Jan 062019

For those of you that are avid readers of Right on Daily, you will realize that I am favorable to two candidates for CAGOP Vice Chair. Corrin Rankin has a higher upside for the CAGOP in my opinion. She has more potential and talent, thus making the tiebreaker. While Corrin is relatively new to being a candidate, the talent level is compelling. All this and she is a rock-solid conservative with a following:

The field for CAGOP offices is far from set. I am aware of yet another possible entrant in to the CAGOP Vice Chair Race from Lassen County. The field as it sits now is Corrin Rankin, Peter Kuo and Charlie Schaupp. David Hernandez is not running. 

There are various theories about why Kevin McCarthy has decided to flex his muscles as of late. It would appear to me that it is as much about self-preservation as anything. With only 7 GOP reps left, 2 of which are under siege, it would seem that McCarthy wants to cover his backside. It is a standard procedure for politicians that feel threatened to attempt to exert control.

We had introduced you to Jessica Patterson. She should be publicly announcing her candidacy for CAGOP Chair tomorrow. She has been on the phone with a lot of people. Patterson has quite a pedigree – Meg Whitman for Governor being the most noteworthy. After Whitman’s $150MM debacle, Patterson, along with Mitch Zak and Jeff Randle started California Trailblazers. This was to have been a flagship operation aimed at recruiting quality Republican candidates for state level office. It heralded with much fanfare with Kevin McCarthy being the public face of it.

Since the foundation of California Trailblazers, the GOP has gone from 28-20 in the Assembly and 14-11 in the State Senate. Despite having enough Republicans to forestall tax increases at most times recently, the democrat majority has never had to worry about finding the handful of Republican votes to pass their taxes. Now, they no longer need Republican votes for anything with 75% majorities in both houses. (taxes require 2/3)

I can only conclude that Kevin McCarthy wants to being the Trailblazers formula to the CAGOP. 

There are a couple of other possible angles. In the wake of the Chad Mayes disaster – Vincent Fong had attempted to gain critical mass to become Assembly Permanent Minority Leader. Fong, while incredibly conservative, is an acolyte of McCarthy. He is also close to Patterson, Zak and Randle. 

There is a similar dynamic to Shannon Grove. One of her top advisers is the wife of the late political Godfather Mark Abernathy. The Abernathy’s held an iron grip on everything Kern County, and to a lesser extent Tulare. If not Grove, then Jim Nielsen could also be tapped as he still has 4 years left before term limits. 

It is the opinion of this blogger that the CAGOP Chairman’s race is part of the three-piece set for Team McCarthy. It is clear that either Vincent Fong or James Gallagher will have the votes necessary in the Assembly, with 4 out of 5 of the recent losers being supporters of the current regime. It is also my opinion that Shannon Grove / Jim Nielsen would have little opposition if Pat Bates stepped aside on the Senate Side.

While I reiterate that I do not know Jessica Patterson well, I do know her by the causes and candidates she has worked with/for. With McCarthy in the background and the pedigree, she is going to have a tough sell to a lot of the rank and file CAGOP delegates.

At one point, former Assemblymember David Hadley was the choice of the Establishment. He is not even being rumored as a candidate for Vice Chair at this point (the position he currently holds). It would appear that Hadley has been completely abandoned. It remains to be seen what Hadley’s next move is.

Note: Right On Daily has endorsed Travis Allen for CAGOP Chairman. 

CAGOP Secretary – there will be an opponent to would be platform destroyer Dan Trimble. The information is embargoed at this time.

CAGOP Treasurer – there are rumors of an opponent to Greg Gandrud.

This would be the first time in years we would have so many candidates for CAGOP office. I think this is a good thing.

Jan 022019

David Hadley is running to be the California Republican Party Chairman. Part of his appeal is that he wants to do something about the anti-business climate in California. He also talks about how expensive it is to live in California.

Let’s talk to Mr. Hadley about his yes vote as an assemblyman on AB 305 (2016) that increased Worker’s Comp Costs by eliminating any apportionment of pre-existing conditions. So, imagine a new claim on the same bum knee? Imagine someone with an ongoing back injury getting in another accident? The Insurance Carrier would end up paying twice. AB305 were it not vetoed would have caused a 20-30% spike in California’s already absurd Work Comp premiums! 

