Feb 182023

He is now jammin’ in heaven

For those of you that were not a part of the Secret Faebook Group that had something like 250 family and friends of Eric Bose, the summary is that he got sick with cancer over 2 years ago. It was aggressive and they tried all sorts of treatments. IT appeared that Bose was hanging in there until November of 2022. I had scheduled a meeting with him when I was down the hill in November of 2022 and he had to abruptly cancel the meeting as he was not feeling well. Other things happened after that (those details are withheld on purpose), that made it clear to me that he was in serious trouble.

Bose finally succumbed to the Cancer on 2-18-2023.

I met Eric Bose (then Eric Teed-Bose) in 2010 when he was running for re-election to the Eureka USD Board. He won what would be his final term.

That connection led to Eric hiring me in 2012 to help Kristi Greiss in her race for re-election. People on the Placer GOP will remember that Renee Nash spent almost $100,000 in that race helping herself and Ryan Jones to unseat Greiss. At the time Nash owned the Antique Trove and she took tons of money out of the business to fund a rampage.

At the time, and for the next decade the Eureka Schools Foundation controlled the Eureka USD. That race in 2012 was vicious and nasty. For a district that might cast 5,000 votes, you could hear the shells exploding 100 miles away.

Rarely in politics do I meet people I can trust, and Bose was one of the few. I never regretted going to war for him and Kristie Greiss. That crew out in Granite Bay ruled that district with an iron fist for 10 years until 2022 when my friends on the Placer GOP figured out how to flip a couple of seats. It was outrageous for democrats and true RINO’s to be running a school district in an area like Granite Bay, but they did for years until Covid exposed their true colors.

The friendship between Bose and myself endured. I saw him walk through a divorce, other career struggles, and was beyond elated when he met Cathy. Cathy showed her true character, staying 100% true to Eric up to and through his physical death. Cathy should have been Eric’s first wife.

I knew Bose was a musician. I also learned that Bose was a gifted developer, as he basically built the entire town of Mountain House, California.

I knew Eric Bose to be a trustworthy man of solid character. But, in the last days of his life, I learned far more about Mr. Bose than I ever knew. One after another, Men whose lives he touched wrote tributes that were astounding in that Secret Facebook Group. That stuff rocked me to my core, as I want to be remembered like that when I die. What a man Eric Bose is (as he is alive in heaven now)!

My story with Bose does not end with the above. The unbelievable connection is related to Bill Halldin’s run for Assembly, when Kevin Kiley prevailed and Kiley’s Brother effectively made sure my wife and I were no longer welcome at Bridgeway Church. This was the second Church I was forced to leave due to their leadership’s unwillingness to tolerate my political work.

I have written about that story before – but the part I have not written about is another part of when I met with Kiley’s brother there at Bridgeway after the AD06 Primary that Kevin Kiley prevailed in. Mr. Kiley’s Brother related a story to me about why he did not like me. The man’s wife worked for the Eureka USD at the time. When I was shelling Renee Nash and Ryan Jones (+ the Eureka School Foundation), the staff of the district were angered by what I was doing. Of course they all gave Nash a free pass for her nastiness and instead focused on your intrepid blogger. So did Kiley’s brother.

If you followed this post, I was working on behalf of Eric Bose in that 2012 explosion. Even though my wife and I were significantly affected by the retaliation, I sometimes questioned if I did the right thing by setting fire to the Eureka USD (or hammering Kevin Kiley years later in the AD06 race), reading the stuff about the kind of man Eric Bose is reminded me that I went to war on behalf of a man who deserved that kind of loyalty. Bill Halldin is also a close, personal friend.

Thank you Lord for the reminder, that sometimes there are short-term consequences, but choosing good candidates and staying consistent will always be vindicated.

God Bless Eric Bose, he is healed now and will be there waiting for us in Heaven when we depart the earth as well.

P.S. Note that your intrepid blogger endorsed Kevin Kiley for Congress pre-primary in 2022.

May 132022

This spin from Kiley’s campaign is indeed over the top.

Kevin Kiley holds commanding lead over
Scott Jones in CA 3

ROCKLIN, CA – – With voting underway and just over three weeks before Election Day, Republican Kevin Kiley holds a “commanding lead” over GOP rival Scott Jones, in a new poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies of Alexandria, VA.

Kiley’s general consultant Dave Gilliard said that, despite the large lead, the Kiley campaign is taking nothing for granted, “We have hundreds of volunteers in the precincts and on the phones and have a full broadcast, cable, digital and direct mail campaign underway that will continue until the polls close.”

Allow your intrepid blogger to provide some balance:

First of all, the margin for error is 5.24%. This is high. Typically, you want polls in the 4.5% range. 5.25% is a full standard deviation higher.

