Apr 052016

Blogger’s Note – hope this thing succeeds. Reality says 90% of recall attempts fail to qualify.

Neighbors Against Corruption

P.O. Box 268

Shingle Springs, CA 95682




For Immediate Release: 4/3/16

Contact: Dan Dellinger @ (530) 644-5663 or dandellinger@infostations.com


Placerville, CA – Local clean government advocates recently launched www.neighborsagainstcorruption.com a new website dedicated to exposing and ending corrupt practices in El Dorado County government. Hosted by Neighbors Against Corruption, www.neighborsagainstcorruption.com identifies criminal and office abusing actions of local elected officials, exposes corrupt practices occurring in County government, and builds a compelling case for recalling scandal plagued Auditor-Controller Joe Harn and abusive District Attorney Vern Pierson.

Visitors to www.neighborsagainstcorruption.com can learn more about the serious problem of El Dorado County corruption by downloading and reading published news stories, eyewitness accounts, and citizen testimony before the County Board of Supervisors concerning the inexcusable actions of some elected officials.  Topics featured on www.neighborsagainstcorruption.com include: the 2014-15 El Dorado County Civil Grand Jury Report – “Putting Political Gain Over What’s Right For The County”,  the City of Bell like “El Dorado County Bonus Scandal”, the County’s “Bullying and Harassment Scandal”, unpunished felony conduct, and abuse of office by elected officials.

Neighbors Against Corruption was formed in late 2015 by local residents horrified by the corrupt practices and actions of certain County elected officials to help clean-up El Dorado County government.  Currently, the clean government group is gathering signatures from registered voters to place the recall of the County’s two most corrupt elected officials on the ballot. To succeed in their important first project, local clean government advocates need to finish collecting 10,626 signatures from registered El Dorado County voters by mid-May. State law prohibits public disclosure of voters who signed recall petitions or inspection of such petitions by anyone other than election department employees. Recall petitions can be downloaded from www.neighborsagainstcorruption.com along with instructions on how to complete the petitions and where to send them.  For further information contact Dan Dellinger @ (530) 644-5663.

Psycho DA Vern Pierson is Getting Recalled Along with Ogre Joe Harn

 Joe Harn, Vern Pierson  Comments Off on Psycho DA Vern Pierson is Getting Recalled Along with Ogre Joe Harn
Dec 092015

Please note: Rumor has it Vern Pierson has endorsed a candidate in the AD06 race. However she has not posted it on her website yet, I wonder why?

For those of you that don’t read Right on Daily often – you should know that Vern Pierson is one of my favorite losers. He is up there with a certain non-college graduate Assembly-member with a hyped up resume. (Which may explain Pierson’s affinity for another such candidate – but I digress)

Joe Harn is legendary for his temper and abuse of staff. Vern Pierson is a loser District Attorney who abuses his office to get what he wants and also let a felony domestic abuser walk because it did not suit him to prosecute. Friends of Pierson get hand-slaps. Enemies of Pierson get assaulted with his abuse of the legal system.

Don’t forget that both Harn and Pierson rake in thousands in “Bonuses” over and above their bloated annual paychecks for abusing the taxpayers. Should you ever meet them, don’t bother shaking their hand – they both seem to have forgotten how to grip a handshake. (an Amazing irony, given they are a couple bullies)

Please note – the above is called commentary. I think the above of Harn / Pierson and am not alone. Eventually everyone else in El Dorado County will agree with me. Or, they could just resign and the beatings will stop.

Attached is a Press Release from a group seeking to cut Vern’s Hair a little shorter and to give Joe Harn some anger management counseling:


Placerville, CA – Clean Government advocates uniting under the newly formed “Neighbors Against Corruption” served embattled Auditor-Controller Joe Harn and District Attorney Vern Pierson with a Notice of Intention to Recall under California Elections Code division 11, Article 2, triggering a recall petition drive.  Under State law, recall proponents must formally serve targeted elected officials with a legal notice that includes legitimate reasons or grounds for removal from office.

The proponents cited the following grounds for the removal of Harn:

Failure to make authorized payments for reasons of personal and political motivation in violation of California State Government Code Sections 424 and 425. (Both felonies)

Participating in an immoral scheme whereby some County Elected Officials receive non-performance bonuses increasing the amount of both their six figure base salaries and retirement pensions for reasons such as simply being re-elected or possessing the certificates required to hold office.

Failure to protect the fiscal integrity of the County by willfully refusing to prepare a complete Cost Allocation Plan.

