Jun 102016

Congrats to Mik who almost beat Kevin Hanley despite spending 1/20 of what Hanley did.

148Kevin Hanley was out sign-waiving on Sierra College and Douglas on Election Day. SMH.

I know that Pugno, Kiley and our camp were calling and walking precincts on Election Day, you know to try and scoop up a few last minute votes? Hanley was instead wasting a day on a street corner.

Unfortunately, Hanley is out at least $132,000 of his own money on this effort and also earns another dubious award from the Right on Daily Blog… worst sign ever.



Mr. Hanley’s campaign had posted large 4×8 Signs within City Limits of South Placer Cities, they disappeared and were never replaced elsewhere.

146This lonely, little yard sign on a stick was what Mr. Hanley’s campaign was reduced to in the waning weeks of the campaign.

There is no question that Kevin Hanley was qualified for the job of Assemblymember. However, he was a complete failure as a candidate.

The #AD06 race in 2016 will be talked about for years, but not for reasons that most of the participants want to remember…





131Not to be outdone, Cristi Beckstead-Nelson – which IS her name – wins the worst candidate photo in a mailer ever award. Beckstead-Nelson is my age and is a reasonably attractive woman.

There was a photo on her “Endorsement Envy” Mailer that was horrible. It is not the kind of photo any serious female candidate should ever have on her own advertisements as it was very unflattering.

Beckstead-Nelson is also out at least $138,500 of her (or her Husband’s) money. I shuddered when I realized that some of it was used to pay for distributing this photo in her own mail.

Nelson will likely finish just ahead or of just behind my guy Bill Halldin due in large part to her having the slate cards in an extremely crowded field, being one of two female candidates and having nearly a year head start on her opponents. She had the chance to force Bill Halldin out of the race and she could not convince local leaders to support her.


People searching for reasons why Kevin Kiley won should remember the concept of standing out in a good way. More on that soon…

May 242016

Here we are two weeks out, and we just found out who has a thick skin and who is not ready to hold office.

Young Mr. Kiley is starting to buckle under the pressure of having no real endorsements and seeing the dress falling off the proverbial campaign pig.

#1 Kiley sent out a bargain-basement 6.5×11 piece where he tried to rip-off Pugno’s talking points. Now – Young Mr. Kiley does not talk about Kamala Harris wanting to prosecute people for not believeing in the global warming God of the left. Why? Because he quoted left-wing talking points in his argument about the delta tunnels (which he deemed an unimportant issue) And – you do not see mention of the AB1266, Transgender Men-in-the-Girl’s Bathroom Bill because Mr. Kiley is a supporter of Gay Marriage and a critic of Pugno for writing Prop 8.

Kiley must be really nervous about one of the real conservatives in the race (Pugno) to rip off his talking points after attacking him for them! This is the sign of a young, undisciplined candidate.

Because Kiley has raised so much money from Bay Area Liberals, including Obama bundlers and Ready for Clinton Donors – he had enough money to try and copycat the other real conservative in the race, Bill Halldin’s past mailers.

Kiley did his own ballot cut out mailer. It is clear that Kiley’s Consultant Dave Gilliard is on tilt and is grasping at straws, or worse, Kiley is on tilt and demanded a copycat piece. If this was Gilliard’s idea – then this was designed to confuse voters. If it was Kiley’s idea – he has mail envy. I think it is more Gilliard and less Kiley.

Now turn to the back side of the mailer. Here is why I believe it is Dave Gilliard that is on tilt. I have seen Mr. Gilliard in past campaigns when he knows his candidate is losing attempt to confuse voters with mailers.

In the case of Pugno Vs Gaines in 2012, he sent out an outright lie against Pugno and against Peter Tateishi in 2012, he sent the infamous Emperor Hirohito piece that had strong racial overtones to it. Click the links – the Bee called the Gilliard authored mailer against Pugno an outright lie.

Wait. Look at http://rightondaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/KileyPolitical-Correctness-.pdfthe back side of the Kiley Ballot Cut Out Mailer – beyond trying to confuse voters – it makes a direct attack on Charles Munger and the Spirit of Democracy PAC. Dave Gilliard is indeed on tilt and has IE Envy.

Kiley does not have the endorsements or local support – so he was forced to hire the son of Pete Wilson’s legal counsel and to pay Brandon Gisecki a lot of money for the California Republican Tax-raisers Association.

Now – Dave Gilliard has entered the ranks of the felony stupid. He and Kiley apparently decided it would be a great idea to attack a man with ton of money in the bank. Young Mr. Kiley has had a critical lapse in judgement, especially since he once sought the support of Mr. Munger. Even should Kiley succeed in making the runoff, he will not get supported, and worse, he may well get nuked.