Secondly, this is a survey of 350. Your intrepid blogger prefers N=450 to 500 on a small race poll. 700 is better, but is also expensive (Can be in excess of $20,000 to execute) The high Margin for error is almost entirely due to the fact that Gilliard/Kiley did not survey enough voters.

Third, the cross-tabs of the poll are not posted, only the topline results. This suggests that Team Kiley saw stuff in the specific sorts that indicate areas of concern. Otherwise, they’d have published the complete results.

A 28-13 Lead is nice. I’d rather be Kevin Kiley than Scott Jones. However, this is far from a knockout. If anything, an already enraged establishment may see this and flood the zone with cash. The hubris of these people is far too big for your intrepid blogger to believe anything else. If the massive independent expenditure and the anticipated flood of endorsements do not materialize in the next 72 hours, then the establishment is admitting this poll is gospel. The pain of the crushed egos may be too much to bear for some of these people.

If you support Kevin Kiley – you need to bust your a– to put Jones away. This race is not over.

May 122022

This is a special post from your intrepid blogger. I have endorsed Kevin Kiley but have not said much about #CA03. The conventional wisdom has been that Kiley will win this primary due to the lack of action by Scott Jones.

The alleged IE PAC that had formed for Jones has gotten token support – thus far.

Sources I have in the swamp indicate that it has changed. Kevin McCarthy is alleged to hate Kevin Kiley with a purple passion. I am not 100% sure why; it may be because of comments Kiley made during the recall when he derided incumbent politicians.

It has been made clear that McCarthy has put the word out that anyone who helps Scott Jones will receive consideration from the soon-to-be speaker. This is not illegal; this is how the insider game is played.

Secondly, I have chosen to endorse Kiley, primarily out of respect for all of my political friends.  Also, note that I both got nothing and expected nothing in return.

When this email hit my inbox this morning, it made the insider information much more meaningful:

Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) Endorses Sheriff Scott Jones for Congress
Nehls is the Former Sheriff of Fort Bend County, Texas

(Sacramento, CA) – Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones today announced that he has secured the endorsement of former Fort Bend Sheriff and current Congressman Troy Nehls in his race for California’s 3rd Congressional District.

“As a former Sheriff myself, I know that Sheriff Scott Jones is exactly the type of backup I need in Congress to keep America safe. He’s not one to back down from a fight, and will work to hold our Government accountable to the people. We need law and order in our Country, and Sheriff Jones is the partner I know I can count on. I’m honored to support him.” — Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) and Former Sheriff of Fort Bend County

This came on the heels of Larry Elder, which I was told about a week prior. Again I have no specifics of the insider machinations behind that endorsement.

Some may wonder why Kevin McCarthy continues to fight and pull the levers of power. I remind people to never underestimate ANY political leader. McCarthy is powerful; we may find out just how powerful he is in the waning moments of the CA03 race.

If you are supporting Kiley and reading this blog, consider yourselves warned. Get off the computer and make calls and knock on doors.

Two final thoughts:

You want a powerful speaker of the house for better or for worse. That position is a big deal for a political party. If McCarthy becomes speaker, we should all cheer for him to succeed.

Your intrepid blogger will be fine with Scott Jones or Kevin Kiley in Congress. Both have negatives and positives that, in my opinion, balance out.

Apr 042022

As of Today 4-4-2022 Your Intrepid Blogger has received nothing from the Scott Jones Campaign.

Immediate Release

April 4, 2022

Contact: Dave Gilliard

Email: Dave@GBACampaigns.com


11,053 individual donations drive Kevin Kiley’s

$1.1 Million First Quarter


ROCKLIN, CA – – Republican congressional candidate Kevin Kiley (CA-3) raised over $1.1 million in the first quarter of 2022 from 11,053 individual donations. Kiley began his campaign on January 6, so the funds were raised in less than a full quarter.

“The support Kevin has been able to generate in 12 weeks and the enthusiasm for his campaign has been nothing short of astonishing,” said Kiley for Congress campaign consultant Dave Gilliard. “With thousands of donors and hundreds of volunteers already working on the ground, we have the resources, the momentum and the winning message.”

As the official Republican Party endorsed candidate, Kevin Kiley has established himself as the clear frontrunner in the new 3rd District, a great portion of which he already represents in the State Assembly.

First elected to the California Assembly in 2016, Kevin is the author of groundbreaking new laws on freedom of speech, artificial intelligence, privacy, criminal justice reform, and protections for sexual assault victims, along with introducing the most significant school choice legislation in recent years. Kiley is a former prosecutor and Deputy Attorney General.

Mar 172022

When people from the Scott Jones camp were talking to me, they said that the entire Congressional Delegation would be supporting Scott Jones over Kevin Kiley. Obviously, they forgot to talk to Jay Obernolte… but then there is this:

IS this an admission they are trying to make nice because Kiley is going to smoke Scott Jones? Your intrepid blogger wants to know.