How about SB350 in 2016? This is the 50% of California Energy to come from “Renewable” Sources. Renewable does NOT include Hydroelectric power, by the way – the cheapest and easiest way to generate Gigawatts. Wind Power is extremely expensive for a variety of reasons as is Solar Power. SB350 will increase power bills as much as 35% according to estimates. Hadley did his part.

It is pretty much impossible to take Mr. Hadley very seriously as an advocate for Republican Values, much less common-sense values given the variety of votes he has taken. 

When given other chances to stand up for lower costs – Hadley skipped SB 2153, a $2 Tax on Lead-Acid Batteries and AB 339 which was an attempt at artificial price controls on Prescription Drugs (which anyone with basic economics training knows causes shortages and price surges) When we needed David Hadley to stand up for common sense and against the artificially high cost of living in California, he was absent. Or, worse, he was complicit in it.

But wait, there’s more…  

Dec 202018

David Hadley is running to be chairman of the California Republican Party. He has a lot of explaining to do for his public record.

While he was only in the Assembly for two years, he had a slew of votes that ostensibly were allegedly about “Voting his District”. However, the slew of bad votes did him no good when he was blown out of office after only one term in office.

In 2015, the man who is campaigning on his ability to raise money voted for AB700. AB700 forced the top contributors to ballot initiatives or independent expenditures to be put in the disclosures. (This is why you see with major funding from… on disclosures now)

This extra exposure has opened several major donors up to intimidation and was one of the reasons the yes on 6 campaign got buried in fundraising as no major donors wanted to tangle with the powerful lobbies that wanted their tax money.

David Hadley in essence voted to make the very donors he would be calling on behalf of the GOP in to bigger targets.

Hadley also voted yes on AB 2523 which would have imposed State Contribution limits on to local office candidates!

That’s correct, county supervisors, Sheriff’s DA’s, councilmembers, school board members, etc would have all had a $4200 contribution limits. This terrible bill got vetoed by Governor Brown!

Why would any Republican seek to impose the State of California’s will on local elections? Why would any delegate to the California Republican Party who has sought local office or who holds local office support this guy?

Publicly Financed Campaigns. Ending Poll Voting. Sending Everyone an Absentee Ballot. Hanging a Target on Donors. Imposing State Government’s will on local elections. This is what David Hadley the Assemblyman voted for.

Now, Mr. Hadley is attempting to reinvent himself as an advocate for the Republican Party. He can not re-write history (65% “D” Rating from ACU, “F” Rating 43% from NRA, 80% “B” Rating from Howard Jarvis). To be continued.

Dec 182018

David Hadley is running for Chairman of the CAGOP.

At the forefront of everyone’s mind is “Ballot Harvesting” and “Was it all Trump’s Fault” in California.

I am not sure how Mr. Hadley can speak to either topic as his comments trashing the President were as out there as any of those made by anyone:

“I have never supported Donald Trump and I’m not supporting him now,” Hadley said in a telephone interview Monday. “I’d love nothing more than to have him step down and be replaced.”

David Hadley skipped voting on AB 1461 – Automatic voter registration. This is the very bill that enabled the DMV’s registering over 50,000 illegal aliens and led to mass errors with registrations.

5 Counties in California mail ballots to every registered voter, what could possibly go wrong?

David Hadley voted yes on SB450 – which enabled the now automatically registered voters to get ballots in the mail automatically. SB450 eliminated polling places instead replacing them with mail ballot voting centers – making it easier to harvest ballots.

In addition, the bill Hadley Skipped, AB 1461 also makes prosecuting illegal alien voters nearly impossible.

David Hadley, the erstwhile chairman of the CAGOP was not done there. He also voted for SB 1107 in 2016, which created publicly financed campaigns. Fortunately this disaster did not make it out of the Assembly.

That’s correct, David Hadley voted for Publicly Financed Campaigns and is now campaigning on his ability to fundraise. I am not sure how supporting the elimination of private donors is consistent with party-building. I am also not sure how eliminating poll voting and mailing out millions of ballots willy-nilly increases election integrity.

In our next installment, we will detail how the man who wants to be your chairman also sought to hamstring fundraising. That’s correct, David Hadley’s main push is his ability to raise money. You will be shocked to see what he did beyond supporting Publicly Financed Campaigns…

Dec 162018

Dear Mr Hadley –

I am Aaron, I am a blogger and 20+ year member of the CAGOP. You and I know each other politically, having once shaken hands at a Riverside GOP Meeting. You are good buddies with one of the Senior Board Members of the CIR who has loyally and steadfastly sung your praises to the organization. You probably knew me by reputation long before we met in person.

