Jan 192020

IN our effort to find fresh, new content for our readers – we solicit tips from readers aaronfpark71@yahoo.com. Sometimes Yahoo gets too aggressive with spam so leave a comment if you attempt to email me. You can remain anonymous.

One of our fans emailed us about an idiot running for Congress on the Chad Mayes Republican ticket. A check of the Sac GOP website (which is how I found them featuring the aforementioned RINO overlord) shows that they have endorsed Buzz Patterson for CA-07. The following is from the ballotopedia for Jon Ivy.

Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office?

  • Our economy is rigged and we need to fix it. We need to protect ourselves and our families from climate change. Republicans don’t just resist fascism, racism, and Nazism; we defeat those evils wherever they’re found.
  • Competition among businesses is essential to a free market. Universal healthcare is a moral imperative. Public education is essential to a working democracy.
  • We must expand opportunities for voting, get money out of politics, and guarantee a right to vote to all Americans. It is our duty to teach good civic engagement to our children.

I’d ask this guy to define “All Americans” as it appears he is advocating for illegal alien voting – in addition to the standard democrat dog whistle of prison recruiting.

Who do you look up to? Whose example would you like to follow, and why?

Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abraham Lincoln, and Hiram Johnson. These are Progressives, both Democrats and Republicans, that have moved our country forward. I’ve read their stories, and seen their works, and I can’t imagine not wanting to replicate their efforts. These are people with the vision to take America to the next step, with the wisdom to understand that America’s promise is to the working-class people. As Lincoln said, “Republicans, on the contrary, are for both the man and the dollar; but in cases of conflict, the man before the dollar.”

It appears that this guy smokes too much weed. Or, he needs therapy for being schizophrenic. Bernie is a Communist, AOC is an empty shell that caught lightening in a bottle and Hiram Johnson would have not been noteworthy had it not been for a successful recall he championed.

From his Bio:

… Since then, I’ve been working in elections management for the California Secretary of State, and I’ve gotten involved in Voting Rights Advocacy. For the last couple of years, I’ve been directing the Voter Access Project, and I’ve also been attending law school at UC Davis’s King Hall, studying governmental and constitutional law.

So, our progressive Republican is getting brainwashed at UC Davis while advocating for convicted felons, non-citizens and fraud-riddled voter access projects. If the guy was not such a disjointed moron, I’d probably label him a plant by Ami Bera in the CA-07 race.

Then we have the coup’d’etat:

What do you perceive to be the United States’ greatest challenges as a nation over the next decade?

Climate Change will undoubtedly continue to effect so many lives, and it will be a hell-of-a-fight to stand vigilant in the face of climate change disasters while working to undo our impact. Climate change induced disasters, mass migrations, and a nation with a history of xenophobia and racism will present challenges to all of us. But we can and must meet those challenges.

So, being a Chad Mayes Progressive Republican means calling America Xenophobic and Racist and believing in Junk Science and the destructive policies that come with it. It’s interesting as I am sure the arrogance from being in law school has this guy believing how smart he is. His website is a twisted mess of contradictory statements – given how verbose his website is, I am convinced it took him hours to put it together so I am not dismissing it as a prank.

If Jon Ivy was a viable candidate, I might spend more time torching him. But, this guy is the example of a Chad Mayes Republican. Note the similarities in rhetoric.


#CA07 Update: The Fraud Doctor Setting Up 2016 Rematch With More Lies

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Nov 082014

When you’re a democrat, you never EVER acknowledge the reasons for your electoral defeat.

In 2012, when Romney lost a race he should have won – the pundits came out in force, but the GOP leadership figured out quickly what went wrong and took steps to fix the issues. The results on 11/4/2014 bear it out.

Then there is Ami Bera – his campaign people are screaming racism, claiming that Ose’s people are purposely challenging Woman or Latino Ballots. Of Course, in the process of trying to create this lie, they omit that it is impossible to see names on ballots from a distance. They also omit that 90% of the challenges are automatic per statute and are not subjective.

When you’re a a whore with a worn-out playbook, you’re stuck. Demagogue the Uteris, Demagogue Race in the absence of issues. It backfired spectacularly – for US Senator Mark Udall, his whoring out the Abortion Issue got so bad that the flaming communists at the Denver Post called him “Senator Uteris” and endorsed his Republican opponent (who is a pro-life Christian). Republicans only lost women by a slim margin nationally.

