How many of you remember the AD-03 Race in 2012?
Tehama County Supervisor Bob Williams ran against Assemblyman Dan Logue in 2012. Dave Gilliard talked Bob Williams in to spending $50k +/- (of his own money, no less) running against Dan Logue. In addition, Bob Williams is in debt – as Dave Gilliard typically spends all of his clients in to substantial debt.
Invariably, Williams was promised the pole position in the 2014 AD03 race.
Bob Williams was used. Dave Gilliard and David Stafford Reade knew 100% that Doug LaMalfa was going to quit the State Senate after winning his Congressional Primary.
The purpose of Williams running was to bleed money off of Dan Logue, making it much more difficult for Logue to compete with Jim Nielsen.
Then Logue’s Kidney kicked in, Nielsen won without a fight.
Bob Williams, no longer useful to Dave Gilliard and David Stafford Reade found his way under the David Stafford Reade bus. (With Willie Preston and others)
James Gallagher is now the chosen favorite – he has the endorsements of Gentleman Jim and Doug LaMalfa. Gallagher is also Dave Gilliard’s latest paycheck in the North State.
Too bad for Gallagher, he is a lawyer that Gilliard is trying to re-brand. (Gilliard seems to have a pattern of re-branding candidates, like taking someone that has never held an insurance license and transforming them into an owner of an insurance agency).
Gallagher has an opponent – Ryan Schohr, a real farmer. Looks like the reverse of Keene vs LaMalfa. This should be fun – and it would not surprise me if there are a few pissed off people in Tehama County looking to assist his effort.