I wanted to share a few things with you in a serious, non-sarcastic manner, from one man of faith to another.

If you are a Conservative and a Christian, you usually don’t need to tell anyone as such. Normal on-fire Christians will display their values clearly, such as your faithful marriage, your history in business and your Children who seem to be fine human beings. I have respect for your personal life which is why I am perplexed at the email you sent out playing the “Jesus Card”.

There seems to be a disconnect between your personal faith and what you did as an assemblymember. When in the Assembly, you did not return the California Pro-Life Council’s Scorecard. I appreciate that you claim to be pro-life, but people know we are Christians by the fruits of our actions – not high scores (for a Republican) from Planned Parenthood or a 65% Scores (good for a D Rating) from the American Conservative Union in 2016.

Interestingly enough, I am curious what section of the Bible provided justification for AB1643 in 2016 that would have enshrined Gender Dysphoria in the Worker’s Comp System, ending the sound actuarial practice of using gender in claims management. This bill was so bad that even Jerry brown vetoed it. Why did you vote yes?

The Bible is clear about role of the Church in Charity, but as an assemblymember you took it a step further, voting for increases in welfare and several other benefit mandates by government. As a man of faith, you should recognize that the Church should provide Charity not the government. (It is also in the CAGOP Platform as well) I will be listing said votes in future posts.

I also believe that skipping voting on AB1887 (2016) which banned official California Travel to states with biblical values (see also understanding what gender means) is another issue that you need to address and resolve. Jesus was clear about the need for boldness and integrity in one’s values. This means standing up for Christ even when it would have cost you votes.

Jesus Christ was clear when he walked the earth, that being “Seeker Friendly” aka trying to find the lost means introducing them to a new way of thinking through renewal in Christ. Jesus never spoke about handing out free stuff as an inducement to join the church and the New Testament is replete with stories about the consequences of compromise. Mr. Hadley, when you have taken dozens, maybe hundreds of votes that are in line with the democrat party platform, it creates confusion in the minds of Seekers of the Republican Party.

None of these actions helped you when the democrats came after you and unseated you in 2016. The rationale that most moderates use is “voting your district”, yet without fail, the democrats pursue Republicans (moderate and conservative) with equal passion and vitriol.

It is not unreasonable for us, the GOP faithful, to take pause when comparing your actions to the stated values of our party. Are you going to try to lead a massive revision of the GOP Platform? How should we reconcile your past inflammatory comments against the President of the United States? Do you align with the so-called Republicans that are calling for division and calling the supporters of the President Racists? What will you do as chairman to respond to these people that seek to divide the GOP like this? (as this is not dissimilar to an intra-church fight) Will you call these people out in the media? Will you take on Governor Newsom in the Media?

Mr. Hadley, when I wrote that I could not reconcile myself with your record as a member of the Assembly, I had done some research. I have a list of issues with proof.

In the past, I had believed things (and believed them when I wrote them) about Travis Allen that simply were and are not true. Would you be willing to stand up and admit it if you were wrong? This is unheard of in politics.

Mr. Hadley, I respect your private life and your family. There is no criticism of you as a man at all. I just think you are wrong politically and I will have a hard time trusting you to stick up for the President or the rank and file Republican (most of whom) are more Conservative than you are.

As a man of faith, I’d also like to close with this: It was absolutely heartbreaking to see the public meltdown of Kristen Olsen and Chad Mayes (which is ongoing). They both claimed the same faith we do. When you play the faith card it is extremely risky as it shines a spotlight on your imperfect self. Doing so in the public eye can also cause your imperfections to keep other people from finding the faith that we cherish and rely upon for our daily lives.

You can’t un-send that email, but I’d remind you and anyone else of the cautionary tale of the Mayes/Olsen affair, meltdown, their arrogance and Chad Mayes’ destructive rampage on his way out of leadership. Many times, I’ve had people invoke that when I discuss my faith with them. Mr. Hadley, you’ve raised the bar on yourself to an extremely high standard by doing what you did. I am not sure if you were prepared for the consequences.

I am not sure what your next move is Mr. Hadley, but had I been part of your team, I’d have advised you against religious pandering.