Jan 242024

For those of you that read the Orange County Register – you were treated to Eric Early’s DEI Op-Ed, where he represented himself as Diversity, and, in the interest of debate Equity, the powers that be must include him in the debate just concluded.

POLITICO and USC took a poll, said I came in 5th (out of more than 25 candidates), and then chose to only allow the top 4 onstage – in a state where 20% to 40% of the voters remain undecided.

Fair? Of course not. Arbitrary? Nope. I’m the only Conservative Trump-supporting voice on the ballot with a successful professional background, a great family and statewide grassroots support.  No need to wonder if that was the reason I was kept off the stage – it was.

Ummm… Eric, you were at 3%. Only the brain trust at the RNC allowed candidates that low in polling to participate.

In the mind of Eric Early, he believes there was a conspiracy to keep him and his 3% (FYI – The Same 3% that James Bradley has) off the stage. According to this screed in the OC Register, It is Eric Early that represented the Diversity sorely lacking from the just held debate. It was painful to read.

Adam Schiff was allowed to continue lying about Trump while the Joe Biden Republican offered little resistance.  By his continued waffling on the subject, Garvey made clear he didn’t want to be associated with Trump and might even consider voting for the worst President of my lifetime – Biden.

My Democrat opponents are indistinguishable from one another on policy, all hate Trump, and spent considerable time calling him a “threat to democracy,” an “insurrectionist,” and other fraudulent epithets.

Eric Early thinks he is the only candidate that failed to make the debate that agrees with the above statements. Besides being absurd, his op-ed sounded like some coalition phone call bitch session. I can play the tape of hundreds of those…

Mr. Early should know that James Bradley is far more of a Trump loyalist than He ever was. Bradley was practically shining Trump’s boots as he went down the escalator. Your intrepid blogger is old enough to remember when Eric Early was a speedbump in CA-28 in 2020 and the odd man out in the 2018 AG Race. Perhaps his proven record of failure in elections aided those that staged the 2024 CA-Sen debate in their decision.

The media brainwash artists will approvingly rate the debate a success precisely because of the failed leftist approach represented by the Democrats and virtually ignored by Garvey.

The debate was no success.  It was a snowjob. I stand ready with a shovel in hand to help get America back on the right track.

Please note Eric Early has raised $500,000 to be in 5th Place tied with James Bradley (at 3%). This is the same James Bradley who does not have enough money for an In-And-Out Burger.

In his own worlds, He is the only candidate that supports trump and therfore would have created diversity in the debate. Because he supports Trump he should have been included. Only with recognizing the diversity he provides, then including him you would then have had equity in the debate. Sad. Perhaps Bradley and Early can talk about how unfair campaign life is over a burger somewhere…

Jun 172018


A conservative Latino’s view on politics…

The Republican Party implemented endorsement rules to separate those who simply want to see their names on a ballot from those who want to be contenders. One of the criterion is 200 delegate endorsement signatures and at least 10 of them must be from delegates of the eight regions. In other words, they must work to be considered for the Republican Party endorsement.

It’s not easy and they have to travel throughout the state. It’s incumbent on the candidates to get out and interact with the delegates whose endorsement they’ll need. It’s the only way to gain those signatures and secure an endorsement potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands of votes!

Not one Republican US Senate candidate secured the necessary signatures to qualify for endorsement consideration. On the voting floor, some at the CAGOP convention wanted to forego this criterion. It went nowhere.

It’s disappointing because this endorsement could’ve vaulted one of these candidates into the top two. Specifically, I’m looking at the top-four Republican vote-recipients inexcusably ignoring their best opportunity to gain an advantage over their opponents. To consolidate conservative and Republican voters around one party-endorsed candidate.


The excuse I heard from one candidate for not gathering enough signatures was appalling. This candidate said their focus was on another political issue of higher priority. There was no time to gather signatures. I didn’t have the heart to say how wrong that was, so I politely said thank you for the time and good luck. I was shaking my head as I walked away, surprised this candidate thought the excuse was justifiable.

If you don’t view your run for US Senate as your highest priority, then why run? It makes no sense and all your name on the ballot does, is siphon votes from other Republicans. If finances are an issue, maybe you should seek a lesser office.

“But, but, but William, money’s what’s wrong with politics. You’re wrong to say that,” my critics say. Reality check people! Money is a prerequisite to run for higher office. Right or wrong, that’s how it works.


Common sense should help rule your decision in deciding if you enter an expensive race. California’s a “YUGE” state and if you can’t cover the basic financials as a grassroots candidate, then you shouldn’t run. If your names on the ballot just sucking votes from another candidate, then reconsider.

The Republican Party bears some responsibility in helping find candidates with finances and backing to run. I’m not talking establishment flunkies (see Duf Sundheim), but a compromise of the Republican voters will, and donors wishes, but that’s a story for another day.


