Jewish leaders I know for years have told me there has been an unholy alliance between the American Left and Islam. The American Left is now invoking the “Your a Racist” canard in defense of Islamic “Refugees” against all those with concern about it.
While Christians are targeted repeatedly by the left and in particular homosexual activists, the left is silent about the first amendment rights of Christians. Yet – the left are rioting over a temporary travel ban from 7 specific nations with an extreme risk of terrorist activity. The ACLU raised $24 million to attack Donald Trump’s initiatives to stem the tide of Radical Islamic Terror coming in to America at the behest of their fellow Muslim Barack Obama.
The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled on August 22, 2013 against Jonathan and Elaine. One of the justices said that the Huguenins are “now are compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives,” and he declared that this compulsion “is the price of citizenship.”
This is the case of the New Mexico Photographers.
Remember the bakers in Oregon? The state of ORegon bankrupted them, because once again the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal. The New Mexico Photographers seem to have not gotten fined. The Bakers in Oregon ended up getting $145,000 stolen from them and the militant activist liberal lost his bid to become Secretary of State in Oregon. Apparently, even Oregon could not stomach his brand of liberalism. Heck, the Portland Police are now arresting left-wing protestors! (and, for good measure just picked up two looters that were rioting after the election)
As labor commissioner, Avakian was best known for taking on Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a Gresham bakery that refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple. Avakian hit the company with a $135,000 penalty.
In Colorado, enter another “Human Rights Commission”. This time, what they did to a baker was right out of Josef Stalin or Mao Tse Tung’s Playbook:
Even after explaining to the commission that it wasn’t the people Jack objected to, it was the message the cake would send about marriage, an administrative law judge ruled against Jack in December 2013, saying that designing and creating cakes for same-sex wedding ceremonies are not speech protected by the First Amendment. The commission also ordered Jack and his staff to create cakes for same-sex wedding celebrations, go through a “re-education” program, implement new policies to comply with the commission’s order, and file quarterly “compliance” reports for two years to show that Jack has completely eliminated his religious beliefs form his business.
Click here to read about the florist in Washington that got fined. How about 6 months in Jail and a $2500 fine for each day you refuse to do a Gay Wedding? This is in Phoenix, Az. How about ordering a Christian Shirt Maker to do shirts for a Gay-Lesbian Rally? Yes, this time in Lexington Kentucky.
This is why the media and the left are freaked out about Donald Trump’s initiatives on religious freedom. They will decimate their agenda of forcing normalization of homosexuality and making homosexuals superior to Christians. Divide and Conquer, the left’s #1 tactic for relevance. But – the left isn’t even consistent.
Imagine if a Court or a Human Rights Commission did this to a Muslim? Hint, they didn’t.
When some right-leaning journalists went undercover in the heavily Muslim areas of Michigan and found several Muslim-Owned Bakeries and Florists who refused to serve a Gay Wedding, did the ACLU Sue? Did the Left Protest? nope.
The Left has thrown in with Islam. This is an insanely stupid decision politically, but should put in raised relief what their priorities for society are.
In the second installment of this post, I am going to talk about the brutal reality of Muslim Immigration and what it means. Suffice to say, as per usual, the democrats are calling anyone that does not want to be put at risk by unvetted mass muslim migration a racist. I suppose this same brilliant logic is what they use to justify ordering Christians to violate their faith behind unaccountable cowards in robes known as judges. (or “Human Rights” commissions)
To Be Continued