Dec 282019

I have railed on CAGOP Leadership for years. They do the same things over and over and over again. Jim Brulte could at least claim to have raised a ton of money. Ron Nehring was a failure. Tom Del Bacardi was a complete trainwreck. Shawn Steel’s tenure was marked by a lot of drama (I was brand new to the game when he was chairman). Duf Sundheim was way too close to Arnold.

I want Jessica Patterson to succeed. It is a frustrating feeling as I am seeing what is happening from the inside and am watching patterns and history repeat themselves.

Pandering is back. Like highlighting a fake holiday created by someone with ties to the Black Power movement who is alleged to have murdered several rival gang members of the Black Panthers.

Where does it stop? Happy Ramadan? Celebrating Winter Solstice?

Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966[10] to be the first pan-African holiday. Karenga said his goal was to “give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society.”[11]

Whoops. Similar to Ramadan that is almost always marked by violence and terrorism, Kwanzaa was founded to divide society along racial lines by the former leader of a hate group.

This is the sort of face planting I’ve seen from a generation of consultants and control agents who have been unwilling to roll up their sleeves and do the real work on the streets. (They call it “The Block” in most inner cities) So instead of “Bringing it to the block” we get half-baked face-plants. (Even President Trump learned from the infamous “taco-bowl incident” and his ethnic outreach since then has been fantastic)

The Kwanzaa face-plant was not a surprise given the body of data I’ve been accumulating.

I am being told that the puppetmaster David Stafford Reade is retiring from his legislative job and will be moving to Nevada. My supposition is that he will continue his manipulating and controlling of elections. (see also campaign management) It is in his blood and people like that usually have to die before they are done.

I use David Stafford Reade like a ragdoll – but he is just one of a whole crew of people that live in the command and control paradigm. It is all about having a network of people under direct control. It is not healthy – rather it is a recipe for a shrinking decrepit organization that is inbred and rotting out from its’ core.

Your intrepid blogger has been made aware there is a CAGOP Blacklist again. Some have denied its’ existence. Others have seen it and told me about it, while others have told me it went away and came back.

This is the significance: It means that anyone that supported Travis Allen or Steve Frank will be viewed with suspicion and certain specific people will be targeted for isolation. This seems like an absurd thing to do in a party that is less than 24% of registrations and in third place in California.

Specific Names on the Blacklist: Steve Frank, Emanuel Patrascu, Travis Allen, and Nathan Miller. (My assumption is that I am on the list too as I was there many years prior) There are others that I am aware of on the list that have a lower level of confidence in their residence on said list.

I do wish the list-masters luck in isolating your intrepid blogger, as it’s been attempted since 2002. In 2019, RightOnDaily will be very close to if not over 750,000 hits after gaining about 2.4 Million in 2018. Lifetime since its’ inception on 12-16-2009, Right On Daily has received in excess of 6 Million hits.

In the mind of the 90’s era Command and Control Oligarchy – aka the Oligarchy of Controlled Failure – merely talking to or acknowledging political opponents means they are being given power. This idiotic thinking ensures that the conflicts will be permanent and there will be no reconciliation. 20 years of dealing with David Stafford Reade has taught me the pattern well. This is why I have continued to attack David Reade consistently for years, and of course the fact that he continues leaving a political body-count all over the North of California and people keep asking me for help when all they are trying to do is get involved.

I’ve watched in the Sacramento Capitol building how two very well known Republican Political Consultants have seen to it that various people have been targeted to be shut out of legislative jobs despite their heritage. I witnessed this in 2014, and 2016 specifically. I’ve also personally witnessed David Reade attempt to destroy the careers of two people I know well (A District Director and a Legislative Chief of Staff).

Since I have been smeared in almost every way imaginable over 20+ years – AND my wife has been attacked multiple times even though she has zero to do with my political work – the pattern repeating in 2019 against others is disturbing and quite familiar.

Your intrepid blogger has second hand (as in I spoke directly to the campaign people but did not witness the events myself) knowledge related to 4 top line Republican Races in California where “GOP Leadership” and “CAGOP Leadership” have effectively been dictating to the candidates who their campaign managers should be. The threat is loss of endorsement and funding unless the desired political consultants and/or operatives are hired. The dictating comes in the form of lists being floated to candidates – that include several of the usual suspects that have been running Republican races for years (and losing like everyone else). The threats, implied and otherwise are always done verbally in order to call people like me a liar when we air them publicly. (see also deniability)

However, many of the top names in GOP consultants are missing from the “2019 list.” The given reasons change given who my source is, suggesting that some of the omissions are personal in nature. This appears to be the case when Nathan Miller helped qualify Andrew Kotyuk for the ballot driving around the county Thur-Fri and helping him file his papers. Once the wheels were put in motion to endorse Andrew at the party level on Saturday, Miller was over the side despite having spent almost 24 hours getting Andrew on the ballot. It was put to me that Jessica Patterson has major league personal issues with Nathan Miller. How nice. I think Nathan was able to find another job, but this is just awful.

