One of the old adages amongst the 1990’s era-consultants in crisis management was to dig in and feed critics static to outlast them. Fortunately, your intrepid blogger has really good hands and the ability to type fast. The CAGOP Leadership have been rightly getting criticized for doubling-down on failure, like the Corrupt Tyler Diep in AD72.

It looks like they have another dumpster fire in CA-43. Joe Collins:
The California GOP Endorsed a Man who said his bodily fluids were worth $15 Million. Maybe the “Leadership” will finally meet and undo a couple of endorsements.
Now – in defense of the CAGOP leadership, the other candidate Omar Navarro is equally as insane.

Omar has been in jail in San Francisco County since December. It takes a lot of skill to be incarcerated in San Francisco that long as they love letting scum out of jail quickly. The Omar Navarro, Deanna Lorraine story is one for the ages. (refer to all of my posts about Deanna in CA-12 for an expose’ on what a disaster she is)
Joe Collins was the other guy in CA-43. Apparently, he knew just enough of the right BS to say to the LAGOP that was looking for anyone with a pulse to take on Omar.
In AD-72 Diep was the default because he is the incumbent. They did not do their homework to understand Tyler has major issues beyond his support of some horrific legislation. Instead, they have ignored the boots on the ground. And, now their indifference to doing research has manifest itself once again in CA-43.
It is likely that Omar will still beat Joe Collins in the CA-43 Primary while sitting in a jail cell.
- The California GOP endorsed former Green Party presidential candidate Joe Collins in his bid to unseat Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.
- Collins claimed his bodily fluids were worth $15 million in a lawsuit he filed against San Diego in 2017.
- Collins has switched political parties four times since entering the arena in late 2016, Federal Election Commission records show.
- Collins had $22 in his checking account in April 2018, court documents show. Now he’s running a congressional campaign that has raised $761,000.
Steve Frank and your intrepid blogger tried to warn you and now the Daily Caller has gotten ahold of this guy.
The California Republican Party endorsed a former Green Party presidential candidate who once claimed that his bodily fluids were worth $15 million in a lawsuit that, according to a lawyer, appears to have evoked the fringe legal theories of the sovereign citizen movement.
Navy veteran Joe Collins has also raised nearly $761,000 for his longshot bid to unseat 15-term Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters, campaign records show. He first entered the political arena as an anti-Trump presidential candidate in November 2016 and has since switched political parties four times, most recently to a pro-Trump Republican.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we may have seen Joe Collins leapfrog Sean Feucht and Deanna Lorraine for Grifter of the Year.
Collins told the DCNF that his extensive campaign-funded travel is justified because the district he’s seeking to represent “doesn’t have the funds to donate to take on the most hated and corrupt female politician in the country. Therefore, I need to get financial support all over the country.”
And Collins reported to the FEC in a July 2019 campaign filing that the consulting firm, Pure Strategy Solutions, shared the same address as his campaign. In subsequent filings, the consulting firm was listed as having an address in Beverly Hills, and starting in October campaign filings show the firm having an address in Delaware.
There are no records in California’s business registry of Pure Strategy Solutions, and the firm’s apparent website merely says “coming soon” and offers no information about what they do.
Collins told the DCNF that it was “definitely an error” that he listed Pure Strategy Solutions as having the same address of his campaign in his July 2019 filing. But Collins did not address any follow-up questions about his relationship to the firm.
Instead, he sent the DCNF a cease and desist notice he authored with no apparent legal representation, saying the DNCF does not “have the right nor my permission to question me.”
Collins wrote in the notice that the DCNF’s questions involving his “closed Presidential Campaign, court proceedings and questions regarding the personal finances and dealings of Joe Collins’s private life” were “defamatory.”
Attempts to reach Pure Strategy Solutions were unsuccessful.
Good Lord. Dear CAGOP Leadership – pull your heads out, get on the phone and pull the endorsements of Tyler Diep and Joe Collins.