Failure to produce and submit required County bill payment disclosure reports to the Board of Supervisors in violation of County Ordinance Code Sections 3.16.130 and 3.16.140.

Engaging in inappropriate conduct including; harassment, bullying, and disrespectful conduct towards County employees, vendors, and staff of other agencies.

The proponents cited the following grounds for the removal of Pierson:

Abusing the power and resources of office to pursue criminal prosecutions and civil litigation against innocent persons and businesses for personal and political reasons, such as, generating career building publicity and punishing political enemies.

Participating in an immoral scheme whereby some County Elected Officials receive non-performance bonuses increasing the amount of both their six figure base salaries and retirement pensions for reasons such as simply being re-elected or possessing the certificates required to hold office.

Participating in an immoral scheme whereby the District Attorney receives extra pay as “County Chief Technology Officer”, thereby gaining access to all e-mail messages moving through the County internet system including the Public Defender’s Office.

Abusing court rules to discredit Judges for personal and political reasons.

Recall petitions will be available for circulation in the next few weeks.  Approximately 10,500 valid signatures are required to force a recall election of a County-wide elected official. Proponents also believe that Pierson’s continued failure to prosecute his political ally Harn for felony violations of the State Penal Code will prompt County voters to sign the recall petitions.

Is Vern Pierson a Nazi? Or, is he just a facist? Harn? He is just a garden variety moron. This should be fun.

Jun 222015

Well, well, well… I got sent a copy of a Grand Jury Report attacking (DRUMROLL) Ron “Mik” the supervisor in El Dorado’s First District.

It just so happens that “Mik” is all that stands between termed out Beth Gaines and her next government paycheck. Cozy.

The Grand Jury Report starts out like a political hit piece:

Before he was elected, Mikulaco was not known for his background and qualifications, but best known for standing on El Dorado Hills Boulevard with a sign urging drivers to vote for him. At first, that Depression-era sandwich board tactic seemed ineffective to many. Yet, Mikulaco was elected in 2012.

I guess Grand Juries are not subject to the rules of the real jury system? Or, perhaps, they can engage in the same sort of shilling and yellow journalism that the Placerville paper is famous for?

Well – I started asking questions as to why I felt like I was looking at a campaign hit piece.

I poked around and found out the shocking details – Local mega-donor and wealthy El Dorado County Businessman Ken Steers is an actual member of the Grand Jury!

I can write with a high level of confidence that Steers and Gaines likely have each other on speed-dial. Heck, Beth may be renting one of Steers’ rental properties in El Dorado Hills!

What did Ken Steers do to influence the outcome of this “report”? It really does not matter what eeeeevil things “Mik” is alleged to have done according to the report. The fingerprints of Ken Steers should make anyone take pause – especially with his political conflict of interest and the unprofessional language that the report starts with.

It would be like me sitting on the Placer Grand Jury recommending the disbarment of Jack Duran for eating too many donuts.

Missing from the Grand Jury Report is any mention of the malicious prosecution of Dan Dellinger. Things that make you go hmmmm… I wonder if Steers and company are going to ignore the pending lawsuit(s) against Mr’s. Pierson and Harn?

I also hear that the fish is starting to spoil…

To be continued…

Vern Pierson and Joe Harn Update – They’re Getting Sued (again)

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Jun 032015


In 2014, Vern Pierson was able to intimidate his opponent in to capitulating. Joe Harn’s opponent hired a crank addict as a campaign manager. So, here we are.

As seen on a local El Dorado Blog – Vern Pierson and Joe Harn got blown to pieces. (I love the headline)

In addition – the El Dorado Mountain Democrat, a paper that is usually biased in favor of incumbent officeholders not named Ray Nutting did a write-up on the lawsuit that was pretty good for the plaintiff Dan Dellinger.

Mr. Dellinger lit up Joe Harn and Vern Pierson pretty good in his press release:

DA & Auditor-Controller’s Vendetta Generates Lawsuit against County

Cameron Park, CA – Nearly a year to the date after losing their Soviet style show trial for self-aggrandizing publicity against, Dan Dellinger, a government relations and political consultant often on opposite political sides of the District Attorney and Auditor-Controller, Joe Harn and Vern Pierson are at the center of a lawsuit filed this week in El Dorado County Superior Court.  In this lawsuit, officially filed as “Dan Dellinger v. Joe Harn, et al” and assigned the number PC 20150251, Dellinger is seeking to collect $12,000 still owed him for work successfully completed for the Pioneer Fire Protection District in 2011and recovery of his expensive legal bills resulting from Harn and Pierson’s two year long bad faith prosecution of Dellinger. Joe Harn, the County of El Dorado, and the Pioneer Fire Protection District are named as defendants in the lawsuit; however, the complaint makes it clear that Harn has ignored the Fire District’s instructions to pay Dellinger.

