The Placer County Sheriff’s Union (Aka Placer DSA) is on a rampage. Ever since they attempted a dishonest smear campaign to raid the treasury of Placer County (remember the Defund the Police attacks?), they have been on a rampage jihad against anyone in Government. They are looking for patsies that will give them everything they demand without regard for negotiation.
They have endorsed Paul Joiner and have attacked Shanti Landon in Placer SUP D2. Why Joiner aligned himself with this crew under the current circumstances is beyond me. All Mr. Joiner has done is alienate a large group of people with whom he has worked for years and chose a group blinded by rage to align himself with.

How low will the Placer DSA Go to win an argument?
The Placer County Sheriff’s Union has endorsed Sgt. Brandon Bean for Sheriff. He has said publicly that he wants to burn down the Placer County Board of Supervisors. It is clear that Bean has a mouth and his reputation is one of being a bully in the department. Bean is also a correctional deputy and does not work patrol. In past work with Sheriff’s Unions, I know that Correctional Deputies are not regarded well among the rank and file on the streets.
It is clear that the Placer DSA needed to go pretty deep in to their list of patsies to find someone willing to oppose Sitting undersheriff Wayne Woo. The amazing irony is that Woo is reputed to have been too close to the union. I guess Woo would not cut himself and do the secret handshake to appease the crazed leadership of the Placer DSA.
This leads your intrepid blogger to a lawsuit we obtained regarding a former Correctional Deputy. Sgt. Brandon Bean is the focus of the lawsuit.
It appears that the anointed union goon is a piece of work. Bean was accused of messing with the deputy who was placed on light duty for a serious shoulder injury.
It gets way worse. Bean’s boorish and disturbing behavior is on display for all to see.

“I am going to rape you not for the sex but for the power”… Brandon Bean, candidate for Placer County Sheriff.
I was told the Roseville Police Officer’s Union endorsed this loser recently. I hope they are proud of their choice.
You’d think that a group of law enforcement officers, among whose ranks are detectives and investigators, would do a better job of vetting candidates. But, in this case it is all about revenge over a failed contract negotiation.
Your intrepid blogger can’t wait to find out more about this loser Brandon Bean as all in law enforcement supporting this guy need to be humiliated.