However, the fraud doctor and the idiots on his staff missed the memo. Republicans won Asians 50-49 after scoring only 27% in 2012. The Latino Vote went from 27-36% as well.

Still the kool-aid drinking cylon-robots on the Fraud Doctors’ staff are telling the world they think they have lost. The following is from Doug Ose’s campaign chief:

As we head into the week after Election Day, we are still in the process of verifying and counting ballots.  As supporters of Doug Ose’s campaign, you have been a critical reason why Doug is in such a strong position. Our success has put Congressman Bera in a very difficult position, so much so that his campaign is becoming more shrill by the day.  Why has the Bera campaign become so shrill? It’s simple: Congressman Bera, one of President Obama’s foot soldiers whose support for policies was soundly rejected on Election Day, is on the verge of losing his job.

Here is what we know and why Congressman Bera is desperate:

  • Doug Ose leads Incumbent Congressman Ami Bera in the race for CA-07 by 2,183 votes.
  • The Sacramento County Registrar of Voters estimates about 79,000 ballots remain in Sacramento County (70,000 of which are vote by mail ballots and 9,000 are provisional ballots). The campaign estimates about 65% of those ballots will fall in CA-07, which means that there are about 50,000 ballots still to be counted.
  • The Ose campaign only needs to receive 48% of the remaining vote to win this seat outright. Thus far, Doug has received 49.1% of the absentee ballot vote to date and won Election Day voters by six points.

Activities at the Sacramento County Registrar of Voters

On Wednesday (11/5) morning at 8am, the Ose campaign had four election observers at the Sacramento County Registrar of Voters office. The Assistant Registrar, Alice Jarboe, explained to the Ose campaign the rules and guidelines to participate as official election observers. Nowhere to be found was Congressman Bera’s campaign – they missed the entire day.

(This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone – this is true to form for Congressman Bera. While Bera was in Congress, time and time again he skipped out on his own small business workshops and drought workshops in the district.)

Forty-eight hours after Election Day, the Bera campaign and surrogates decided to show up and make outlandish and baseless accusations. Their strategy of throwing anything and everything against the wall in the hopes it sticks is the absolute lowest point in their campaign of desperation.

Why stoop so low?

The Bera campaign wants to set up the notion that this was not a fair election and that it was stolen from them. Bera is attempting to establish the narrative that ballots are being wrongfully discarded. This claim is absurd and it’s an insult to the professionalism of the Registrar’s office and the people of Sacramento County.

The county office is following the state’s election law and established local procedures. They have done an excellent job of carefully reviewing every ballot cast to ensure all legal votes are counted. Validating signatures is important to ensure the election is fair. For Congressman Bera that’s not good enough. He wants ballots that don’t meet legal criteria – a matching signature – to be counted. His campaign is attempting to bully the Registrar in a desperate attempt to hold on to power. Doug Ose will not stand by as Congressman Bera and his Washington, D.C. allies attempt to wage an intimidation campaign. We have no problem taking our message directly to the voters once again.

What is really going on?

What will happen when the vote goes final and Congressman Bera loses this election? He’ll launch an election campaign for 2016 and use this “social injustice” as his platform.

I am sure the Bera campaign will say all of these claims are fanciful.

We shall see.


Chris LaCivita

Campaign Strategist, Ose for Congress


#CA07 Update – Endorsement of Doug Ose for Congress

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Oct 192014

Many of you who read this blog know that I have been outspoken in my criticism of Doug Ose. Even though California has a so-called top-two jungle primary, it is still a primary. In most districts, that process still yields two candidates, one from the GOP and one from the Dems.

I needed some reasons to reconcile to Doug Ose after he won the primary.

Doug Ose changed that dynamic when he reached out to CRA in an attempt to see if he could A, get our support and B, attempt to give us a reason to set aside some of our ideological differences in an attempt to do that.

The mere fact that Ose was interested was a stark change from the past. The Doug Ose I was told about was hostile to Conservatives and would never be interested in reaching out to Conservatives…

… yet here we were at a shooting range in the extreme eastern end of Sacramento County – far from the urban bustle that defines the #CA07 Race.