The 2018 primary numbers showed Californians wanted a Republican to compete for US Senate but those who chose to run? Well, none took the endorsement criteria serious enough. That left many voters struggling to figure which candidate to rally around.

  1. James P Bradley : 475,844
  2. Arun K. Bhumitra: 298,239
  3. Paul A Taylor: 272,981
  4. Erin Cruz: 223,819
  5. Tom Palzer: 171,952
  6. Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente: 115,171 (author’s note – a Democrat disguised as a Republican)
  7. John “Jack” Crew: 78,578
  8. Kevin Mottus: 74,690
  9. Patrick Little: 73,359
  10. Jerry Joseph Laws: 56,978
  11. Mario Nabliba: 33,386

Total Republican Votes: 1,874,997 (as of June 14, 2018)

Ironically, US Senate was the race I received the most questions on who to vote for. I was struggling with it because Cruz was my favorite, but the numbers weren’t adding up, so I voted Bradley in the hopes we could vault him to No. 2. Those who asked, I told to do the same… we failed. Once the numbers began to come in, I knew a Republican Party endorsed candidate would’ve received most of the Republican votes – enough to vault him or her into the top two, thus my disappointment.


We enter our second straight US senatorial cycle without a Republican on the ballot in November. That’s pathetic! Thank you, Charles Munger Jr., and CAGOP leadership.

Despite that, this go-round I don’t blame the party. The same party that sabotaged the last legitimate US Senate candidate, simply because he was a conservative. This time I fault the candidates as CAGOP leadership stayed out of this race. Why did they stay out it? That’s another sad, pathetic CAGOP tale for a different day.

Regardless, had one of the 11 candidates qualified for endorsement consideration, they would’ve won! Going one step further that person would be on the ballot in November. We must do better my friends, we must do better.

William Del Pilar is politically active, currently sitting on the Valley Center Community Planning Group’s board (VCCPG), an elected position. Technically, he’s a politician. As an entrepreneur, Del Pilar drove his fantasy sports company to set the standard for analysis and news distribution, helping to commercialize the industry from 1997-2008. Del Pilar sat on the boards of the Fantasy Sports Trade Association (FSTA) and Fantasy Sports Ventures (now owned by Gannett Co., Inc.). You can view his other Op-Eds at the Valley Roadrunner, Del Pilar’s hometown paper and SD Rostra, San Diego’s online hub for politics.

May 012018

Perhaps this is why the pollsters set the sample up to vault him ahead of Kevin DeLeon? Since conspiracies about polling abound, why not this one too? (source article here)

Patrick Little, a California Republican with hardline antisemitic views, may be the Republican challenger to Dianne Feinstein in the Senate race.

Little polled at 18% last week, 10% above his nearest Republican challenger, indicating that he could well become the challenger to Feinstein in the Senate race.

He has called for an American “free of Jews”, as well as endorsing “counter-semitism” – a term occasionally used by right wing extremists which essentially amounts to an endorsement of blatant antisemitism under another name, designed to frame the far right as a resistance against purported Jewish influence.

Little is so far gone that he has described the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer as being too Jewish. Writing on Gab, a social networking site which has been accused of intentionally providing a haven for the alt right, he said “I propose a government that makes counter-semitism central to all aims of the state…all immigration except of biological kin, where no person of Jewish origin may live, vacation or traverse”.

Whilst it seems unlikely that Little could actually win an election against Feinstein in California, it is deeply worrying to see that he has been able to gain any traction whatsoever. Some have speculated that Californians are simply not aware of any of his views, in which case it may reasonably be expected that the extra exposure of them to public scrutiny will ensure that he will be beaten by more moderate Republicans.

The CAGOP needs to set fire to this jerk this weekend. Oh, but wait, there’s more… (source article here)

Little has been endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, but has complained that “alt-right” media outlets such as The Daily Stormer have not been supportive of his campaign.

Right Wing Watch outed Little’s white supremacist views in an article last week.

In a campaign video posted to YouTube earlier this week, Little said he “woke up to the Jewish question and dedicated my life to exposing these Jews that control our country.”

“I’ve been screaming the Jew all over,” he said.

In a post last month on his blog, Little wrote: “We all want what has been taboo until now to say aloud, we want to be around other whites, safe from non-whites. But unless we start voicing that sentiment regularly at the ballot box, all of the places we have retreated to will be eventually overrun by non-whites.”

Little on his Twitter account has accused Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency of playing a leading role in the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and said that “No man in history saved more Jewish lives than Adolf Hitler.” His Twitter account was suspended earlier this year over statements amounting to Holocaust denial.

Good God, this man is mentally ill.

May 292015

The time honored tradition of termed-out incumbents and other incumbents looking to extend their political lives is upon us!

