The SD-28 Race is one of a handful of R vs R runoffs in California.
Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone is facing off against Former Assembly-Member Bonnie Garcia.
I am seriously torn in this race. Bonnie Garcia was and is one of the most Liberal Republicans to serve in the last several years. Her lifetime 61% CRA Score is below Abel Maldonado (64%).
Jeff Stone is clearly more Conservative – and I advocated on his behalf at the State CRA Board Meeting. This race ultimately is too hot and ugly and the State CRA Board decided to punt.
Subsequently, Stone and many of his allies have gone on a near-psychotic rampage to try and derail the City Council Campaign of Jonathan Ingram, a fellow CRA Vice President. The attacks have been so ugly, vile and vicious – I could have sworn it was a Congressional Race.
Worse, the information that has come out on Mr. Stone suggests that he has enriched himself at the trough of government successfully for years through a variety of arrangements that should give anyone pause.
So here we are, late in the race. As I have documented previously – Dave Gilliard, Jeff Stone’s Consultant has had a pattern of sending out late haymakers when he believes the race is close or his candidate is losing.
In 2012, he beat up eventual Republican nominee Peter Tateishi so bad that Democrat Ken Cooley walked all over him in the fall in a majority Republican Assembly District. Part of the beating was documented in this blog that featured screenshots of a mailer making Tateishi look like Emporer Hirohito.
I recently was sent screenshots of a mailer attacking Bonnie Garcia. It is all about the Immigration Issue. It lights Garcia up good for several bad votes she made as an assembly-member. It calls her a flip-flopper. I am not going to argue the nuance, because white people laying in the street to stop busloads of illegal immigrant children from being processed looks really bad.
However, here is the mailer. Side one, Side Two.
My analysis is this – this mailer has racial overtones, but is nowhere near as bad as the Peter Tateishi attack that featured bamboo lettering and a black and white photo, etc. However, there is an implication that since Garcia is Mexican that she wants to throw the border wide open and open up the state piggy back to “them”.
Of greater concern to me is that the photo chosen on side one makes her out to look like some sort of Women’s-Libber.
It is likely that most of the recipients of this were male and women identified as conservative that would react negatively to a “woman with sass”.
I am of the opinion then that this latest effort by Gilliard is a solid hit that is legitimately sourced, with obvious racial overtones. However, I believe Gilliard went too far in the sexist direction on this mailer.
That said, unlike the Tateishi attack mailer that was just plain mean-spirited and overtly racist, this mailer is much more issue-centric and less so racist.
What do you think? Is it racist, sexist or am I slamming the Kool-Aid?