Beth Gaines AD-04 Campaign Update

 4th Assembly District Race, Beth Gaines  Comments Off on Beth Gaines AD-04 Campaign Update
Apr 242011

The Auburn Journal highlighted Dennis Campanelle’s “Campaign“. Knowing them – they are probably upset that Campanelle did not answer the bell.

The partisan Democrats in AD04 gave Campy enough votes to finish first in the “General” election in March.

Beth Gaines outraised John Allard by about $100K, largely due to the strength of name recognition and having a Husband already in the legislature. That same name ID helped her finish second despite a spirited campaign by John Allard.

Gaines, for her part has not simply decided to try and coast in to office in this lopsidedly Republican district…

She has sent two peices of mail – the second of which hit yesterday. It featured three Republican County Chairman lauding her Republican bona-fides and featured the Republican Party Endorsement. (No mention of CRA, though)

I am plesantly suprised to see Gaines’ campaign following through in the General election with Signs being placed and still sending mailers out. It is way too common in safe GOP districts for the Republican candidate to haul it all in after winning the Primary.

It will be interesting to see how the Gaines’ govern once both are in office.

CRA Endorses Beth Gaines

 4th Assembly District Race, Beth Gaines  Comments Off on CRA Endorses Beth Gaines
Mar 182011

By a 27-0 Vote of the CRA’s board of directors – the CRA has voted to endorse Beth Gaines for Assembly.

Please remember – this action is necessary because Prop 14 has eliminated the primary and the nomination process.

This is a fitting backdrop for the upcoming fight at the California Republican Party convention over how the GOP will determine nominees post Prop-14.

Mar 142011

Activists are distracted by the WWIII convention coming up with the dueling Prop 14 fixes.

Will the rich liberals be able to impose their will, or will the quixotic activists win?

Who wins the CRP officer elections? Robin Cook or the Squish Arnie Zeiderman. Adam Abrahams or Linda Boyd??? Mike Osborn or Ray Haynes?

What will be the next fight on the Placer Cent Com? (I hear a member is helping Dennis Campanelle file another FPPC complaint against the Cent Com.)

Is John Perez going to unload on Beth Gaines like the rumors told us weeks ago?

It isn’t as exciting as a Lincoln Recall or as captivating as the images from Japan, but if you’re a political nerd… you’ve probably wondered some of the above yourself.

Mar 092011

It appears that the 667 Vote Lead Beth Gaines has over John Allard will stand up and Beth will faceoff against Dennis Campanelle in the Runoff.

Beth Gaines Announcement Regarding 4th Assembly District Election

Beth Gaines released the following statement regarding yesterday’s election:

“I am very pleased with the results from yesterday’s Special Election in our 4th Assembly District. I want to thank my campaign workers, volunteers and friends as well as the thousands of voters who have placed their faith in me. It was a hard fought election and I want to congratulate all of my opponents for running strong campaigns.

“Voters in our district sent a strong message of fiscal conservatism by giving the seven Republican candidates a combined 68% of the vote — 23 points more than Republican registration.

“I look forward to the May 3rd run-off election and to serving the people of our area in the Assembly, where I will work to bring fiscal discipline to state government, vigorously oppose tax increases and implement policies that help local businesses create jobs.”

Mar 052011

From Wayne Nader – a businessman from Auburn and long-time political insider in Placer County:

What I have heard is that the CDP is hoping that Beth is the top vote getter.  Since there is only one democrat running and so many Republicans, there is a strong likelihood that the democrat will come in second.  The CDP sees Beth as a very weak candidate and if she wins they will pour in money and resources to try and put this seat in the D column.  Could Ahmanson be helping in this effort?

This doevtails very well with the info from Speaker John Perez’ office from three weeks ago that said the very same thing.

Meantime – Activists from Southern California are speaking out against the meddling in a Northern California race by a rich guy from Orange County:

The latest twist just came in the last 48 hours was a surprising $75,000 donation from Orange County Democrat Howard Ahmanson, Jr. to the “California Taxpayers Advocate”, which is an Independent  Expenditure Committee based in San Diego controlled by Catherine Anderson and Nancy Haley….

What does Mr. Ahmanson gain from this campaign contribution to an Independent Expenditure Committee?

Beth Gaines claims to be a “Conservative Republican”, but forgets that she is using her “political equity” by using the last name to have a seat in the State Assembly.

Yikes. Read the rest of Allen Wilson’s post here.