This sort of behavior violates several of the key principles of leadership and successful communications. The Oligarchy of Controlled Failure has repeated these patterns time and time again over the years.

In 2019, it is worse as the playing field has shrunk and those playing on the shrinking team have deluded themselves in to believing that President Trump is the CAGOP’s biggest problem. They are giving the President public lip service while privately seething over his nationalism and blue collar appeal that defies their best ideas for campaigns. I know, I have first hand knowledge from people in the building and in the know that this is a fact. This metric was a key part of Chad Mayes, and Brian Maienschein’s decisions to bolt the GOP.

I want Jessica Patterson to succeed, this kind of stuff makes supporting her extremely difficult. I respected her position in the Bill Brough drama while being frustrated immensely by the inaction of “leadership” (more on that soon, by the way) and some of the other actions she has taken behind and out front (aka torching Chad Mayes after having defending him and taking his endorsement and support), I am also aware that she is also standing up behind some party endorsements that were controversial. These are all good things.

What needs to stop is the command and control crap. Unless, of course the goal is to kill off the party completely. I sometimes wonder. Don’t worry though, David Reade has his next CAGOP Chair candidate waiting in the wings – Deborah Wilder. #FACEPALM

Dec 162019

The original mascot of the Right on Daily Blog

It was December of 2009, the Red County Blog had taken $25,000 from the Meg Whitman for Governor Campaign. Then, 4 days later they expelled me from the Red County Blog. A week later, the Right on Daily Blog was born. This was done so I would have independence from anyone else’s system. That was 12-16-2009

Mrs. Park gets the credit for the name Right on Daily Blog – it was her idea.

I had actually started blogging in 2003 I used the Blogger/Blogspot Platform and had a blog called the Roseville Conservative. A variety of things happened and in 2006 I was invited onto the Red County System.

(Note, Red County went defunct as its’ founder ended up with some major legal trouble)

Those of you that read this blog read it because of the subject matter and my unique writing style. I like to think it was my memes.

Some people tried to throw me off the Placer GOP Cent Com for this one. (This was in response to the Bee Article in 7-11-2011 that quoted Gaines and LaMalfa attacking my brother, then the treasurer of the Placer GOP)

I’ve been kicked off more than one blog platform because the owners can’t handle the fire. But no one can ban the Right on Daily Blog.

Here are some of my Greatest Hits as a Blogger (all but Item #1 were on the Right on Daily Blog):

  1. Helped Tom McClintock defeat Doug Ose in what was then the 2nd most expensive Congressional Race in History. 2008
  2. Almost Single-Handedly took down a Judge Candidate in Amador County 2012 (Jeff Seaton vs now Judge Hermanson)
  3. Broke the news of deranged legislative staffer Steve Davey’s Termination 2 years before the Assembly Rules Committee’s #METOO Report Came out. 2017
  4. Blew up Assemblyman Tim Donnelly exposing him as one of the biggest frauds in California Republican Politics. 2014 – Present
  5. Played a Major Role in unseating a corrupt incumbent Sheriff in Riverside County (Stan Sniff) 2018
  6. Played a Major Role in the John Cox for Governor Primary, then ended up helping the CAGOP Chair Campaign of Travis Allen who I opposed on behalf of Cox. 2018-2019. How I pulled that off I will never know… but hey, I have both their numbers in my cell phone!
  7. Should Bill Brough lose in March of 2020, he’d be the second major take-down of an incumbent by the Right on Daily Blog. We broke story after story about William “Bill” Brough and got statewide media mentions of Right on Daily and coverage in our efforts to unseat a corrupt incumbent. Brough has been abandoned by the OCGOP and the CAGOP due in no small part to his exposure on Right on Daily.
  8. Blasted Karen England so bad that she cut and ran to Nevada after spending years trying to destroy your intrepid blogger. 2011-2015
  9. Wrote detailed posts about an array of fraudulent ballot measures. Stop SB48, SB277, SB777, and others, Sometimes the Right on Daily Blog was the only source of the truth about these fraudulent efforts. 2010-current
  10. Participated in running a dozen democrats out of local office over the last decade. See below for a sample of some mail we helped write in addition to the blogs!