In a less severe degree of stupidity, the woman who forgot her last name because her consultant likely told her to drop the hyphen in this district, Cristi Beckstead-Nelson showed up with an offering of her own.

After going in to her own pocket for another 38K, Beckstead-Nelson took her turn to try to confuse voters. #EPICFAIL

It is clear that the status-conscious Beckstead-Nelson who lives in Newcastle, not Granite Bay, wanted everyone to be impressed with her endorsement list. I call this mailer, the Cristi Nelson Hey I am someone too, mailer. She may have thought a clever youtube video and a manifestation of anger at a debate was a resurrection of her campaign… (BTW- I use a shotgun, as one shell leaves the same mark on the target, but I digress 😉 ) but the lackluster, uninspired effort overall has her headed in to a contest with Suicide Barbie for 7th place.

Both Kiley and Beckstead-Nelson want to be important and substantial, yet neither have the heritage in the area or the support. Both are clearly jealous of Bill Halldin’s endorsements and widespread support from the community and are struggling to gain traction. Let me offer them both a suggestion – in 12 years both will still be young enough for a good assembly run. Maybe getting involved in the South Placer Community for real for a decade (in Bill’s Case 15 years) and building relationships with people will give them a base from which to run.

Unfortunately, based on what I have seen from Nelson, if elected – she will do what Beth Gaines has done, get revenge on everyone that supported her opponent.

Up until these two mailers from Kiley, I figured he’d grow up given time. Dave Gilliard is an excellent political consultant, but his penchant for uber-dirty campaigns is usually fatal for a candidate that loses. Kevin Kiley is making a desperate swing to create confusion and by attacking / copycatting Pugno, Halldin and Charles Munger he is making the last-ditch effort to scorch the earth to get across the finish line.

I’ve worked many campaigns in the last 18 years and these sorts of breaks in discipline are usually a clear indicator that a campaign is on tilt.

May 132016

20160513_150557Something I have not seen in a long time – a three way “Gang Bang” piece. This comes courtesy of Andrew P Pugno.

Halldin gets swatted, Cristi Beckstead Nelson gets Punched and Young Mr. Kiley gets Piledriven.

Did you know that Kiley was one of Liberal Democrat Attorney General Kamala Harris staff stooges? It is even complete with a picture of that hideous beast (Harris) along with a little donkey. I note that Kiley is made to look 18 years old.

The triple meaning of Cristi Beckstead-Nelson taking a ton of labor union endorsements and promising them “Good Representation” in the legislature was special. I was laughing out loud. I don’t think Ms. Beckstead-Nelson was planning on getting slapped in this campaign. I still have not figured out how Ms. B-N got so many endorsements with taking any checks from them! (as she claimed at the GOP debate – what’s a little lie between friends)

I am, however not sure which misdeed Pugs was referring to regarding Mr. Halldin – but I am sure he has more fun in the offing for all three of his leading opponents.

It appears that Mr. Pugno was having a Mik and a Smile while watching the tropical depression miss landfall, while making this piece.

BTW – of the four, only Halldin is free of the chains of law school.

20160513_151816That said, Pugno just got JACKED UP. I mean he got NUKED.

I will get a better copy of this later – but it quotes Howard Jarvis and the NFIB – both Conservative organizations calling Pugno a liar.

It also calls him out for claiming to be an outsider yet taking a ton of campaign cash from insiders.

Finally, it talks about all the lawsuits Mr. Pugno has filed to make money. Perhaps Mr. Pugno’s lawsuits assisted Mr. Pugno in borrowing $17K from Family and parting with $208k of his own money to finance his current run for office? Just sayin…

This attack on Pugno was much better than the first one.

20160513_150516Allow me as a post-script to add this image of the front side of Pugno’s hit piece on his opponents.

I like Pugno. I worked for him in 2012. Now I am helping Bill Halldin in 2016 (who Pugno is attacking). This Picture of Andy Pugno makes me think he took a shower and shoved a dress shirt on after digging a trench under the Gasden Flag in his backyard. Pugs might want to try a different picture… for a mailer to anyone other than freedom fighters. Just sayin…

May 032016

Cristi Beckstead-Nelson has not been heard from. Perhaps that is merciful.

IMG_3751[1]Kevin Kiley’s campaign is also progressing as he has staked his political future on taking the Pete Wilson endorsement down the political toilet bowl.

