Your intrepid blogger is now up to 29 legal demand letters received since 2008. A young lady got caught calling voters telling an outright lie (so bad that she could get sued over the lie) to a voter who recorded her.
Harder is on the Left. Ted Howze is on the right.
The attorney of the young lady basically told me in as many words, because the liar is under 18 that I am breaking the law by calling her out publicly.
Check out the campaign facebook page of Ted Howze: https://www.facebook.com/374108446391390/posts/1002388633563365?sfns=mo
This is the Ted Howze campaign post with the youtube video that was the subject of the legal demand against your intrepid blogger.
Secondly – look at the PUBLIC Linked In Page that the young lady posted (Which I just pulled again 10-28-2020 at 7:15AM)
Let me give the young lady and her attorney a hard lesson. #1 This is a Public Linked In Profile that was not hard to find. #2 Note that she references herself as part of the Josh Harder Campaign as well as an editor for a school newspaper. This could very well make her a limited service public figure even though the legal demand letter was not alleging libel – it was primarily a whiny leave her alone because she is under 18 letter. My suggestion to both of them is for the young lady to pull her public profile down and of course calling voters telling an outright lie about Ted Howze (that is far enough afield that she could get sued herself for what she said) is not a wise course of action.
Since it is clear that Josh Harder is unethical, I am not sure he is even embarrassed that she is publicly bragging about being a part of his campaign.
Then of course there is the fact that this was also in the Turlock City News as well.
I checked with both the Turlock City News and the Ted Howze Campaign – neither have been threatened by an attorney to pull their versions of this story.
Quoting the Turlock City News:
Turlock City News was tipped off by two local groups supporting Dr. Howze and we began investigating. TCN contacted several members of the Howze campaign team who provided copies of emails and audio recordings between a woman named Maria, who received a call from the Harder campaign, a former Harder campaign volunteer named Grayson, and his supervisor Willow, who has been verified as a Harder campaign staffer.
Maria identifies herself in an email as an individual whom received a call from a Josh Harder team member named Grayson who makes a claim that Howze, a local veterinarian, has had “several suits of veterinary malpractice”. Maria describes how she questioned the claim and asked to speak with Grayson’s supervisor. Maria is directed by Grayson to his Harder campaign supervisor Willow. A suspicious Maria records her call to Willow who is heard eagerly verifying the slanderous claim. When questioned further about no such records existing on the California Veterinary Medical Board website, Willow backs off the claim and deflects by saying “it’s something she’s heard from other voters.”
The Willow referenced in the article is the person pictured above who had her attorney send me a legal demand letter. I printed the letter and made a paper airplane with it.
It looks like Willow was the aggressor here and having an attorney send me a legal demand letter was felony stupid.
A staff member with the Howze campaign confirmed to TCN that their legal team has possession of emails and audio recordings of the Harder team spreading the false claims of veterinary malpractice. In addition, the Howze legal team claims it secured cooperation from Grayson who agreed to turn over screenshots of texts between himself and his Harder for Congress Supervisor, Willow. In one text Willow tells Grayson “Ted [Howze] is a pretty bad character-there are some suits of veterinary malpractice against him along with some other unofficial anecdotes that cast a bad light on him.”
TCN has verified with the California Department of Consumer Affairs Veterinary Medical Board that Ted Howze has had no complaints filed against him during his 26-year veterinary career. The claim by the Harder campaign team we have evidence of is a lie and does rise to the level of slander, according to two attorneys TCN spoke with. This follows in the wake of recent pictures of Howze being clearly photo-shopped and audios from Howze interviews that the Harder campaign deceptively edited for hit-piece attack ads.
These last two political campaign incidences that have been exposed appear to show concern by Josh Harder and outside-money Democrats associated with his multi-million dollar campaign, and that the Harder camp has clearly stepped on their own toes with these recent blunders.
Asked to comment, a Howze campaign spokesman responded, “There is the truth, and then there is Josh Harder, voters in the District know that Ted Howze is the real deal and that’s why the Harder campaign is hitting below the belt.”
Harder has had to spend $3 Million and Nancy Pelosi just directed another $400K in to CA10 just the other day. Interesting stuff.
And, typical of the extreme left – they resort to bullying when caught using Saul Alinsky tactics. So, it is not just the leftist Placer County Counsel that is in the running for the Right on Daily Legal Moron of the Year in 2020.
P.S. Similar to Mike Cargile – Ted Howze was lynched by Jessica Patterson and crew, this despite his viability as a candidate and the fact that the CA10 Race has been a huge resource drain for the democrat leadership.