I had been told and the evidence I had told me that Ose was hostile to gun owners, yet here was Doug Ose at a shooting range with a bunch of social conservatives.

There are many other Republicans to the right of Doug Ose who refuse to interact with CRA because they continue to harbor a grudge over past primary fights and disagreements.

Doug Ose stood in front of the gathered and skeptical CRA delegates and told us the truth about where he was aligned and not aligned with CRA. Due in no small part to Ose facing the music so-to-speak, he was endorsed as all gathered agreed that in this case, CRA and Ose needed to come together.

Oh yeah – Doug Ose and I have our disagreements ideologically. But I live in the 48-28 GOP Registration Advantaged 4th Congressional District that is 62% Pro-Life. That isn’t the 7th.

My friend and fellow CRA officer Carl Brickey landed a job working for the California Republican Party and has been spending most of his time at the Doug Ose Headquarters. He encouraged me to come down and pitch in.

I went to Doug Ose’s campaign office yesterday, more to help Carl, a friend of many years in politics. While there, I had a chance to interact with Doug Ose.

It is very hard to see through the fog of war to understand the character of someone you have some significant ideological differences with.

Yet, here was Doug Ose telling me that he had to go to Gibson Ranch to make payroll before heading off to some more events. Here was Doug Ose, Doug Haaland and I talking about real life issues.

Then it hit me. This is the main reason why I could feel comfortable publicly endorsing Doug Ose – two of the very things I despise about most in partisan political office seem to not be present in Mr. Ose. Doug Ose is a real dude, versus being a product of the political apparatus and two, Ose appears to lack the self-serving narcissism that has infected a generation of term-limit babies that are in office now that do nothing but plan their next run for office.

As someone who is a battle-hardened warrior with 17 years of experience in this game, I generally treat candidates with suspicion and disdain while maintaining a polite and engaging exterior.

Doug Ose was himself yesterday at his office and I got a chance to see him for who he really is. I can trust that man to do the right thing despite the fact that I think he is wrong on some issues.

However, his character as I have seen, is why I would encourage anyone else on the right like myself to do anything and everything you can to help elect this guy.

#CA-07 Update: Ami Bera Voted to Allow Welfare Fraud, And Continue Obamacare

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May 062014

To condition the provision of premium and cost-sharing subsidies under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act upon a certification that a program to verify household income and other qualifications for such subsidies is operational, and for other purposes…

Continuing Resolution HR 2775, October 2013.

The impasse over the continuing appropriations bill came to an end when, on the 16th day of the partial government shutdown, the House concurred in a Senate amendment that rewrote the House bill H.R. 2775, which had only contained a provision to prevent ObamaCare subsidies to individuals without verifying income, etc. As amended, the bill suspended the federal debt limit through February 7, 2014, and continued funding government operations through January 15, 2014 at the fiscal 2013 post-sequestration spending level. It did not include any provision to defund ObamaCare.

On October 16, 2013, Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) offered a motion to concur in the Senate amendment, and the House agreed to his motion by a vote of 285 to 144 (Roll Call 550). We have assigned pluses to the nays because the negotiated deal contained in this bill constituted a cave-in by 87 Republicans that ended the government shutdown as well as the Republican attempt to defund the unconstitutional ObamaCare law.

By voting yes on this Bill – Bera enabled Obama to suspend income verification requirements for Obamacare. Meaning people can lie to get premium welfare.

Of Course, this is one of many Votes HR45:

ObamaCare Repeal. This legislation (H.R. 45) would repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111-148) and healthcare-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-152), which together are known as “ObamaCare.” This bill would also restore or revive the provisions of healthcare law amended or repealed by Public Laws 111-148 and 111-152 as if these two laws had never been enacted. Although this vote could be viewed as merely symbolic because it stood no chance of passage in the Senate, the upcoming ObamaCare-implementation train-wreck could still lead to the ultimate repeal of ObamaCare.

The House passed H.R. 45 on May 16, 2013 by a vote of 229 to 195 (Roll Call 154). We have assigned pluses to the yeas because ObamaCare is obviously unconstitutional, and it is causing healthcare costs to rise dramatically.

