Despite losing with only 1.2% of the vote in March. Deanna Lorraine still has internet trolls pushing her stuff out on facebook and she is still attempting to raise campaign money.
What has she been doing?
The first two sets of photos look 100% legitimate.
I can certainly understand why Tom Del Bacardi was interested in Deanna. I would love to see the reactions of the church leaders that had her speak to their congregations if they had done their research and seen these photos. These aren’t like 30 year old photos of your intrepid blogger doing a keg stand or smoking a joint. The above photo is recent. The next set may be a few years old.
I had people allege to me that Deanna likes to snort coke a lot. I can’t prove that, but it is not hard to find photos of her wasted or looking like a trollup.
Deanna is in the back of this photo with her hair flattened as it appears to be nearing the end of another wild evening of partying.
This was shot during her run for congress when she took a break to go back to Florida and get wasted. My guess is that the campaign financed this, but it is difficult to prove given the limited information on campaign reports. About a week later she was at a forum talking about God, Family and Values. That was rich.
The last new photo I can not vouch for. It is made to appear as if she appeared in Playboy. The source is linked here. I scribbled out some nudity. The only photo that appears to be 100% legit sans confirmation is the portion on the left. If anyone has further proof Email please email and you can remain anonymous.