SD29 – Senate Permanent Minority Leader Bob Huff is Termed out and has picked Ling-Ling Chang, currently in AD55 (in her first term) to replace him. Ling-Ling announced today. Ling-Ling should be a shoo-in and has impressed observers in the capitol suggesting that she will have little trouble raising the resources she needs.

AD55 – the seat vacated by Ling-Ling Chang is going to set off a free-for-all primary.

CA24 – Lois Capps retired, setting up a free-for-all in this dem-leaning seat. Abel Maldonado attempted to beat Capps in 2012 and was trounced. Chris Mitchum won a crowded primary and was ignored by the NRCC, and only lost by about 3 points. This is why Capps retired in 2016 presidential year – higher Dem Turnout makes it more likely that Republican Assemblymember Katcho Achidijian (who is termed out) will have a difficult time winning this seat. Katcho is one of the most liberal Republicans in the Assembly, but is well-liked and is a poster child for “fits the district”.

AD35 – this is the district Katcho is termed out of. True to form, as with the insane Presidential Free-for-all, Republicans disregard the clear the field strategy… including in a marginal district like AD35.

AD68 – Don Wagner is Termed Out. It looks like a mad-rush there as well. My intel shows me that the crazed Deborah Pauly, Tax Raising Stephen Choi, Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu and Conservative Activist Scott Voigts are the contestants there.

AD76 – Moderate Republican Incumbent Rocky Chavez is vetting a run for US Senate. Given that he is struggling to gain traction, he may stay put. I think Chavez would be a good fit for a statewide run, while at the same time I’d prefer a more conservative Republican in a Safe R seat like AD76. (see also fit the district)

May 082012

It is all fun and games with the Orly Moe and Curly thing, but sometimes the stupidity stoops to a whole new level.

The group I am a state officer in, the California Republican Assembly, endorsed Richard (Al) Ramirez for US Senate. I have to admit that I am now embarrassed by this… the latest email from Richard (Al) Ramirez was so blatently over the top that anyone supporting this idiot (yes I said that word) should go straight to rehab.

Richard (Al) Ramirez says he is going to “Win with grassroots” because he either can’t or won’t raise money.

So, let’s have a look at how Richard (Al) Ramirez has set about getting more grassroots support:

Richard Ramirez calls out Emken for… is the latest email from Richard (Al) Ramirez.

In this email he makes assertions that Elizabeth Emken skipped out on a doctor’s conference to hang out and party with a bunch of College Republicans instead. He also states that, “Emken was apparently too busy plying college aged voters with alcohol at the College Republican convention…”.

Really? It will be interesting to see if Emken’s report has a dime on it for drinks at the CR convention. (Hint: it won’t)

“she obviously didn’t think twice about sending the wrong message by trading alcohol fueled perks for political favoritism with college kids.” Generally, the CRA expects ethics and integrity from the candidates they endorse. Richard (Al) Ramirez has just had his coming out party as an unqualified idiot with a king-sized ego. People with normal egos recognize when they are attacking multiple people with one statement. (Orly, Moe and Curly – for example)

Richard (Al) Ramirez, the “grassroots” candidate just effectively called the CR’s a bunch of dumb frat boys. That qualifies him as a political idiot, because those “frat boys” would have been a great volunteer force for his pathetic campaign.

Now the real pathetic agenda for Richard (Al) Ramirez’ angry email comes out: No other Republican U.S. Senate candidate was invited or allowed to attend the College Republicans convention, which was blocked out in return for Emken hosting the happy hour event.”

Richard (Al) Ramirez sees himself as the savior of the GOP, but the GOP endorsed Emken and the CR’s were under no obligation to recognize anyone other than Emken. Ramirez’ ego will never recover – of this, I am certain.

On to that “Doctor’s Forum”… Elizabeth did indeed participate. It was set up for 9am on Sunday May 6th by my favorite Doctor, Arnold Zeiderman.  From where I sit, it appeared to be a set up where they were going to jam Elizabeth Emken for being some sort of Obama acolyte. (If Ramirez wrote an email about it, I am sure he’d say she was an ex-girlfriend of Obama’s)

There were about 45 Doctors at this meeting of the America’s Medical Society. The key exchange is when Richard (Al) Ramirez completely screwed up a softball question.
What would you do about Obamacare?

Ramirez said, ” I would only be one voice and I will need your help”.

Emken climbed his frame reminding the audience that a U.S. Senator has incredible power, including the almost single-handed ability to lock up a bill in committee.

Richard (Al) Ramirez is truly the night stalker of the US Senate Campaign – willing to slash anyone and anything that bruises his fragile ego. His partial-birth abortion of the truth and his Obama-care-esque death panel emails attacking any Republican group that does not kneel to his majesty have me convinced that Richard (Al) Ramirez belongs in another political party whose name I won’t mention on this blog.

Meantime – Emken continues to look like the adult in the room and I as a CRA officer am embarrassed for the CRA.