Placer County Republican Central Committee Gets Convicted of Fundraising

 Joel Anderson, Placer County Republican Party, Tom Hudson  Comments Off on Placer County Republican Central Committee Gets Convicted of Fundraising
Dec 162009

That’s right – Tom Hudson has engineered the largest fundraiser in the history of the Placer County Republican Central Committee. We get to keep all $32,400 of the money given to us by Assemblyman Joel Anderson

In a letter received just this afternoon – the FPPC has exhonerated the Placer County Republican Central Committee.

An article posted in the San Digeo Union Tribune earlier today said that the Central Committees of Placer and Stanislaus would be exhonerated – but this blogger waited until the actual proof was in hand before posting.

I am wondering how those that promoted this story to the local media in an attempt to discredit the Central Committee are feeling now – not referencing those quoted in the articles. I have detailed how some of the local electeds (Jim Holmes, Peter Hill) who have run afoul of the Committee were all to eager to give quotes to the media –

Meantime – Tom Hudson looks like a genius because the Central Committee now has $32,400 to spend on the 2010 cycle.

I think the Placer Central Committee might consider endorsing Joel Anderson for Senate should he run 😉

P.S. according to the Union Tribune – the Fresno Cent Com and Anderson’s campaign are going to get fined.