But Tenessa is the MAYOR of Redding (you know that brown act thing where she knew two months before it happened)… and it looks like the residents of the Crime-Riddled City are sooo happy to be there.
Scene shot at appx 10AM 7-30-2024, in the Redding City Council Chambers.
The context for the photo is the outrage over the City of Redding’s mismanagement of the “Major League Dreams” kids baseball league complex. The ownership announced an abrput closure mid-season of the facility. Whoops. I guess the ruling junta of the City Council was too busy trying to make sure the fairgrounds changed hands to pay attention…
… and Tenessa was also preoccupied with attempting to lynch planning commissioners, too. The same Joshua Johnson that was supposed to benefit from the lynching turns out to be a donor to Tenessa as well. Cozy. Given how few donors Audette has, it was pretty easy to find the money so to speak.
We posted about Tenessa Audette’s pathetic Campaign Finance Filing.
As for Tenessa’s Campaign Finance Report, your intrepid blogger has linked it here so you don’t have to look for it. (Because I care)
Tenessa has $28,541.38 in her account.
She has $20,975.00 in debt.
This leaves Madam Mayor (of one of the highest crime-rate cities in California) with $7,572.38 net in her account as of 6-30.
When you add in that Tenessa lent herself $20,000, that makes the numbers even more painful.
When you look at Tenessa’s total haul from 2-15 through 6-30, it is $33,300 and $20,000 of it is her loan to herself.
Today, I was given a copy of Heather Hadwick’s Campign Finance Report.
Heather Hadwick reports raising $98,604, with $82,004.33 in the bank. Note that Hadwick HAS NOT LENT HERSELF any money. She reported $26,693.24 in debts. This means Hadwick has $55,351.09 net as of 6-30. (Hint, she has more than that now, but keep that between us)
This means that Hadwick raised nearly 8 Times as much money as Tenessa and when you include Tenessa’s loan to herself, it is still Triple.
Regardless of what your measurement is, Hadwick has nearly 8 times as much money for her campaign as Tenessa as of 6-30. (55,300 to 7,500)
Given there is a gigantic fire impacting AD01, the following donations mean a lot more than they may have previously:
Cal Fire Local 2881: $1500
CHP: $3000
California Forestry Association: $1500
CA Professional Firefighters: $3000 total ($2K on this report)
It looks like Madam (pre-arranged) Mayor has nothing but Drama and Trouble in her own backyard, and is broke to boot. Audette has zero path to victory without having a massive showing in Shasta County. It appears that her leadership of the City of Redding is toxic.
“I’m endorsing Heather for Assembly. Heather Hadwick embodies the integrity, proven leadership and ability to collaborate that our District needs in its representative,” said Mezzano. “She is in this race for the right reasons. I proudly stand behind her candidacy and urge all voters to join me in supporting Heather for a better California.”
Money is the mother’s milk of politics. Hadwick has 8 times as much as her opponent.