We helped unseat a democrat supervisor in Placer County in 2018!

This dates back to a 2010 US Senate Race Republican Primary. I will never forget Orly Taitz

Then of course your intrepid blogger gets fan mail. Lots of it. Sometimes, we get paper mail like this:

Sent to my insurance agency HQ, a hand written note.

Well, unless God calls my number, I will be here for another decade! I can’t wait for all the fun…

P.S. The very first story on Right On Daily? We blasted former Rocklin Mayor Peter Hill for leaving the GOP. His reason? The Placer GOP opposed a park tax measure he was pushing and opposed a $500 Million Sierra College Bond Measure. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Nov 212019

Blogger’s Note: I am a blogger, not a reporter from a news outlet. I give facts that are laced with my opinion, I do not attempt to be neutral. I am of the opinion that Theresa Landon is a bad person and likely needs confinement and therapy in a mental institution. I am ashamed of her behavior as she alleges herself to be a follower of Christ in addition to everything else I have observed. This whole thing is a sad commentary on the generational bondage of leftist millennials and their sense of entitlement, in addition to a local example of the bad behavior of the far-left nationally. 

I’ve written this before and I will write it again. Theresa Landon is a psycho. I have plenty of evidence to support this theory, even more so now that I went to the Rocklin USD and simply asked them for copies of the blizzard of Public Records Act Requests she filed.

Theresa Landon is refusing to accept the results of the Rocklin USD Appointment Process and similar to the national democrats is living her life in a fantasy land fueled by rage and a jilted sense of entitlement. The parallels between her behavior and that of Adam Schiff and other national dems like the squad is astounding.

First, she accused the district of sexism and when that did not work the narrative was changed to the district catering to an interest group. Now, her narrative is that it was an insider game led by the “Mormon mafia”. (My editorializing and summary – but read on for the supporting evidence) Notice how the pattern matches the democrats ever changing fantasies about the President?

Since the evidence she is demanding is not supporting her pre-desired conclusions, she is now threatening lawsuits.

Embedded here is the original PRA request pages 1-4. Here is pages 5-8. You will also see on page three of this document that Theresa Landon is behaving in an aggressive and very un-christian manner as her response to a lengthy email from the district explaining what they did to comply with her lengthy and open-ended PRA request is replied to with a short, curt I don’t care type response. If you look at the two embedded files it is clear that they complied with the request and Theresa is fishing for information to buttress her narrative that the appointment process was a sham to appoint the candidate the Informed Parents of Rocklin demanded.

Regarding Theresa Landon’s behavior, (It is alleged that Joe Landon and Theresa Landon attend a large local church) It is clear that she is selective about the parts of the Bible she believes (beyond her support of abortion on demand and anything goes sexuality – I am referencing her anger management issues and her abusive treatment of anyone she disagrees with). Remember, I wrote at length about Ms. Landon’s dishonesty during her signature rampage and media drill based on a false narrative – all are hallmarks of a woman who is an entitled leftist activist first and a Christian a distant second.

You will also notice that the Rocklin USD addressed their responses to both Joe and Theresa Landon. People in the Roseville Community that deal with Mr. Landon should be forewarned that it sure looks like he is involved in this rampage up to his neck. (The assertion I am making is that I believe Joe Landon would do this to anyone else when it suited him too – this is beyond supporting a spouse, this is picking a political war for leftist political gain)

Equally as disturbing is that Joe Landon is a high-ranking administrator and Theresa Landon is a teacher in the Roseville Joint Union High School District – based on their behavior, it is not a stretch to wonder if they are poisoning the minds of our children in the course of their day to day existence (when not trying to avenge a false loss against the Rocklin USD).

When the first public records request did not meet her pre-determined outcome, she sent a second request:

Look at the embedded screenshot as many times as needed so you understand what Ms. Landon is attempting to do.

So, how did I draw the conclusion that Ms. Landon is on a rampage against Mormons? Her THIRD Public Records act request sheds light on this:

This is Public Records Act Request #3

In it, you will note that similar to the national democrats they move the goalposts when the original narrative is unsupported. She adds Diana Capra and Jan Pinney to the field of fire. Diana Capra is a leader in the Rocklin USD Foundation and her ghastly offense appears to be sending a press release on behalf of the foundation defending the district.

