrogate to win a political fight.