As Kiley is swirling, Bill Halldin was invading Sun City Lincoln for yet another event. This one was attended by some 50 people. I could not fit them all in the photo. It was one of the largest coffees I had ever been to. (Another Halldin event a couple weeks earlier was the largest)

Bill Halldin answered questions for an hour. The audience was mixed in political persuasions, the host was a democrat. All left supporting Bill after he gave no-compromise answers to a battery of questions. It isn’t the stance, it is how you approach it and handle disagreement that distinguished Halldin’s approach.

I could tell that people that disagreed with what he said on some issues were respectful and bought in to him as a candidate because of his community service and his record as he stated it on the Sierra College Board.

Where did this leave Kiley? (Short a few Signs)


The street pictured used to have Kiley signs on it. It no longer does.

They have been replaced with Halldin signs. No manipulation here, just an honest conversion with facts presented by the candidate himself.

Not pictured is the street around that corner that went from 5 Kiley signs down to 2 that is now sporting 3 Halldin Signs. Perhaps the other two Kiley sign owners were unable to attend last night’s coffee.

The Kiley #EPICFAIL – when people are presented with a choice between the 31-year old single, never-married trial lawyer who has had 3 jobs in the 4 years he has been out of law school versus the 54 year old Halldin who has lived here and run a business here the last 17 years uninterrupted… Out go the Kiley signs and in come the Halldin signs.

Somewhere, out there is a Tropical Depression, a Mik and a Smile, someone without a voice, someone who forgot her name and God’s gift to conservatism. I think I missed someone… 6/7/2016 will not be here soon enough.

May 022016

IMG_3747Every campaign for a major office has its’ normal stuff… unknown candidates with access to money and exaggerated resumes. Candidates try to hide obvious things in their backgrounds. Candidates try to pander to various groups, sometimes outright lying.

However, each election yields it’s own stupidity. First, I present you with Ron “Mik”… Mikaluco. He’s a leader. He will tell you himself… repeatedly. On day one of candidate school, you are told to never put your picture on your signs. (Maybe on the 4×8 signs,  and then only if you are photogenic)

This is why the Mikaluco sign is the complete package. It will scare the hell out of anyone that is not a freedom fighter digging a trench in Montana. Worse, it says have a Mik and a smile. I guess Mik is in to drinking, who knew? (not like that is unique in politics)

You will note that Kiley and Mikaluco violated the private property rights of the landowner whose property they placed their signs on. I am sure they will be gone soon.

Next up is Tropical Depression Hanley. He spammed my inbox with an email simply titled, “Request Your Lawn Sign”. For what? Is Mik going to buy me a beer? Is Kiley going to manipulate a jury for me? Is Hanley going to blow the roof off of my house?

You Want a Lawn Sign?
Lawn signs are going out, you still have time to request your lawn sign.
How to Request your Lawn Sign
Just email, campaign manger, Damian, at fusseldamian@gmail.com. or will out this form  http://kevinhanley.org/tropicaldepression/  All we need is your name and address. Don’t worry about being home, our volunteers will set your new sign up in your lawn for you.
Also, if you have a nice size of land by a heavy traffic area, you can request a huge sign. This will help us out a lot.
Thank you,
Kevin (Hurricane) Hanley

That’s it folks – you got the entire email. (Minus one iteration of his logo). It is reassuring to all that the same people that wrote this inspirational email will be mutilating your flowers while you are away at work!

Sometimes, when working on campaigns and seeing candidates (or their staff) I often hearken back to my own personal quest for purpose and meaning. Then I read further and realized that if I had a nice size of land, I too could have a tropical depression on it!

IMG_3741Not to be outdone, Suzanne Jones just got bizarre. I mean she makes Kevin Kiley’s lawyer double-speak seem downright normal. (Jones is also a lawyer)

Did you know YOUR VOICE is HER VOICE!?

Does Suzanne have a voice of her own? Is she telling the world she lacks boundaries and is willing to take on the personality of others to win?

This sign is terrible, it is busy and is way too small. I was only able to see it for what it was because I look for these sorts of things.

The #AD06 race is a mess. But, not for long. Once the land owners of #AD06 clean Hanley, Kiley and Mikaluco’s garbage off of their land, it will be less of a mess.

Somewhere, Cristi Beckstead-Nelson is in a fetal position under her desk thinking about all the meanies on the ballot and how she got robbed by 10 people filing after she started running for this office 18 months ago…

Once the voters take care of the rest at the ballot box – we will go from 11 down to 2. I sure hope at least one of the adults makes it to the runoff…

Meanwhile, I need some Advil. Please, vote for Bill Halldin, it matters more than you may realize.