When Obama Became President, Gas Prices Were $1.89. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, Accessed 1/22/14)
Since Obama Became President, Gas Prices Have Increased By $1.49. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, Accessed 1/22/14)
Obama also is single-handedly shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline – this will cause Canada to send its’ Oil Elsewhere.
The White House Has Failed “So Far To Approve The Keystone XL Pipeline From Alberta To Nebraska, Which Would Help Carry Crude From Canada To United States Refineries On The Gulf Coast.” “Officials say the White House’s failure so far to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska, which would help carry crude from Canada to United States refineries on the Gulf coast, has dampened the faith of prime minister Stephen Harper in deeper North American integration: Canada is looking across the Pacific for oil markets.” (“Ready To Take Off Again?” The Economist, 1/4/14)
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Obama Has “Punted” On Keystone. “‘He’s punted,’ Harper said of Obama in an interview at an event today hosted by the Vancouver Board of Trade. ‘He said, ‘Maybe.’” (Andrew Mayeda And Christopher Donville, “Harper Says Obama Punting Won’t Stop Keystone XL,” Bloomberg, 1/6/14)
ABC’s Jon Karl To White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest: Is Obama Trying To “Run Out The Clock” On Keystone And Use A “Pocket Veto” By Delaying Approval? “ABC’s JON KARL: “Josh, I wasn’t even going to ask about Keystone, but what’s taking so long for this decision?” PRINCIPAL DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY JOSH EARNEST: “Well, I mean –” KARL: “I mean, this has been going on for years. Why are we still—” EARNEST: “It has. Well, there have been a couple of times where the process got upended because of concerns that were raised by the Republican governor of Nebraska and the route that had been proposed.” KARL: “Yes, that’s ancient history, too.” EARNEST: “Well, but you said it’s going on for years, and that’s one of the things that slowed down the process. So I think that demonstrates the commitment of the administration to get this right. It demonstrates that there are people in both parties who have a range of views on this topic. And what the State Department is doing is they’re reaching a determination of national interest.” KARL: “Is this a pocket veto? Is this basically like run out the clock?” EARNEST: “That’s not something that should be taken lightly. It certainly isn’t taken lightly by the President or his administration.” KARL: “So you’re not running out the clock? Because if you delay and then you don’t make a decision, it doesn’t get built, you know?” EARNEST: “That’s not how I’d characterize the ongoing policy process.” (White House Press Briefing, Washington, DC, 12/11/13)
Former Obama National SecurityAdvisor Tom Donilon: I Would Recommend That Obama Approve Keystone Pipeline. WALTER ISAACSON: “I know you’re not in the administration anymore, so maybe you could answer. Would you recommend for the keystone pipeline if you were there?” DONILON: “You know, I would.” (Tom Donilon, Remarks At Aspen Institute Forum, Washington, D.C., 1/7/14)