Theresa Landon also threatens to sue the School District. She has convinced herself that the District is holding out on her with regard to records even though the district has made it clear the methods they used to comply with the request.

Why would Theresa Landon add Jan Pinney to the list? It is my clear belief that it is because Jan Pinney is a high-ranking member of the local Mormon Church. Rachelle Price is also Mormon. One of the vile things I have heard (but have zero direct knowledge of, similar to the testimony of Theresa’s fellow democrats testifying in the impeachment hearing against the President) is that Theresa Landon has listed the Mormon Church and Mormons amongst the fantastical list of evildoers in her paranoid fantasies. What a great Christian attitude.

Then there is public records act request #4 – completely unrelated to her rampage over her jilted sense of entitlement, she is seeking records about the discussions related to the upcoming bond that the Rocklin Unified School District will be floating. Based on my profile of her, it is clear in her mind that this is some sort of leverage where she can seek revenge against the district by getting records and potentially misusing them in an attempt to scuttle the bond. She also asks for records related to the polling the district ran in advance of releasing the bond to the ballot, in case you doubt my conclusion.

Usually, a flaming leftist like Landon would support an education bond. Given my 20+ years of experience dealing with the mentality of people in politics, I stand behind my conclusion of motives behind request #4 until proven otherwise.

If you deal with either Joe or Theresa Landon use extreme caution. To those of you in Rocklin, it is clear that this woman will go to her grave trying to avenge the loss she feels, be ready to deal with her at the ballot box next year because you can make bank she is coming back for more.

Nov 182019

Your intrepid blogger has been involved in Placer County Politics for 20+ years. As such, I want to dedicate this series of blogs to those on the Placer GOP Central Committee and the fine folks attempting to recall Gavin Newsom. Many of you are much newer to the political scene and I greatly appreciated those of you that were sharing your thoughts and encouragement as I was opening up the history of the CAGOP in the run up to the 2019 CAGOP Chairman’s race. I want to share some more of my experiences specifically in local norcal politics. A lot of what you see today can be traced back to when your intrepid blogger was in his 20’s. (and before)

Yup. With Travis Allen at the 2019 CAGOP Convention

In 1997, I moved to Roseville with my family. We started our business which would later become Park Family Insurance that I have had for 22 Years. The first person I met in Politics was Jeff Atteberry, (in a Roseville Chamber of Commerce Meeting) who was then the Chairman of the Placer GOP for several years before the staff and consultant-led takeover of the Placer GOP in 2012. The second person I met in politics was none other than Thomas N. Hudson. Shortly thereafter in 1998-1999, I met people like Steve Frank, Mike Spence, State Senator Rico Oller, and his district director then known as Bonnie Mertus. (She is Placer County Supervisor Bonnie Gore)

True Story – Bonnie Gore is the deciding reason why I never ran for office ever. I had toyed with the idea and I had lunch with her one day at the Chili’s that used to be on Eureka and Lead Hill. We talked about the Moderates in the CAGOP and that 20 year-old fight (now 40 year-old fight) that started in the 1970’s and the foibles / pitfalls of running for office. That conversation with Bonnie Gore (then Mertus) was the tie-breaking factor as to why I became a full-time activist rather than one of many who plan a future run for office.

It was based on that chat, and chats with a few others to lead me to conclude that I really don’t want to have to serve side-by-side with people I don’t respect. This is your lot in life if you are elected to office. I’d never be able to write this blog if I had political aspirations either. (Think of all the people I’ve written about and what they would do if I was a candidate) In a sense, Jeff Atteberry who registered me to vote in 1997 for the first time, Tom Hudson who along with Jeff recruited me in to the CRA and Bonnie (Mertus) Gore whose brutally honest conversation with me in 1999 set me on the course towards political activism that helped found the Right on Daily Blog.

I actually served as a state officer in CRA from 2002-2015 (12 years as Sgt at Arms and then 1+ Year as a VP) before I was expelled for life from that organization during the Presidency of Thomas N Hudson. More on that in a later post.

It would be 5 years after Joining CRA in 1997 that I’d meet Kirk Uhler for the first time. That was 2002. In 2002, Ted Gaines was the Placer County Supervisor in District 4, having just advanced from Roseville office. Kirk Uhler actually preceded Ted Gaines as Supervisor in District 4. When Uhler was first elected a supervisor in the early 1990’s, he was 25, the youngest at the time in California, and second youngest in California history. I did not know him then.