“I want everyone to understand that the Pioneer Fire Protection District has acted honorably throughout my struggle to get paid by Joe Harn who is supposed to pay all of the bills authorized by the District,” said Dellinger, “so I included the District in the lawsuit very reluctantly and only on advice of legal counsel”.

“Before resorting to this lawsuit I tried to settle this matter with the County”, explained Dellinger, “but my own representative of the Board of Supervisors, Brian Veerkamp, refused to meet with me and the County’s high priced risk management office sent me an incorrect last minute form letter denial that makes me think they didn’t even bother to look into my payment requests”.

In addition to Breach of Contract against Harn, El Dorado County, and PFPD, the lawsuit alleges seven other civil charges or “torts” against just Harn and El Dorado County including Conversion, Deceit and Bad Faith, Abuse of the Grand Jury Process, and Bad Faith Prosecution.

Under California State law, the County would be prohibited from reimbursing Harn for any punitive damages awarded against him by a jury, however, as a District Attorney Pierson has absolute immunity from personal liability.

Dellinger had been falsely charged by Pierson and Harn of expending public money and public resources for express advocacy, receiving or granting a gift of public funds, and engaging in unfair business practices while assisting the Pioneer Fire Protection District place the Measure F parcel tax on the November 2011 ballot.  Measure F successfully passed with a near 80% approval vote.

On May 22, 2014, a jury took only 47 minutes to return a unanimous 12-0 verdict clearing Dellinger of any wrongdoing.

Dellinger has a long history of political clashes with El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson and his political ally EDC Auditor-Controller Joe Harn including helping elect EDC Sheriff John D’Agostini and others over Pierson and Harn’s strongly backed candidates.

I have blogged in the past that Vern Pierson is an idiot and Joe Harn is a bully and have lampooned their Dead Fish Handshakes. I wonder how much worse it needs to smell before the voters of El Dorado County wake up and send them packing.

Meantime, an innocent man has nearly been bankrupted by this BS.


Joe Harn Update – Files Lawsuit Against Political Opponents

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Mar 212015

I’ve written that Joe Harn is a bully. I’ve written about his temper and abusive pattern. Now he is suing a political opponent. Credit: Placerville Newswire

In an inexplicable move, Auditor/Controller Joe Harn initiates a lawsuit that is nearly impossible to win and one that calls his own actions into question.
On March 18th Courthouse News Service Reported “Small-Town NorCal Election Gets Nasty” by Barbara Wallace. The story reports on a lawsuit filed by Auditor/Controller Joe Harn related to campaign charges that he is a  a “sexual predator” and a “sociopath.”  The lawsuit is Joe Harn suing Chris McCaffree for comments he made in an email during Harn’s last campaign.  The original story wrote that neither Harn or McCaffree were available for comment.  We contacted McCaffree and he was unaware of the lawsuit and added that he had not been contacted by Harn, Harn’s legal representatives, or the Courthouse News Service.
Chris McCaffree has been a fixture in the community for many years and was most notable during a public investigation of a “Hostile Workplace” for El Dorado County employees where Joe Harn was a central figure of the investigation.  Chris McCaffree’s public testimony was given to the Board of Supervisors about two years ago. [http://eldorado.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=329 At bottom you can slide video to 00:27:50, 01:19:43 and 03:04:17 for relevant testimony from Chris]
McCaffree, a CPA, past Scout Master and father of five sons, is considered by most people who know him as almost “too nice”.  McCaffree has lived in El Dorado County for over 15 years and has enjoyed living here among good people – for the most part.  According to McCaffree, when he went to work for El Dorado County, he discovered that Joe Harn was making a complete mockery of what should be “Civil Servant’s” position of Auditor-Controller.
In McCaffree’s response to the lawsuit by Audtor-Controller, Joe Harn, defendant Chris McCaffre indicated that, “It is unfortunate that Joe Harn has brought this lawsuit against me.  I am normally a very nice guy, and it pains me to make Joe Harn a very public example of humiliation and disgrace in open view of all El Dorado County citizens who will follow this case.”
“The best defense to a Libel law suit is the truth – which will be made known very clearly now through the investigation and testimony of witnesses in this case.” explained McCaffree.
McCaffree insists that he believes what he wrote to be the truth and that he looks forward to proving that in court.  McCaffree says his only reluctance in addressing this lawsuit is due to the large number of people involved – “some will feel bad that they did not get a chance to give their testimonies against Joe Harn,” he said.
In addition to McCaffree’s own testimony, Mike Applegarth also testified about Joe Harn and gave supporting testimony to McCaffree’s claims. Applegarth was a highly placed analysit for the county that came forward to expose Joe Harn.  He did so on moral grounds and is widely known as an extremely ethical and moral man.  He has left the county since then and was immediately snapped up by another a city in Utah as their new top leader. [ http://eldorado.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=402 Move slider to 1:49:20 into the video]
In that public testimony a most unflattering picture is painted of entrenched political incumbent Joseph Harn as the primary “Bully” of the county and even the County Counsel testified that he was beyond the reach of most “Personnel” laws.
Harn’s lawsuit invites the public to come forward to testify for or against the behavior of Joe Harn as Chris McCaffree vows to include those that, “did not get a chance to give their testimonies against Joe Harn” at the County hearing, will in his response to Harn’s lawsuit.
Not only will the self-initiated Harn lawsuit put his own character in the spotlight, it is nearly impossible to win.
Proving Fault: Actual Malice and not just Negligence