Trevor Loudon – #CA07 Incumbent Ami Bera Direct Ties to Socialist Groups

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May 032014

(The below is taken straight from Trevor Loudon’s website – as such, the solicitation for help is left in as a professional courtesy to Mr. Loudon)

Ami Bera entered Congress with the 2012 elections as a California Democrat in District 7. The 7th District is located just east of California’s capitol city, Sacramento.

Congressman Bera is a member of the “centrist” New Democrat Coalition.”




Born and raised in California, Bera earned both his B.S. and M.D. from the University of California, Irvine.

After graduating from medical school in 1991, he did his residency in internal medicine at California Pacific Medical Center, eventually becoming Chief Resident. Bera went on to practice medicine in the Sacramento area, serving in various leadership roles for MedClinic Medical Group. He then served as Medical Director of Care Management for Mercy Healthcare.


Ami Bera is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Socialist Connections

Bera has ties to the 5,000 member strong Sacramento Progressive Alliance (SPA), which is run by Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) members Paul Burke and Duane Campbell.


Jim Shoch, Ami Bera


Progressive Forum, Sacramento

During Bera’s unsuccessful 2010 run, he was a guest at the Progressive Election Forum, convened by the SPA on October 28, 2010, at Sacramento State University.

The event was sponsored by the Faculty Progressive Alliance, SPA, the Sac State Coalition, CFA-Capitol Chapter and Capitol Area Progressives.

Bera’s co-panelist was Jim Shoch, an Associate Professor of Government at Sacramento State and a former Political Director of DSA.

Progressive Alliance Endorsement 2012

The SPA endorsed Ami Bera in his successful race in 2012.

“Progressive” Connections

Bera was supported in 2012 by the DSA/Institute for Policy Studies-led Progressive Democrats of America (PDA).


Wrote Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy National Nurses United and PDA Advisory Board Member:

The RNs of NNU have found a natural alliance with [PDA activists], who never slow in the fight against austerity to win prosperity for all. RNs and PDA activists joined in campaigns across the country for insurgent progressives like Elizabeth Warren, now Senator-elect from Massachusetts, Medicare for All supporter Ami Bera, soon to be Congressman from California…

Michael Lighty is also a former National Organizational Director of Democratic Socialists of America.

PDA Phone Bankers

PDA phone bankers and mail deliverers helped Bera win his very tight race.

From November 1, 2012, through Election Day, Progressive Democrats of America’s Phone Bank Director, Mike Fox, organized volunteers across the USA, making thousands of GOTV calls for “progressive candidates,” including Dr. Ami Bera — a Medicare for All medical doctor running against 4-term incumbent Dan Lundgren in California’s 7th District…

Hosting PDA

According to a New Year 2013 press release from PDA, Bera was a “friend” of the organization and would be hosting a PDA delegation on Capitol Hill:

Progressive Democrats of America accomplished a lot in 2012 — thanks to your help and support. Together, we helped defeat Tea Party extremists and helped elect strong progressives to Congress. We educated members of Congress every month in our home districts, and in the halls of Congress in Washington, DC. Now, PDA is starting 2013 in a big way!

In just a few days, on January 3rd, our team will be on Capitol Hill as special guests of our newly elected and re-elected progressive candidates including our board members our friends Representatives Alan Grayson, Dr. Ami Bera, and Mark Pocan…

Foreign Policy/National Security

Council for a Livable World, 2012 Victory

The anti-U.S. military Council for a Livable World Political Action Committee claimed 26 House victories in the 2012 election cycle, including Ami Bera.


Conservatives, Libertarians, 9/12 Projects, Tea Parties: Time to Clean House and Senate in 2014! 

Vote for Constitutional Conservatives and Restore Our Founding Principles!


This research is part of KeyWiki.org’s ongoing efforts to expose Progressives throughout our political system. Funding for KeyWiki furthers our efforts to bring true transparency to American politics and hold our leaders responsible for their past actions. Donations can be made at Trevor Loudon’s site: New Zeal – http://www.trevorloudon.com/. More information on the Enemies Within can be found in Trevor Loudon’s latest book, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.” Trevor’s books can be purchased at http://www.pacificfreedomfoundation.com.