In 2002, John Doolittle was our Congressman. He was at the peak of his influence. Doolittle was making his way up the list and was the #5 in the congressional leadership. Then Senator Tim Leslie and Assemblyman Rico Oller (they switched when termed out) were part of the crew of conservatives in office in Placer County.

Back in the days before it was fashionable to be a Gay Republican (aka Log Cabin), a man named Paul Hrabal, then President of the Placer County Congress of Republicans, (Yes, they were a chapter of the California Congress of Republicans – the moderates) recruited a slate of candidates for Placer GOP Central Committee. That’s correct – in the days when the Placer GOP was organized as a 21 member committee the Placer CCR Chapter had 21 certified squishes running and they had a fair amount of money in the bank with which to support them.

One of the biggest issues I have with Tom McClintock is that he simply does nothing to support local Republicans. At the beginning of my political consciousness, I had a Congressman, John Doolittle, that recruited candidates and helped finance candidates for local office. John Doolittle was responsible for getting Ted Gaines started in office only to have Gaines betray him later. Many of the Republicans in local office today trace their roots back to one of the three – Tim Leslie, Rico Oller or John Doolittle.

Former Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler, the son of legendary Ronald Reagan Alumnus Lewis K Uhler, was recruited by Congressman Doolittle as a key player in the effort to keep the Placer County Republican Party from getting taken over by the moderates. The Late Kathy Lund was part of the team as was former Roseville Mayor Susan Rohan.

Current Auburn Councilmember Cheryl Maki was part of the Congress Club slate in 2002 – a harbinger of her 2019 efforts to raise Pioneer Energy’s rates 27%.

Who was the chairman of the Placer GOP at the time? None other than Ken Campbell, still a member of the Placer GOP Central Committee to this day. That’s correct, Kirk Uhler was recruited to be a leader in the effort to prevent the moderates from unseating Ken Campbell as Chairman of the Placer GOP in 2002. Back in those days, Tom Hudson, Kirk Uhler and Ken Campbell were all on the same team.

From 2002, it would be 8 years until I’d ever heard of Suzanne Jones.

To be continued…

Oct 292019

San Clemente is an insane asylum. The Voice of OC detailed how communist insurgent Jackson Hinkle is under investigation from the OCDA for abusing the Firefighter Endorsement.

Remember, Hinkle has a long history of extreme left win activism despite only being 20. I am not sure the OC Firefighters thought their endorsement through.

Your intrepid blogger is in receipt of documents from several other cities with their invites from the OC Firefighters and a cease and desist letter the OCFA was forced to send Jackson Hinkle after he broke the law:

Subsequently, the OC Sheriff’s dropped $10,000 in to Gene James. It appears that the Sheriff’s Deputies are equally as disturbed by Jackson Hinkle’s anti-cop rants and the abuse of goodwill.

We’ve hammered the OCGOP for their endorsement of the deeply flawed Gene James. Then, the OCGOP outdid themselves:

Note the medal they tout as part of Gene James’ military service. They had to know that Jackson Hinkle has top democrat operatives helping his campaign. Within a day of this independent expenditure dropping, Jackson Hinkle’s campaign had a copy of Gene James’ DD214 which was missing a reference to the claimed award. (The Legion of Merit)

The only conclusion I can draw is that the OCGOP and their vendor did not do due diligence on their mailer. There has to be some sort of record or website somewhere showing Gene James falsely claiming to have won that award, or that Gene James told people he did. Note – the mailer was not done by the Gene James campaign, so the near hysterical claims of Jackson Hinkle are less provable than Hinkle’s violation of the law with regard to the fire uniform.

It is also ironic that the cop-hating Jackson Hinkle suddenly becomes pro-military.

Gene James’ campaign response to the stolen valor issue was terrible, giving more credence to the fact that he may well have been the source of the erroneous information. The OCGOP failed a basic test of doing political communication… when extolling the virtues of a candidate you’d better have proof and be able to defend anything specific. The media and the left have a pattern of saddling up on one issue in order to invalidate everything in campaign communication. This happens while the media covers up multiple lies by the candidates of the left – or in the case of Katie Hill, attacks the people whose accurate reporting brought her down. This is the double-standard set up by a media and educational establishment that would make Josef Stalin proud.

Fred Whitaker and the OCGOP stepped on a rake yet again. Between their terrible and weak handling of the Bill Brough issue and now this stolen valor mailer – the leadership of the OCGOP should be purged and replaced.