Under U.S. law a plaintiff must prove that the defendant was at fault when he published the defamatory statement. In this case, Harn will need to prove that the defendant acted with actual malice not just negligence, because Joe Harn is a public official.
Celebrities, politicians, high-ranking or powerful government officials, and others with power in society are generally considered public figures/officials and are required to prove actual malice. Unlike these well-known and powerful individuals, your shy neighbor is likely to be a private figure who is only required to prove negligence if McCaffree published something defamatory about her.
Actual Malice:
In a legal sense, “actual malice” has nothing to do with ill will or disliking someone and wishing him harm. Rather, courts have defined “actual malice” in the defamation context as publishing a statement while either:
knowing that it is false;or acting with reckless disregard for the statement’s truth or falsity.
It should be noted that the actual malice standard focuses on the defendant’s actual state of mind at the time of publication. Unlike the negligence standard, the actual malice standard is not measured by what a reasonable person would have published or investigated prior to publication. Instead, the plaintiff must produce clear and convincing evidence that the defendant actually knew the information was false or entertained serious doubts as to the truth of his publication.
In making this determination, a court will look for evidence of the defendant’s state of mind at the time of publication and will likely examine the steps he took in researching, editing, and fact checking his work. It is generally not sufficient, however, for a plaintiff to merely show that the defendant didn’t like him, failed to contact her for comment, knew he had denied the information, relied on a single biased source, or failed to correct the statement after publication.
Not surprisingly, this is a very difficult standard for a plaintiff to establish. Indeed, in only a handful of cases over the last decades have plaintiffs been successful in establishing the requisite actual malice to prove defamation.
The actual malice standard applies when a defamatory statement concerns three general categories of individuals: public officials, all-purpose public figures, and limited-purpose public figures.
Public Officials
The “public officials” category includes politicians and high-ranking governmental figures, but also extends to government employees who have, or appear to the public to have, substantial responsibility for or control over the conduct of government affairs. Courts have interpreted these criteria broadly, extending the public figure classification to civil servants far down the government hierarchy.
In general, if an individual is classified as a public official, defamatory statements relating to any aspects of their lives must meet the actual malice standard of fault for there to be liability. Moreover, even after passage of time or leaving office, public officials must still meet the actual malice standard because the public has a continued interest in the misdeeds of its leaders.
The actual malice standard extends to statements touching on virtually any aspect of the public official’s life.
This untenable case may prove to be the undoing of Joe Harn as he already stands in public distrust after he enjoyed a very significant raise and bonus while he fights against the requested Cost of Living increases for county employees.  Will a public court case of his behavior, including witnesses testifying under oath, paint a picture of a man the voters simply cannot support for another term.  Will this testimony lead to a recall campaign against this old pol?
Time will determine that and we will keep you informed of developments.

Cris Alarcon.

(Disclosure, Cris Alarcon did participate in the campaign of Mike Owen, the most recent challenger to Joe Harn for the Office of Auditor/Controller in El Dorado County.  Unrelated, but concurrent to that campaign, in the course of a County Investigation of a Hostile Workplace, Chris McCaffree made the statements that Joe Harn is objecting to in this lawsuit)