The Auburn Journal highlighted Dennis Campanelle’s “Campaign“. Knowing them – they are probably upset that Campanelle did not answer the bell.
The partisan Democrats in AD04 gave Campy enough votes to finish first in the “General” election in March.
Beth Gaines outraised John Allard by about $100K, largely due to the strength of name recognition and having a Husband already in the legislature. That same name ID helped her finish second despite a spirited campaign by John Allard.
Gaines, for her part has not simply decided to try and coast in to office in this lopsidedly Republican district…
She has sent two peices of mail – the second of which hit yesterday. It featured three Republican County Chairman lauding her Republican bona-fides and featured the Republican Party Endorsement. (No mention of CRA, though)
I am plesantly suprised to see Gaines’ campaign following through in the General election with Signs being placed and still sending mailers out. It is way too common in safe GOP districts for the Republican candidate to haul it all in after winning the Primary.
It will be interesting to see how the Gaines’ govern once both are in office.